X'shah Zinbhe

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X'shah Zinbhe
To light a candle is to cast a shadow.


» ————————— ————————— «


NICKNAMES... Firefly. Witch. Speaker. Mad Prophet. Muck-sprout. Dune Plague. Dune Rot. Xealot.

ORIENTATION... Heterosexual.

RACE... Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun.


GENDER... Female.

AGE... Early twenties.


HEIGHT... Five fulm even.

WEIGHT... One-fifty ponze.

EYES... Bright white.

CLOTHING... Well-loved.

BODY SHAPE... Heavily pear-shaped.


X'shah has always managed to remain just out of reach.

This miqo'te thrives on one talent at the fore of all else—the ability to convince those who interact with her that they understand a great deal about her—while never revealing her true motives. This aspect of her personality has proven a double-edged sword: earning her the intrigue and ire of those she encounters and interacts with.

Words chosen with great deliberation and a guarded demeanor cannot hide all, however. With a mere brush of her presence it is easy to perceive her as a tightly-wound coil unwilling to part with trust, riddled with double-standards and opposing personality traits that actively work against her and her goals.

She is a meddler, yet solitary. Insecure, yet imperious. Naïve, yet bright. A veritable dynamo of youth without the wisdom to channel her energies into productivity.


X'shah has the wild look of a predator who chases its prey for sport rather than the meat. Like the tombs of the sands of which she occupies—X'shah was once brilliantly bedazzling—now she exists outwardly as a specter of her former self due to the ravages of trials and tribulations of being alone in the dunes.

Her height and the cast of her physical structure is unimposing; X'shah being pear-shaped with excessively broad hips and massively thick thighs. Where she was once a toned huntress before her tenure as priestess, the sweet meats of the city has significantly rounded her figure out.

Her windswept burgundy hair is coarse and massaged with a healthy sheen of oil. Both ears are blotched black, a tuft of ruff peaking each. Her skin is pockmarked from claw and fang of predators she has opposed for territory or dominance. Teeth-marks honeycomb her ears, one left completely ragged. Her stubby tail is bumped and crooked, even if bristling with shiny healthy hair. Most of her teeth have been knocked out in battle or skirmishes for territorial dominance. Each gap replaced with a golden replication or the fang of a beast slain in her former life as a huntress soldered into her jaw. These replacements are traditional among her sept-folk and make for a terrifying grin, indeed.

Swathes of scarification and semi-permanent henna score her flesh: honoring her role as Speaker of Azeyma, daughter, grand-daughter, and desert Lynx. Not even her face has remained unscathed from ritual scribe: two gouges were cut and healed over long ago into her cheeks; three lines of bumps dot her chin; her forehead sports a design of raised welts masterfully branded at an early age to signify sept devotion.


Books: In the solitude of the desert Belah'dian tombs, books were and continue to be her one true companion.
Sweets: A relatively new staple to her diet, she has discovered sugary sweets of the city-states with the unfortunate side effect of her form softening.
Solitude: Be as it may her assignment is to establish a shrine in the Goblet, she still takes lengthy sabbaticals into the dunes to unwind.


Womanizers: She considers herself neither a conquest nor notch under the belt, and will rarely entertain a fellow who categorizes women as "those he has slept with" and "those who he has not" long.
Sub-tribals/New tribes:While her duties declare that she comport herself with basic cordiality in the presence of all citizens of Eorzea, X'shah will not bless nor abide those arrogant enough to claim status as sub-tribe or newly established tribe without properly proving themselves.
Personal Space Invasion: X'shah is strict when it comes to her personal bubble. Few are allowed to linger over the threshold.
Seeker/Keeper Half-Breeds: This needs no elaboration.


Inferiority Superiority Complex: X'shah masks her crippled self-esteem with a loud bark and far more scathing bite.
Body Language Spectacular: Fifty percent of her communication is done through body language.
Purple Prose X'shah spent years poring over ancient tomb scripts. With a library as her personal companion for so long, lacking practice, she tends to apply the prose from her previous everyday solitude to conversation.

Color Key
In A Relationship: Name is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Name is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Name is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Name considers this person family.
Friend: Name considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Name considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Name has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Name doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Name consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Name is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Name consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Name.
Business: This character is either an Name's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Name isn't fully aware of it yet.


X'vienne ( ) ( NPC ) - The Light.
X'shah's vaunted mother. Once a priestess of her sept, she did not survive the purge. Perhaps the only reason that X'shah is alive presently, she harbors a obsession with her mother that borderlines unhealthy. She strives to the point of self-flagellation to emulate the success and ethereal grace of Vivienne yet falls devastatingly short, a problem that often cripples X'shah self-esteem. She has yet to realize she is her mother's daughter ... and not her mother.
X'zinbhe Nunh ( ) ( NPC ) - The Dark.
X'zinbhe was a proud, accomplished warrior of her sept and an excellent provider to his children. They were never left wanting—except one—X'shah. Her childhood was a difficult one, X'shah prone to childish tantrums, anything to snag the attention of her emotionally inattentive nunh-father.
X'rhenzek Nunh ( ) ( NPC ) - The Scourge.
X'rhenzek knew that strength was the rule of law. He used it to his advantage, initiating the purge. This is a name best not spoken in her presence.
Master Gegeruju ( ) ( NPC ) - The Whip.
Gegeruju's patronage after X'shah was ousted as a frail youth after the purge is the sole reason that X'shah knows how to read or lift a spoon. Although she only ever spoke a handful of words to the Lord of Costa del Sol in her stay, she remembers the valuable lessons learned under his sponsorship, even if she did prove to be a terrible investment.


