Hali Naras

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❧ Hali Naras ☙

♫"I know exactly what I want and who I want to be."♫
♫"I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine."♫




Hali is a somewhat strange, reclusive miqo'te. She is on the taller side, and carries some extra weight, especially around her middle, giving the bespectacled girl a particularly plump figure that hints at her distaste for excessive physical activity. She tends to keep her nose in any one of her grimoires, be it poring over them or scribbling strange, runic figures and shapes in them. She is incredibly awkward in social settings, often miscommunicating her intentions and thoughts or reacting in ways that would seem inappropriate, from her lack of emotional attachment to many things to her very odd, dark sense of humour that borders on abstract and excessive irony more often than not. She is enthralled by science and technology, both aetherical and mechanical, and loves to tinker with spells and machines alike.

"Just end me."
"Rest in pieces."


Hali is somewhat on the tall side for a miqo'te at about five and a half fulms, and bears a goodly amount of extra weight, enough to round her figure out slightly and give her the look of one who abhors excessive physical activity. To add to this image, she is very pale, avoiding sunlight when at all possible, which is offset on her face by what seems to be a very faint flushing of her cheeks that is nigh-constant and more akin to a very faint rash than any kind of make-up. She often looks somewhat tired or sleepless, bearing slightly dark circles beneath her eyes. She has long blonde hair with very faint silver streaks that reaches to the middle of her back, often keeping it simple and straight with a headband or hat keeping it in place. Her ears and long, almost overly-fluffy tail are entirely blond, bearing no silver at all. She has piercing, steely-blue eyes that are made all the more noticeable by the rimless glasses she wears at all times, being horribly near-sighted without them.

Hali tends toward darker clothing, often dressing in blacks, dark colours, or neutral tones. She often carries some manner of ornate dagger at her hip or just behind the hip, with at least one grimoire on her person at all times. She often wears thin black gloves regardless of outfit, but can sometimes be seen without them.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Always wearing glasses.
Above average in height and, especially, weight.
Hair has faint silver streaks.


Hali is best described as odd. She generally cares little for people and often avoids them. She is very easily misunderstood due to her emotional expression and choice of wording being inherently flawed despite her otherwise intelligent, witty nature. She shortens much of what she says so she does not have to speak much, but, entirely to the contrary, at times will be overly verbose. Though she avoids socialisation and can be awkward, she is still possessed of a deal of charisma that keeps her from being altogether unpleasant. She tends to be impatient and is given to doing things as quickly and efficiently as possible, or else her attention tends to wander and she loses interest or simply becomes entirely unfocused. She is typically fairly calm and quiet, though she is given to outbursts at times when upset, sometimes flying into a panic. She often has trouble regulating her volume, especially during such times, and can outright start yelling without meaning to, or will mutter at so low a volume she is hard to hear. Her mind tends to wander quite often, and she tends to daydream or space out, even during conversation, prompting her to ask people to repeat things multiple times, finding it hard to understand what is being said to her.

Hali values logic over emotion, and fact over faith. She detests arguments based in abstracts and hearsay, and will almost always back up what she says with fact and resources as are available to her. Similarly, she is almost always brutally honest and very blunt, seeing honesty as no different from simple fact. She becomes incredibly annoyed very easily with things such as passive-aggression or calling her honesty or trustworthiness into question. Despite being of an ill temperament at times, she does still often mean well, being of an almost-aggressive liberal attitude, her wishes for a greater good almost sometimes conflicting with her own situation.


Magic. Hali is ever searching for new ways to bend reality to her whims.
Technology. Technology fascinates Hali, and she loves to play and tinker with new creations.
Dark Humour. Hali has a very odd sense of humour, but she loves when others join in and understand her.
Cats. Hali's preferred company is that of cats or coeurls, and is often accompanied by a small cat of her own.
Music. Hali adores music and can often be found singing to herself.
Food. She especially enjoys unique food and cuisin; the more exotic or strange, the better.
Solitude. The darker, the quieter, the fewer people, the better.


People. People are baggage. They are inconvenient and often unreliable. As such, Hali tends to remain alone.
High-Pitched Noise. High-pitched squealing like dog whistles or squealing metal is physically painful to Hali.
Bright Light. Being a Keeper of the Moon, Hali is far more accustomed to nighttime conditions, and tends to avoid the sun.
Disorder. Messy, unkempt, chaotic surroundings serve to make Hali incredibly uncomfortable.
Uncivilisation. Hali abhors anything barbaric or generally uncivilised, holding herself to a higher standard than she feels is typical of Eorzeans.
Bugs. Bugs are disgusting to Hali, and often make her jump when she mistakes them for bees thanks to her fear of them.
Physical Activity. Though it might come off as laziness, Hali detests physical activity, and even more so sweating from it, thus lending to her somewhat heavier figure.


Arcanima. Hali is constantly experimenting with arcane glyphs and patterns to new and exciting ends.
Singing. Though not entirely musically gifted as far as instruments may go, Hali is a decent singer and likes to do so.
Relaxing. Hali is easily-overwhelmed, leading her to take numerous breaks to keep her mind at ease.
Cooking. Hali enjoys trying new recipes and cooking whatever she can, especially if it's unique or exotic.


Adaptable Intellect. Though not quite a genius, Hali is a quick learner and picks up on nearly anything she tries easily.
Imagination. Though it tends to steal her away, Hali's imagination and creativity are incredible boons to her in the most unexpected of ways.
Fortitude. Hali is capable of withstanding quite a lot, and will push on until she physically cannot go any further, even through exhaustion, if she feels she must.


Anxious. Hali is prone to anxious fits, causing her to worry over things that may not even be there almost constantly.
Melissophobia. The fear of bees. Hali is horribly afraid of bees, and will always steer clear or run away from them.
Social Dysfunction. Hali is uncomfortable and often unwieldy in many social situations, and generally is not the best person to have trying to negotiate.
Out of Shape. Given her aversion to unnecessary physical activity, Hali is quite heavy-set and tires easily.


Fun - Hali is out almost purely for her own enjoyment. If she doesn't enjoy something, she often will not do it.
Exchange - Though she tends to avoid people, Hali knows that keeping them happy will mean she often gets left alone, so she likes to appease and please people so that she is favoured.
Boredom - Sometimes, Hali simply has nothing she really feels like doing, and so will do things just to occupy herself.


Chaste ♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡ Lustful
Energetic ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡ Lazy        
Forgiving ♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡ Vengeful  
Generous ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡ Selfish    
    Honest ♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Deceitful
          Just ♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡ Arbitrary
Merciful ♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Cruel    
Modest ♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡ Proud
      Pious ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡ Worldly
  Prudent ♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Reckless
Temperate ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡ Indulgent
      Trusting ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡ Suspicious
  Valorous ♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡ Cowardly


Hali is not particularly a well-known person. She tends to stay in inns and takes odd jobs to support herself, but generally keeps to herself.


This information may or may not be known. If you're not sure, feel free to ask!

The Naras Tribe: Childhood

Hali was born into a nomadic Keeper of the Moon tribe called the Naras tribe. In the days before the Calamity, the Naras tribe would wander the breadth of the realm, though they would typically remain in the Shroud or Coerthas, hunting, fishing, and gathering. Though tribal, they held a small standard of civilisation in their heritage: many were learned in at least some bits of reading and writing, parties often took short trips to nearby civilisation to trade and do some business, and they held to a strict moral code. Where males of the tribe were always hunters and gatherers, females born to the Naras tribe were trained from birth as conjurers, and those who excelled would be taught to read and write, as well, to serve as traders and negotiators for the tribe. Those who excelled in their duties growing up would often enter consideration for a position as one among the Tribe Matron's handmaidens - handpicked girls who acted as advisers and assistants.

Though she excelled at her conjury, as well as her clerical schooling, Hali was ever an awkward child, often bullied by her peers for her strange and outlandish behaviour, which was often viewed as weakness or stupidity to her peers, and as inappropriate to her teachers and betters. Despite her skill and intelligence, she was always held back as "troubled" due to what were viewed as flaws that kept her from remaining on the same level as others on a social level. Sadly, this also kept her from gaining any important roles within the tribe.

Hali's parents - her mother a respect Handmaiden and her father a skilled hunter - were ever protective of their only daughter and doted over her, as her mother had had difficulty in conceiving a child in the first place, had lost two children to miscarriage already. As such, despite her inability to hold a position of importance or ascend through the tribe's social hierarchy, they loved her unconditionally, protecting her from the venom of those who would condemn her as "damaged" and as a liability to the tribe. She spent years under the care of her parents, who spent much of the time they were not involved in their duties doting over her and making her as comfortable and happy as they could to counterbalance what was often a cruel world for the young girl.

Foreign Allure: Early Adulthood

Throughout the tribe's wandering, more than once did they encounter hardship. Tense stand-offs with other tribes, misunderstandings with Wood Wailers who took them to be poachers, Ishgardians who took offense to the tribe's presence on their lands, and even Imperial patrols often caused the tribe to go to battle. During this time, Hali bore witness to the Empire's mechanical and technological might and was utterly enraptured by it. Watching the tribe fight so hard to escape instead of win due to their clear disadvantage time and time again left her with questions that few could answer: Why did they fight such a powerful and civilised foe instead of joining? Why did they not advance in the same manner? Why did they always run? Such questions burned in her and stole a deal of faith in her homeland. As time went on, her interest only grew, as did the feeling that she was in the wrong place.

Eventually, like all adults of the Naras tribe, her time to accept a role in the tribe came and went. However, when it passed, it passed without a clear or concise decision as to how or where she would be best suited. Eventually, she was given the option to leave for the nearby city of Gridania. Though attached to her parents as she had been all her life and anxious about the unknown, eventually, she acquiesced that there was no place for her in the tribe, and took to her own. She found some odds jobs with the Conjurer's Guild in Gridania, eventually learning more and more about Eorzea as a whole. Eventually, a small delivery job took her to Limsa Lominsa, where she fell in love with the port city and its oceans. She especially, however, loved its food and closeness with arcanima. She eventually forsook Gridania for a place in Limsa, where she often drifted, staying in inn rooms close to where she could find work, and spending a great deal of time at the Arcanists' Guild.

It was there that she learned of an odd gift. Though she could always feel it, she became more aware of the flow of aether, especially when used for magic and other supernatural occurrences. Though impossible to describe in words, she often found herself, though wholly confused by the geometries of arcanima as a whole, penning the feeling of such aetheric phenomena, which, in turn, served her as an unorthodox means of casting similar spells. Despite this, however, she was unable to truly advance in the guild, as her take on the craft did not fit their understanding. Though a curiosity, she eventually strayed from the structured organisation in favour of studying her own barely-understood methods by herself.

The Calamity and the Empire: Adulthood


ಌ Technique/Weapons ಌ

Though she does her best to avoid combat situations, Hali is incredibly skilled in magic, especially Arcanima, and can adapt to many different situations. If she must, she can engage in physical combat, though she is quickly and easily tired out by it and is not used to taking actual hits in combat.
Arcanima: Hali uses an unorthodox form of arcanima: where normally the craft relies on precise geometric designs, the pages of most of Hali's grimoires are full of strange, runic scribbles that often span each page's entirety. How these work is not well-known.
Grimoire - Hali's primary spell focus is her grimoire, activating runes and designs inside of the tome to create her odd magic She possesses many of these, but one in particular seems to be a hodgepodge of her "best" spells.
Experimental Notebook - Though not her go-to, Hali always keeps at least one notebook on her person in which she scribbles new designs and runes and tries them out, later moving the pages she likes to her grimoire.
Ebony Dagger - Hali carries an ebony dagger on her at all times. It bears a crimson gem in the hilt and often has Hali's odd scribbles covering its blade.
Signature Spells:
Ruinbolt - A prismatic cluster of crackling energy is gathered, then released as a powerful bolt of white lightning. Causes a thunderous crack when cast.
Sonic - A powerful shockwave that doesn't do much harm, but is forceful enough to knock objects, people, and even the caster, over. Briefly ripples the air and distorts sound.
Adlo - A spell similar to a Scholar's Adloquium, but provides no healing, and encases the target in a pink bubble of aether which can be manipulated.
Tether - Creates a link to an aetherically-charged object or spell that allows manipulation similar to telekinesis through arm and hand movements.

Melee: Though exceedingly rare, and though she is abhorrent to the idea of having to resort to it, Hali will engage in physical combat where she must. She is not incredibly skilled with it, but can at least hold her own.
Staff - Hali is most skilled in combat with a staff, able to do some manner of quick and skilled manoeuvres with it to deter enemies.
Dagger - If she does not have her staff, Hali will rely on speed and agility, striking quickly with her dagger. However, she can only keep up such speed for a short time.
Grimoire - Bound in mythril, Hali's grimoire has been used as a bludgeoning weapon on more than one occasion, and to surprising effect at times.

ಌ OOC Combat Info ಌ

I am generally open to any and all combat situations, but prefer that limits are established or understood beforehand - otherwise, I am open to very nearly anything but character perma-death! I am willing to engage in just about any system so long as it is explained to me and I have time to understand it.
Tier 1 Combat: This system is my preferred method, and uses detailed posts to explain actions that are being placed in combat. It uses a roll system which the person playing the attack will roll and the defender will need to roll higher to defend. Critical hits are welcomed in this system and often are considered if the difference between rolls are over 700 (using ingame /random rolls). Explanation swiped from Abagail Graves along with her layout.
Designated Personal Systems: Everyone has their own system for group combat RP which they themselves made or they made for their Free Company. I am open to discovering, learning, and uses all kinds!
Freeform/Honour System: I am not a fan of the honour system unless it is established and agreed upon as to who will win the fight beforehand on an OOC basis and there is a mutual trust on the same level. I will not often do this with strangers for any reason.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Dail'a Naras ( )
Character's Thoughts: "Irresponsible and possibly a bit mad. I don't know how he lives."
A cousin to Dail'a, Hali left their tribe some time before Dail'a's arrogance and authority problems caused him to flee and strike out on his own. They have encountered each other one a few sparse occasions, and though they are not close, Dail'a claims he looks out for Hali as best he can. Hali is generally not enthused by this, seeing Dail'a as a possible liability in his recklessness and thirst for constant conflict or need to be some kind of vaunted hero.
Cetah Naras ( )
Character's Thoughts: "Too naive for her own good. She will wind up breaking sooner or later."
Hali and Cetah are, like with Cetah's elder brother, Dail'a, cousins. However, Hali's departure from the tribe came during a time before Cetah truly knew her at all, and therefore, the relationship between them is little more than one being aware of the other and watching from a distance when they happen upon one another. Cetah's naivete and optimism strikes Hali as entirely unrealistic, leaving her to wonder when and what will serve to break her, as she feels is inevitable.
Anthony Crawford ( $)
Character's Thoughts: "A bit bumbling at times, but he's been so kind to me, and he does his best."
Of the two Crawford brothers who own the Gold and Glory company, Hali has had the most contact with Anthony and has come to respect him. Despite the brothers' bumbling, she feels that at least he will eventually shape up into a boss that the others can and will respect. She is thankful to him for making sure she is taken care of, and for being understanding when she has trouble. Her first real interaction with him wound up being in the company's clinic after he was attacked, and she learned that the brothers had an interest in her and wished her to remain there for a time.
Maximillian Crawford ( $)
Character's Thoughts: "Brash, somewhat incompetent, and rather rude, but... he tries."
Hali has interacted with Maximillian far less, between the brothers Crawford, than she has Anthony. Much of the time she has seen him, he has generally been somewhat abrasive. However, on occasions, he will seem to lighten up and show a much more amicable side. She is not sure what entirely to make of him, yet, but is hopeful that he comes into the role he and his brother have chosen in time, and becomes a good boss for Gold and Glory.
Dato Koelklin ( )
Character's Thoughts: "Mh. Former pirate really kind of says it all. Some people don't change, I guess."
Hali first met Dato in the Bountiful Chest where he conspired to break into the Crawfords' office and steal booze. The few times after that were either passing conversations or jobs. He has been fairly kind to her, which she appreciates. However, his violent and brash tendencies, as well as what she views as a very clear problem with outright abusing some people, gives her pause. However, he has always treated her with kindness, for which she is grateful.
Araceli Caillen ( )
Character's Thoughts: "She seems... nice. But something is clearly... odd about her."
Hali and Araceli have met on a few occasions. The first time, she was unaware of Araceli's name and when she tried to ask indirectly, thew reaction she was given caused her to avoid Araceli for some time, thinking she disliked her. When she found out otherwise, she tried to be a bit more open to the woman, but so far has had an immense amount of trouble reading her.
Gargarlan Cloclolan ( )
Character's Thoughts: "He seems to mean well and has some interesting ideas, though I wonder for his sanity."
Hali and Gargarlan have spoken some few times about magic and the like, and about some few business propositions Gargarlan has spent time cooking up. Some of them have intrigued Hali due to the creativity the lalafell employs in his scheming. However, after a foray into some particularly dangerous areas and watching Gargarlan run about with no shoes on in the thick of combat, she wonders if he isn't just a little mad.
Kel Lin ( )
Character's Thoughts: "One of the kindest, most understanding people I've met, and a good friend."
Hali and Kel were introduced during a mission for a woman who had hired both the Raen, Kel, and her hyuran compatriot, Hanaru, to recover a cursed artefact. Afterward, the two Doman women were hired by Gold and Glory. Hali has interacted a good deal with Kel due to several unfortunate happenings that landed her, wounded, in Kel's care in the infirmary. Since then, she has learned to confide in Kel, and views her as one of her very few friends.



