Sasata Sata

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Appearance and Personality | Abilities and Tactics | Relationships | History | Stories | Rumors | Other Resources and OOC Notes

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Sasata "Sass" Sata
Inveterate Gambler/Possible Card Sharp
Gender Female
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Height 2 fulms, 9 1/2 ilms
Weight 38 ponze
Hair Color Red-brown with blond highlights
Eye Color Amber
Nameday 4th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Occupation Mercenary with Mythril Wings

A Dunesfolk Lalafell who left a sea of sand dunes for the actual high seas, this outgoing, adventurous, and somewhat loud girl is a fixture at card tables in Limsa Lominsa - much to the chagrin of the other players. There are frequent rumors that follow her, claiming she's the best card cheat in all Eorzea, but until someone can catch the light-fingered lass at it, they're likely to remain just that...

"It's in the cards!"

What's a runty desert bumpkin like me doin' sitting in a Lominsan tavern, proclaimin' to be a pirate? Well, isn't it obvious?

Takin' all yer gil, of course!

Get ready for another hand!

Hey now, settle down, it's just a friendly game of cards, innit? I mean, that hand is a terrible deal, no doubt, but that's just the way the cards fell. Nothin' fishy at all about it, aside from the fact you're on a streak of those horrible hands an' you owe me...what is it now, five hundred?

Ah, don't worry about it, your fortune'll change eventually, I'm sure of it.

How do I know?

Easy! I'm quittin' now an' takin' my winnings with me. You can go back to takin' the rest of these fools for all they're worth with that stash of cards hidden in yer boots. Oh, don't bother protestin'. I have a nose fer cheats, an' yer one of the worst-smellin' ones I've seen in a long time. I know this lot don't like me much, but you - you, they REALLY don't like. Especially now that they know about the spare cards.

Tell ya what - you keep the five hundred I'm owed. Yer gonna need it for medics, judgin' from this angry lookin' gent over here!

Best of luck to ya, my man. Yer gonna need it for sure!

~Sasata Sata, overheard at a backroom card game at the Drowning Wench.

All About Her...

The Physical...

Sasata Sata by Whinecraft
Blessed with a perpetually babyfaced set of general looks, a fairly average build for a lalafell that boasts no real extra muscle or fat, and standing at a very unimpressive two fulms, nine and a half ilms, this tanned woman would get mistaken for an underaged person very easily if it weren't for her gambling and drinking habits.

There's almost always a huge grin plastered across her round face, and her wide amber eyes dance with mischief. A set of three whisker-like black lines are tattooed across her chubby cheeks; they are often mistaken for childish makeup by others. There are a single pair of piercings in the lobes of her pointed ears, usually adorned with whatever interesting earrings she's found or won in a recent card game. Occasionally these earrings are mismatched.

Her red-brown hair is usually mostly tucked up under a hat of some sort, leaving only stray bits poking out and framing her face. When fully visible, it is either long and worn in two pigtails with dip-dyed blond ends, or cut short for practicality (or because of accidents) with blond highlights. Long or short, it's almost always chaos and bedhead-related, style-wise.

Her favourite style of dress involves attempts to mimic Lominsan pirate fashion ideals - occasionally mismatched items, frequent use of bright reds and deep blacks, and a leaning towards the decorative rather than the wholly functional - and it has the effect of making her look like a young girl playing dress-up in a sailor's closet. She always carries a deck of cards regardless of her outfit, and somehow manages to hide it even when her clothes have no obvious hiding spots for anything.

...And The Personality.

Know when to hold 'em.
Loud, boisterous, and extremely friendly to the point of flirtation, Sasata can and will talk to - or at - anyone at any time, anywhere. She is generally very optimistic and personable, quick to smile and seemingly bereft of any sense of personal space as she sidles up next to people regardless of their gender. She tends to look for the fun in everything she does and appears to be completely carefree and utterly lighthearted in her day to day life. Being of a somewhat chaotic and carefree mindset, she chafes under authority and is prone to quick-witted back-sassing without thinking at any and all commanders, which occasionally lands her in trouble. She is fond of games of chance and fruity or sweet alcoholic drinks, favoring rum whenever possible, and tends to drink them more often than she drinks soft drinks; she's almost never found too far from a bar of some sort as a result.

She has the public air of a complete slacker, barfly, and degenerate gambler.

Underneath that, however, she's a very calculating and potentially dangerous opponent. Sasata is extremely street-smart and very quick to pick up on things (like the various magical skills she has). She uses her outgoing personality to get information from people who shouldn't be talking in the first place, and tailors lies to what they want to hear in order to get them to hand over even more.

Because she has no qualms about "borrowing" objects and secreting things about her person, many of her fellow card aficionados assume she's a cheater of epic proportions, though not a one has proven it - probably because she's not a cheat at all. At least not in the conventional sense of the word. She allows the rumor to circulate strictly because it, coupled with her flirtatious and outgoing personality, helps keep people off balance around her.

She is inherently fond of children and the downtrodden, often going out of her way to help either one of these groups as best she can. If it makes someone smile and betters their life a bit, no price is too high. On the other hand, if you're an oppressive force, a thief who steals from those with nothing left to lose, a slaver, or someone who preys on the weak and young? You've just made an enemy for life in her when she finds out.

Despite being fond of travel and not really staying anywhere besides the gambling tables for very long, Sasata has a lot of love for her family and does maintain ties to them, occasionally sending money and items for the support of the caravan they live in when she can spare either. As a result, she's always got a home with them should she choose to go back.

Some Tropes that apply to Sasata include:

The Trickster
Plucky Comic Relief
Obfuscating Stupidity
Professional Gambler and The Gambler
Lovable Rogue
Winds of Destiny, Change
Chaotic Good, heavily leaning Chaotic Neutral

Abilities and Tactics


Relationships and Affiliations





A series of stories written about Sasata. These are not in chronological order; they are listed in the order they were written. This section will be updated as stories are finished.

Shot Through the Heart - The story of why Sass cut her hair short.

Rumors About Her

Presented as a potential means of interaction with Sass, here's a series of rumors a character might be likely to hear about her if they're spending any time in or around Limsa Lominsa or the Gold Saucer. You -might- hear about her in Ul'dah, but it's far more likely these rumors will come out of a sailor at the docks or a barmaid at the Drowning Wench.

Keep in mind, however, that these are rumors. Some may be exaggerated, others entirely false - some may have even been started or spread by Sass herself in order to keep up appearances!

Common Rumors - The usual lot; easy to overhear and often repeated.

"If you feel like losing yer wages, the lalafell's holding court at the card tables tomorrow." -- [Drowning Wench Patron]
"Don't think I ever saw her sad, that one. Always a laugh, and a good tip to boot!" -- [Miqot'e Barmaid]
"No idea where she got that blasted monkey, but I hate it." -- [Pickpocketed Lominsan]
"I'm sure she's cheating somehow. Somehow." -- [Broke-ass Gambler]

Uncommon Rumors - Not often whispered, but you might get these ones.

"I think she wants to be a pirate or something. She's always at the docks, bugging sailors for tips or whatever." -- [Lominsan Barfly]
"The Yellowjackets have their eyes on her. I'd steer clear if you don't want trouble." -- [Back-alley Dealer]
"I hear she won her rank in a card game. Don't see how that's possible, but she hasn't exactly denied it." -- [Maelstrom Private]

Rare Rumors - Unlikely to be heard much; let me know first please!

"They say she's casting some kind of spells during the games, but I've never seen her do it." -- [Gold Saucer Table Bunny]
"She's a really nice lady! She got my kitty all better!" -- [Lominsan Child]

Other Resources and OOC Notes