Ryanti Veanysus

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Ryanti Veanysus
Ryanti Veanysus.jpg
"Merchant Prince"
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon (Midlander)
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Guardian Nymeia, the Spinner
Occupation Officer In-Training (Immortal Flames) / Heir to Veanysus family
Height 5'10"
Weight 134 lbs.
Father Lorenthian Veanysus
Mother Clarice Kashaveri (Name WIP)

Ryanti Veanysus is a Miqo'te/Midlander halfbreed, and Heir of the Veanysus family. He is currently enrolled in an Officer's Training Program in the Immortal Flames.

Family History

The Veanysus family is a long line of descending Hyur Midlanders that extends for more then three centuries. It it this wealthy family, based in Ul'Dah, where Ryanti is from.


The Veanysus family is noted in its history for being the home of several well reknown military officials during the course of Ul'Dah's history. Some of Ryanti's ancestors fought in the conflict with the Sil'Dih, among others. However, it was the deeds in the Autumn War that solidified pride in the family, from themselves, and from the city.

Status and Wealth

"Do not take for granted your birth within this family, and the life you have, son."

"In other words... don't be evil?"

"More then that. Utilize your gift to bring the world up to where you are, not to stomp all over it with your heel."

~ Lorenthian and Ryanti Veanysus

Ryanti's family are considered in the Upper Class society. Though far from the wealthiest, they are indeed enriched with resources, heavy on cash, and their financial contribution exceeds far more then that of a common, working family. Besides their tradition of military prowess, which happens on occasional generations, they also run a successful business in dinnerware, which that, combined with military commission incoming from the City-State at the price of required service, provides the source of their income.

They have always been respected and, at times, revered, by members of society's elite. However, ever since Ryanti, a Midlander half-breed with the visual distinctions of a Miqo'te, was born, tensions have existed within a few situations, especially with traditionally preservist wealthy families. In his early social life, Ryanti was considered a dirty, polluted mistake-child, and treated on a much lower, unwanted sense of value then everyone else. Recent times have improved on this, however.

In minor cases, Ryanti is not taken seriously as heir. In severe cases, he is considered a mistake. However, his legacy is written in paper, and there are in fact more supporters for his claim then ones who do not.

The family has owned an Estate in Ul'Dah for close to a century, complete with four housekeepers, and one Butler who doubles as caretaker.


The Early Years

"Is father really my dad?"

"Goodness, honey. Why would you ask such a thing?!?"

"My ears are pointy. Dad's is round. And he has no tail, too!"

   ~ Ryanti and his Mother, Clarice

Ryanti Veanysus was born on the 23rd day of the Seventh Astral Moon in 1559 from the marriage of Lorenthian Veanysus, a Hyruian Midlander and Clarice Kashaveri, a fair-skilled Moon Seeker Miqo'te. A basket woven with white flowers was made as his first crib, flowers in which Ryanti grew fond of as a young man.

The news of his birth broke out among the Ul'Dah nobles not too soon after. The gossip corners immediately targeted the fact that he bared a Miqo'te appearances, dashing their hopes of a Hyurian appearance after possessing full knowledge that the union of Lorenthian and Clarice would bear fruit. A few began to doubt acceptance of the idea of a man with Miqo'te appearance taking helm of a family that, since the beginning of their formation, been purely of a Hyurian bloodline. However, the presence of Lorenthian, whom had come home after a long military incursion and was a Major in the Immortal Flames at the time, kept their mouths stitched.

For the first three years, all was well. Ryanti was a very curious infant, who rarely cried, yet was easily riled up, and excited, smiling widely when at all possible and was full of life. His parents spent much time with him during those years, Lorenthian being afforded to take on local duties because of his familial situation and Clarice running the dinnerware business.

However, after news of the Battle of Silvertear Skies broke out, along with the Ceruleum Explosion, Lorenthian was forced to resume his mantel as a charismatic military figure, leaving Clarice to raise Ryanti on her own.

Always questioning the absence of his father, a very young Ryanti became extremely inquisitive of his dad, and would often prod other fellow noblemen about him, often receiving answers of great praise and reverence for the Man with No Fear. He would often play in the emerald streets, mesmerized by the world's center that was Ul'Dah, the men and women passing through, and the street shows, which he loved.

He was also exposed to the fact that he did not look like his father, embarrassing his mother by asking her whether or not Lorenthian was actually his father because of it. For the first time at the age of five, Ryanti learned that he was a half breed, that he possessed his mother's ears and tail, but his father's features.


"Those other kids. What were they doing to you?"

"What they always do."

"You're not gonna do anything about it?"

"It is my fate to be treated for what I am."

"No, it ain't your fate. If anyone does that again to you I'll bloody their prissy little noses for you."

          ~ Gaiden Malcolm and Ryanti Veanysus when they first met.

