Lyriah Karnelle

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Lyriah Karnelle
450 × 600px
Maybe I am an Ice Queen, how else did I survive the heat?
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 27
Occupation Free Roamer/Opprotunist
Primary Discipline Lancer
G. Company Immortal Flames
Guardian Deity Halone the Fury


Name: Lyriah Ambrosia Karnelle ( L-Ear-Ee-Ah Car-Nel )

Age: 27 names days

Height: 5,6'

Names day: 29th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon 1550


  • Mother: Flarah Eonis (Deceased)
  • Father: Weston Karnelle (Deceased)
  • Half Brother: Eranore Venomheart (Location Unknown)


- Polearms: Lyriah has been trained since a very young age on the use of a Lance and once she traveled to Gridania, she studied under the guild until her training took her to Coerthas. She consistently carries a Lance with her, and if on the rare occasion that she does not she has a dagger tucked into her belt in case she was to find herself in a situation to defend herself.

- Swords: The relationships that Lyriah had experienced also benefitted her in the way of swordsmanship since they insisted she learned. Though she doesn't utilize her skills in battle, she does keep her blade always at the ready. 

- Weaving: Needlework had been implemented into Lyriah's life even before the lance had, her mother insisting it would be the only way she could earn a living that wouldn't kill her. She still stitches today, finding the skill very useful when she lived in the cold mountains.

- Cooking: While not a master at it, Lyriah had always cooked for herself once she was out on her own and has sought to perfect the art by applying to the Bismarck to enhance her skills.

- Foraging: All the years of adventuring and living on her own taught her the bounties that the wild offered, learning how to make simple healing salves and modest meals to keep her from starving.

Personality and Appearance

Lyriah dressed as most adventurers did, wearing clothing that would allow ease of movement and was appropriate for the climate. Usually her attire consisted of jackboots, linen shirts, and buffalo leather pants which in most cases would be considered incredibly tom-boyish. She rarely dressed to impress unless her job required it of her believing that the waste of gil was not worth the benefits of such, the only exception being an amethyst necklace her mother gave to her before she passed away. 

Physically she is well built for the life of a Dragoon, lean muscle and a thin frame for the benefit of speed and endurance while being only an average height. She has auburn hair that is tightly bound into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. Her eyes are a shade of aqua blue and she has a beauty mark right under her left eye; despite being from the desert Lyriah has a fair skin complexion due to her childhood being mostly restrained inside.

 At first Lyriah was trusting, she learned the hard way that trust had to be earned. In that regard, she keeps her distance anymore and may come across as cold when first approached. Once accepted as a well-known acquaintance or even a friend it would soon become obvious that her guard would be down and even welcoming. Despite her setbacks she would do anything to help a friend regardless of the circumstance.

Likes and Dislikes


  • Trying new foods
  • Exploring
  • History
  • Ballads
  • Music
  • Solitude ( On some occasions)


  • Swimming (Doesn't know how)
  • Drama
  • Push-overs
  • Being underestimated
  • Betrayal


Family History

It was said that Lyriah's parents came from very different lifestyles, her father growing up on the docks of Limsa before dashing off to begin life as a wandering minstrel while her mother grew up in a middle-class family to one of Gridanias more successful merchant families. Weston met her mother, Flarah, when he took a detour to Gridania and played for the ladies who attended at Mih Khettos Amphitheatre. When they met, a love bloomed that forced the couple to elope after much resistance from Flarah's father. Within the fortnight they were wed and settled down in Ul'dah to start a family. Sadly illness stole Flarah away early in Lyriah's life and with his soul mate gone, Weston lost his luster for life and passion for music. To pay for the funerary debts, he took up work with the miners guild at Nanawa Mines before part of the structure collapsed and he was lost in the chaos.

Eranore "Venomheart" Rivers was born to Alyson Rivers who bore him out of wedlock, his father being Weston during his more 'free roaming' days and had no knowledge of his birth. Alyson's father feared to have his family's name put to shame so he married his daughter off to a lower class merchant who abused the new status as much as he did his wife and step-son. Years growing with this built his character to be cruel and cold only having a care for himself. After he had grown to an adult he promptly had his step-father 'removed' from the family before disappearing. He is said to work in the black markets of Ul'dah where he will sell anything for a price.

Personal History (Pre-Calamity)

Lyriah was granted the chance for adventure when she was eighteen names days old. She had come to the realization that Ul'dah was no longer the gem of promise it had once been and so she sought to explore to Limsa where her father had lived.

It wasn't long before she found herself without a gil to her name and in a strange city. She happened across a Highlander woman in trouble and aided her and a Midlander man who was present later. Lyriah's efforts were appreciated and in turn, she was granted the opportunity to work for Sanctus Refero, a trading company within the hulls of the Astalicia.

Several moons passed before things started changing at the company. There were disagreements between members of a group known as the Eorzean Guard and Sanctus, during the times of unease, Lyriah was promoted to Head of Security to oversee events held and ensuring the safety of all who attended. However, the prosperity of Sanctus ran dry when Alona disappeared and most were forced to find new employment.

Her closest friend Navei founded Nebulous and encouraged her to join him. She did and held a similar role, making sure transactions between the firm and their customers went smoothly. Close to the calamity things began going sour, the company having to even turn on one of their own to survive but the peace didn't last after so the company was disbanded and Lyriah found herself back in Limsa where she lived until the battle at Cartenaeu.

