Asher Bright

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Asher Header Test.png
Latest activities (RP hooks): Asher is currently a dedicated member of the Immortal Flames, ensuring the protection and prosperity of his family's adopted home.

Birth Name: Asher Matthias Faris

Gender: Male

Race & Clan: Hyur, Midlander

Age: 31

Height 6 fulms 3 ilms

Weight: 225 ponz

Nameday: 1st Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon

Guardian deity: Byregot, the Builder


Birth Place: The Royal City of Rabanastre, the Kingdom of Dalmasca

Citizenship: Ul'dahn

Free Company: Equinox

Residence: Bright Estate, Ul'Dah

Marital Status: Widower

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Job: Lieutenant of the Immortal Flames

Hobbies: Archaeology, History, Reading, Chess

Alignment: Neutral Good


Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher! Insert some text here over-viewing Asher!


By midlander standard Asher is a tall man, his broad frame filling out the form of a tried and true knight. His sandy hair, long but neatly combed, is fitting of his Dalmascan heritage. He has bright green eyes and a strong jawline, with neatly groomed facial hair accenting his facial features. While not overly buff, Asher is toned indicative of a warrior's life, his frame supporting a soldier's lifestyle despite his noble upbringing.

Voice: Asher spent the majority of his life in Ul'dah, and as such he does not possess the accent inherent to native Delmascans. [voice claim].

Clothing: Asher is often seen sporting heavy armor, crafted in the expertise of his familial line. Black and gold, a homage to his new home of Ul'dah, is often seen in it's creation. During social situations, Asher is often attired with some of the finest clothing available, an inherent advantage given to him by his family's wealth.

Markings: While typically hidden from view beneath his clothing, Asher possesses several body tattoos in homage to his desert homeland. A large tattoo of the Kingdom's crest has it's home upon his left pectoral. His left arm is adorned with both gods and historical figures of Dalmascan legend.

Impish, Affable, Driven, Focused, Noble, Motivated

  • History
  • Allagan Ruins
  • Military Strategy
  • Firearms
  • Spelunking
  • Classy Parties
  • Dogs
  • Chess
  • Triple Triad (Collecting)
  • The cool night of the desert


  • Garlemald
  • Monetarists
  • Slavery
  • Arrogance
  • Oppression
  • Laziness
  • Snow
  • Low quality weapons
  • Sour things
  • Over-cooked meat

Distinctive Features

  • Complete destruction of Rabanastre
  • Never going home
  • Closed off / tight spaces
  • Unregulated Magiteck


  • Favorite food: Lamb skewers
  • Favorite drink: Rum
  • Favorite colour: Palm green
  • Vices: Insatiable sweet tooth
  • Possible alignment: Chaotic Neutral


If you spend any amount of time around Asher it will be immediately apparent that the man loves life. The Hyur carries within himself a warmth that he spreads to others with his impish sense of humor and overall jovial nature, believing that there's nothing beyond the reach of a good sense of humor. He always seeks to bring out the best in people, both competitively and socially, especially those he considers friends or comrades. These values formed at an early age as a result of losing his birth home, and he quickly grew to value the nation that home was where your loved ones were. As far as he's concerned, spreading kinship and building strong relationships is the surest way to live a full life.

To this end, Asher possesses a rare loyalty for those he's close to, almost to the extent of a fault. Having lived and lost has instilled within him a strong worth ethic, and Asher is dedicated and driven to complete any kind of task he sets his mind to. These traits have molded him into the successful knight he's become, serving his adopted nation of Ul'dah with the same loyalty and vigor that he shows in his every day life. It's not enough to him to merely finish a job, but to do it better than anyone else has ever done it. Perfection, much like the crafts of his family of old, is the name of the game for Asher.

These all contribute to the Bright family reverence of attributes such as honor and nobility. As such, it'd take an act from the Gods themselves to stop Asher from righting a situation he sees as wrong. It's not just a matter of moral decency, but an affront to his family's honor if he didn't act on such things. It's probably why he makes such a good member of the Flames, being able to serve the community around him while building connections to build a brighter future. A brighter future that includes a free Dalmasca. But that is, as they say, a story for another day.

Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at?

What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at?

What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at?

What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at?

What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at? What is Asher good at?

Heavy Metal Greatsword Icon.png
Historically wielded by the commander of the Bright Blades, this greatsword was forged through traditional House Faris smithing techniques as the pinnacle of their trade. Inherited by Asher as the eldest son of House Faris.

