Ashta Sinclair

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Ishgard.jpg Ashta Sinclair
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ishgard
Age Mid to late 20s
Namesday 13th Sun of the Second Umbral Moon
Sexuality Pansexual
Maritial Status Dating, Formally Married (Annulled)

♦ Appearance


A woman of sensible high profile, an air of grace and poise of a Lady around her.

Formerly her hair was smooth as silk, holding a light wave in the deepest of ebony. Those ebony locks graced with silver-white strands that would cause most to second guess if snow was caught in each bit of hair. On some occasions, she wears her hair down, gracing past her shoulders. Sweeping along her hips even. However, with recent events, those long waving locks barely pass her shoulders. While she is still coming to terms for the lack of her past style, Ashta feels as if this was a welcomed changed. One she is rather content and happy. With it's layered form, she would occasionally pull it back into a half tail or a headband to keep the loose hairs from her face.

Bright lavender amethyst mix made her eye color. Her eyes often cause issues and rumors to spring forth. As her Father does not share any of her features – eyes as bright as emeralds and hair a fair blonde. Yet this had never held her down, telling many she received most of her features from her late mother. Standing at 5'3”, the woman's body wasn't the perfect ten, yet she was vain enough to believe such. While she had long legs, her torso was rather short compared to others. Narrow hips curving just right to compliment the less then average waistline, moving up along decently sized chest. One in which she tends to try to hid under baggy clothing or binding them down to not be in the way.

Moving with a sense of grace, the woman always wore robes and dresses of some kind, always a mix of warm colors, purples, and reds. Yet, times seemed to have changed, her attire has changed with it. Still rather fond of dressing up, her clothing has seem to changed to something of pants and a top.

The closer you get to her, there was a light lingering smell of any of the following: Earthy scents, Peach Blossom, Rolandberries, Lavender and Vanilla.

♦ Behavior

Prim, proper, relax, and terrible at small talk. Some of the simple ways to describe this woman. Others would assume she was a complete proper Lady, however, when something catches her interest Ashta would typically forget herself, with an additional yet subtle cringe – as if expected to feel the sting of a switch (a ruler or otherwise). Often, she would be seen gently rubbing the back of her hands should she forget herself and all the years of how to be a proper lady drilled into her behavior. Remaining quiet unless spoken too in most cases, Ashta tends to not follow this and engage into talk with others.

When she is comfortable around someone, small talk would come easy to her. In fact, she has a small playful side that the Lady would sneak in a few subtle jests on subjects they would be talking of. Not very often she would even a few subtle flirtatious comments. Rather laid back for someone who grew up as a Bastard child.

When something peaks her interest, Ashta would spend a moment of time on the subject. Asking questions, thinking back to her studies. While not admitting it, she is very interested in the medical studies, it is just her squeamish nature that would prevent her from ever doing anything in that field.

Due to her Noble background, she is watchful. Having a knack of reading peoples actions and emotions. At times, she is able to read some situations. Something she has able to use in real world situations.



Description: Passive, mostly, Ashta would fight tooth and nail where it counts. In most recent "combat" related conflict, the Lady ended up breaking her leg, yet she prevented any serious and lasting damage to her self.

In her own time, she has been practicing the usage of magic. Never has it be applied to combat situations, however.

Recently, with the watchful eye of Nicholas, she has been using her past fencing training and mixing of magic to one day be useful in the future.

★ Recent Notable RP events ★

► Welcomed her "brother" home to Ishgard. Stressing heavily for his Trial by Combat. Often sending him things from home to remind him of such and that his family misses him dearly.

► Being rather rude and forgetful of her own teachings. Her first encounter with Nicholas Graveshire started out rough. In the end, the two bonded over cats, gambling, and teachings. A rather promising event that may pave a way to ether a wonderful friendship or a teacher and student relationship.

► Married to an Ishgardian Lord, Ashta and the Lord's marriage was quickly annulled. In the conflict in which brought the heretic information to light, Ashta suffered from a minor broken leg and a few bruises.

► Arthur Sinclair returning to Ishgard officially as he passed his Trial.

► Taking a small Holiday from Ishgard, her lessons with Nicholas began. Many days and nights later, the two had a bond that was heavily there yet one was afraid and the other disliked commitment.


► As Ashta returned home to Ishgard she encountered issues with her Lord Father. Going to meet with a suitor that had the intention to assassinate her. Unknowing to Ashta herself, she admitted any feelings she held over linkpearl. Bleeding out with a terribly dull and serrated blade to the lower abdomen. The large amount of damage cause the noble woman to not only nearly die... but caused lasting damage to any future family development.

► Nicholas sat her down and asked Ashta what the hells she was doing. For the longest time, she didn't know. Yet with the motivation between Nicholas and newly acquainted friends, Ashta would no longer return to Ishgard... more importantly, her Lord Father.

