Vandred Kierstaad

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Kyokuho Iteya

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Appearance & Personality

Glass-lips.png Appearance & Personality
Generally clean and well kept, Kyo will go the distance to add beauty where there wasn't any before. In his eyes, beauty is simplicity; it's the care taken when ironing a crease or the perfection of a simple line of flowers in the garden. He rarely presents as disheveled or out of sorts and is often mistaken for a scholar or librarian when not in his workshop. Though he's typically warm and polite, Kyo will remain somewhat guarded about the details of his life before he came to Eorzea and become openly hostile towards any perceived threat that involves his children.

Nature & Demeanor

Nature & Demeanor

Demeanor: Calm and collected; generally unconcerned by what is going on around him. Though it may appear as though he isn't paying attention, Kyo is -always- listening.

Nature: Almost legendary patience. Will avoid arguing or any sort of physical conflict almost to the point of no return, unless his children are involved. When it's time to no longer avoid conflict, he will explode like a shot out of a gun.

Habits: Coffee and tea aficionado; paces when chatting on a linkpearl; draws pictures of flowers when he's particularly stressed - the only real outward sign that something is bothering him. His drawings are almost universally awful. Has a very specific way he lays out both his tools and his weapons.

Notable Features

Notable Features

Common Appearance: Clean and well kept; neatly groomed and freshly shaven. The subtle scent of pine or cherry blossoms can sometimes be caught in passing.

Scars & Markings: A small scar across the bridge of his nose and over his left eye are the only scars that are typically visible. There is a single scar on the back of his right hand that looks as though he was struck with a whip or a switch. Similar scars can be found on both his back and the bottoms of his feet.

Voice: His smooth, often soft voice holds a faint lilt that is generally difficult to place. It's often overlooked by all by the most observant.

Clothing: While in public, Kyo favors the long coats often associated with caster-types and scholars, even though he has the magical aptitude of a piece of corn. The length of the coats hide his weapons incredibly well, so he's rarely seen in any other attire. When at home, he is generally dressed in more comfortable and traditional Doman garb.




  • Coffee and tea
  • Books and knowledge
  • Random kindness and respect
  • Beauty - artistry of all kinds
  • Honesty
  • Quiet places


  • Rude, disrespectful people
  • Liars and thieves
  • Unnecessary violence or belligerence
  • Garleans
  • Drugs or alcohol


  • His children
  • The reach for perfection
  • Bonsai trees and cherry blossoms


Glass-sword.png Abilities



Kyo is a quick study and excels at anything that requires considerable patience, attention to detail or a steady hand.



As much as it is a strength, his love and devotion to his small family is also his greatest weakness. There is nothing he would not do to ensure their safety, or to secure their future. They are the sole weakness in his proverbial armor and all the leverage his former employer needs to manipulate him into service once more. This further extends into personal relationships, as his children come first in all things.


Though his preference is to avoid confrontation, Kyo is absolutely explosive in combat. Extensively trained from a very young age, he is an artist with his blades and a master of exploiting his environment to turn the tide of a battle. He approaches each battle as a complete professional; Kyo never loses control of himself, which is one of his greatest strengths. Every fight is an impersonal transaction, as though he were simply buying grain from the local merchant. He is absolutely without mercy; if his blades are drawn, it is beyond the point of threats and conversation. To wit, if his blades are drawn, they will be bloody.

People & Places

Glass-people.png People & Places
Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
Niku Iteya () : When Kyo and Karu met, Niku was only two years old. Karu's first husband and Niku's father died in a mining accident shortly after Niku was born. After Kyo and Karu married, he adopted Niku and she took on his surname. Now six, Niku is aware that Kyo isn't her biological father, but still considered him her dad.
Chima Iteya () : Chima was only an infant when Kyo and Karu fled Othard and came to Eorzea. She is currently two and already bares a striking resemblance to her mother.
Karu Iteya () : Kyo and Karu met a year or so after her husband died in a mining accident and became fast friends. She was truly the first friend Kyo ever had. An injury she sustained before they left Othard set her down a path of addiction to pain killers and alcohol that even the love of her husband and children couldn't steer her away from. A year or so into their stay in Eorzea, Karu simply disappeared on her way to see a doctor and is now presumed dead.
Shay Naeuri () : Kyo met Shay one afternoon when delivering an order to the estate of her employer. She seemed dissatisfied with the work that she was doing, and Kyo was at the point of needing someone to take care of his children while he was at work. The fact that she was also a refugee helped immensely, and within a few weeks he hired her as a live-in nanny. She has become a confidant and trusted friend of the Iteya family, and the only person he trusts to care for his children. Shay now resides in her own apartment in the Goblet where she watches the Iteya children daily.

