Obih'to Chiha

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 Obih'to Chiha
Birth Name Obih’to Chiha
Pronounced OH•bih•toh chi•hah
IPA: [obɪto tʃiha]
Meaning Second son of Obih of the Chiha family
Nickname(s)/Alias Obih, Obi, Kitten, Catling, Pretty ears, Blood brother
Age 32
Born Year 1548 of the Sixth Astral Era
Nameday 11th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Birthplace Doma
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Alignment Neutral Good
Citizenship None - Refugee
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden
Height 5 fulms, 7 ilms (169.7cm)
Weight 150 ponze (68kg)
Physique Fit and lean
Hair Black, short and choppy, spiky
Eyes Rolanberry Red
Skin Pale tan
Scars Scars, mainly on the right side of his face
Facial Features Dark facepaint to cover his scars, tear marks at the inner corner of his eyes, rosettes at the outer corner
Tattoos Two dark stripes on the right side of his jaw to cover the scars
Clothing Simple and functional, nothing too flashy. Has a special liking for goggles and masks.
MBTI ENFJ/ESFJ (on the cusp)
Keywords Determined, emotional, protective, cynical, quiet
Hobbies Training, reading, hunting, hanging out with his friends, people-watching, climbing rooftops
Likes Warm colours (orange, yellow), sweets from Doma, his friends, the sun
Dislikes people who claim authority without deserving it, people who are so much 'by the book' that they'd rather sacrifice comrades for the rules, the primals (Ifrit especially), the Amal'jaa, Garleans, cold weather, lightning storms
Core Motivator Helping people, especially the Doman refugees
Fears Losing the people he cares about
Greatest Accomplishment He is hard on himself and doesn't believe he's accomplished anything 'great' so far. He's only done what was needed.
Greatest Regret Not having been there during the uprising when Doma fell, as well as during her liberation
IC Profession Adventurer - Recruiter for Envoy - Hunter
IC Jobs Accomplished Ninja, novice Archanist and, later on, Summoner
Combat skills Dual daggers, books, hand to hand combat
Physical Advantages Echo: partial. Resistance to tempering (but not invulnerability) and slight predictive abilities from being able to read the Aether shifts
Physical limitations His right side sometimes aches and can be a bit stiff in cold or damp weather. His right ankle is weaker and sprains easily.
Non-combat Hunting, survival skills and basic first aid
Primary Weapon Daggers
Secondary Weapon Books
Armor Cloth armour for best mobility, speed and stealth
Username Alnee
Time Zone UTC+1
Server Mateus
Disclaimer This character is based on an the existing character Obito Uchiha from Naruto, this is an AU for him. As such, he in himself is not mine, but this version and the adaptation of his backstory is.
Tumblr RPblog for Obito, including this AU (under HEAVY construction): ReluctantPawn
Free Company The Midnight's Envoy

**Side bar template adapted from: Infobox-roe by [MoenMoen]

**"The TMI Character Template for the Hopelessly Detail Oriented" created by [MoenMoen] and slightly adapted by me

This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Obih’to Chiha is a 32 years old male Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te from Doma, who moved to Eorzea with his friends and a few other refugees during the Seventh Umbral Era, looking for help and resources. He dearly regrets not having been there when the uprising failed and Doma was razed to the ground.

He is an accomplished Ninja and a member of the Free Company “The Midnight’s Envoy”.


Hair & Eyes

Obih’to has red eyes with wide, round pupils as is typical of the Keeper clan. He has the habit of squinting when he’s focusing on someone or something, when he’s suspicious, or when he’s confused. As a result, he more often than not has narrowed eyes. It doesn’t help either that he likes the company of the sun better than the moon, but his eyes are naturally better adapted to the latter.

His hair and fur appear black, but are actually a very dark, redish brown as seen more clearly under direct sun. He has darker, fully black fur at the tip of his ears and tail.

Physique & Markings

He is a lean, finely muscled male miqo’te of a height a little above average. He is generally in good health, bears himself straight and tall, while keeping his muscles relaxed but ready for action at a moment’s notice.

He is right-handed but doesn’t do bad with his left hand either. He has had to compensate since the incident that injured his right side and left him scarred, as his right arm is sometimes stiff or aches when the weather is dank or cold.

As mentioned above, he is scarred on the right side of his body and face especially. He covers most of it with tattoos and facepaint.

He also has pointed canines, and a lion-like tail which, along with his unusual linking for the sun, makes more than one person suspect that either his dad or one of his near ancestors was a Seeker.

Hygiene & Attire

He likes being clean, but he won’t shy away from dirtying himself if needed for a job. He generally is ready to do anything required to get to a goal.

