Valic Sunblood

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The creator of this page has requested help in building this page. Please provide assistance if you're able, but don't make any substantive edits to the page without asking their permission first.

I would love to remove the pink bar but leave the red if possible =S

Still under much work, won't fully be done until Stormblood.

Red sparkle.png

— Valic Sunblood —

"Knowledge is power and disciplines are many."

Birth name Valic Sunblood
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Gender Male
Age 28
Nameday Third Astral Moon, 6th Sun
Deity Azeyma
Marital Status Single
Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation Magic Philosopher


Valic tends to be the tallest of most miqo'te overall, his figure toned from his exercise in the military and through combat. He often is dawning red colors in tribute to his service to the Maelstrom as well as having fierce crimson eyes signature to his abilities in dealing with the red magic discipline. His hair is naturally a midnight blue color, often with a braid to tie back his hair and a single curl in front. Throughout his childhood it was naturally fluffy and long but when he retired from the maelstrom, he set out a more mature look.

Overall Valic is seen as a sexy, intrigued scholar of sorts. Wearing glasses when he has been days deep into study, only tucking them away when truly needed to keep them safe. The only flaw in his lightly tan toned skin is a mark over his glabella, gained from a sword sparring match with his rapier. His temples resemble that of regular miqo'te markings but developed later in his life rather than being there from birth.


Valic's years of study have left him with significant magical prowess. He has abilities in all conjury, thaumaturgy, and almost reaches low levels of white and black magic disciplines. While in the maelstrom he developed sword skills with a rapier, refining his own composure and technique. With this combination, he has a wide range of magical abilities and is swift on the battlefield with a sword in hand. His knowledge of arcane arts is limited but he does have some minor practice as well as research from fellow arcane users. With so much practice in aether manipulation, he has minor Echo abilities that have helped him in combat, such as foreseeing threats a second in advance.

Always inquisitive to the nature of aether and magic, Valic is consistently what you could call "a book worm". Never passing the chance to learn about a way aether can be manipulated, used against voidsent, or how it can benefit all of Eorzean kind. Overall is of a mature nature, kind to all but ambitious even in the face of death. Valic is often oblivious to flirtation and advances made toward him despite his defined sexy scholar appearance, often taking more interest in knowledge and learning even in clear sight. While he is blind to whimsical attraction, he is not unaware of the idea of love considering his parents history. Easily excited in learning something new but finds abuse of aether and nature distasteful. Valic is stoic to a degree but loves nature and everything relative to Hydaelyn's natural creation of the planet. Often times he can be found in random areas jotting down notes on his own private journal. Unlike miqo'te of natural descent, Valic is more reserved and quiet to himself unless you hit a subject he finds of great interest. If threatened, he can think on the spot with quick wit and can be sly when required.


All magical disciplines
Healthy foods, mostly fruit and brain food
Literature and knowledge
Aether manipulation in any form
Culture and history


Destruction and chaos
Taking advantage of Hydaelyn
Discussing his parents


Job/Class: Red Mage
Weakness: Over-Ambition
Favorite Color: Guess
Special Quirk: Can get chatty when intrigued


Valic's birth was the result of a love not bound by tribal law. His mother a Seeker of the Sun conjurer of the Twin Adder grand company, his father a Keeper of the Moon thaumaturge of the Immortal Flames grand company. Their love for one another was met on multiple battlefields, forbidden as it was by tribal law, they had still went together in secret any opportunity they could to spend time with one another. Eventually they bore a child that would not only be proof of their forbidden act together, but would also be of the worst possible timing. Both had been off duty for the longest of times, only mere days after Valic's birth, they were both called to duty once more. Unsure of what to do, they left Valic in the hands conjurer's guild owner in Gridania to attend their responsibilities. They had yet to come up with a name for one born of both seeker and keeper, so they left only a title that would make Valic's life simpler to the guild... "Sunblood". To be proven as heritage of just one tribe like a normal miqo'te, and not to be killed.

