■ 1549 6AE... K'ajia Ahadi is born to K'ahadi Nunh and K'sita Irwani in the isolated Hipparion tribe residing in the rugged sandstone and cliff-covered regions of Southern Thanalan.
■ 1552 6AE...Theoderic, the King of Ruin, fought to wipe out the Fist of Rhalgr, the Monks of Ala Mhigo.
■ 1554 6AE... K'ajia visits the inner-depths of the Red Labyrinth to pray at the Shrine of Nald-- a yearly tribal tradition in which all families go to pray for favorable trade and safe passage routes for that next year.
■ 1555 6AE... At six cycles-old, K'ajia lost her mother to the Amalj'aa while she was on her way to the Drake Tribe. This was the last time the Hipparion tribe would attempt trade with the Drake Tribe, seeing her rather horrific death as a sign that Nalds blessings for their long-term trade-relationship had run dry.
■ 1557 6AE... K'ajia turned eight cycles-old. At this age, the children of the tribe would be sent off to begin their training in the ways of hunting and survival. From age eight to fourteen her mentors and sire would instruct her in the essentials: martial arts, riding, herbalism and hunting. Meanwhile, the retired women of the tribe would make their worth known by teaching the youth in traditional arts: music, dance, and miscellaneous skills such as tapestry or cooking.
■ 1558 6AE... K'ajia was paired with her first Chocobo, Rajnish, who is her riding companion to this day.
■ 1559 6AE... K'ajia discovered her first childhood friend, K'raj, who was the only male-born Miqo'te of her age. The two had been fierce sparing partners and after nearly killing each other, K'raj immediately warmed and attached himself to her as a friend-- regardless of K'ajia's initial resentment of him. The Miqo'te boy quickly overcame her callous outer-shell with his over-abundant charm, kindness, and friendly enthusiasm.
■ 1563 6AE... At the age of fourteen-cycles, known as the age of adulthood for their tribe, K'ajia had proven herself not only a capable hunter, but also a sure-footed out-rider. While attempting to hunt a Rockskin Peiste she managed to cross paths with an Amalj'aa scout-- deterring the beast-man from his path long enough that he tired and, while he took a moments rest, she managed to loop around and cut the scouts neck-artery. She received markings around her eyes denoting her very keen sense of observation and cunning. She is now allowed to embark on scouting and raiding missions on Amalj'aa forces-- passing through Zanarak.
Young Adult
■ 1566 6AE... After years of interference from outside forces, the small tribe had taken arms with the refugees against the Uldan Syndicate and the Amalj'aa. Only aiding in their fight with the Garlians through supporting the Refugees who managed to find shelter in Southern Thanalan. Over the course of three years of successful in-field experience, K'ajia is chosen for her skills to assume a new, important role to aid the refugees of Little Ala Mhigo-- the Hipparion tribes largest trade-partner-- smuggling supplies from Uldah to Little Ala Mhigo and assisting in the fight against the Uldan Syndicate.
■ 1569 6AE... A sudden sickness strikes the small Hipparion tribe. A supply of rye flour imported from Uldah was found to be tampered with, causing a sickness called Saint Allene's Flux. Not only did it kill off Sultana-loyal Brass Blades in Drybone, but also successfully killed one-third of the small Hipparion tribe as well as a few Ala Mhigan Refugees. One could only assume the Uldan Syndicate was to blame. The tribe is now without any Nhun or leader-- leaving behind a small group of young or retired women. K'ajia's loses both her Sire, K'ahadi, and childhood friend, K'raj.
(( Drybone(Saint Allene's Fire Quest): "After eating bread made from rye flour kept in the camp's storage tents, one of the Drybone's Brass Blades came down with a severe case of Saint Allene's Fire, only to pass away several days later. Though the tainted flour only came from a single sack, Camp Drybone was loath to take any chances and proceeded to dispose of their entire flour supply, and all the items stored with it. To help see those Brass Blades still stricken with the sickness return to health, Quartermaster Mimina has placed an order for a shipment of curative potions with the Jolly Raptor. The trading company seeks alchemists trained in mixing medicines to assist in not only the production of the item, but also the delivery."))
