Adya Himaa

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 Adya Himaa
The Brazen Bouncer
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 24
Orientation Bisexual
Alignment True Neutral



One could be forgiven for not knowing a single thing about Adyaa. As a matter of fact, she'd be most surprised in the rare event someone actually had heard of her before she had they. No grand accomplishments or renowned feats to speak of, the Xaela was by and large just another one of the common rabble. She frankly preferred it that way, usually quite happy to bleed into the background outside of the rare occurrences where it suited her; those occurrences namely but not entirely consistent of the scant but not exactly rare times in which she may or may not end up completely shit-faced.

It wasn't that she had no restraint, if anything it was just another part of the job; once you spend enough time bouncing taverns are various establishments of a similar caliber, you start to drink after nights upon nights of watching collective locals make complete asses of themselves. While her services were by no means restricted to such locations, when it came to pay she was by no means in the business of being picky.


Not too much of note stood out about Adyaa, outside of her generally rugged looks. She was a tad on the tall side, but in spite of her lank nature, her lightly toned muscles prevented her from appearing overly frail. By no means a powerhouse in any sense of the word, when clad in her normal apparel the full extent of her physique was hardly even discernible. Cloth or leather, either option remained equally stingy with what it showed. The best look over her palid complexion one would get was her own visage past her dark bangs, but even that was obscured partially by the liberal and obtrusive paint that was rarely absent.


A bit blunt at times and terse at others, even though she may frequently look to be a being driven by base instincts, there does exist a part of her with depths that go beyond such. Her crude demeanor is one brought about by choice more so than any lack of being capable of otherwise; given the need or desire, a bit of refinement isn't beyond her abilities.



  • Drinking, gambling and other assorted hedonism
  • Small talk. Jobs get boring, yeah?
  • Occasional antagonization (of others)


  • Those incapable of understanding subtly
  • Uninformed insolence
  • Goody Two-Shoes