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— X'kriss Tia —

"Never forget what you are,
the rest of the world will not."

Desertborne brawler. With strange unearthly eyes, he is marked with tell-tale essence belonging to what some whisper to be Azyema herself. His fists churn with resolute flames, generating from roots within his priestess mother's bloodline. Lacking the necessary connections with his family due to a tradegy befalling their tribe since birth, X'kriss finds himself wanderlust. The Tia shows great potential, and although his youth may blind him with ambition, his heart is never quite lacking.

Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Age early 20's
Nameday 8th Sun, 3rd Astral Moon
Deity Azeyma
Marital Status single
Occupation hunter of beasts and treasure
Height ~5 fulm 8 ilm
Weight ~160 ponz

General ❧

His complexion is bronzed to the core, kissed over by the sun with freckles sprinkled across cheeks, nose, and tops of shoulders. Crafted in the poise of a warrior, he is muscled - though never quite overly so. A creature faster than he is stronger, which can make or break many possibilities. Finally, true to his Lynx kind, X'kriss' tail is exceptionally short and stubby.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, as some say. His are sharp, wild and hold a ghoulish green tint to them; perhaps a gift from his late mother. And from his father, scars carved across one side of his mouth and face to remind the boy of his place in the world.

Clothing ❧

Living in the desert doesn't give you much of a broad fashion-sense. Usually, X'kriss sticks what was is most comfortable. Darker hues of clothing, some loose fitting while others might be clingier depending on the functionality. Earthy tones mixed with greens, now that he's becoming more accustomed to civilian life -occasionally a dab of jewelry can be seen. At times, the Tia can be caught barefoot even in the most heated weather.

Voice ❧

Light, breathy, the slightest bit rough; he sounds like he doesn't talk much (and he doesn't). Quite emotionless in tone when he isn't singing, to the point where he'll sound disinterested and even sarcastic when he isn't trying to be.

Misik'a is surprisingly friendly -- or he means to be, but his frankly abysmal social skills leave most people feeling at least a little unsettled. Often content with just hearing what others have to say, he speaks very rarely; and when he does, he's quite sparing with his words. As a result, he tends to be almost offensively blunt. This, combined with a consistently expressionless face and a voice so deadpan one could hardly believe he sings with it, often gives the impression that he'd much rather be left to himself. An unfortunate consequence, as he's quite prone to boredom and loneliness.

Aggressively honest and loud, he might seem like a bit of an annoyance to some who aren't already accustomed to the ways of the Tia lifestyle. He can be a bit overwhelming at times, but X'kriss is of a good nature and generally balances seeing the good and bad within strangers. It takes a bit for the man to open up to anyone on a personal level and trust is only earned through time and actions.


good food
honest people
treasure hunting


early mornings
ambiguity/when people aren't straightforward


Alignment: true neutral
Faults: tactless, naive
Favorite Flavors: savory
Favorite Color: white

Childhood ❧

Nunc in vehicula felis, ut eleifend est. Vestibulum at mauris neque. Suspendisse maximus porta nisi ut scelerisque. Aliquam orci odio, laoreet id dapibus non, accumsan id lacus.

Teenage ❧

Curabitur maximus ipsum et pretium eleifend. Morbi sit amet ex nec lectus semper blandit. Donec id ligula consectetur, consequat odio vitae, mattis augue. Nulla sed lacus odio. Pellentesque tortor odio, tempus in nisi vitae, commodo bibendum purus. Proin rutrum sapien sit amet finibus porttitor.

Present ❧

Aenean tempus dictum diam, porta ullamcorper erat egestas eu. Nulla eu nibh mi. In volutpat purus at ornare sodales. Ut magna enim, rhoncus pellentesque placerat non, egestas eu odio.


(easy to overhear)


(moderately difficult to overhear)


(very difficult or rarely overheard)


(rumors from the characters of other players)
Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
L'yuta Tia
Cessna Forsythe
Shashana Shana
Cicereaux Chevalier
Yu'un Fei

Notes ❧

I mostly just headcanon and doodle; haven't roleplayed (sorry)
All artwork was done by myself, unless stated otherwise
Feel free to use and tweak the layout, just be sure to leave credit (you can find some nice decorative symbols here)
Layout last updated 08 March 2017

In-Game ❧

Balmung server

Outgoing Links ❧

xiv tumblr
blank wiki layout code

Template Bancroft Gairn
Layout reference D'lyhhia Lhuil
Other fiddling Misik'a Rahsi