High Mythrite Cuirass of Fending Icon.png
Lightbringer's Cuirass
Traditional House Faris armor created for the commander of the Bright Blades.
Steel-barreled Carbine.png
Dalmascan Rifle
A rifle assembled with Dalmascan aesthetics in mind. Nothing particularly special about it beyond it's appearance.
Adamantite Knives Icon.png
Farisian Dagger
A traditional dagger created by House Faris smiths. Once standard issue among Dalmascan infantry.

Notable Posessions
Wondrous Tails (Key Item) Icon.png
Desert Jewel: The Kingdom of Dalmasca
An extensive series of books detailing the long and storied history of the once proud Kingdom of Dalmasca. It serves as a constant reminder of Asher's lifelong dream of liberating his home.

Wolf Pup (Minion) Icon.png
A very good boy that Asher found as a stray in Ul'dah. Enjoys ear scratches, dodo meat, and chasing marmots.
Personal Transportation
Company Chocobo Icon.png
Desert Chocobo
Asher's trusty steed. Sired from a breed of desert acclimated chocobo.
Bright Estate

While Asher is oft traveling because of his duties, his family owns an estate in Ul'dah as a result of their successful entrepreneurial relocation.

Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest
Trusted Friend
Lost contact


Victor Bright ( ) - Father
Asher's father and current head of Bright Smithing. Last true Commander of the Bright Blades before their annihilation during the Garlean invasion and occupation of Dalmasca. Victor has a close relationship with his son, and is Asher's closest confidant, friend, and teacher.
Camille Bright ( ) - Mother
Asher's mother is a kind woman that is wise beyond her years. While she doesn't possess the martial knowledge of her husband, the Bright matriarch had grown to a be cunning diplomat during her prime. She often dealt with the politics involved among the noble houses, and has worked to teach Asher all she knows in the realm of charisma and politics.

Your Name Here.
Company / Affiliation

Something about the person here. Asher has no friends yet? What a loser! Typing more so it doesn't break the box format. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format.
Your Name Here
Machina and Magitek

Something about the person here. Asher has no acquaintances yet? He must not get out much. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format.
Common rumours & quotes

  • "I tricked him into eating one of my son's sour candies - the look on his face was worth nearly getting punched." Mischievous Flame Private.
  • "Asher's super nice! He gave me this cool wooden sword and lets me train with him sometimes!" Excitable Ul'Dahn Boy
  • "I'll have one of each!" Asher as his eyes widen looking at a street vendor's selection of sweets.
  • "There's a reason the coldest people live in the coldest places." Asher talking about his hatred for snow, and the nature of Ishgardians.

Rare rumours & quotes

  • "Aye, he's a chipper enough fellow as far as Flames go. Always talkative and has a warmth about him - it seems like he cares. Always seemed like a really trustworthy guy, but I've seen him meeting with shady individuals more than once. They thought they was bein' secretive but I see everything on these streets!" Anonymous Ul'dahn Urchin
  • "He seemed so happy during Doma's liberation! But ... after the Empire laid waste to Rabanastre, he was inconsolable. Does he fear for Ul'dah?" Anonymous Flame Private

Players rumours & quotes

  • "Your quote here." No one because he needs to get out and RP.

Son of Dalmasca

Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here!

Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here!

Scion of the Ravaged Sands

  • This is for future RP events now that the character has been established. This will hopefully be filled in soon! Making sure there is enough text here to prevent the box from breaking!
Son of Dalmasca

Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here!

Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here! Gonna have a nice long backstory here!

OOC Information

Stances on RP: I enjoy all kinds of lighthearted and social situations, but I'm also up for mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters. I'm open to permanent injuries depending on the content of the RP itself, but this would need to be discussed ahead of time. I'm not interested in any kind of character death or rape plots.

Hooks and relationships: Totally open to any idea that can provide potential quality RP with my character. If you feel that my character profile can provide a hook for a story you have in mind, don't hesitate to reach me out to see what can be done! I am also definitely open for family ties, or background/business connections between characters. Also, if you have a Dalmascan character I highly encourage you to reach out to me! I'd love to get in touch with other characters of the same heritage.

RP combat and injuries: Open for most systems as long as they make sense to me. I can roll random dices or settle it through a fully organic RP exchange without any other tool, or a combination of both..

Miscellaneous: That wiki page is pure OOC knowledge unless your character specifically knows or learned about it.

Important! If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.

Server and Timezone

Player Info: US player, GMT+4. Usually available between 9PM - 12AM EDT in the week, or most of the day in the week end.

Server: Balmung

Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template. Thanks to the authors!

Layout originally designed by Sune Szihu. Adapted by me for the use of my character with permission from Sune's page!

If you are interested in my old layout, please see here