The exiling of the Beastmen in 1562 left an enormous impression on the noble youth in Ul'Dah. Witnessing the event in their young minds, the preservationist ideals of the early Lalafell swiftly became back in practice in those families backed with tradition and fortune. Because of that case, racism began to poke out its ugly head, and Ryanti, being a half breed in what seemed to be an awkward situation in his family lineage, was an immediate target.

In a world in which a growing child was beginning to experience social life with other children, Ryanti found himself with no friends, and many enemies. Mostly because of his mother's blood. Purebred Miqo'te children resented his mother's dabbling into the Hyurs, seeing their species as a plague, while pure Hyurs, especially Midlanders, related Ryanti as the child of mistakes, and believed him below them.

He was accepted nowhere, and was violently mistreated. He was a subject for psychological torture. He was consistently teased, and often jumped. Derogatory names were tossed at him from all directions. In games, he was always the last one picked, and often his tears were adding fuel to the fire. It had gotten so bad, that one time, Ryanti was stripped of his clothing and locked in a cooling room. Another time, he was forced to eat food reserved for pets. He was also, at one time, forced to dance like the street Miqo'te females did.

It was then that Ryanti began to hate the Miqo'te side of himself, the psychological abuse taking a toll on his growing youth, something that he deliberately hid from his mother in hopes she would continue to love him for being a normal child. He became anti-social, often locking himself up in his room, diving himself in books, pamphlets, paintings, anything to get away from the outside world, which was beginning to bend on him with a negative, oppressive feeling.

There was one Hyur Midlander who stood up for him, however. A young boy by the name of Gaiden Malcolm, he was the heir of a merchant family who sold furniture. Often hanging out with the less fortunate, Gaiden was a mischievous, charismatic, and empathetic individual. His perceptions of the world were much more friendlier then the usual noble caste. So when Gaiden first met Ryanti, being stripped of his upper body clothing and slapped on the back until he would cry uncle, Gaiden made a statement by knocking out the Hyur Midlander who had started it all, an individual by the name of Sephio.

After that moment, Ryanti and Gaiden became close friends, and Gaiden would become Ryanti's emphatic sympathizer for years to come.

The Fall of Dalamund

"Have you ever just thought to yourself, if things would have been different if we were born elsewhere? In another world, perhaps? In another plane? In another era? Universe, even? Have you ever wondered what kind of person you would be, and whether or not it's all happening right now as we speak?"

"I couldn't dare to comprehend such a thing, my friend. You've always been the one to speak of such things when you look up into the sky... you have a beautiful mind, one that I envy. Allowing you to think, breathe, exist, that alone is fulfilling enough for a simple man like myself."

"The fact that you're so much of a greater man than I... and yet be so humble, is why I couldn't dare to comprehend you."

  ~ Ryanti and Gaiden, the night before the beginning of Dalamund's descent.

In 1572, the year of Dalamund's fall, Ryanti's life had taken an odd turn. His life slowly became more and more stable, despite his thoughts further and further turning against his Miqo'te heritage. In the wake of his teen years, the bullying was beginning to cease, although it had been far too late to not have an astounding impact on Ryanti's mind. This allowed him, for the first time, to breathe, and take in life for what it was.

His father, whom had been going away from home and coming back for brief moments before doing the same again, had been promoted to General, and as Dalamund began descending, the social climate of Ul'Dah turned for the worse. Clarice, who had been keeping tracks of events as well as Ryanti himself, were alarmed by the news.

The traumatic state of Eorzea could no longer be prevented from entering the doors of the 'gated paradise' of the Ul'Dah nobility - the VIIth Legion march saw Ryanti see his father sent off again, middle-aged and experienced, with the world on his shoulders, leaving his son to become the man of the house for the time being once more. It would be the last he would see of his father until that fateful night.

The Night the World Ended



"I belong to this world, friend, but you do not. It will be a different world after this has passed. The different world you always belonged in."

  ~ Gaiden's last words to Ryanti before joining The Battle of Cartenau Flats

During the days before the battle, when a dark storm ensued the entire Eorzean landscape and Dalamund approached, Ryanti and his mother fled the Estate after suffering surface damage due to the chaos outside. Gaiden swiftly joined them, after his family was tragically upheavaled and trampled in the ensuing panic, furious and angry at the invaders that he had seen firsthand in his adventures outside of Ul'Dah. Despite his age of 16 at the time, he got around.

Desperate to find her husband, Clarice was determined to track him down, in which she had last heard him around the area of Mor Dhona, assimilating his own battalion, though little was in Lorenthian's control. Due to the complicated nature of the Eorzean Alliance, Lorenthian was only granted command of 50 men.

The thirteen year old Ryanti witnessed the battle himself from afar. All 50 of Lorenthian's men fell, and himself suffering severe injuries in the fight of his life in an episode of his life that changed him forever. He was no longer the man that hungered for adventure or glory, but for the safety of his family. With no more men to command and nearly fallen himself, he fled the battle, meeting up with his family.

By then, Gaiden had rushed into the commotion, like he always had, to fight with them.

