Anthony Vieri

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Ishgard.jpg Anthony de Vieri
Baron, Lord, Chairman, former Member of Parliament
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Ishgard
Age 27
Relationship Status Single



Anthony is the head of the House de Vieri, the chairman of the Eastland Company and a strong proponent of Ishgard's new Republican government. His fortunes greatly benefited from the opening of Ishgard's borders. Anthony is charming and young with ambitions to match. After his abrupt resignation from Parliament and formation of Eastland Trading Company came as a surprise to many. Ishgard's political animal had re-entered the world of business without notice. opefully, the expansion of the Eastland Company will help furnish him with the means to attain his goals. Hopefully, the expansion of the Eastland Company will help furnish him with the means to attain his goals, whatever they may be.


Anthony is the epitome of an "Ishgardian noble" in every way. He carries sharp features that are common among his people, with an angular chin and high cheekbones. His skin is fair and without marring, a testament of his upbringing and activities. Quick to smile and laugh, his face is often one of a jovial nature despite his station. His dark brown hair is cropped close to his head - but not too closely, taken care of with the vigilance of one who cared about their features. Such an accusation would not come falsely to the Baron de Vieri -- all six and a half feet of him were finely adorned. Whether in expensive silks or, more commonly, armor, he was dressed to match his station. Trained in classical methods and magical, Anthony is hard-pressed to be found without a rapier gracing his hip. Despite his status he seems clearly comfortable bearing arms, attesting to an upkeep of both physical and mental prowess.


Anthony is best described as ambitious, carrying within him a fierce drive and staggering amount of dedication to causes. He's charismatic and gregarious, with a legitimate interest in other people that often leads to him being considered friendly. Despite the rarity of both kindness and ambition pairing together, Anthony is often quick to see the best of people, and trust until proven unable to do so. It wasn't the House he was from, nor the Company he represented that left an impression when someone walked away from a meeting with him. It was the raw emotion he contained; the charm and force of personality that made up Lord Anthony Vieri.



  • Critical Thinking: Anthony considers himself to be quite the adept political mind, making plans for the future and coordinating his business ventures to aid him in his own advancement.
  • Wit and Charm: A brilliant political mind is nothing without the charisma, wit and charm to help persuade others to listen to you. Luckily, Anthony has more than enough of these qualities to suffice.
  • Interpersonal Skills: He's a well-born, ambitious young man who aims to move up in the world, via any means necessary. In order to do so, he has to be social and make friends with everyone. It helps that he enjoys it, seemingly content no matter what company he finds himself in.


  • Heart of Gold: Anthony is easily taken advantage of for his willingness to go the extra mile to help people. He puts people and their needs ahead of profits and his own desires, more often than not.
  • Cold Steel: Despite classical training, Anthony is inexperienced when it comes to the arts of personal combat. Should anyone wish ill upon him, he's especially vulnerable to those quick to draw steel.
  • Higher Birth: Even though he is an outwardly kind soul, Anthony can be condescending toward those he views as inferior.


  • Writing: Classically educated, Anthony is prone to composing literature and poetry when he has spare time.
  • Mathematics: With the running of a business comes the mastery of numbers and accounting beyond the usual.



  • Aronaux Farendaire: Cousin.
  • Judiel Farendare: Cousin.
  • Lihana Vieri: Sister


  • Nanashi Adachi: Special Othardian Advisor to Eastland Company
  • Sain Hagane: An associate of Nanashi Adachi, covert operative.
  • Ceanarian Valnoren: Knight-Captain of Eastland Company


House Haurtelle

  • Lothemont Haurtelle is suspected of killing, or orchestrating the killings, of several Vieri retainers and family members over the past twenty years. There is no clear evidence, but there is an ever on-going investigation being carried out quietly by the House de Vieri.



This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea