J'ruzho Tia

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 J'ruzho Tia
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seekers of the Sun
Citizenship Currently registered with the adventurer's guild of Ul'dah
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden
Occupation Hunting, adventuring
Likes Hunting, eating, anything new and exciting
Dislikes Monotony
Server Balmung


Basic Info

Nameday: 21st Sun of the 4th Astral Moon, 1557

Age: 20

Height: Just under 5 fulms 8 ilms

Place of birth: A small Miqo'te village in the Somalii Desert

Current residence: The Hourglass Inn, Ul'dah

Starting City: Ul'dah


Born and raised in a small tribal village hidden somewhere deep within the Sagolii desert, J’ruzho spent most of his life disconnected from the outside world. With his large, strong build, he was a natural hunter, and would often take down his quarries with his bare hands to show off his strength. After the Calamity destroyed most of their hunting grounds, his tribe could no longer afford to live in isolation. J’ruzho was one of the few chosen to represent his tribe in negotiations with the city of Ul’dah. The city was grander than anything he could have ever imagined. The walls looked like the face of a great mountain. He stood in awe at the sight. Before he knew it, the negotiations were over and he was on his way back to his village.

Years passed. Life eventually returned to normal, the grand city becoming a distant memory as J’ruzho returned to his hunting. One day, he was approached by the Tribe Elder. Due to his great strength and skill in hunting, he was to be considered for the title of nunh. He only needed to prove that he was truly worthy. It was then that J’ruzho remembered the grand city of Ul’dah. He thought of what other great things he had not seen having spent his whole life in the village. He suggested to the Elder that he would prove himself by going out into the world, and amassing great glory. He would make a name for himself that would be unquestionably worthy of the title and responsibility of nunh. The elder found this to be an acceptable challenge, and so J’ruzho set out on his journey to prove himself as well as experience all that Eorzea had to offer.


A bit hotheaded, dense, and impatient, J'ruzho has a tendency of jumping into situations before understanding them. This can especially be a problem since his natural curiosity causes him to stick his nose where it doesn't belong quite often.

Although reluctant to speak with strangers at first, he is typically rather cheerful once he opens up, almost always making light of any situation. He tends to forget or overlook small details, but is very focused when it comes to hunting and fighting, preferring to use his hands and feet over any other weapons. Despite this, he has begun branching to other forms of combat recently to expand his horizons. Proud of his strength, he will look for any opportunity he can to show it off.

He has a bit of an accent, pronouncing his letters with very deliberate emphasis, rolling his R's slightly, and adding a small hissing sound to his S's. He can read and write, although his handwriting and vocabulary are not the best.


Member of the Eorzean Hunter's League