Leos Laethalil

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Leos was born in a small village in the South Shroud, near the border of Eastern Thanalan. Possessing a weak constitution as a very young child, he was often kept in doors and developed a shy disposition when he began being healthy enough to interact with the other children of the village, preferring to remain very close to home. This led to teasings and taunts from the other children that he grew more frustrated with the older he got. When he got to be twelve, he sought to prove to the other children that he was no ‘scaredy-cat’ and entered into the nearby forest to stay the night by himself. As Dalamud hung low, it was forbidden for the young ones to enter due to the strange and unnatural occurrences that were happening more sporadically. His parents realized he wasn’t in his bed and after speaking with some of the children, started to search the woods for him, their search becoming desperate and more frantic as Dalamud’s secret was revealed and Calamity struck the realms.

Kajah'a died as a piece of the moon slammed into the ground nearby, opting to use his magic to shield Rahka instead of himself. Rahka eventually was able to find Leos curled up on the ground, relatively unhurt but completely immobilized by fear. Managing to get him up, they ran, Leos eventually having to be carried as he soon collapsed from smoke inhalation from the fires that raged around. She managed to escape the fires, but collapsed from her own injuries where they were both discovered by Kikiru and Aanin, who were on their way to Ul'dah to try and escape the chaos in their travel wagon. They took them into the wagon where Kikiru, an arcanist, tried to treat them. Rahka passed from her injuries, though managed to tell Kikiru of Kajah'a’s fate so that Leos wouldn't be left wondering. Leos himself managed to survive, but he drifted in and out consciousness for several weeks, not at all coherent with what had happened.

While Kikiru stayed in their home in Ul'dah to continue treating and watching over Leos, Aanin searched around the areas where they had found the two Keepers, hoping to find a surviving relative to tell them that Leos still lived. Finding to ruin village and managing to talk to the few survivors that were still in the area, determined that Leos didn’t really have any other place to return to or family to take him in. Returning, the two lalafells decided they would adopt Leos and raise him as their own.

It took a little over a year for Leos to recover from most of his physical injuries, but the event had left him mute for over a year and absolutely terrified of going outside. Though he started talking once again, his fears remained. He learned to stomach it if he was covered from head to toe in clothing and kept his eyes on the ground if he had to leave the safety of a sturdy roof overhead and go outside.

Aanin being a Thaumaturge, Leos grew interested in the arts and was eventually introduced through Aanin’s connections to the guild and started his study. He went in with the belief that if he could master such power, he would be able to conquer his fear. And perhaps make up for the death of his parents, something he had grown to blame himself for causing, believing that if he had just been a stronger person and not gone out to the woods or at least had gone running back home instead of collapsing on the ground in fear, they would still be alive.

Though he excelled at the arts, eventually finding his way into the blacker magics in an attempt to become stronger, it never really helped with his personal guilt or fear as he had hope. His uncle cautioned him about delving too deep, worried that the young mage may lose himself and Leos heeded his advice, opting to refine what he knew rather than pursue further power.

His residence is in Ul’dah, in the basement apartment of a book trade/sell store that he helps run that is owned by a couple that are close friends with Aanin and Kikiru. It’s mainly centered on the older writings, like novels or fables from years/centuries before, scrolls of historic value and other things of that nature. Leos’s contribution to the shop is his knowledge of magic and helping them with the collection of manuscripts centered around magic -mainly research writings- and the occasional grimoire.


Slender, not particularly athletic. Muscle mass/fitness level very much reflective of someone who’s main form of exercise is walking/book carrying. Zero skill in things remotely acrobatic but is highly dexterous with his hands.


Observant, curious, but shy, prone to blushing and stammering slightly if he’s the focus of attention -particularly praises and compliments- He’s highly self conscious of his insecurities and self perceived flaws and it tends to bleed into his abilities to socialize. If he engages in conversation, he tends to speak in a quiet voice and avoid eye contact, unless it's someone he's familiar with. Exception being if its a topic he’s intently interested in, where he’ll forget about being nervous in his excitement. Knowing all to well what it feels like to be helpless, Leos has a very kind and gentle nature. Sensitive to the plight and needs of others, he will offer to help if he can or point someone in the direction where they might find help if he can’t. But he is not naive to the deceitful nature that others can possess, having spent many years in Ul'dah, and is quick to discern when his kindness is being taken advantage of. It’s one of the few things that will anger him, and he does not readily forgive those sorts of people. He does have a stubborn streak that's buried under his usually passive nature and it catches people off guard when it does emerge


