Rikitiki Tavatiki

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Rikitiki Tavatiki
Rikitiki Tavatiki - Avatar.jpg
Pyromancer Extraordinaire
Doyen of the Adventure League of Eorzea
Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Ul'dahn
Age 23
Height Approx. 1 yalm
Profession Adventurer / Librarian
Politics Royalist
Patron Deity Thaliak, the Scholar
Server Balmung


Rikitiki is a bit shorter than your typical male Lalafell, because his parents threw him in the air and didn't catch him.


Rikitiki was born in Thanalan, north of Ul'dah, the son of Jajariki and Momori Tavatiki. He lived with his family until the age of ten, largely raised by his uncle, Dominiki. When he manifested magical powers by setting the hair of a bully on fire, there was considerable discussion about what should be done. Eventually, it was decided that he should be sent to Gridania and trained as a proper Conjurer. Rikitiki and his uncle left his family, with Dominiki intending to return after he was assured his nephew would be well taken care of.

Tragedy struck in the form of a sandstorm before Rikitiki left the desert. Rikitiki survived; his uncle did not. He was found by a group of slavers on their way to Ul'dah, who "took him in". He was taken to the arenas, and was made a weapon-boy. While gathering and caring for the weapons of the fighters, he was given some meager training in the martial arts, as his eventual fate was to become a fighter himself.

He befriended an old blind man in the catacombs under the arena where the slaves were kept, and the man smuggled in books on aetheric manipulation and conjury for him to read. He managed to salvage and hide a broken wand from a fallen conjurer in the arena, and spent whatever time he could reading about magic. He even managed a few minor spells, although he had few chances to practice without being noticed.

On his sixteenth nameday, he was made a fighter, and his first opponent was a Roegadyn pugilist who had never been defeated. Rikitiki managed to smuggle the broken wand into the arena with him, and used it to set the Roegadyn's foot on fire. The crowd laughed uproariously as the pugilist danced about on one foot trying to put out the flame. The pugilist was not amused, and snatched Rikitiki from the arena floor in one massive hand. His story might have ended there, had not the arena master stopped the fight.

That night, Rikitiki was taken from the arena catacombs by a man in a grey hooded cloak. The man was a conjurer, and Rikitiki became his apprentice. Rikitiki was never allowed to leave the house unescorted, but that was fine with him, since the house was full of books to read and things to learn. In six years of training, he learned all he needed to become an honest-to-goodness Conjurer... however, he never saw the hooded man's face, or learned his name.

On the morning before the Adventure League of Eorzea was founded, the hooded man, lying on his deathbed, released Rikitiki from his service, granting him a wand and a few coins. However, before he died, he gave Rikitiki one warning: *someone* saw him in the arena that day, and ordered him spared and trained as a conjurer. Even the hooded man did not know who. And that someone had done so for a reason. The time would come when the lalafell would be called upon to repay his debt to this unknown benefactor....


Rikitiki Tavatiki is a drunktard because of his dark backstory.

Affiliations and Known Associates

  • The Adventure League of Eorzea - Rikitiki is the current Doyen, or leader, of this Free Company.
  • The Immortal Flames - Rikitiki holds the rank of Second Flame Lieutenant.


  • Nicknames: Riki
  • Age: 51 ingame 7
    • Nameday: 23rd Sun, First Umbral Moon
  • Gender: Attack Helicopter
    • Sexuality: Gay
    • Marital Status: Single
  • Alignment: Mad
  • Height: Approx. 1 yalm
  • Weight: Approx. 40 ponzes
  • Body: Medium
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Skin: Tanned
  • Clothing: Loose-fitting, usually including some form of wide-brimmed floppy hat


  • Anal
  • Puns
  • Fixing broken things
  • licking miqo'te's feet
  • furrys
  • Seafood


  • Spiders
  • Interruptions
  • Loud noises
  • Unnecessary violence

Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: Black magic ( don't even try mess with me)
  • Crafting: Jack of all trades, locksmithing
  • Other: Library Management, history, aetheric theory


  • Voracious Reader - Rikitiki has at least a smattering of knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.
  • Pyromancer - Rikitiki has considerable talent in manipulating fire.
  • >>>>>>>>>>>High<<<<<<<<<<<< Intelligence - Well at least he tries.


  • Absent Minded - Rikitiki has a tendency to forget what he was doing before he was distracted.
  • Focused Mind - Rikitiki tends to focus on solving one problem to the exclusion of all others, causing him not to notice things happening around him.
  • Umbral Attunement - Rikitiki has a rare medical condition that causes him to be susceptible to raw umbral energy, such as that which abounds in the World of Darkness.

Other Notes

  • Rikitiki is a founding member of the Adventure League of Eorzea, having served as a Scrivener since the beginning.
  • After the death of Aveline Blue in the Year of Althyk, Rikitiki assumed command of the League as Doyen, and Diyne took his place as Sha'ir. Rikitiki led the League's assault against the Garleans in the Battle of Carteneau.
  • The League's Librarium is Rikitiki's own personal project, and he has built the entire collection from nothing since TALE was founded. A few weeks before the Battle of Carteneau, he arranged for the Vault to be expanded, and had the vast majority of the materials boxed and moved there. Only a small portion of the books from the old Librarium have been recovered, however, and the rest are believed destroyed.
  • Riki owns a cat by the name of Firefall, or Fifa for short. Fifa seems to have taken on the role of "assistant librarian" when Riki himself is not present. Although Fifa was left behind after the Battle of Carteneau, she was found by Looming Tower, the League's Vaultmaster, who looked after her.
  • Riki also owns a nutkin named Miki, who has taken up residence in Riki's favorite hat. Miki has been observed "reading" books, turning pages with her tail.
  • Rikitiki's best friend is Claus, and the two of them are often found adventuring together.
  • Rikitiki was nearly killed by an explosion in TALE Headquarters a few moons after the League was founded. A strange mage at the Phrontistery managed to heal his broken neck in a remarkably short time, leading to a full recovery, but not without consequence.
  • As the result of the odd mage's treatment, Rikitiki has an unusual magical ailment known as an "umbral attunement". Exposure to a sufficient shock of umbral energy can potentially stop his heart. He does know a spell that creates an "astral buffer" capable of neutralizing such a shock, which he will cast when faced with sources of strong umbral energy, but the buffer's absorption capacity is not without limit. (Needless to say, most people are unaware of this ailment.)


Rikitiki reveres the Twelve, particularly Thaliak, the Scholar. He is, however, not terribly devout.

Known Haunts

You might have run into or otherwise know Rikitiki Tavatiki from:

  • The Adventure League of Eorzea
  • The Immortal Flames
  • The Goblin's Goblet, a tavern in Ul'dah that was destroyed during the Calamity
  • The Spectral Wardens

OOC Inspirations



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