Yesui Tumet

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 Yesui Tumet
CliEXrgUYAQIr3m kindlephoto-260086917.jpg
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship CityState will show flag.
Age 24
Namesday 16th Sun of the First Astral Moon
Height 4 fulms, 9 ilms



Title/nickname/Monker: Yesui Tumet
Currently remains nomadic, spending very little time in one location unless reason calls for her to remain.


Height 4 Fulm, 9 Ilm
Weight Around 90 ponze
Build Small, but fit
Skin Tone A lighter skin tone with dark blue scales a large percentage of her body.
Tail A long, thin tail with spiked scales acting as a defense mechanism at the base and tip.
Notable Features:
Scars Currently no visible scars on either skin nor scale.
Head / Facial Features
Hair Long, red hair, typically giving an appearance of being slightly messy.
Eyes Sky blue eyes with matching lumbrals.
Notable Features: Apart from the dark blue scales normal for Xaela women, Yesui's horns are large and sharp, curving forward past the front of her face.
Scars Currently no scars on skin or scale.


Abilities and Skills






Conjury: Yesui knows very little conjury. Unable to produce magic without the use of a staff, she doesn't worry about it often.



Forested/Snowy regions as they remind her of home.
Wildlife, either animal or plant.
Any sort of tea.
Story telling.


Loud/Large groups of people.
Chocobo, though she is passive towards calmer ones.
Ignorance of any sort.


Alignment: Neutral
Favorite Food:
Favorite Drink:
Favorite Color: Blue



Khaishan Tumet (Grandfather, deceased) (Au Ra, Xaela)


Example Name (Relationship, Deseaced) (Race, Clan)
Description of Kinship


Example Name (Relationship, Deseaced) (Race, Clan)
Description of Kinship


Common Rumors

"I know a woman goin' by that description, aye. Heard from me mates she some sort o' witch from a foreign land. Though I ain't the sort who believe in that nonsense." - Lominsan citizen
"Yesui Tumet? Yes, I know her. She was a student here at the guild for some time, though I never got the chance to meet her. I hear she does her conjury a little different, must be a Othard thing." - Student of the Conjury Guild
"Yes, I met her on several occasions. Last we met she gave me a cleaned skull of an elk with an odd language engrave on the inside. A gift, I assume, but I don't know what it means.. " - Random Adventurer

Moderate Rumors

"Yesui, I saw her talking with a group not too long ago. She looked flustered, though. Almost as if she was scared of the people." - Ul'dahn shopkeeper

Rare Rumors

"She is one of them.. Aye Row was it? Au Ra? Yes, I remember her. Had me read a tome aloud for her. I suppose she never learned how to read before coming to Eorzea, the poor thing." - Tailfeather hunter

PC Rumors'



Pre-Namesday (Age 1-9)
Yesui was born without a name and raised in Othard in the nomadic Au Ra Xaela tribe, Tumet. Her mother was a hunter and gatherer while her father remained a guard. Due to this she spent most of her childhood with her grandfather, an unofficial loremaster of the tribe, who grew to become somewhat of an idol for Yesui. Rather than going out and playing with her four brothers and the other children of the tribe, Yesui spent a lot of her time listening to her grandfather tell ancient stories and fables of their tribe, as well as the other tribes they came into contact with. It was through these stories that she eventually learned of a magic that could borrow the powers of nature to help others, and even nature itself. She was teased for showing so much interest in these things, constantly being told that if she doesn't focus on learning something useful such as hunting, she'll never make it through her namesday right of passage.
Namesday (Age 10)
Eventually her right of passage came and she was, as tradition goes, tied to a sacred tree while her tribe packed up and moved on. Many said their farewell as if the tree would become her grave, but her parents and grandfather encouraged her to do her best. The encouragement from her family was appreciated as she was terrified of her trial, doubting herself more than the others.
It took her a day to break free from the bonds that held her to the tree, but before she left and began to track down her tribe, she made sure to give a small prayer to the tree, remembering the stories her grandfather told about how everything in nature is alive. Despite the fatigue and need for sleep, however, she knew she needed to cover some ground if she was going to catch her tribe before she lost their trail.
Yesui managed several hours before becoming exhausted, taking time to eat the berries, set up a small game trap, and climbed into a tree where she would sleep for the remainder of the night. In the morning she would check the trap and kill, clean, and cook what she caught. She kept to this pattern, thinking back to her grandfather's stories about nature whenever she began to grow scared of the surrounding area. When eventually she got up to the tribe, her parents threw together a large dinner in celebration, giving to their daughter the name "Yesui". Many were surprised to see her arrive, but welcomed her back as an official member of the Tumet nevertheless.


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Annotations & Additonal Information

This Template was created and Edited by Zorai Naccal, Feel free to use it! :3 find the blank version at User:Zorai

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