■1755 Sixth Astral Era: K'ajia Ahadi is born to K'ahadi Nunh and K'sita Irwani of the Hipparion tribe residing in the rugged sandstone and cliff-covered region of Eastern Thanalans Burning Wall. This particular split-off of the Hipparion could be noted for it's strong navigators, fighters, and farmers of Saffron and Desert Spoon. Originally hailing from Thavnair, the old tribe expressed strong roots to the distant island in dialect as well as culture. Being a single vine of a strongly rooted mercantile tribe, the Hipparion tribe made their offerings not only to Azeyma, but Nald'thal as well.
■1759 Sixth Astral Era: As soon as the small Miqo'te girl was able to pick up a bow and raise her fists, K'ajia began to train under the mentorship of her elders. Daily rough housing with siblings and children her age seemed nothing more than a childhood game, but the lessons she learned now would soon grow to be a pivotal part of her life. More than anything else, young K'ajia looked forward to her play-time in the savannah.
■1760 Sixth Astral Era: While the elders subtle introduction of hunting and fighting began to develop into more prominent and formatted lessons, the most prominent role the girl would play for her people would also need to be nurtured. This year marked a time of grooming into the natural role a woman took in the tribe of Aezyma. K'ajia received training from her mother and wise-women on a multitude of subjects ranging from more domestic topics to the art of entertainment. While the woman struggled to keep K'ajias attention focused and calm, the young Catte excelled when lessons were offered in private; away from the distraction and goading of her young tribe-mates. Due to constant teasing and resorted-to seclusion, quite a few of her talents still remain undisclosed and personal to her.
■1762 Sixth Astra Era: Among the goading and teasing of her peers, K'ajia found solace in the time she spent rough-housing in revenge. The fire of her competitive nature and accumulative frustration was well exerted during these sessions-- channeling herself into more athletic and atherical goals. Among all the children she grew to enjoy the company of one particular male her age named K'esif. The two had their own reasons for standing out among the many. While K'ajia had been the obvious runt of the tribe, K'esif was the last born male to her tribe for nearly two decades. As time passed, the two youngsters velcroed to each other and became inseparable friends.
1765 Sixth Astral Era: Caravans and travelers moving through Thanalan often sought assistance from the local tribe for guidance and safe passage. Those unwise enough to travel alone and without solid baring of the land often found themselves robbed blind, lost, or ambushed by the Amal'jaa. Among the remains of a ransacked merchants cart, K'ajia discovered another companion of the four-legged species-- a small Coeurl cub. While discouraged by her kin to keep the beast, K'ajia refused to cull the sharp-clawed creature and kept it for herself.
■1770 Sixth Astral Era: At Fifteen years old, K'ajia enters the "Age of Judgement". She proves herself in the tribe as a skilled hunter and fighter through the tribes coming of age trials. She receives marks upon her eyes for notable cunning and face framing tattoos notate her speed.
■1771 Sixth Astra Era: Sixteen year old, the small woman has grown into a brave and productive young adult. With an adventurous heart and wild passion for life, it would seem as nothing could stop her. Ne're a laugh stifled or a beat missed, the small girl had the world at her feet and not a thing of real consequence seemed to dull her vibrant feisty luster. This year marks the dawning of loss for the young Daughter of Aezyma. An Amal'jaa ambush occurs upon the Saffron field during the week of harvest resulting in the death of K'ajias mother and long-term mentor.
■1772 Sixth Astral Era: Filled with unbridled emotion over the loss of her mother, K'ajia begins to pull herself away from those once close to her. She resorts to traveling alone outside the common reach of the Hipparion Tribe. During this time she meets with an Ala Mhigan adventurer who tells her about the many wild thing they had once witnessed, the magics weaved by those across the land, as well as making mention of the strength of those that walked the path of the Fist of Rhalgr. While inspired and curious about the tales of such people as well as distant places, K'ajia remained steadfast with her people and the land they set root in.
■1772 Calamity Event - The first signs of the coming of the Seventh Umbral Era came in the form of a sudden change in monsters' behavior and size with Dalamud itself becoming considerably brighter in the night sky. The Hipparion tribe was forced into the safety of the twisting caverns and ragged cliffs the Burning Wall provided; barricading themselves from the rampaging creatures of the land. As Dalamud grew closer to hover above them, a brave few tribe members, including K'ajia, made a foolhardy journey to pray at the Shrine of Nald'thal in desperation for salvation from the fiery red moon. Nights were spent beseeching the god to spare their people through offerings and hours of uninterrupted prayer. Regardless of her pleading, only t he rough dozen that had ventured out to the shrine were spared from the absolute destruction. Only by placing themselves within the shrine had the few been spared. The event left nothing but pure desolation in it's wake. In K'ajia's mind, Nald'thal had chosen to spare so few while claiming the land and the mass of her people to his ruling. An unfair trade. Never again would she pray to such a treacherous God. Without any guidance, the small group of women found themselves held together by mutual heart ache, fear, and painful memories.