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)
Kimiko Wakuri () : Kyo met Kimi quite by accident one evening. The flustered doman woman was out in town with her bodyguard trying to meet new people and to adjust to life in Ul'dah. The three of them spent most of the evening together, first watching the Grindstone event and then retiring to the beach in the Mists. She agreed to meet him for breakfast the following morning, and that was where their adventure began. While genuinely happy together, they've had their share of troubles, even splitting for a week when over time, Kyo's lack of communication fed into Kimi's insecurities and pushed her into the arms of another man. Despite this, they knew that they belonged together and having identified the problems in their relationship, committed to working through them together.



Common Rumors

  • I don't know what he did before, but he's a damn good goldsmith! - Satisfied Customer
  • Quiet fella. Keeps to himself most of the time; if I didn't know better, I'd think he was sleeping. - Nosy Ned
  • Seems friendly enough when you bother to say hello. Smells nice, too. - Betsy The Barfly

Rare Rumors

  • I saw him kill a guy in cold blood in an alley once. Bastard looked me right in the eye when the deed was done and there was nothin' there. - Demeaning Drunkard
  • He has two of the prettiest little girls! - Fawning Fiona
  • I hear he's one of those Doman killers. Can't prove it, but I'd keep my distance if I were you. - Bobby The Brass Blade

PC Rumors

  • Add PC Rumor here!


Glass-hourglass.png History
I prefer to keep this section a bit vague to encourage character interaction and prevent other players from taking OOC liberties. To be clear, Kyo is a very secretive person and your character will NOT learn all there is to know about him from a single (or even many) interactions.

Many of his earliest memories are dark and unpleasant. There are no flashes of warmth while laying in a crib and watching the chocobo mobile turn around and around; no soothing sound of a woman's voice or the tinkle of the music box playing in the corner. Kyo's earliest memories are of fire and screaming, and even these really only come to him when he's in deep meditation. It's the fear that comes from a lack of understanding that occasionally surfaces so keenly; the occasional memory that is stirred by the scent of wood smoke or burning flesh.

For as long as he can really remember, there was the house and his clan. Until he was an adult in his own right, Kyo's entire world was the house and surrounding property of Clan Sengoku where he trained every day of his young life. His training began when he was physically ready for the lessons, and thus make up the bulk of his earliest memories. Some days were spent in the garden, tending to the growth of the various bonsai trees and other days he was pushed to his very breaking point - and then beyond - much in the same way a master smith forges a blade. Every strike of the hammer bending and shaping the formless steel, putting it through trials that encourage it to become as strong as it ever will be. Not every piece of steel is up to the task, nor is every person. In the forging process, blades are broken and discarded - people are no different. The failure of a trial was dealt with harshly; repeated failures were handled without a shred of mercy.

He honed his mind and body day in and day out for the better part of a decade for one purpose: to be the blade in the hand of his master. His master wielded this blade at the enemies of the highest bidder, and as a young adult, Kyo found himself striking the killing blow from one end of Othard to the other. Sometimes he struck from the shadows and other times from plain sight, where he had managed to build the confidence and trust of his target and worked his way into their inner circle. It was a game that Kyo was very, very good at; at the end of the day, there was the house and his Clan. He would return victorious to the approval of his masters and a feast that would make kings green with envy.

The turning point was subtle, but significant. Building the trust of his latest target meant spending a considerable amount of time with his young children and this caused something in his brain to shift, altering a lifetime of careful training. This was when the memories began to break free of their prison and cautiously bubble to the surface; perhaps seeing the children in such a warm and loving environment made him realize that his own childhood wasn't so normal or as special as he'd been led to believe. What of the children that had broken when struck by the smith's hammer? Their lives ended without anyone to mourn them or to shed a single tear; what might they have grown up to be? More importantly, what of their parents? What of his own? It was during this particular assignment that Kyo met Karu and her daughter, Niku. Her husband died in the mines owned by the family that he was hired to infiltrate, and they'd taken her and her child in of their own good will. Those months would become a turning point in his life that would forever change his outlook.