Ryanti would never see him again.

Their fleeing back to Ul'Dah prevented them from teleporting forward in time.

Late Teens and Present Time

"There is one difference between the Garleans and the Eorzeans that I can't help. The fact that the Garleans are not afraid of evolving to the point where they can control their fate. Eorzeans are. To rip an entire moon out of the sky by pure willpower... to change fate. That is one thing I cannot help but admire in a civilization."

  ~ Ryanti commenting on the Garleans in his journal.

After the news of the calamity apparently being subverted, and Dalamund's secret disappearing, the entire nation of Eorzea began rebuilding. Those whom treated Ryanti terribly were no longer courageous enough to open their tongue during times such as those, so Ryanti was finally free of the bullying that had accompanied him for his entire life.

He spent most of his teen years developing his hobbies and talents, including playing the violin, and the piano, as well as fencing, poetry, writing, and dabbling a bit into art, though there were much better sketch artists out there. Half of the reason why was because he was part of Upper Class society; he was drilled in court dancing and consistently pressured to learn things quickly, which he took head on because of his newly found obsession of perfecting himself, of living up to his father, whom had retired from service.

He was groomed and refined and lived in luxury, not a corner was cut in his life. He felt a deep sense of emptiness after the loss of his friend, however, it passed with time, being replaced by an intense urge to leave the place from which he was from his entire life.

At the present moment, it had become time that Ryanti had grown to the point where he would be able to fufill his obligations to Ul'Dah with required military service, and as of recently, he was admitted into Officer's Training within the Immortal Flames, giving him a special spot of learning due to his privileged.

With that being said, the struggle of his mixed blood heritage had not left him, nor did the psychological torture inflicted upon him in early years, either.

Right before he was to report to training for the first time, Ryanti was caught by a house keeper in an emotionally explosive situation, covered in his own blood, trying to cleanly slice off his ears and tail. He had been poking at his ears and tail with blades, going unnoticed, for many years, and it was his most bold attempt he had ever tried, and upon being discovered, sent a ripple throughout his entire family, especially his father, whom had felt had been too distant with him, and his mother, whom had failed raising him in a happy enviroment they could no longer deny.

In the present, his father is looking into whether or not he could spend some time in Limsa Lominsa. To get out of Ul'Dah. While at the same time, his Officer's Training is just beginning..


Ryanti is a very well-spoken, refined individual. He has a calm, collected look about himself, but his emotions are mostly of an open book. His angelic looks coincide with his angelic nature. He has a delightfully creative mind, and a free spirit. He is very much a romantic at heart, quite an idealistic person, and has a very sheltered, inexperienced view of society, but not of people, whom he finds a talent in empathy for others.

He is quite timid, and at times, very insecure about himself. He absolutely despises the Miqo'te side of himself, viewing his mother with pity at her being one, and the species as a whole, as primal savages borrowing from the cultures of others to survive in urban areas. He has rascist undertones for Miqo'tes, feeling legitimate pity for those of that race whom he enjoys company with.

Ryanti's mindset about himself is also quite race based. He is heavily troubled by the realization that he is a half breed, and he believes just what most of the Hyur preservists has told him all of his life, that his blood is blackened and polluted by a lesser race.

He finds pride in his human half, and prefers to be associated with humanity, from how they think, to their culture as well.

He has a fascination for refinement and advancement in civilization. He is fascinated with the Allagan Empire, claiming all the books he can of the subject, and of his mother's Garlean roots, specifically the Garlean Empire itself, which she has denied him of any kind of information in that aspect in an effort to not be a bad influence on him.

He is quite a germaphobe, and will not sit down on dirty surfaces, preferring to literally prop his rear up to prevent his clothes from being dirty, and to prevent himself from feeling primitive.

During his growing years, he has been exposed to sexuality and all of its surfaces, being fascinated by the subject of love and the feelings both bring, captivated with stories and often incarnating his own fantasies in his mind, episodes of frequent loneliness in his home bolstering that complicated behavior. Ryanti is a very complicated person, and thus his intimacy with others is, too.

He is not necessarily just attracted to women. However, he is attracted to men in different ways then women. (See Ryanti's RP preferences thread).


House Veanysus - Heir

Ul'Dah - Nobility

Immortal Flames - Officer In-Training

Other Notes


Ryanti is the 'Bishonen Prince' archetype.

The concept of Ryanti Veanysus first started in 1.0. I intended to make him a Hyur Midlander and to have his own estate in the middle of nowhere, and have him be indecisive from all three states. (Did not know much about the lore at the time. The Upper Class Association has always stayed the same. When I left 1.0 after being incredibly disappointed, I took Ryanti and redesigned him completely for TERA. The foundations were the same, however. I left TERA as well, and now coming back to 2.0, I redesigned him a third time. That's the Ryanti that exists now.

I took inspiration from the Italian Renaissance behind his last name in 2010, and the first name was the middle name of my first RP character I ever made back in 2004.