She marched into battle expecting it to be her last. By some miracle of the divines she survived the attack and traveled north to escape the devastation behind her; building a shelter which eventually turned into a home and it was there she resided for five years...


Fate seemed to drag Lyriah back into her old life, which she came to accept rather reluctantly. She held firm beliefs that not only had the world she once had known drastically changed but that the friends she had gathered before the calamity were all fallen. She was pleasantly surprised to find that a good amount of her comrades had survived, yet life was very different than how it had been prior. She struggled to find a place in the new world, eventually finding work as a clerical assistant at an alchemical research facility.

Several moons passed before Lyriah's restless nature pushed her to pursue different roads, eventually founding her own company, Oschons' Respite, dedicated to her father's patron deity in honor of him. The business began to build up and everything seemed to find balance over time as the company's profits grew, even allowing Lyriah to form partnerships with other companies. Lyriah was soon forced to expand her clientele, reaching so far as the gates of Ishgard once they opened to new trades.

The peace didn't last. Lyriah became gravely injured during a caravan raid that left her at Nald'Thals mercy for months. During that time, employees hired on by her stand in took the chance to try to overthrow Lyriah in order to gain control over the company. While Lyriah managed to throw out the traitorous dogs, the company still suffered from both Lyriah's injuries and their betrayal. She had no choice but to sell the company to her half-brother, Eranore and start anew somewhere else. Since then, Lyriah has not been seen too often in one place, seemingly unwilling to disclose her affairs with anyone who asks.


  • - Sanctus Refero: Head of Security. ( Pre-Calamity)
  • - Nebulous: Chief of Arms, Recruitment, Diplomatic relations ( Pre-Calamity)
  • - MiqoTEK: Assistant.
  • - Nebulous Manufacturing: Caravan Defense, Exploration surveyor.
  • - Oschons Respite: Owner ( Then sold the property to pursue new horizons.)
  • - Sasagan's Scimitars: Private First Class (And new hire.)

Friends and Foes


  • Alona Rhys: She met Alona when the leader was working through a crisis. After being employed under the woman, she found that she respected Alona and was soon willing to lay down her life in her defense no matter what the charge would be. She viewed her as a strong woman who took on too much at points, as a result Lyriah tried to help her with burdens without hurting her pride. Alona was often considered a sisterly figure to Lyriah, and is still considered such even after her disappearance.
  • Aure Rubismain: A man that was once Navei and is now someone else due to a Fantasia accident. He has been known to wander with Deirdre but still remains close with Lyriah.
  • Aysun Demiir: Like most cases of the same time period, Lyriah had first met Aysun through her employment with Sanctus Refero. At first her opinions of Aysun were limited based solely on the company she kept but after getting to know her personally she soon learned that the Miqote's quick wit and bluntness made her an interesting comrade and friend.
  • Blush Oxalis: A Roe whom Lyriah met inside Ul'dah, her attitude and personality were both kind and admirable which made bonding with her come naturally. Last she knew, Galvadan had taken a fancy to her. Where their relationship would lead only the Spinner knew. 
  • Galvadan Edgecrusher: A dedicated Elezen who was blood bonded to his "sister" Alona. Lyriah's encounters with this man began through a stress-filled moment in which he extended a hand to help her. Their friendship grew and even advanced towards marriage, however, a series of events unfolded that ultimately dissipated that plan and they grew apart to a distant friendship.
  • Melchar Asbrand: A friendly Roe that Lyriah met through employment with Sanctus. He seemed to master the arcane arts, his power only matched by his wits.
  • Navei Asue: A former co-worker and her former boss, Navei outstretched a kind hand whenever situations got hard for Lyriah. She valued him for his opinion and devotion to what he's passionate about and has earned a place as close to her as kin. Her relationship with Navei was ever-changing, developing at one point into something more, however, fate did not see fit to make such occur. Now, Lyriah has found herself back under Navei's command as a lesser Officer in the Flames.
  • Reta Suri: Another former member of Sanctus Refero that transferred to Nebulous with Lyriah and Navei when the company went under; She usually was one to keep to herself, and once there was a time that Lyriah had a steady friendship with Reta. After a bit of time passed, though, with all that had occurred their relationship rocked from one extreme to the next. In the end, Reta disappeared and Lyriah hadn't heard from her again.
  • Sasha Alier: Navei's once Romantic Interest and co-worker with Nebulous, Lyriah hadn't spoken to Sasha much except for rare occasions, but each time such an occasion were to occur, Lyriah always found Sasha to be a gentle and kind elezen that did her best to keep Navei in check. Little has been known of her since the Calamity, rumor being that she had joined a band of Pirates and now prowls the seas.
  • Sterne Evans: Third in Command with Sanctus Refero and an odd, easy going man. Lyriah met him under the same circumstances that she met Alona, and then spoke again soon after at the Guards' Banquet. Lyriah felt his easy going nature was refreshing and maked all tense atmospheres dissipate. Sterne was also another Lyriah had failed to see several years before the Calamity and has never known what had become of the man.


Lyriah has many foes. Their names do not merit mention, however.