Nolanel Rainteau

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Latest activities (RP hooks): Nolanel has been jumping from job to job, taking almost any where his skills are applicable.
Suen profile wiki.png

Birth Name: Nolanel Rainteau

Gender: Male

Race & Clan: Wildwood Elezen

Age: Twenty

Height 6 fulms 11 ilms

Weight: 220ish ponzes

Nameday: tbe

Guardian deity: tbe

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Birth Place: Gridania

Citizenship: Gridanian(formerly), Limsa Lominsan

FC and residence: Wandering independent

Marital Status: Single

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Job: Dashing rogue, sellsword

Hobbies: Woodwork, knife throwing, knife collecting, hedonism

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Nolanel is a rogue who bases himself out of Limsa Lominsa, but wanders all of Eorzea, following wherever coin flows. However, he avoids jobs that lead to or involve the Twelveswood.

A self-proclaimed charming rogue, he will happily flirt with anyone he meets. Oddly enough, flirting back causes him to become a bit more sheepish, but all the more friendlier to you. Despite his occupation, he is overall a generally nice person, and a bit too eagerly loyal.


Nolanel stands tall with a thin frame, only barely exaggerating the two trademark traits of Elezen. His muscles aren't quite of someone who works out daily, but the slighter muscles of a man who spends a lot of time running, jumping, and slicing. His hair is blonde and long, but shaved on the sides with layering on top. When he's wet or it's hot enough out, he ties his hair up into a messy bun.

Scars & Markings: His fingers are covered in little scars from mishandling knives, before he became skilled with them.

Voice: For real world comparison, Nolanel has a Glaswegian accent, with a smooth voice. His vocal range is baritone.

Clothing: A lot of his time is spent with his chest bared in some way, most shirts donning a low cut and laying open. Surprisingly, it isn't related to ego - he simply likes loose shirts.

Fun, Eager, Sarcastic, Surprisingly easy to fluster, Flirty

  • Knives
  • Gil
  • Partying
  • Impressing people
  • Affection
  • Traveling


  • The heat in Ul'dah
  • Pretentiousness
  • His past
  • Rain(but not storms)
  • The forest
  • Being pestered about his past

Distinctive Features

  • Dealing with his past
  • Being unable to afford food
  • True commitment
  • Morbols


  • Favorite food: Grilled fish
  • Favorite drink: Honeyed wine
  • Favorite colour: Green
  • Vices: alcohol, sex, stealing, not thinking about consequences


Nolanel is bright and cheerful, eager to shine that light on anyone he can manage to. His top priorities are always fun and, of course, earning money. He doesn't often splurge on luxuries, save for when something needs celebrating. If he can manage to get fun on someone else's bill, he won't think twice about it. It's their fault for offering in the first place, aye?

Past that, he likes to think of himself as charming. Or at the very least, claims that he's such. He's a bit rough around the edges, so it's debatable. When he meets people, he gets friendly fast, even throwing his loyalty to them if they've proven friendly in turn. Despite this, he doesn't allow things to truly tie him down to any place. It also seems like you just can't get any deeper than the surface with him. Or maybe he's just that easygoing, without any troubles in the world and eager to please. Maybe it's just that simple.

Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Nolanel's skills lie primarily in his blades. He's adept at stabbing, slicing, and throwing with them, and every trick in between. His skills also reach into related functions, such as sneaking and lockpicking. Overall, his fingers are deft and nimble.

💗 Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest
💗 Casual Promiscuity
Sexual Desire
💘 Crush
Trusted Friend
Lost contact


Mrs. Rainteau ( ) - Mother
A Gridanian lancer and guard.
Mr. Rainteau ( ) - Father
A Gridanian lancer and guard.


name here status here-


Common rumours & quotes

  • "Wait, whose tab is he on?" A confused bar-goer
  • "He's not very shy about that rogue business, is he? Wavin' those things around..." A Lominsan citizen
  • "That mullet is awful." Shiiverlene Oronir

Rare rumours & quotes

  • "He might act it, but he ain't from here. That boy hasn't been in Limsa all that long." A merchant in Hawkers' Alley
  • "Rainteau? Haven't heard that name in a while. Good couple. Kid was a brat, though. Shame." A Gridanian lancer



OOC Information

Hooks and relationships: Totally open to any idea that can provide potential quality RP with my character. If you feel that my character profile can provide a hook for a story you have in mind, don't hesitate to reach me out to see what can be done! I am also definitely open for family ties, or background/business connections between characters.

RP combat and injuries: Open for most systems as long as they make sense to me. I can roll random dices or settle it through a fully organic RP exchange without any other tool, or a combination of both. I am a strong supporter of dealing with the consequences of every actions our characters do (except when true death, or other very dire things have to happen, which will need my consent).

Miscellaneous: That wiki page is pure OOC knowledge unless your character specifically knows or learned about it.

Important! If anything that my character does or says unsettles you in an OOC manner, or if suddenly you are not okay with something in my RP, please let me know right away! Communication is key!

Server and Timezone

Timezone: PST, UTC -8

Server: Mateus

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Quoted from Suen Shyu: Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template. Thanks to the authors!

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You can use this wiki page layout at will and I will be glad if people actually do, but please try to change the colour theme at least. However, all the image banners are off limits though. Make up your own, please! Thanks.