Leos Laethalil
Quiet, uncertain, bit anxious would probably be the first things to notice when one tries to approach for a conversation. He tends to be highly self conscious of himself when he's socializing with a stranger and speaks in a soft voice, often avoiding eye contact. Depending on how nervous or uncertain he is with the social encounter, he might have excessive tail twitching or fidgeting at his sleeves/hat and sometimes, make a not so dignified retreat from the situation -particularly if he thinks he embarrassed himself too much- Because he tends to be on edge during social interactions he is prone to being easily startled when it comes to something like a sudden pat on the shoulder or a hug, even if it was meant with the friendliest of intentions. He's been able to force himself past that if it's shop related and he can focus on what needs to be done, but still flounders a lot with impromptu chitchat or if subject moves past being business in nature.
Underneath it all though is a rather kind and gentle spirit. He knows what it feels like to be helpless and is sensitive to the plight and needs of others, willing to offer help or point them in the direction where they might receive it if he can't. He's innately curious about the world and all that's in it and so enjoys listening to the adventure and experiences of others, not being much of a worldly and adventurous traveler himself. When he's comfortable with the environment and person he's talking with, he can actually be quite the conversationalist, despite what he believes himself to be. Enough so that someone may forget how shy he once was around them -only to be reminded when someone new is added to the mix- He still can be made to blush rather easily, with a well placed compliment/praise/or tease. When it comes down to completing a task on hand: he approaches it with an intense, almost fierce sense of determination, surprising those more use to his mellow mannerism. It's spurned by a desire to not let others down and to prove to himself that he's not as weak and helpless as he was. This can sometimes border on being stubborn and makes it hard for him to give up on an objective, but he is a pragmatist at heart and can tell if something is out of his depth or that continued pursuit might cause more trouble then good. You can expect a short period of sulking and internal self loathing after the fact though
Slender, not particularly athletic. Muscle mass/fitness level very much reflective of someone who’s main form of exercise is walking/book carrying. Zero skill in things remotely acrobatic but is highly dexterous with his hands. While he often has the case of hat hair, he maintains a clean appearance and takes at least a quick shower daily -though much prefers taking his time bathing- He favors wearing dark colors -particularly purple- and prefers long robes with pants underneath, knee high boots and gloves when out and about. He has fairly good posture despite his tendency to look at the ground a lot
His residence is in Ul’dah, in the basement apartment of a book trade/sell store that he helps run that is owned by a couple that are close friends with Aanin and Kikiru. It’s mainly centered on the older writings, like novels or fables from years/centuries before, scrolls of historic value and other things of that nature. Leos’s contribution to the shop is his knowledge of magic and helping them with the collection of manuscripts centered around magic -mainly research writings- and the occasional grimoire. Because he likes to feel useful, he took up delivering requested orders from the shop to the customers which has helped him meet others. He made frequent visits to Gridania, at first it was to make deliveries and for shop business, but as friendships grew it became more for personal reasons. With one of those friends, Shirahana's help, he managed to set up business relations in Ishgard for the shop. He routinely passes through, staying at the manor owned by Shirahana's Master at the other's behest, who saw his evolving relationship with Shirahana changing the other for the better and away from a dangerous path. When Shirahana's past partnership with an occult group resulted in him being kidnapped, Leos set out with Reizaux to rescue him from what turned out to be the starting of a gruesome ritualistic summoning. He apparently impressed Reizaux with his skill that when they parted ways the other praised highly his skill in the magical arts to colleagues back in Ishgard. This resulted in an increase amount of personal requests for his help in retrieving specific tomes, Shirahana often accompanying him on such missions as a personal guard. He currently spends far more time out of the shop than in it, either in Ishgard attending to shop business, being out on the road for a request or in Girdania for personal visits.
Leos was born in a small village in the South Shroud, near the border of Eastern Thanalan. Possessing a weak constitution as a very young child, he was often kept in doors and developed a shy disposition when he began being healthy enough to interact with the other children of the village, preferring to remain very close to home. This led to teasings and taunts from the other children that he grew more frustrated with the older he got. When he got to be twelve, he sought to prove to the other children that he was no ‘scaredy-cat’ and entered into the nearby forest to stay the night by himself. As Dalamud hung low, it was forbidden for the young ones to enter due to the strange and unnatural occurrences that were happening more sporadically. His parents realized he wasn’t in his bed and after speaking with some of the children, started to search the woods for him, their search becoming desperate and more frantic as Dalamud’s secret was revealed and Calamity struck the realms.
Kajah'a died as a piece of the moon slammed into the ground nearby, opting to use his magic to shield Rahka instead of himself. Rahka eventually was able to find Leos curled up on the ground, relatively unhurt but completely immobilized by fear. Managing to get him up, they ran, Leos eventually having to be carried as he soon collapsed from smoke inhalation from the fires that raged around. She managed to escape the fires, but collapsed from her own injuries where they were both discovered by Kikiru and Aanin, Dunesfolk couple who were on their way to Ul'dah to try and escape the chaos in their travel wagon. They took them into the wagon where Kikiru, an arcanist, tried to treat them. Rahka passed from her injuries, though managed to tell Kikiru of Kajah'a’s fate so that Leos wouldn't be left wondering. Leos himself managed to survive, but he drifted in and out consciousness for several weeks, not aware of what had happened. While Kikiru stayed in their home in Ul'dah to continue treating and watching over Leos, Aanin searched around the areas where they had found the two Keepers, hoping to find a surviving relative to tell them that Leos still lived. Finding to ruin village and managing to talk to the few survivors that were still in the area, determined that Leos didn’t really have any other place to return to or family to take him in. Returning, the two lalafells decided they would adopt Leos and raise him as their own. It took a little over a year for Leos to recover from most of his physical injuries, but he continued being mute for several years more and absolutely terrified of going outside. Eventually, he began to talk again but his fears remained the same. He learned to stomach it if he was covered from head to toe in clothing and kept his eyes on the ground if he had to leave the safety of a sturdy roof overhead and go outside. But he always considered it silly and irrational and was highly embarrassed by it. Leos grew interested in the thaumaturge arts and was eventually introduced through Aanin’s connections to the guild and started his study. He threw his all into it, he believed if he could master such power, he could overcome his fear by not feeling as weak and helpless as he was. And perhaps by doing so, he could make his life something that was worth the sacrifice his parents made to save it -something that might not have been necessary if he hadn't gone out to the woods that night or ran back home instead of collapsing on the ground in fear- He excelled in the arts, eventually finding his way into the blacker magics in an attempt to become stronger, much to the distress of his uncle when Aanin -who partially over saw his studies- started to suspect. Leos didn't heed the words of caution about delving too deep, until he lost control of the magic and for the briefest moment tasted the potential consequences he had been flirting with by trying to push beyond his ability. Thankfully, it left no permanent -visible- damage and served as poignant lesson, from then on Leos decided to refine what he knew rather than pursue further power.
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