■Year 1 of the Seventh Umbral Era: Without a land to call home, K'ajia and her people now struggle to find their footing in the depths of their mourning and turmoil. After roaming Thanalan for quite some time, the small remainder of the tribe settle into the refuge of Little Ala Mhigo. K'ajia occupies herself with escorting refugees to and from Uld'ah as well as those who "somehow" discover themselves lost or stranded among the unforgiving terrain of Southern Thanalan. During this time, K'ajia meets an Ala Mhigan refugee and skilled Rogue by the name of Baez Vidal, who manages to gain K'ajias hard earned trust through his forward effort to assist her and curious countenance. Over the next few years, Baez assists K'ajia grow in martial and aetherial prowess as well as becomes the Clyde to her Bonnie in their broad line of work.
■Year 2-3 of the Seventh Umbral Era: K'ajia continues her line of work with Baez, but also has assisted her remaining relatives and tribe members in re-establishing a small part of their former life. Sotol and Saffron now bloom and bring a new spring of wealth to her and her people. Trade routes between the Hipparion in Thanalan and Thavnair have become re-established.
■Year 4 of the Seventh Umbral Era: Baez has well established himself in K'ajia's life as her partner in crime and constant motivator. Both challenge each other in a Myriad of ways, feeding off each others passionate will and unwavering taste for daring. The strong support they shared for one another's people made respecting each other near effortless. In the end, regardless of how much loyalty they had for their own cultures, ideas of travel and adventure outside the bubble of Thanalan began to cross their mind. While the intimacy the two of them shared brought each other strength during times of struggle, both had become each other's Achilles heel. It was this year that marked yet another season of loss for the Miqo'te woman. Tragedy strikes when Baez contracts Red Throat, squelching any of their aspirations to venture past the sands and savannah they both knew so well. The mans fight to survive was horrific and long-drawn, leaving K'ajia worn and soul hardened. In the end, all was for not. Baez Vadal was pronounced dead eight months later, leaving K'ajia with nothing more than the ghosts of her former life.
■Year 5 of the Seventh Umbral Era, 1577: Twenty-One years old. This marks her age and the time when the word of the Primals and the Garleans movement spreads across Eorzea. K'ajia, unwilling to dwell in Little Ala Mhigo after the death of her partner, finds herself taking rest between a small residence in Uld'ah and the small farming camp of elder tribes woman that remain in Southern Thanalan. While taking odd-and-end contracts from small free companies, K'ajia involved herself in the Pugilist Guild. Any chance or moment of time was spent training and channeling her ire into the few things that she considered her passions. At this point the woman's taste for social bonding had been nearly shattered, while her moral compass continued to turn further into the realm of selfish indifference.
■Year 1 of the Seventh Astral Era, 1578: K'ajia finds herself in a lull. While taking small contracts, training, and selling Saffron/Desert Spoon to merchants within Ul'dah, K'ajia still found little distraction from the void she felt in her life. For a period of time she struggled with the idea of her tribes efforts to rebuild and establish a new Nhun and the new-found enjoyment if her own freedom from any sort of maternal commitment. Wanting to give her attention fully to her people in an attempt to reconnect, K'ajia returned to dwell solely in Southern Thanalan, thrusting herself into the spice trade and the people she fought so passionately for in a last ditch effort to keep her roots. It should be noted, while her attention to the Hipparion had been a renewed interest, K'ajia did not entirely abandon her focus in her other lines of work or athletic/aetherical endeavors.
■Year 1 of the Seventh Astral Era, 1578 Patch 2.3 and Beyond: At this point, K'ajia realizes the intention her tribe has of bringing in a new Nhun was not something she could currently entertain. As confusing as it was, she still encouraged the plans of her people so that their culture would not disappear into obscurity. With no promise of her ability to continue the life she carved out for herself, K'ajia's commitment to live and dwell solely within her Southern Thanalan began to dwindle. During this time, K'ajia returned to her travels, spice trade, and contracts which eventually lead her to Revenant's Toll in Mor Dohna. Upon passing through the small town, K'ajia was able to connect with a student of Widargelt. She quickly took to his words of strength and sought to further her understanding the ways of Rhalgr. It would be in this period K'ajia would learn to harness Aether in a new aspects; unlocking seats of power inside her that she had once never been aware of.
■Heavensward: WIP (eh)
■ARR (1): K'ajia is hired into a mercenary company and tavern in Gridania which she obtained through an old acquaintance. Quickly, regardless of her self serving demeanor, the mercenary manager and tavern owner offered K'ajia the helm of finances. This included all book keeping, trade contracts, and management of their funding. K'ajia offered wise council on many things, and while working in this position continued to play a hand in the contracts in which she favored. With new found priority in herself, K'ajia used her position to line her pockets with more than honest earnings. Eventually, growing regretful of her actions-- yet unwilling to change --and not approving of the ignorance of the other management, K'ajia found herself desperate for departure from the den of tittering dragons. Ere she left, the woman took time to slowly drain the company of their Gil and promptly departed, leaving them unable to finance the mercenaries in which made their ranks.
■ARR (2): During her time in the mercenary guild, K'ajia aided in the fight for Ala Mhigo which brought some peace to her about the passing of Baez, whom so deeply desired the liberation of his homeland.
■ARR (3): After her silent departure from the Tavern and Mercenary group, K'ajia has become eager to make beneficial connections, explore her newfound wealth, and sink her teeth and claws into anything that will bring a pulse to her life. The woman aims to educate and empower herself beyond coin and is slowly becoming more keen to the world as a whole.
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Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
■ "Rumor Here"-- Name.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
■ "Rumor Here"-- Name.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
■ "Rumor Here"-- Name.
◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
■ "Her blood runs as hot as the desert that claims her. An enrapturing woman, but Twelve above, I should like to avoid crossing arms with her. I do wonder if she'd consider dancing." -- Aelorelle Vallancourt.
■ "She's got a fetish for kicking guys in the jimmies. But other than that, she's a good friend to have. You just gotta get past her foot to see it." -- Alothia Starkwood.
♥ Family – ♥ Involved – ♥ Romantic – ♥ Platonic – ♥ Physical – ♦ Friend – ★ Acquaintance – $ Business – ✝ Deceased – ✔ Positive – ✖ Negative – ● Neutral – ( ) Unsure
Alothia managed to befriend K'ajia under business circumstances. The two, regardless of affection for each other, harshly tested and harassed one another relentlessly.... but nothing done could have ever truly sent them in different directions. Not until recently. The pink-haired Miqo'te has become quite busy caring for her new husband and child so the two friends only cross paths from time to time. Life has seemed to come between them, but the care they have for one another has not been lost.
In her mind, Khale and Alothia were one in the same. Regardless of her reservations of how quickly the two bonded, K'ajia resigned to her place as supportive friend to Alothia and quickly warmed to the man in her own way-- of course after a few "rough" spots. Khale, while not always making the best impression, seemed to understand the strong bond between the two Miqo'te and weathered K'ajias rather harsh nature with a sort of balancing act that she had not witnessed in others prior. The passion between Khale and Alothia allowed her to trust someone much quicker than in other circumstances and now considers him a friend... though the two bicker quite often.
Personal RP Limits
■ Do: Mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use, etc.) as logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary captivity or imprisonment.
■ Ask: Long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
■ Don't: Permanent character death. Mature themes that are not related to plots or character development. (That means you, creepy individuals who send unwarranted ass-grabbing tells.)
Combat Systems
■ Roll: This simple battle system is something I grew up using and enjoy thoroughly. I tend to use detailed paragraphs (I don't expect 4+ paragraphs) to explain actions that are being placed in combat. It uses a roll system which the person playing the attack will roll and the defender will need to roll higher to defend.(using ingame /random rolls)
■ Designated Personal Systems: Everyone has their own system for group combat RP which they themselves made or they made for their Free Company. I am open to discovering, learning, and uses all kinds!
■ Freeform/Honor System: I will only acknowledge the honor system with people I trust or know won't be literal jerks in RP. I will often request the basic roll system (See t1) for fights with people I do not truly know but am willing to Freeform/Honor system it if you can prove you are not going to just Naruto/Bleach up the fight as well as avoid EVERYTHING thrown at you, even within less then an inch of the attack.
OOC/IC Separation
■ Note: I have a very clear distinction when it comes to OOC/IC. They must remain separate at all times if we are to RP together, especially on an extended basis and I reserve the right to end interactions should this be impeded upon. If my character dislikes yours that does not mean I hold the same sentiment. If my character loves yours that does not translate to me feeling the same for you, though I might feel a platonic equivalent. I am not my characters and they are not me. Respect this and we shall get along famously.