In time, Kyo would come to defend the family he had been assigned to murder when Clan Sengoku sent a group of assassins to finish his work. Assuming he had been caught and executed, his masters took no chances and sent six seasoned shinobi to what ultimately would be their doom. All save one, who escaped during the chaos to report to his clad that Kyo had betrayed them. While he was able to keep the family from harm, the fight took it's toll on their estate and ultimately was razed to the ground from the combination of a fire started from within, and the subsequent attack from the men that hired his Clan to begin with. The family was ultimately ferreted away into hiding and presumed dead, as was the small family that Kyo had come to call his own. For a time, Clan Sengoku sent their shinobi out to sniff around for traces of their former brother, causing him to seize the opportunity to move his family to Eorzea in an effort to keep them from harm. They settled in Ul'dah, Kyo finding work as an apprentice with the Goldsmith's guild and while it seemed as though they had dodged the worst of their problems for now, they were soon battling Karu's addictions to drugs and alcohol. This was not a battle he was meant to win, and even as he learned that the Empire's push into Othard was keeping his former clan completely occupied, he was losing his wife and best friend.

Ultimately, this battle was lost as Karu simply disappeared while on the way to visit her doctor. Kyo learned that she'd visited with a friend of hers that was known to deal in illicit drugs rather than go to her doctor that morning, but neither of them could be found. In the year since Karu's disappearance, Kyo has proven himself to be an excellent goldsmith and a committed single father that is focused on providing as normal of a life for his children as possible. He currently rents two apartments in the same building of the Goblet where he lives with his children, and where his nanny lives and cares for them while he's at work.


Glass-pictureframe.png Art

OOC Information

Glass-heartlock.png OOC Information

Mature RP Information

Mature RP Information
  • I'm a mature role player, which means that I have a preference for adult themes. This includes adult language, sexual content, violence and combat. Because of this, I must insist that players that interact with my character on any meaningful level are adults (18+). I must also remind players that just because I enjoy writing smut doesn't mean that I'm okay doing so without context. Kyo isn't interested in one-offs unless it's very well played out.
  • I'm not okay with rape, so please don't ask.
  • I don't maintain an F-list, so please don't ask for it. If there's something specific that your character enjoys, feel free to ask me privately and I can go into detail what Kyo is into, what he might be okay with and what is an absolute no. Kyo is not Kyo's player. Communication is important!

General OOC Info

General OOC Info
  • I'm perfectly okay with injuries and damage to my character, but loss of life and limb will need to be discussed. To be clear, I've killed off characters in the past because it made sense in that situation, but that's MY choice to make and not yours.
  • As a result of training and his attention to detail, Kyo is extremely observant. I may take cues from your emotes and spin them back at you, or even ask questions OOC with the intent to bring the information IC. There are limits to this, and depending on how your character is written, it might even seem as though he's reading their mind. This is not the case, of course; he'll be able to tell considerably less about a character that is guarded than one that wears their emotions on their sleeves, for example.
  • Kyo is ALWAYS prepared to defend himself and he has weapons hidden away in his clothing. Even if he doesn't show his weapons on his avatar, Kyo is always armed and prepared to deflect an incoming attack. It is highly unlikely that he will be caught off guard or snuck up on; if you desire to do so, please whisper me first.
  • I don't participate in roll-based combat. If you emote an attack at me, I will make the decision as to whether it hits him or not regardless of what you roll. I expect the same courtesy from you.
  • The best RPers are also the best OOC communicators! If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask me OOC. I'm very open to a variety of stories and interactions.


  • Kyo is a goldsmith and works for the guild in Ul'dah.
  • He travels occasionally to secure ore and gems for the guild.
  • It's highly unlikely that someone would recognize him from Othard, but still possible.
  • Enjoys spending free time at the beach featured in the Mists.
  • Frequents libraries or book sellers; always in search of new children's books.

This template was originally created by Evaleigh. Feel free to use but credit is appreciated!