He likes functional and simple clothes, and prefers being covered. Anything sleeveless, gloveless, or shirtless makes him feel exposed, though he's been enjoying the extra mobility coming with sleeveless outfits -- even if it makes his scars more visible. You will never see him without gloves however. Anything too flashy or noisy (i.e. clunky armour) makes him wince, even if he can’t help the occasional touch of colour himself, as he likes bright orange and yellow quite a bit. He likes wearing masks to hide his face or goggles to protect his eyes during more serious jobs (read: dungeons).


He has a rather low, raspy voice, partly because of the incident that gave him his scars, partly from disuse at times. He doesn’t speak much and is generally quiet and soft-spoken around people he doesn’t know well, so it can happen when on a job that he doesn’t speak a word for days. It goes lower in some situation, like when he’s serious or angry.

He can get quite the potty mouth when he’s comfortable around people he likes, especially if he’s frustrated about something.


Psychological profile

Despite his sometimes aloof, often bored looks, Obih'to is a sweet and very emotion-driven Miqo'te, especially when he was young. Nowadays though, and ever since the accident that granted him his scars, he does his best to analyse situations more coldly and think strategically. As such, he is often quiet and practical, observing everything with a keen eye before taking action, and can be cold and detached, even harsh at times, and it is difficult for him to open up to people. Despite that, his drive to help hasn't diminished in the least, and it is sometimes the only thing that keeps him going when depression tries to grip him. That, and his friends, who he emotionally depends on perhaps a little too much. He often goes to great length to keep the people he cares about safe, to the point of disregarding his own safety.

He is also extremely determined: if he sets his mind to something, it can be very hard to make him budge from that idea, even if it is a bad one. Similarly, if he takes something you tell him to heart, he’ll fight for that with everything he has as if it were his own ideals.

He’s not a genius or even especially smart, but he knows how to observe and listen, and use whatever facts he’s gathering at a later point when it is most useful. He can seem manipulative at times because of that attitude, but he usually doesn’t mean harm.


With his liking for the sun, but his Keeper-oriented physiology, Obih'to has developed rather peculiar sleeping habits. Namely, he favours dawn and dusk for being awake and sleeps a few hours in the dead of night and in the brightest hours of the day.

Given that he regularly works for others now, he sadly too often skips one of those two catnaps, leading him to be constantly lowgrade tired. He doesn't see it as a problem, seeing how used he is to it, but when stressors add up, it only adds to the weight.

Another habits he has never managed to shake is hunting. He enjoys hunting. For sport, for training, for food, as a way to cope with stress or to deal with panic, etc. He usually targets beasts that need culling, usually in exchange for Gil, cooks whatever he can on the spot, and sell the furs and other crafting materials.

Also, when faced with two options, Obih'to has the sad track record of nearly always going with the worst one. A habit he hasn't seemed to manage to break either, despite being somewhat aware of it.

When talking to him, some might notice that Obih'to tends not to speak overly much. He listens -- often attentively -- , answers questions -- often in a roundabout, incomplete way or by redirecting with another question --, but he only very rarely asks any personal questions of his own unless he is very close to the person. And even then, he doesn't make a habit of it. The only moments where he really does is during recruiting interviews, with 'scripted' questions meant to gauge motivation and interest.

He loves easily -- perhaps too easily -- and often so hard it breaks his heart a little. He also has the tendency to fall for people who do not return his feelings, though that is enough for him, as he tends to simply love from afar, support the person however he can, and to rarely ever make the first step.

Once he decides someone is worthy of trust and loyalty, it's very hard to make him change his mind, even when faced with evidence of betrayal. He'll go to the end of the world for that person, and defend them with all he has.



Obih'to Chiha is the second son of Obih of the Chiha Keeper-family of Doma. He was not very close to his -- much -- older half-brother Obih'a due to the fact that he was often out and about on jobs away from the city-state itself. He never knew his father, but rumour has it that he was a Seeker traveller, which caused the occasional bullying by his peers on the playground. The rumour might hold true, however, as Obih'to has always been more attracted and fascinated by the sun than the moon, going so far as to claim Azeyma as his guardian deity of choice when he moved to Eorzea. It of course didn't help any in countering the ostracisation by the other children of the Keeper families of Doma. As such, when a young Raen Au Ra about his age going by the name Rin showed kindness to him, he immediately took a shine to her. They quickly became best friends. But none of that mattered much when the Empire came into the picture.

Obih'to was six when his home-city was invaded by the Garlean Empire. He lost his mom to the invasion. Collateral damage, an unfortunate accident. And never saw his older brother again. To this day, he doesn't know if he even is still alive at all. After the invasion, he and Rin ran away from Doma. They stumbled upon Kashi, a Hyur Midlander raised by the Lupin beast clan ever since his father died. The three of them quickly became close friends, completely inseparable. Some time later, they were taken in by the Doman refugees, who would later be led by Yugiri Mistwalker. In the midst of all those people, they learned and trained to be shinobi.