► Ashta meet with Kurame officially, knowing she and Nicholas also shared a similar relationship as Ashta and Nicholas shared. While Nicholas was away Ashta and Kurame became rather close. Emotions developed and interest became new to Ashta. Discovering herself further than just a Noble pawn. Kurame jokingly, yet seriously, swore to Ashta after Ashta mentioned she was technically still one of Noble birth.

► Kurame, Nicholas, and Ashta sat down to officially lay the foundation of their relationship as well as to remind Kurame that they will help her fight in Doma. Ashta reminded Kurame of her oath and told her that she wasn't allowed to die.


■ Cats
■ Gambling
■ Traveling
■ Fuzzy Blankets
■ Fire/Warmth
■ Fair Weather
■ Plushies
■ Gardening
■ Music
■ Books


■ Being constantly cold
■ Future being decided for her
■ Dragons
■ Her "father"
■ Thunderstorms
■ Dolls


  • Exploring
  • Reading
  • Aetheric Sensitivity
  • Exceptional needle work (embroidery)
  • Semi exceptional tailor/seamstress
  • Fencing
  • Gardening
  • Baking
  • (Attempting)Loose Leaf Tea creations
  • (Attempting)Bathing Crafts - lotions, soaps, etc.


  • Desserts
  • Spicy Foods
  • Warm weather
  • Clear starry nights
  • Good company
  • Cats
  • Relaxing and Lazy Days

♦ Related Images


💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing


Nicholas Graveshire: 💗 💑 Someone she met at first in Ishgard, she feels rather decent in her standings to him. The man has perks her interest. The occasional shanty over the link pearl seems to brighten up her day, keep her from worry or working to hard. After further interactions with Nicholas, emotions and feelings developed over time. It wasn't until recent that that he came to her, opening speaking to her that he does return her feelings.

Kurame Kurasaki: 💗 💑 When Nicholas was away the two became close. At first, Ashta figured out quickly that Nicholas and the Samurai shared a similar interest and relationship. Once Ashta told Kurame that she wasn't jealous or angry at the two, their own relationship blossomed. A learning experience about her own self and a blossoming polygamous relationship in the wake.

Arthur Sinclair: "Brother", friend, someone she would share any concern with. Younger than her, he has the rights to take over the house because he is the true heir and only male offspring of their father. Ashta would do anything to make Arthur happy. Even if it is to cause him to hate her.

Cevilia Auberlaint: Trustful friend, maid, and body guard. Cevilia has been at her side since she was a young girl. Dedicated and loyal. Very talented with a lance and gathering information for the Lady.

Javert Delacroix : The two made quick friends after Ashta received some point blank information. Both Javert and Ashta shared a few drinks and an interesting assortment of conversations.


Canis "Crow" Praestis : The two only meet once and for a short time. Crow has her curious on his relationship with Kurame. Showing as he acts very much fatherly to Kurame and her sister. Even at the short interactions, she was rather jealous that the two has a fatherly figure that cares about them.

Hiina Kurasaki : Even with Hiina's hate to Nicholas, Hiina seems to tolerate Ashta. Ashta is rather relieved that Hiina doesn't seem to dislike her but rather welcoming. At least this is what Ashta feels with how Hiina reacted. Ashta respects Hiina and has tried to lift her spirits.

Yoshiro Ametsuchi: One of the many Domans she has the pleasure to know, unfortunately Ashta seems to always mess up his name. Acting as a messenger to acquire aid from her fellow brethren in the North, the two had a small heart to heart to where Yoshiro knows that if he or Hiina need any help with anything that they can come to her.

J'abodji Naweh : Also known as Abby. Ashta met this crazy gun toting miqo'te on the day when out rescuing Hiina. The love for explosives and a spitfire personality prompts Ashta not to get on her bad side. Besides this, the Ishgardian Noble finds an interest in the Miqo'te. Perhaps a friendship in the future.

Solemn Olive: Only known to Ashta as Olive, the two seem to have good standing with one another. Meeting only a handful of time what really had to close in any way was a small bonding over a handsome Chocobo Olive adopted and raised.

Solid Sequoia: One of the first few in a long list of people met when coming to Ul'dah, a skilled fighter and leader. (WiP)

Rhel Lyehga: Supposed Daughter of her lover Nicholas Graveshire. Ashta is still making efforts to get to know the Keeper Miqo'te more and more. Extension of family whether blood related or not. Very skilled with a Bow from what she has seen.

Yven Drachen: Ashta doesn't know much about him other than he knows Yoshiro and he is a very skilled swordsmen.

Lana Sommer: While meeting with another in Ishgard, this woman was with them. A Healer in aid to the efforts to save Hiina.

Ser Alaister de Vaillant: Ishgardian Knight who she had a vague knowledge of the house he is from. (WiP)

Enemies & Rivals


► Ashta is not the Bastard Child of Lord Sinclair but a ward/adopted to the family.

► She is a witch that framed her intended for being a heretic.

♦ Footnotes

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Lawful Evil She seems to balance between the two. Nothing official.

Theme song: