Sounsyy Mirke

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AlaMhigo.png Sounsyy Mirke
the Captain
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ala Mhigan
Guardian Llymlaen, the Navigator
Nameday 11th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon, 1546
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Birth name: R'suhnsi Jahkob

Given name: Sounsyy Mirke

Nameday: 11th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon, 1546

Age: 31

Guardian: Llymlaen, the Navigator

Place of birth: The Cieldalaes ("Ala Mhigo")

Current residence: Limsa Lominsa

Grand Company Allegiance: The Maelstrom

Occupation: Captain of Thalassocratic Navy 3rd Squadron, 17th Levy Infantry, Iron Lake Garrison.



Height: 5 fulms

Weight: 120 ponz

Hair: Sounsyy has light brown hair of a medium length. Because she lives on the beach, she has long since given up taming it. The best she has managed is to sweep her long bangs backwards, and she pulls the sides and back up into a short one or two ilm tuft of a ponytail. The wind then just has its way with it and scatters the hair into a bird's nest. She almost never wears her hair down and she tries to keep it about the same length, but she has let it grow down to her shoulder blades before.

Face: Sounsyy has a keen face with full cheeks and radiant, avocado green eyes. She has a small, rounded nose that is equipped with an exceptional olfactory sense. Her mouth is small with naturally puckered lips. Sounsyy doesn't usually dapple in makeup, but when she goes into battle she lines her eyes with gold paint so as to accentuate her eyes.

Markings: She has three racial birthmarks on each cheek. On her left cheek is a small scar that runs horizontally through the middle birthmark. It's barely notice-able.

Body: She's stockier than most miqo'te. She has slightly wider shoulders, stronger arms, and thick, muscular thighs. She isn't grossly larger than other miqo'te, just thicker. She has small-ish breasts and lightly tanned skin. She remains very well proportioned for being only 5 fulms tall.

Voice: Sounsyy's voice is best described as "gin-soaked." She possesses a low, but smooth grit that demands affection. Her voice is often low, hard to pick up unless she enunciates. Sounsyy uses heavy aitches in her speech as well.

Clothing: Sounsyy prefers to wear tight clothing, usually leather thighboots, tights, and a tabard.



Alignment: Neutral Good

Demeanor: Sounsyy outwardly appears quite fatigued almost all the time. Though there are rare moments when her eyes light up like they used to. She has an odd habit of biting her lower lip without even realizing she's doing it. To strangers, Sounsyy can be unnecessarily sharp-tongued, but to her friends you will never find a more loyal or giving heart. If you met Sounsyy in a social setting, you might think her introverted or closed-mouth, and you'd be mostly correct. But as a captain on the field of battle, she wields sword and shield and voice with irrefutable authority.


  • Beaches
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Her Chocobo, Clairemont
  • Booze
  • Flowers


  • Garleans
  • Ul'dah
  • Cowards
  • People of Privilege
  • Having no direction
  • Being asked about her Family
  • Her body


  • Giant Monsters
  • the Dark
  • The Black Shroud


Weapons: Sounsyy excels with both Spears and Short Swords. Her preferred weapons are falchion or gladius type swords. When she forgoes the use of a spear she offhands a scutum shield.

Armor: From her time on the Bloodsands, Sounsyy has grown accustomed to wearing a combination of leathers and plate mail in combat. A standard militia cuirass, sabatons, gauntlets, and black tights make up her combat attire. Sounsyy can't afford to have a full set of armor crafted for her, so she buys what she can afford. She wears leathers unlike most gladiators who wear chain mail. Leathers are cheaper, lighter, yet still provide adequate protection. To offset the quality of her armor, Sounsyy tends to prefer larger scutum or kite type shields over smaller ones so that the shield can cover where armor does not.

Fighting Style: Sounsyy was trained by Roroludo Dodoludo in the Bloodsands to wield a sword and shield after her first desperate victory in the arena. Sounsyy is a defensive fighter. She uses her size to her advantage, using a lower center of gravity to put enemies off balance. She defends and baits the enemy with her large shield, then strikes once they leave an opening. Taught never to yield ground to an enemy, Sounsyy does whatever it takes to root an enemy. Unlike most other Gladiators who master swordplay, she prefers shield-play. Sounsyy uses her shields both as a defensive tool and a melee weapon, often using it to stun, off-balance, or exhaust enemies before finishing them off with her sword.

Sounsyy, despite her strong, Miqo'te leg muscles, is slower than most of her own race. She prefers sure footing and correct posturing over the wild dance of other combat styles. She prefers to get right up close to her enemies, bruise them with her shield, find vulnerabilities, and slip her short sword into each of them. Even when using spears, Sounsyy excels in isolating a weak point and delivering a killing thrust. She is ultimately limited in strength due to her race's size, so by preferring sure footing and body mechanics over wild flurry attacks, she focuses all of her strength into the thrust that will incapacitate her target.

Strengths: Sounsyy is a master at finding ways to make her opponent's own strengths become weaknesses. Whether that is using her size to throw taller enemies off their balance, or closing the distance so that the enemy's only target is Sounsyy's shield in their face, or simply exhausting stronger enemies over time. Sounsyy is a survivor and before she is done with an opponent she makes them feel that very same desperation to survive that she has lived with her whole life.

Weaknesses: Overpowering speed or strength. While Sounsyy has a rare knack for parrying and countering, a fast enemy may prove deadly if able to flank her and find the holes in her armor. She can pivot on a dime and has a great environmental awareness, but she can only move so fast for so long. Sounsyy's other disadvantage comes from her size. While she knows many ways to use it to her advantage, it comes with limitations. She only weighs so much. Should a larger enemy bear down on her or attempt to knock her down, she can only grow roots so deep.


The Sixth Astral Era

  • 1546
    • R'suhnsi Jahkob is born on the 11th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon.
    • Mirke defeats R'jahkob to free R'suhnsi's mother.
    • Mirke and R'nalhie escape with "Sounsyy" to Ala Mhigo.
  • 1552
    • Sophie Mirke is born on the 9th Sun of the Third Astral Moon in Ala Mhigo.
    • Fists of Rhalgr destroyed. Mirke sustains injuries.
  • 1557
    • Ala Mhigo is occupied by the Garlean Empire.
    • Mirke and R'nahlie are killed defending their home and family.
    • Sounsyy carries Sophie to Gridania.
    • The first Ala Mhigan Resistance tries to take back Ala Mhigo.
  • 1558~1561
    • Sounsyy and Ceirtette settle in Little Ala Mhigo with the Resistance survivors.
    • Sounsyy and Ceirtette join several more Resistance attempts.
  • 1562~1563
    • Sounsyy is caught stealing from the Sultansworn and imprisoned.
    • Sounsyy enters the Bloodsands seeking to buy her freedom.
    • Roroludo trains Sounsyy in the art of shield and sword.
    • Sounsyy buys her own freedom from Coliseum winnings.
  • 1565
    • Sounsyy and Ceirtette rejoin the Resistance in Gyr Abania.
    • Ceirtette is injured in battle.
    • Dasil takes Ceirtette and Sounsyy to Limsa Lominsa.
    • Ceirtette and Sounsyy get a house together in Limsa and give up fighting for Ala Mhigo.
  • 1570
    • Ceirtette and Dasil are married on the 19th Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon.
  • 1572
    • Garleans invade Eorzea.
    • Sounsyy and Ceirtette join the Maelstrom.
    • After proving herself on the field of battle, Sounsyy is promoted to Captain of the 3rd Squadron, 17th Levy.
    • Sounsyy's Levy holds their ground against invading Garlean Vanguards. Twelve members of Sounsyy's original platoon are killed, with forty-three total Levy casualties.
    • The remainder of the 17th Levy are dispatched to the front lines of the Cartaneau Flats. Believed most were killed in action.

The Seventh Umbral Era



  • R'jahkob Nunh.jpg
    Biological Father: R'jahkob Nunh - (1525 - ???) R'jahkob was a fearsome Nunh and prodigious sire of the Raptor Tribe. This, and his savagery in combat earned him the title Terror of the Rhotano Sea. But his reputation was dashed when an Ala Mhigan lancer defeated him in a duel over one of his mates, R'nalhie. He banished her from the Tribe but demanded their child remained with him. R'nalhie refused. Seeing this, others decided to leave R'jahkob. He killed many who tried. R'jahkob was violent and obsessive and he vowed he would kill the child who would grow up never knowing his name. But he never found the child, and for many decades R'jahkob seemed to drop off the face of Hydaelyn. Yet recently rumors of the Terror of the Rotano attacking Lominsan vessels have surfaced.
  • MirkeRegarde.jpg
    Father: Mirke Regarde - (1527 - 1557) Sounsyy's father was a proud Lancer from Ala Mhigo. He liked to tell a story of a young lancer who worked as a guard for a prominent merchant. While doing business with a Miqo'te tribe in Limsa, the lancer laid eyes on the most beautiful Miqo'te he had ever seen. But he knew it never could be because she was one of the mating females belonging to the Nunh. But when the lancer spoke to her, she confided her hatred of her Nunh. He promised that he would free her, but when they were found out, the Nunh became enraged and challenged the lancer to a duel. The lancer defeated the Nunh. The lancer took the Miqo'te to his home and they married. Sounsyy always loved hearing the story of her father and mother meeting as a girl. Her earliest memories are of him and she thinks of him as her greatest influence. Mirke was killed when Sounsyy was ten, during the Garlean occupation of Ala Mhigo.
  • R'nalhie Whayko.jpg
    Mother: R'nalhie Whayko - (1529 - 1557) Sounsyy's mother was a breeding female belonging to R'jahkob Nunh, but she despised him and his love for violence. When R'nalhie fell in love with a young highlander, she knew she had to escape her Tribe. She left R'jahkob and fled with her daughter and the highlander to Ala Mhigo. Out of fear, she changed her daughter's name to sound more hyuran so that R'jahkob would never find her. When the Garleans attacked Ala Mhigo, R'nalhie fled with Sounsyy and Sophie into the Twelveswood with the rest of the Ala Mhigan refugees. When she knew that they were both safe, she turned back to face the Garleans that gave chase. She had not drawn her bow since her days with the Raptors, but that day she slew over a score of Garleans. Her actions saved the lives of nearly one hundred Ala Mhigans. She fell to the Garleans only after exhausting all of her arrows. She did not miss a single shot.
  • Sophie Mirke.jpg
    Sister: Sophie Mirke - (1552 - ???) Sophie Mirke was named by her father, which is why she has a hyuran first name. She was only four when the Garleans invaded Ala Mhigo. She remembers almost nothing of her home. Sounsyy carried her all the way from Ala Mhigo to Gridania on her back. Sophie has lived there among the other orphans ever since. A few months after Sounsyy and Sophie arrived in Gridania, an alliance of Ala Mhigan refugees, calling themselves the Resistance, came to Gridania searching for more recruits. Sounsyy joined their cause, leaving her sister in the care of Miounne. Sounsyy never returned. Sophie assumed her sister was killed in battle, so the Gridanians became her only family.


  • CeirtetteCambre.jpg
    Ceirtette Cambre - (1545 - ???) Sounsyy's closest friend. Ceirtette grew up with Sounsyy in Ala Mhigo. She was 11 when the Garleans invaded whereupon she was separated from her friends and family. She was lost in the Twelveswood for several days before Gridanian Wood Wailers found her. She has always been by Sounsyy's side since that day, refusing to let another person she considers family come to harm. In one final attempt to reclaim Ala Mhigo from the Garleans, Ceirtette was gravely injured. She was saved by a healer named Dasil, who would later become her husband. She then moved to Limsa Lominsa where she has come to peace with her past. She does not speak of Ala Mhigo and her only reference to its existence is her hobby of picking flowers and hanging them on the wall of her home, a passtime of hers in her youth.
  • DasilBellanger.jpg
    Dasil Bellanger - (1544 - ???) Ceirtette's husband. Dasil grew up in Limsa Lominsa but spent most of his adolescence traveling between the city-states of Eorzea. He found a natural affinity to Conjury and spent many years learning various forms of healing, even traveling to Ul'dah to study under the Alchemists. When he was considered old enough, Dasil became a field medic. He believed this to be his true calling. He was part of a group of healers who would be brought in after a battle to find and heal those wounded on the fields. It was doing this that he found a young elezen named Ceirtette wounded in battle. He took her from the battlefield and brought her back from the realm of Thal. Dasil visited her many times while she recovered and eventually a relationship blossomed. Five years later he proposed.
  • Iyrnlahz.jpg
    Iyrnlahz Sylbahctsyn - (1527 - 1572) Sounsyy's Commanding Officer in the Maelstrom. Iyrnlahz recruited the young miqo'te, having no expectations, and was completely caught off guard when she showed promise. She far outshined the other recruits, and she soon became his favorite. After four key victories against the Garlean threat, Iyrnlahz pushed for her immediate promotion to Lieutenant and eventually Captain. The young miqo'te reminded him of himself in his younger years. He has never told Sounsyy this, infact he rarely shows her any hint of his favoritism. He pushes her harder than the rest, but Sounsyy still considers him a good friend and ally. Iyrnlahz fought bravely by Sounsyy's side in the Battle of Cartaneau but fell protecting her.
  • Roroludo.jpg
    Roroludo Dodoludo - (1499 - ???) Roroludo was one of the gladiator mentors in the Coliseum. He was older and had not produced a successful gladiator in many years. It was common belief that Roroludo had lost his touch, but really Roroludo only picked underdogs to train, in the hopes that they could rise above the shackles of their past and claim one victory. He first laid eyes on Sounsyy when she claimed her first desperate victory on the Bloodsands. He saw the desperation for survival in her killing blow and he sought to train her so that she might buy her freedom. He taught her the ways of the shield, and how to use it for more than blocking deadly blows. He taught her how to move, how to strike, how to use her small, malnourished body as her strength. Sounsyy became his most successful pupil. With his help she escaped the Bloodsands with her life, a debt she could never repay him for.
  • MargotWiggenour.jpg
    Margot Wiggenour - (1557 - ???) Margot is a native Lominsan. Her father was a pirate who left her mother before Margot was born. Her mother was forced to work where ever she could find work. As Margot grew up she strove to become more than her parents. At sixteen she joined the Maelstrom and was placed under the command of a young Captain named Sounsyy. However, after the trauma of the Battle of Carteneau, Margot became disenchanted with the Maelstrom. She returned to her pirate roots and vowed to rid the sea of the nation that knowingly sent her and her Levy to its death. Freedom will never truly be had until sea swallows all.


  • CaerkoelMaeticeigwyn.jpg
    Caerkoel Maeticeigwyn - (1537 - ???) A truly fiery swordswoman of the Sultansworn. When Sounsyy was fifteen, she made the mistake of trying to pick-pocket Caerkoel in the markets of Ul'dah. Furious, Caerkoel had her thrown in prison. After Sounsyy bought her freedom on the Bloodsands, Caerkoel refused to believe a little girl could defeat so many acclaimed swordsmen. She sought to duel the child herself, but before she could, Sounsyy had disappeared from Ul'dah, never to return. Now Caerkoel searches for what she considers her only worthy opponent.
  • The Garleans - Sounsyy is nonspecific as to which ones.


  • Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
    • "Aye, Mirke, that's the broad who got 'er whole damn Levy killed. Five years ago now, but I remember 'er well." -Keen Plainsfolk(Limsa area)
    • "Ye lookin' fer the short, brown 'aired girl? Aye me too, she ain't come over in a... eh, never ye mind." -Sketchy Roegadyn(Limsa area)
    • "Now, why would ye be askin' 'bout 'er? Last I 'eard, she went n' got 'erself killed five years ago during the Calamity." -Black Sails Veteran(Limsa area)
    • "Give Susuroon jingle-shinies and Susuroon tell all about Soohseet Mark." -Helpful Qiqirn(Limsa area)
  • Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
    • "How you figure she 'came a Cap'n? I figure she slept her way to th' top. She coulda cap'ned me ship, if ye be catchin' mah meaning." -Greasy Nunh(Limsa area)
    • "I heard she bought her way outta the seventh hell on the Bloodsands in Ul'dah." -Impoverished Highlander(Ul'dah area)
    • "Oy, keep yer voice down n' careful where ye go abouts askin' for that lass! If ye be wantin' yer tongue that is." -Raptor Pirate(Limsa area)
  • Rare Rumors (Rarely overheard)
    • "Had a drink wit her other night in the Drownin' Wench. Nothin'. She bought my drink and didn't even take me home wit her! I ain't sayin' it weren't appreciated though." -Ale-scented Yellow Jacket(Limsa area)
    • "I watched her on the Bloodsands once, many years ago. Incredible! Simply incredible! Wish I had bet the other way." -Nostalgic Patron(Ul'dah,Limsa area)
