Khora Velaceras
♦ General
Born of the G Tribe, Khora originally held the name G'khora Tia before growing disinterested with his tribe's ways of life. Seeking a more fulfilling life, Khora left his tribe and stripped his name of tribal honorifics while at the age of twenty-one. Two years did he spend travelling about Eorzea, using his musical talents to entertain guests at any inns or venues which would offer him lodging and food. Recently. Khora was found employment with Heartwood Ventures and has taken to learning the ways of Thaumaturgy - finding the first steps in the fulfillment which he dreamed of.
♦ Appearance
A tan and youthful looking fellow, Khora maintains himself well. His hair and face remain well kempt and neat, blemished only by a single nick scar on his left cheek. Due to his youthful appearance, Khora can often be found wearing a bandanna over his left eye - a product of of Thaumaturge training and an effort to make him looking more mature.
The Seeker carries an average frame, standing at approximately 5.58 fulms. Though not a large and muscular one by any means, he does make an effort to take care of himself, keeping to a light routine which helps him sport a more toned, runner's build.
Rarely will one find Khora donning an outfit not of the color blue, or same shade of it. Because of this, some having taken to giving him the nickname "Blue" or even go into shock when they see out of his typical aesthetic.
♦ Behaviour
Khora tends to maintain a more reserved personality. When surrounded by strangers, the Seeker will more often keep to himself and will hardly ever break the ice. However once conversation has begun, Khora will conduct himself in a calm and friendly manner unless given reason to act otherwise. When among friends and familiar faces, he will usually find the comfort to act more naturally and let the more playful and lighthearted side of him shine.
Despite having spent two years travelling and playing music, Khora will nowadays rarely perform in front of people. Only close friends or concealed eavesdroppers are given the opportunity to hear him brandish one of the several instruments in his collection.
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♦ Footnotes
Neutral Good
Theme song:
Secondhand by Arrows In Action
Three Night Stand by Arrows In Action
Stupid For You by Waterparks
It Follows by Waterparks
OOC Notes:
I have been Roleplaying at various levels for a little over seven years now, starting over in World of Warcraft.
I am usually open to most kinds of RP provided that it is agreed upon among all parties.
While I tend to prefer a paragraph style of emoting, I will usually attempt to mirror whom ever it is that I am with.
New friends are always welcomed!