Years later, during a scout mission gone wrong to spy on the Garleans, Kashi and Obih'to got hurt, Kashi nearly losing his left eye while protecting Obih'to, and Obih'to being severely injured while protecting Kashi in return. Despite the fact that Obih'to fell into a coma for weeks after that, and had to go through rehabilitation for long months, both of them recovered completely, in large thanks to Rin who had been undertaking conjurer training. Obih'to sustained scars on the right side of his body and face he later covered partially with tattoos on that side and facepaint.


A little before the Calamity, Obih’to and his friends were sent scouting with a group of Domans for potential allies to help in the Doman uprising. His group ended up beyond Othard, into Eorzea. It took some time to find their bearings there, learn the language and find their footing. They helped around to try and gain allies, one of the job being to help put down the primals in the dark times after the battle of Carteneau.

Eventually, the Doman uprising happened and was crushed before they could make any real progress. Obih’to feels forever guilty for not being there and having failed to bring the help he’d been sent to get. He hasn’t been able to face Yugiri ever since the refugees came flooding, choosing to avoid her out of pure shame.

Since then, he and his friends have been doing their best to help their broken community who took refuge in Ul'dah then Mor Dhona. They are often taking on any and all jobs regardless of bore or danger if it gets them money, anything to help fund the community and maybe one day plan a new uprising to take back their lands from the Empire…

Current history

In more recent times, Obih’to was recruited by the Midnight’s Envoy Free Company. He was reluctant and wary at first, but he slowly warmed up to everyone, leading to a slew of adventures and budding friendships.

He feels a sense of usefulness with them, in addition to tentative companionship and a sense of belonging. One could even argue that this is the happiest he’s been ever since Doma fell. That happiness is tainted with growing worry for everyone as he’s starting to get attached, obscuring the guilt about his homeland.

But little does he know that tragedy is about to strike where he expects it the least.

[Many more events have since happened. They are to be discovered through in-game IC interactions. A spoiler tag might be added here with those events at a later date.]

Abilities and skills

Combat training

He has been trained in the art of the shinobi from a young age, in hunting from as far as he can remember, and has lived a big part of his life as part of the Doman resistance, fighting, spying, scouting Garlean outposts, before being sent overseas after his injuries.

As such, he is a skilled fighter, with some ingrained reflexes, although he mostly runs on instinct. He doesn't exactly like fighting, and he would rather not, deep down, but that's also what he's known all his life. He thus has the tendency to compartmentalise for better efficiency in some situations, letting his instincts and training take over.

Since he moved to Eorzea, he also started training as an arcanist. He isn't the most proficient at summoning Carbuncles, but he has a natural ability with casting all sorts of barriers, and is a diligent student, even if not an outstanding one. He's recently learned traditional Eorzean Aether manipulation, and has been making links with his ninjutsu, wondering if he wouldn't be able to forgo books entirely by using more complicated mudra combination as a way of manipulating the aether and casting spells.

It is a work in progress.

Elemental affinities

His liking of the sun is in part linked to a fire affinity. Katon comes extremely naturally to him, even more since he fought against Ifrit when he came to Eorzea.

He however can't stand the cold, and never lingers for long in colder regions unless he absolutely has to.


Obih'to has a mild version of the echo. He's never really realised it or even thought about it, but it grants him a resistance to tempering -- though not a complete immunity as he can still be affected in some ways -- and slight predictive abilities through instinctively sensing shifts in the aether when someone or something is preparing to cast or launch a bigger attack (aka AOEs).

It also may or may not have helped him learn the common tongue to some degree when coming to Eorzea.

Aside from that, the echo doesn't grant him much more, aside from the occasional headache without the actual vision to justify it. It is however a rather unusual occurrence.

Non-combat skills

With living in the wilderness for most of his life, Obih'to has developed numerous survival skills, as well as some basic first aid for patching himself up either after hunts or after missions. He's also learned to cook his hunting spoils with what he has on hand, as well as to recognise edible plants, roots and fruits.

He's an excellent tracker and hunter, able to stalk a prey patiently and wait for the best moment to pounce.


Doman Refugees
The Immortal Flames
The Midnight's Envoy
The Brotherhood of Ash



Deceased Mother, unknown father, a brother who might or might not be alive, three sisters he hasn’t seen ever or since he was a child.


For a long time, he only travelled and worked in close contact with his two closest, childhood friends, Kashi Whitefang and Rin Fieldseer. But he has since then found support and companionship with the Envoy and, following some gruesome events, has become more distant with Kashi.