X'kriss Tia ( ) - The Green-eyed Li'l Monster.
X'kriss is X'shah's only surviving sibling. She hasn't a clue. The pair may not have shared a father but they shared a womb, along with countless childhood memories fraught with mischief due to their antics when paired together for playtime.
X'kataya Razinh ( ) - The Sweetest Flower.
X'kataya was a playmate of X'shah growing up. X'shah proved to be the other girl's protector and mentor. The socially inept, inbred, yet sweet Kataya was hand-picked by X'shah when the time came to select her attendants as priestess.
X'heshek Vizinh ( ) - The Wildcard.
'Heshy' as she's well-known is a playmate from her youth and gorgeous blondie with a terrible secret, one that X'shah has only recent come to discover. Be as it may, she too like Kataya was hand-selected as an attendant and X'shah still at full thrusts makes a valiant attempt to pick up the pieces of their shattered relationship.
X'yr Ero ( ) - That Which Could Have Been.
X'shah has not laid eyes upon X'yr since they were playmates still suckling at the teat. Their proud parents arranged the pair as a perfect match until the purge. She has not seen her intended coupling partner since.
J'tehn Tia ( ) - The Gamble.
X'shah & J'tehn's tumultuous attraction began on the balcony of the Quicksand. The emerald-eyed freckled gunslinger possessed an almost supernatural power to destroy her well-constructed walls of resistance but with a crack-toothed grin or charming word, pulling her between aggression and tenderness that still proves even now frightening in its success. It took moons for the Jackal to convince her of his honest affections and capable resources to be a father, resulting in the decision of the Lynx to make an attempt at a child. Her decision to couple with the domesticated city-slicker is so incredibly controversial it still causes a stir among her sept-mates to this day.


Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Oh, y'mean Shee-shararara or however y'say it? She's always honest wit' her barterin'. Gives me th'spooks, like starin' into the eyes of a demon, but she sticks to her shrine most of the time and that's all right with me." - Jeren, merchant of Ul'dah.

"The priestess came to us when no one else would. She remained by the side of my mate, without rest, for the whole of the night and well into the next sun. Her dedicated midwifery saw my son into our arms. I don't know if she is a demon o-or something else, but I will never forget her dedication." - T'bneb, proud father of a kit.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"'at's th'mad prophet, right there. I wonder if'n it's worth me neck t'bed her, she'd probably slit m'throat after but at least I'd die 'appy! Heh." - X'shiri Tia, warrior.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Such a disappointment as a student, that X'shah." - Madam Kululu, Costa del Sol tutor.


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
"She has ghostly eyes and a terrible stare that bores right into you. Just like those dune specters I encountered once. She must be of their lot. Steer clear, they are as deadly as they are mad." - U'unbu Tia, hunter of the sands.


Personal RP Limits
I will role-play mature themes and include adult or dark subject matter.
I will not role-play with underage characters or players. I will not join Linkshells/Free Companies/role-play groups that allow underage characters/players in them. I will not role-play rape.


Yes, hello. I've been role-playing for twenty-two years and it's by far my favorite hobby.

I am a dynamite southern-raised gal currently living as a recluse in the desert. For the most part, I'd like to think I've created myself a nice little life of solitude and peace. A touch jaded — I've seen and heard it all — so I tend to turn to dark, filthy, or shocking humor to make it through this grind we call life. You now know what to expect. I just can't take anything seriously.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits and relationship color keys by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music and OOC note by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist by D'lyhhia Lhuil.

X'shah's shrine is easy to find by word-of-mouth and her status as Speaker is well-known in Ul'dah by now.

X'shah was born among a group of families — a sept of Lynx — physically separated from her home tribe. These bright-eyed miqo'te wander the massive expanse of the southern Sagolii as a nomadic group that has pledged to thrive under the harshest of Azeyma's conditions. Little is known of what they have or hope to accomplish. What is known that they lead plain lives with little wealth, instead choosing to focus on their honing their as hunters and warriors. Territorial disputes with this sept is generally dreaded and seen as a small nuisance, considering the savagery displayed the painted warriors of the close-knit sept bordering on zealotry. Neighboring Sagolii tribes darkly whisper of their own hunters encountering her sept's women engaged in dark rituals and strange magic. Some of the blackest tales spread by the enemies of her sept swear that several of their own have wandered into the dunes at night bewitched by a member of her sept, lured by a strange hex or song, never to be seen again.