His parents were both called to the same task, of destroying the elder primal known as Odin found in the Black Shroud. A task that was no easy trial to overcome, they had fought anyways unaware of Odin's true potential. Odin raised his mighty blade to Valic's mother, only to be instantly interrupted and destroyed by an enormous flare attack produced by Valic's father. An ability forbidden for it's black magic nature, it incinerated his body in return for obliterating Odin and saving his lover. This in turn came at a price, Odin's power had tempered the father's soul. Taking it as a new body to posses as a new champion for Odin's grasp. The mother recognized the acts, and knew this would never end but with one attempt to free the father's soul. No average healing magic is ever shown to purify a tempered body, she instead gave up her life force entirely to severe the ties of Odin's possession, killing herself in the act but freeing the father of his bound soul. These acts, though foolish, had reduced Odin to just the sword it was until the day another fool attempted to pick it back up. Leaving the two lovers free to the lifestream together and Valic to be raised without his actual parents.


Eventually as little Sunblood had grown old enough to be told of his parents valor and courage in battle. The secret of the parents kept to the conjurer's guild owner to keep him safe. Sunblood chose his own name to carry on; "Valic Sunblood", to honor the valor they showed to protect each other using forbidden magic despite all odds and keep his true bloodline a secret. Valic had an interest in magic ever since, but never claimed it to be due to his parents. Just a natural interest in the manipulation of aether, from watching adventurers come to the guild to learn how to heal and protect others. At age 10 he had begun attending the guild, practicing conjury and studying it however he could through literature. By age 12 he had fully developed his skills and wanted to learn more despite this, eventually learning of the Padjali and the elementals power of "white magic". This discipline interested Valic so, but was with warning. Afterall how could a child told of his parent's deeds forget that a magic this powerful is forbidden for a reason. Despite this, Valic still had talked to as many as he could and read anything he could within the entire Gridanian nation to better understand the discipline known as white magic. By age 15, Valic accepted the rules and bindings of this forbidden art, aware that he would not be deemed worthy to attain it. He had only practiced his conjury to the farthest potential he could, eventually wondering of the other half of the magic disciplines.

Thinking of his father's deeds, Valic had gotten interest in learning of thaumaturgy and it's more forbidden disciplines. This lead to Valic setting off on a journey to Ul'dah, leaving behind his home and seeking out the thaumaturge guild. Once arrived, he spent years in training to learn of thaumaturgy and practice it. Of age 18, he questioned it's full potential as he did conjury, learning of the forbidden disciplines of "black magic". However unlike the other, this discipline was far more deadly and unforgiving, only leading Valic to studying it to better his control over his newly found thaumaturge abilities. Reading upon literature in the vast tomes of the guild, he had fully read the history of the Sixth Umbral Era war. The knowledge gained from the resulting catastrophes of the two disciplines, of "white and black" resulted in Valic's acceptance of his inability to use either. Not only for the harmful effects caused to Hydaelyn, but even that it is considered illegal of the lands to practice due to the detrimental effects to one's self... or even others. Despite accepting these circumstances, Valic continued to study as though there could be ways to use these for the benefit of Eorzean kind.




(easy to overhear)
"I wish he'd notice me..."
"Does he ever stop reading?"
"The hell do these ladies see in him... bet it's the ears."
"He does this thing with grapes..."


(moderately difficult to overhear)
"He was born in Gridania, why doesn't he ever go near the Shroud then?"
"I took a peek at his journal while he was writing, without being noticed...I couldn't read a blasted thing! The pages are FLOODED with writing and scribbles!"


(very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I could've sworn I heard a huge explosion, in North Thanalan, all I found was scorched land and a ton of empty elixir bottles..."
"He almost looks like he could be part Keeper of the Moon..."


(rumors from the characters of other players)
Feel free
To add one!
Within reason.



- None of the IC information in this article is to be used for RP interactions unless given permission to do so myself, not from just reading this article. Otherwise everything is strictly known/obtained through RP.

- I'm open to all walk-ups, all forms of RP, M and ERP within reason so long as story relevant so long as I have my RP status tag on.

- While Valic himself is proficient in conjury, thaumaturgy and etc, I don't actually have conjury leveled at all currently. I'm also not one to be the other classes outside his character given class as a red mage. Even if IC he isn't called a red mage, he's still considered one due to his vast magical use and skills with a rapier. This may come to change in Stormblood depending on how lore acceptable red mages are.


- Originally Siren

- Currently Balmung

Template Bancroft Gairn
Layout reference D'lyhhia Lhuil
Other fiddling Misik'a Rahsi