Fellow Envoys

He joined Envoy looking for work and instead found a strange family in them. He'd give his life for any of them in a heartbeat, as they are his 'tribe' of choice. He has since become a recruiter for the company, and knows more or less everyone to varying degree, even if he is not as close with each of them. Some though he has a special relationship with.

Megetu Kagon: Envoy's officious or 'administrative' leader. She was the one, along with Crooked, to get Obih'to into Envoy, and they have since become close like blood-siblings.
Crooked Rose: Envoy's 'official' leader, for a time. He won Obih'to's respect and devotion through fire, before betraying them and going AWOL. It still hurts deeply.
Zansetsu Winterblade: Envoy's 'secret' leader. Obih'to is often clashing with him, not agreeing with his way of running thing and dealing with people. They have come to a truce of sorts.
H'ala Falh: She is like a little brother to him, with all the rough-housing and teasing that comes with it, though their relationship can sometimes be a little more ambiguous.
Amasar Malqir: His best buddy who opened his home for him when he needed a place to rest.
Itoto Ito: The Aunt Friend. He loves her even if she likes teasing him.
Ruto Lhauske: The mother figure he doesn't realise he took to. He instinctively knows he can go to her and open up without being judged, even though they didn't start on the best foot when they met.
Marius Draco: With Marius being a Garlean, Obih'to didn't like him at first, and they have often clashed with their different bearings and outlooks, but he still respects the man.
Vaelyn Nykah: He can't stand him. Vaelyn makes the hair at the back of his neck stand on end and terrifies him at a visceral level.
Angela Pyurhart: The other mom friend. He doesn't know her well, but he appreciates her.
Suhne'ra Elakha: His mate. In a recent development, the man tried to rob him and made him jump off a bridge, and that is how they met... or at least that's how Obih'to likes to tell the tale. He loves him deeply.
Aoi Tosho: The little ninja brat with no respect. He's doing his best to tolerate her, but her smoking gets on his nerves and doesn't help matters.
Uto Tosho: He met her through knowing her husband when they were serving together in the doman resistance. They have shared pains.

Mounts and pets

He has a Chocobo named Juubi, and a Cavalry Drake he named Kamuy, which was gifted to him by the Brotherhood of Ash for his help.

RP info

Common places

IC inventory

RP limits and preferences

I am flexible and will RP virtually anything as long as it fits the character. I usually try to direct as little as possible and feel where he wants to go. As such, unexpected things may happen.

That being said, I will never force anyone into anything, so speak to me about your limits and triggers if you have any.

Plotting is love, so are random things. I don’t bite.

I will play Pretty much anything. Dark themes, light themes, angst, hurt comfort, calm stuff or adventure. I might even dabble in mature content if it takes that direction, but fair warning, it would take a looot of building.
Ask about I’d rather be able to discuss it if our characters were to have a fight. I don’t mind him being injured, far from it, but it has to be fair. No godmodding.
I won't play . I’d rather avoid having him dying, or being permanently injured. Extreme kink are usually a no as well, but you’re free to ask. I won’t play pre-established relationships and cannot tell you yes if you ask for our characters to be romantic. That has to be built and will heavily depend on chemistry.

RP hooks

As I’m relatively new to MMO RP, I’d rather you send me a tell first, even if I have my RP tag on. I will however answer and play along without it if I’m in RP tag, but if you want more involvement on my part, OoC talking is the way to go.

When out in the field: Even if I don’t have the RP tag up, feel free to party up to run FATEs or random enemies together. Obih’to will appreciate the help. He might also randomly help out if he sees someone in difficulty (low HP or otherwise).
When in town: He is usually mostly seen strolling through in cities. Feel free to stop him, but he might not have time for you unless you have a job for him.
Around the FC house: Feel free to bug him as much as you want there or in residential areas as that is where he usually is the most available.
In general: He is always on the lookout for jobs and work. That includes running someone unsynced through lower dungeons if needed.

OOC Notes

Some of it is left vague and the story is ongoing and heavily tied up with the progress of the FC he joined: the Midnight’s Envoy.


Credits and Disclaimer

This character is basically an AU expy of Obito Uchiha from Naruto. I hadn’t expected him to take flight in RP at all, but seeing how much fun I’ve had with building his backstory in compliance to the lore, I regret nothing. If this bothers you, feel free to walk the other way.

Side bar template adapted from: Infobox-roe by [MoenMoen]
"The TMI Character Template for the Hopelessly Detail Oriented" created by [MoenMoen]
I have only kept the sidebar and made minor modifications to fit my needs, but I do not claim any ownership, please use the original template linked above. Everything else is inspired by various character pages and my own needs.