Y'avery Tryska

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Y'avery Tryksa

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(¯`·._.Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ That which yields is not always weak. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ._.·´¯)

- Jacqueline Carey


GENDER : Female

NAMES : Y'Avery. Red.

RACE : Miqo’te - Seeker of the Sun

NAMEDAY : 23rd Sun of the 4th Astral Moon

HEIGHT/WEIGHT : 5'/ Never ask a girl that!

» ————————— ›☼‹ ————————— «

PATRON DEITY : Nophica, the Matron but more so fate.

GRAND COMPANY : Order of the Twin Adder


FREE COMPANY : Heartwood Ventures

OCCUPATION : Adventurer

ALIGNMENT : Lawful good


Devoted and loyal, Y'avery seeks opportunities to genuinely connect with others on either a work or personal level. She enjoys sharing meaningful moments in conversation as well as remembering special life events (i.e., birthdays and anniversaries). Whatever or whomever she connects with is her sole (and soul) focus, with as much quality as she can. She loves to serve and will give freely of herself in order to nurture other's lives. She can, at times, appear to be innocent, unassuming, and shy; but we all know that appearances can lie. She is an observer and when the right time strikes, she can catch others off guard by something she says or does. She is motivated by intimacy and the desire to be appreciated or understood, at times no awareness of personal space in all of her curiousness. She has the distinct preferences and occasionally hints at controlling (but always fair to consider the other) in her confident personality. Her code of ethics is remarkably strong and there is an expectation that others live honest, committed lives as well. She is very dependable, thoughtful, and can also be self-righteous, a bit worry-prone in overthinking, openly blunt, and too emotionally intense for some. She is much like a sainted pit-bull who never lets go of something once they are committed. Yet, on the same hand, when passion disappears and consistent let downs come - she disappears too. For to her, it is better to leave than to see your love ones restrained. When one deals with such a person as her, it is best to be sincere and make an effort to truly understand them, communicate, and appreciate all they do for you. (See more about this below.)


¦ Like. Color: ice/clear blue, hunter green
¦ Like. Sweets, Chocolate, Frosting
¦ Like. Milk, Tea
¦ Like. Fish, Stews
¦ Like. Music
¦ Like. Reading
¦ Like. Cooler temps
¦ Like. Rain/Storms
¦ Like. Swimming/hot tubs


¦ Dislike. Feeling helpless
¦ Dislike. Egos/Arrogance
¦ Dislike. Disrespect
¦ Dislike. Broken Promises
¦ Dislike. Hot weather
¦ Dislike. Spiders
¦ Dislike. Smoke smell
¦ Dislike. Yelling and loud noises
¦ Dislike. Overly hype or giddy people
¦ Dislike. People who condescend or talk down


¦ Hobbies. Gardening, Herbs
¦ Hobbies. Fishing
¦ Hobbies. Cooking
¦ Hobbies. Sewing
¦ Hobbies. Reading
¦ Hobbies. Decorating houses
¦ Hobbies. Providing/Giving/Other's happiness


¦ Strength. Loyal
¦ Strength. Dependable
¦ Strength. Realistic/modest(Tries to keep a level head)


¦ Weakness. Clothing
¦ Weakness. Books/Libraries
¦ Weakness. Miqo'te ear wiggles in joy!
¦ Weakness. A bare chest (Male or female on Miqo'te or Hyur)
¦ Weakness. Philosophical subjects


¦ Quirk. Tidy, neat, and organized
¦ Quirk. Overthinks, need reassured
¦ Quirk. Pushy to offer help
¦ Quirk. Absent-minded


( Just an outline, have to leave something for in game RolePlay :) )

Current outline:
- Y'avery is the first born of the first wife within the tribe she grew up in, thus educated and cared well for.
- Y'avery is a Seeker, but has a pair of small fangs. As far as she is aware, she is not a half breed. So this tends to be a touchy subject for her.
- Y’avery was meant to be used as a bargaining chip, in a game she never agreed to play.
- Y'avery, at some point, left her tribe due to something drastic that happened which may have lead to the death of her mother.
- Whatever happened, Y'avery has a bit of a trust fund she lives off of around the odd jobs she takes to replace money as she uses it.


An adventurer, Y’avery takes odd jobs to pay for her basic needs until she finds what she truly wants out of life. She has recently joined up with a company that takes up odd delivery jobs. She is rather curious in her exploring and enjoys meeting many different people along the way, keeping open minded to most. In fact making new friends and helping them out seems to have become a hobby for her. These experiences are things she is very thankful for and enjoys passing on the things she learns to others. She would certainly be open to crossing paths with a mentor of sorts to pick up any skills from weapons, to trades, or even spell weaving. She currently works well with herbs, sewing, light medical care and book keeping. In other words, she has been educated somewhere in her life.