■ 1570-1571 6AE... Was a time of hardship and struggle for the women that remained in the Hipparion tribe. Many find themselves torn between their own culture and the need to live a better life. After many of the young and able women left to assimilate to other larger branches within the Hipparion tribe in different regions/locations, K'ajia encourage the elders to take shelter within Little Ala Mhigo. At first the idea was struck down, but with time the older-women agreed. While most still remain within the tribes original camp, refugees and miqote can be seen co-mingling in both locations-- supporting each other and encouraging trade in Saffron and Sotol.
■ 0001 7AE... With the disposal of Teledji Adeledji from the Syndicate, a rumor emerged-- that due to his regret for his part for the troubles in Ul'Dah, Lord Lolorito Nanarito surrendered Teledji's assets and half of his own personal wealth to the crown, to which Nanamo agreed. Whether this implies true remorse or a ploy is left unknown. In the meanwhile, the interference in trade between Ul'Dah and Little Ala Mhigo and the remaining Hipparion tribe has slowly diminished, allowing the people to maintain a small yet sustainable trickle of wealth through trade routes such as The Red Labyrinth. It would seem as if Nalds blessing has returned... for now. K'ajia, hesitant but eager to carve her own path, has begun to slowly adventure outside the reach of Ul'dah. Not wishing to forsake her own roots, she maintains a healthy relationship with the Hipparion tribe, as a while and all of its multiple sub-tribes, and the people of Little Ala Mhigo.
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Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
■ "Rumor Here"-- Name.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
■ "Rumor Here"-- Name.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
■ "Rumor Here"-- Name.
◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
■ Feel free to add your own rumors here!
■ "She's got a fetish for kicking guys in the jimmies. But other than that, she's a good friend to have. You just gotta get past her foot to see it." -- Alothia Starkwood.
♥ Family – ♥ Involved – ♥ Romantic – ♥ Platonic – ♥ Physical – ♦ Friend – ★ Acquaintance – $ Business – ✝ Deceased – ✔ Positive – ✖ Negative – ● Neutral – ( ) Unsure
Alothia managed to befriend K'ajia under business circumstances. The two, regardless of affection for each other, harshly tested and harassed one another relentlessly.... but nothing done could have ever truly sent them in different directions. Not until recently. The pink-haired Miqo'te has become quite busy caring for her new husband and child so the two friends only cross paths from time to time. Life has seemed to come between them, but the care they have for one another has not been lost.
In her mind, Khale and Alothia were one in the same. Regardless of her reservations of how quickly the two bonded, K'ajia resigned to her place as supportive friend to Alothia and quickly warmed to the man in her own way-- of course after a few "rough" spots. Khale, while not always making the best impression, seemed to understand the strong bond between the two Miqo'te and weathered K'ajias rather harsh nature with a sort of balancing act that she had not witnessed in others prior. The passion between Khale and Alothia allowed her to trust someone much quicker than in other circumstances and now considers him a friend... though the two bicker quite often.
Personal RP Limits
■ Do: Mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use, etc.) as logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary captivity or imprisonment.
■ Ask: Long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
■ Don't: Permanent character death. Mature themes that are not related to plots or character development. (That means you, creepy individuals who send unwarranted ass-grabbing tells.)
Combat Systems
■ Teir 1 Combat: An old Tier combat system from Cheetah/Yahoo Chat days. This system is something I grew up using and enjoy thoroughly. This system uses detailed paragraphs (I don't expect 4+ paragraphs) to explain actions that are being placed in combat. It uses a roll system which the person playing the attack will roll and the defender will need to roll higher to defend. Critical hits are welcomed in this system and often are considered if the difference between rolls are over 700 (using ingame /random rolls)
■ Designated Personal Systems: Everyone has their own system for group combat RP which they themselves made or they made for their Free Company. I am open to discovering, learning, and uses all kinds!
■ Freeform/Honor System: I will only acknowledge the honor system with people I trust or know won't be literal jerks in RP. I will often request the basic roll system (See t1) for fights with people I do not truly know but am willing to Freeform/Honor system it if you can prove you are not going to just Naruto/Bleach up the fight as well as avoid EVERYTHING thrown at you, even within less then an inch of the attack.
OOC/IC Separation
■ Note: I have a very clear distinction when it comes to OOC/IC. They must remain separate at all times if we are to RP together, especially on an extended basis and I reserve the right to end interactions should this be impeded upon. If my character dislikes yours that does not mean I hold the same sentiment. If my character loves yours that does not translate to me feeling the same for you, though I might feel a platonic equivalent. I am not my characters and they are not me. Respect this and we shall get along famously.