Some of these rumours are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumours - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Heard she just scribbles aimlessly in those books then hopes she gets somethin' good." -- Arcanist
"Hells if she won't spend a pile o'gil for enough food to knock a man out." -- Restaurant Owner
"Talks to that cat of hers like it can understand her. Weird, innit?" -- Bystander
◢ Uncommon Rumours - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"She's got a heart o'gold, I'm sure of it." -- Smitten Lad
"Don't talk 'bout no 'arm comin' to a cat 'round'er. She'll up an' start bawlin' on ye." -- Sailor
"That ain't blush on 'er face. It's a rash. Hope it ain't contagious." -- Merchant
◢ Rare Rumours - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I swear, I've seen her treating with Garleans. Bet she's some kind of informant." -- Anonymous
"I've seen her scribbling. it's some sort of otherworldly trance she's in. It's not natural." -- Anonymous
"If ye never seen 'er snap, ye're lucky. She ain't right in the 'ead. She's... just stay away." -- Anonymous


Feel free to add your own rumours to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumours - Some of these are more rare than others!
"She can be kind of a harpy, but she ain't all 'at bad." -- Dail'a Naras.


Songs used to set a mood; lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. The following links will take you to Youtube. Please mind your speakers.

Character Theme
"Oh No!"
Artist: Marina and the Diamonds

Ambient Theme
"His Brightest Star Was You"
Artist: Two Steps From Hell

Quiet Theme
"I Am a Ghost"
Artist: Murray Gold
Character Theme 2
"Everything's Alright"
Artist: Adriana Figueroa (orig. Laura Shigihara)

Awkward Theme
"You Must Like It Here"
Artist: Murray Gold

Concentration Theme
"The Mole"
Artist: Michael McCann

"Wanderer's Lullaby"
Artist: Adriana Figueroa

Action Theme
"Welcome to Amaria"
Artist: Two Steps From Hell

"Snapped" Theme
"Good L_ck (Yo_'re F_cked)"
Artist: Celldweller

Sad Theme
"The Death of Dr. Owen Harper"
Artist: The BBC National Orchestra of Wales



Player Note
Hali is portrayed as a character with Asperger's syndrome (a form of mild autism), as an exercise by her writer, who is very much the same. Her behaviour and personality is not meant to demean, deride, or cast a negative light on those on the Spectrum, but rather, to do the opposite and to act as a therapeutic character and exercise in self-awareness.
Personal RP Limits
I will always refrain from these things and ask all people do the same when engaged with my characters. I am incredibly open to most things, so talk to me OOCly about what you would like to do.
■ No godmoding.
■ No powerplay.
■ No rape.
■ No violating the IC/OOC divide.
The views and mannerisms of this character do not always align with those of the player and are never meant to offend, belittle, or do intentional harm to any one person or their character on an OOC basis. All actions taken by this character are as the character would be written and will not be tailored to OOC influences except as absolutely needed to continue playing the character as I like.


Potential Plot Hooks
■ Hali tends to frequent different restaurants, but only when they are less crowded and/or quiet.
■ Hali almost always has a cat with her named Finn.
■ She may be known to some Garleans for "reasons."
■Hali has done some work at Mealvaan's Gate but only temporarily and sporadically.
■ Hali is a somewhat unique magic-user in that her spells are generated seemingly through random scribbles in her notebooks and grimoire, some being variations of existing spells or entirely unique ones.
Character Lore Adherence
This character will always adhere as closely as possible to established lore as possible. Small deviations into territory not fully covered may be possible, but never without solid logic and reasoning, as well and will always be researched as thoroughly as possible before implementation. Non-lore-friendly aspects present are subject to retcon at any time as they are brought to light for any reason.


Name - Hali Naras
Pronounced - (HAH-lee NAHR-us)
Race - Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon)
Age - 26
Height - 5' 6"
Weight - 247pz
Name Day - 24th Sun, 4th Astral Moon
Deity - None
Orientation - Asexual
Status - Single

Alias: None.
Citizenship: Limsa Lominsa
Occupation: Arcanist?
Voice Claim: Adriana Figueroa
Hair color: Blonde, Silver Streaks
Eye color: Steel-Blue
Complexion: Fair
Piercings: None
Marks or tattoos: Faint rash on cheeks
Alignment: True Neutral
Key Items: Grimoire, Coeurl Kitten
Favorite Food: Seafood Stew
Favorite Drink: Mulled Tea
Favorite Color: Silver


Hali is a somewhat strange Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te who spends a lot of her time indoors, scribbling in her grimoires. She has a weakness for kittens, but generally doesn't care for other people in general.

===== Template is Abelia's Template! =====