Y'avery feeds off of whom she is with. A bit of an empath in the sense that she picks up on the mood of others greatly (more on this below). A heavy upper hand or an overly dominate personality may cause her to become meek, stand-offish or submissive. It is very rare for her to take the upper hand unless to motivate another, though once comfortable with someone she certainly would from time to time. She is mostly modest and certainly more so in public but very welcoming or friendly at times. There is a great deal of things she is open to, but she is not one to be openly promiscuous. She is very loyal to promises and takes them seriously. However, there are some she becomes touchy feely with and personal space is out of the question in all of her curious nature. This does not mean, in any way, that she’d jump in bed with anyone right away. One may find her openly eyeing and sneaking curious looks at Miqo'te or Hyur of both genders that she finds interesting or attractive. (She may be just checking out their clothing as well!) As part of who she is, she tends to carry a very fresh and welcoming scent as well. A lavender, baby powder sort of smell, that is meant to sooth and calm others.

More on being an Empath:

She is often accused of being too emotional or sensitive, feeling both positive and negative things very deeply. She can be easily distracted and tend to lose focus simply noticing all the little things around her that most do not. She is very much in touch with emotions from both herself and from another, there for all it takes is a simple glance to know that someone is lying to her. Most do not realize this but she can feel it out of every aspect of them.

It's very hard for her to 'unfeel' something and certainly something upsetting. The force of energies, certainly more so in crowds, is absorbed and can be exhausting at times. She enjoys making new friends and being included, being excluded upsets her, but there are some times she cannot wait to leave if it gets too overwhelming. She absorbs so much from others, she doesn’t get to just deal with her own emotional but with everyone's.

She is very honest and can be overly honest for some, experiencing what others are going through. She enjoys to what is best for you and your wellbeing, caring deeply for those who are troubled. However, it is very taxing and can even be more hurtful when the person gets back on their feet and leaves her behind. Often, depending on how close the person is to them in their connection, such things as illness, depression or agitation can be felt as if she has the same symptoms.

There are many who find it easy to speak to her and speak freely, tell her anything and everything about your life, she will listen. She will take that journey with you and experience all the highs and lows contained within. Though some may feel judged by doing so, she is only there to help, not hurt. If she gives advice it is best to listen in return or at least take what she gives to heart. She is often told, 'You were right.' well after the person does not take her advice and it hurts her deeply that another made this mistake.

Those who are in love with their reflections, money or ego tend to drain her a great deal more than others. She will often avoid them due to this. But it’s not just these things, certain textures, fabrics, bright lights and loud noises can really get to her. On the other end soft sounds, gentle caresses, and delicate tastes she highly notices, but in a pleasant way.


“ People come and go out of my life so often so quickly. I can only hope that I helped them on their journey forward in some small way. ”

“ Curiosity killed the cat? What can I say, its complicated I can’t explain it, I just know and it’s how I am. “

“ If you pick that flower, I’m going to watch you plant one in its place. “

“ I don’t drink much, I’ve helped too many out of the cup. “

When someone approaches Y’avery, “ Ahh, you don’t happen to have a woman that’s going to jump out of the bushes at me, do you? Seems the theme this month any time someone openly flirts with me. “


Below are a list of those whom Y'avery finds within her circle. These may be those from family members, romantic attractions, friends, acquaintances, and/or business dealings.

Conrad Godsbane - IC Aquaintance/Business
What a lovely soul. This man was kind enough to show Y'avery around and then take her fishing. Though not a line was tossed, they ended up talking for hours on end. There are just some you connect in that moment with good conversation. Though she hasn't crossed paths with him much more after that day, she still has great respect for this man. She ended up joining his company several weeks after and meeting the rest of his family.

E’kari Sol - IC Acquaintance/Business
Exploring the docks of the Lavendar Beds, Y’avery was with a small group of friends and came a crossed this woman. She was in desperate need to assistance with a rather large shipment of crates. Along with her friends, Y’avery helped to move all the crates to the company house. Oddly enough, this ended up being Conrad’s Company. The woman soon explained to the group that this shipment was supplies to help aid some sick and she also needed help to mix the potions. Y’avery, having skills with herbs, was glad to help – though found herself working with chunks of crystals. She had no idea how to work with them and the potion, although it ended up working for the purpose it was meant to be for, affected Y’avery a bit too much. She ended up having extreme amounts of energy for a few days and an overly flirtatious blunt tongue. The others within the group were not so lucky with how their potions worked out.

W'xifo Tia - IC Friend/Past romance
In a rather busy crowd, Y'avery broke her bracelet and fumbled for the pieces between the foot falls of traffic. W'xifo was kind enough to help her and fix the bracelet for her. For a short time after the two crossed paths several times. The male is rather kind and considerate of her wellbeing which finds a special place in their friendship. In an accidental potion experiment, she ended up going beyond flirting with him and yet he was aware she was not her self. He kept her company through the night, but refused any advances until the affects wore off of her. Though their paths have gone different directions after he left the company and they have not crossed in some time. For reasons of her own, Y'avery is accepting of this.