Books. From tales of high adventure to the study of rocks, Leos will read it all, but tends to lean towards texts that historical in nature.
Lavender (flower) He finds the scent highly soothing
Carbuncles He has a fondness for them, his aunt's often following him around the house and keeping him company at all times while he was in recovery, as he wasn't quick to open up to either his aunt or uncle. If he had any sort of knack for arcanist art, he might have followed that path instead


Smell of burnt flesh He's far from a stranger to it but it can still trigger his gag reflex and carries with it unpleasant memories
Flying All the nopes


Watching street performers (or any performers really) While he doesn't actively search them out, he usually stays around to watch, intrigue by the range of artistic, performative skills people can possess and the confidence they have to show it off to crowds of strangers


Skill in magic He might not actively pursue pushing to new heights and gain new and greater abilities, but he works diligently to refine what he already has and knows, devoting an enormous amount of time to practice
Stamina (magic) He has sizeable aether reserves and does not easily wear out when casting, running is an entirely different matter.
Disarming He has no issue blasting at a fiend or a monstrous creature, but another person is a different matter. Because of his unease combating another person, he has extensively looked into how he might utilize his magic to disarm and non lethally incapacitating a person if forced into a combative situation with them


Physical Endurance While not as weak as when he was a young child, Leos does have below average physical constitution. He can't take a physical hit well and will wear out faster in circumstances where there's a lot of physical exertion like running and jumping
Combating another person The idea of burning someone is revolting and his hesitancy in causing too much harm means he usually always has a handicap when it comes to fighting another person and will ffocuses heavily on defensive combat. He will never, intentionally, deal a lethal blow and if they should flee, he lets them
Primals He is not possessed of the Echo and not protected from their enthrallment

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Player Note
Mun talking, not someone who has really rped before, particularly in a game and rather than act out things with someone else's character would write out my character stories as a solo thing. Not to say I won't be interested in rping with people and their characters, just be aware it's a new thing for me and main factor in making of page was having handy reference sheet
Personal RP Limits
ERP, if things of that nature seem like they would naturally occur over course of plot than I don't mind to an extent, but he's not a character made for the purpose of being salacious material. And while I understand there are villainous characters, someone would be hard pressed to convince me to enter into a storyline of where he's to be a victim to add to the count of that character


Potential Plot Hooks
He works for a book shop named Twice Read Tales. It’s mainly centered on the older writings, like novels or fables from years/centuries before, scrolls of historic value and other things of that nature. Leos’s contribution to the shop is his knowledge of magic and helping them with the collection of manuscripts centered around magic -mainly research writings- and the occasional grimoire. They get their stock from trades and hiring the occasional merchant or adventurer to find a particular item of interest. Leos started to occasionally tag along on such adventures, especially if the interested book was related to magic. He's also of a habit to pause and watch ongoing street performances or assisting someone who seems to be in need
In regards to his phobia, while it’s not as intense as it was when he was a child, even as an adult he tends to be uneasy being under an open sky. Always wearing a large hat while outdoors and being relatively covered -though not needing to be literally cocooned as he did in his younger years- is how he keeps his anxiety in check
He can be attracted to either gender, just is very slow recognizing his feelings/attraction towards another once it develops and would be the sort to internally bury rather than act once realized. He doesn’t think anyone would actually have interest in him so isn’t quick to pick up another party’s interest either. Subtle flirting tends to fly over his head and aggressive tends to make him uneasy
Character Lore Adherence
No idea what this means in relation to character page. Suppose age doesn't really fit timeline if going by in game as it's only been five years since calamity in latest patch due to ever expanding time bubble
No changes required.

Leos Profile Pic.png
Name - Leos Laethalil
Race - Miqo'te/Keeper of the Moon
Age - 23
Name Day - 11th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Deity - Nymeia

Alias: N/a
Citizenship: Ul'dah
Occupation: Consultant concerning books of magic for shop/Blackmage
Hair color: Light Lavender
Eye color: Light Blue
Complexion: Fair
Piercings: None
Marks or tattoos: Typical miqo'te face markings
Favorite Food: Any type of stew
Favorite Drink: Any sort of hot tea
Favorite Color: Purple
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