Khora Velaceras - IC Friend/(OOC close friend)
Y'avery, at first referred to this male as Mr. Grumpy pants. He always had his arms crossed and gave her leveled looks, not giving into her playful banter. After he explained being out of work and hungry, out of the kindness of her heart she fed him and snuck some gil into a travel pack of food for him. Though along with two others, G’khora had joined Y’avery in adventure night. One such night ended up crossing paths with Heartwood’s Company and working for the Company together. Over time, the two have become more comfortable with each other and he is now a closely trusted friend.

Emrys Bennett - IC Friend/Mentor/Romantically involved
Y’avery met this man at a single’s event; she had sensed something was amiss with the man when she instantly entered the room. On a whim she approached him to comfort him, evidently he was upset with a friend. She quickly found conversation was easy with him throughout the night and enjoyed his company greatly. Two days later the pair crossed paths in Limsa Lominsa when Y'avery was waiting for a shipment of fish and since the order was going to take a bit, Emrys agreed to take her on a tour of the surrounding areas with his companion- a ruby colored carbuncle. The creature was very curious of her and she did not wish to push herself on it to scare it away, so she left it be thinking she would become friends with it later. Emrys showed her a spot near a waterfall that will forever be a place of wonder for her and she plans on visiting it many times over now. Though the next place he took her that evening sparked even more than she’d ever dreamed, at first she was worried about her safety but Emrys assured her she’d be safe with him. As she became comfortable with this man and enjoyed the all too easy conversation within his company he agreed to help teach her what he knew of crystals. These crystal objects suddenly became her interest, a perk of purpose that she wanted to pursue. Thus, Y’avery set herself on a path of researching to help her for fill this sudden interest that was perked that night. Since then, both Emrys and Aodh have become a very important part of her life as the three find themselves on several outings. After sorting through a bit of mixed emotions and a lot of communication over a couple of cups of tea, Emrys promised to be faithful to Avery to see where their path may lead them together. The two are currently dating.

Elizabeth Parsons - IC Aquaintance/OoC Friend from another game
A woman whom makes her gil selling fish she catches. Y'avery, having a love for fish, is certainly one of her clients to purchase whatever can be caught from the sea waters. Of course, Y'avery ends up offering to cook these fish for her friends. It's been some time since she has crossed paths with the woman.

Razilius Azarthi - OoC in-game Friend
A very kind hearted person that loves to help and can be found with the mentor flag a lot. As a new player, I was so lost in learning the game and he took the time to explain things to me in a respectful manner. Kudos to him for helping out a newbie!

Dromaius - NPC/Chocobo
A bit moody and very protective of Y'avery, but he has a place in her heart as much as family member. She takes very good care of him.



Personal notes from Y'avery's player on Role Play limits and style:

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read over this. It will certainly be an on going work in progress. I am a long time Warcraft player who's friend got FF for me for Christmas '16. I am new but quickly learning! If there are any questions, concerns, suggestions on my character please feel free to contact me in game on the Balmung server. Feel free to whisper me out of character.

At times, I step afk and I may miss your whisper! If I do not respond, I am sorry :( I love walk ups and I very much enjoy making new friends. I tend to do a lot of walk up role play in cities and out of them, random is an awesome way to make new friends. At times I like to sit in high traffic areas while I am doing art work, so that might take me a bit to respond as well. I love to use long emotes and sort of go quiet sometimes in crowds that use 'say' or one liners a lot in attempt to keep up. In fact, sometimes I miss ‘says’ and only read emotes, give me a poke if I do not respond. I do enjoy doing quests or dungeon runs with my friends and in the past I’ve also raided and pvped, though being new to this game I may not get into those aspects yet.

My character is very friendly and welcoming at times, if not touchy feely, it doesn't mean she will bed just anyone right away. I am not an active ERPer, but I do follow storyline and what comes at my character. So, such things may be Rped out later down the line if it fits the story line. I may get a bit flirty out of character with those I become comfortable with over time, but it does not mean I want to go beyond anything in game.

Please keep in mind that this information on this page should not to be used ICly unless approved by myself. Any attempts to use this information in character to metagame without my approval will be ignored or if the need arises, blacklisted. Please ask before you make choices for my character or actions performed on my character and communicate with me so we can be on the same page. Please do not emote for me or use forced actions without expecting me to adjust actions in my own emotes of how my character would act.

Have a Super Wonderful day!

Template adapted from N'hadiya Khei, originally adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by V'saj Tia/Rand Stormchaser/Player of this page.