Tiskha'sae Solawne

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Tisk portrait.jpeg

Tiskha'sae Solawne is a typical tribal male Keeper of the Moon. Born in a very traditional and old-fashioned family, he is torn between wanting to pursue his dreams or following the path laid out for him by his family. Especially when his dreams go against everything that is expected of him.
Native to the South Shroud, he also came across a long-abandoned Scholar soul-stone, and befriending the faerie inside -- Aria -- has only fueled his interest in books, discovering the world, and city-life.

Gridania-transparent.png Tiskha'sae Solawne
Tisk portrait.jpeg
Birth Name Tiskha'sae Solawne
Pronounced TIS•kah•seh Soh•lawe•neh
IPA: [ˈtɨskʀ̥̞̆ăsæ soˈlɔwnæ]
Meaning Fourth son of Tiskha of the Solawne family
Nickname(s)/Alias Tisk, Tis, Tiskha
Age 23
Born Year 1554 of the Sixth Astral Era
Nameday 21st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Birthplace South Shroud
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Alignment Lawful Good (tentative)
Citizenship Gridanian by proxy
Guardian Menphina, the Lover
Height 5 fulms, 7.6 ilms (171.7cm)
Weight 148 ponze (67kg)
Physique Lean and tall, with a strong torso and strong arms from wielding the bow, but also good flexibility.
Hair Pearl platinum blond
Eyes Luminous pale yellow
Skin Dark grey
Scars A small vertical nick on his left cheek
Facial Features Darker male miqo'te tear marks at the inner corner of the eyes
Tattoos A stripe on each side of the jaw, a horizontal moon crescent between his shoulder blades, stripes across his shoulders and forearms, a few lines and spots along his spine, all pale yellow
Clothing Nice fabrics but not too flashy under the night sky : a variety of muted colours like the night (loam brown, shale brown, ceruleum blue, shadow blue, etc).
Keywords Cheeky, friendly, frustrated, empathic, assured
Hobbies Reading, writing, discovering places he's read about and documenting them in his notes, wandering the shroud
Likes A clear night sky during the full moon, learning, seeing the world and meeting people, the mild bittersweet satisfaction from fulfilling his 'duties'
Dislikes The peer pressure he's under, the guilt that comes with doing what he loves, male keepers who shirk their 'duties', having to ask his faerie to stay hidden
Core Motivator Helping out and learning
Fears Being caught by his family when he's sneaking off to city-states, his faerie being discovered, being thrown out/disowned by his family or disappointing them like his brothers did
Greatest Accomplishment Managing to successfully summon and befriend Aria, his faerie
Greatest Regret
IC Profession Shroud guide. Toeing the line with poacher at times.
IC Jobs Archer. Secretly a self-taught Scholar.
Combat skills Proficient in archery, handy with the knife, excellent knowledge in poisons and poison-making thanks to botany
Physical Advantages Excellent balance thanks to a long tail, excellent night vision, blends well with his surroundings at night
Physical limitations Very poor vision in the daylight, nearsighted, sticks out like a sore thumb during the day
Non-combat Botany, skinning animals, good with the letters and numbers, healing and first aid
Primary Weapon Bow and arrows. Books.
Armor Sturdy cloth armour.
Username Alnee
Time Zone UTC+1
Server Mateus
Free Company Hands of the Vagrant

**Side bar template adapted from: Infobox-roe by [MoenMoen]

**"The TMI Character Template for the Hopelessly Detail Oriented" created by [MoenMoen] and slightly adapted by me

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Native to the South Shroud to a very traditional family of Keepers of the Moon, still perpetuating the traditions of old and appearing as nothing more than poachers to the Gridanian population, Tiskha'sae Solawne may seem like the typical keeper male archer dwelling in the forest.

And while some of that might be true, there is an internal struggle in him between wanting to follow his family's wishes, and the appeal of city-life and the learning opportunities it provides. But with his older brothers having all succumbed to that attraction and abandoned tribal life -- which he's come to resent them for -- there is too much weight on his shoulder for him to come out about wanting the same.

But there is nothing that can seem to stop him from sneaking out and indulging when he thinks his family isn't looking.

[Warning]: This character is centred around potentially controversial topics, such as tribal mating practices, internalised oppression, internalised self-hate, and internalised homophobia. The goal is to get the character to overcome those difficulties through character development, but if those concepts bother you, I'd recommend not reading further.


Hair & Eyes

Tiskha'sae has pale hair and pale eyes, almost pearl-like in hue. His hair and fur is a pale, washed out silver with pinkish and yellowish parts, while his eyes are more of a luminous washed out golden silver. The tip of his tail is yellower, while the tips of his ears are nearly black. His tail is long and thin, providing excellent balancing aid.

Tiskha'sae is as nocturnal as can be. He lives during the night, as has his family for generations with little to no mingling with diurnal races or tribes. His night vision is excellent, thanks to his very wide pupils. His daytime vision, however, is lacking. He is also a little nearsighted, reading and other activities of that type tiring his eyes quicker. He thus wears reading-glasses when he needs to read or write more than a few words.

Physique & Markings

Tiskha'sae is lean and strong, on the tall end of the scale for a male miqo'te. He owes his strength to bow wielding and a life out in the wilds. Coming from a highly traditional and tribal family, he is used to a nomadic life, away from the easy comfort of the city-states (as he views it from the outside), travelling from Keeper group to Keeper group, mainly in the Black Shroud but also in other regions. He still regularly comes back to his home family, which he considers home.
With all the practical exercising this involves, he is finely and functionally muscled.

His skin is a dark, slightly brownish grey, seemingly just as washed out as his hair and eyes in the sunlight, but blending well with his surroundings under the night sky. His skin is covered in very pale yellow tattoos: a stripe on each side of his jaw and elaborate shapes on his back, shoulders and forearms (see gallery hereafter).

Hygiene & Attire

Tiskha'sae is a fervent adept of wearing clothes adapted to the activity at hand, and it's not the fact that he's on the move nearly all the time that is going to stop him. In the same idea, the fact that he lives outside most of the time isn't going to keep him from being meticulously clean. He always plans his trips in advance and comes well prepared.

Tisk has two main outfits he likes to wear.

- A practical leather outfit which he wears most of the time when he is out in the wild, travelling or hunting (his ARC outfit).
- A more comfortable cloth outfit he usually wears when he sneaks out to the city-states and spends time in libraries or indoors. This is incidentally also the favourite outfit of his faerie Aria, as she has many more comfy hiding places to hide in (his SCH outfit).

He also has a specific, warmer outfit for colder places like the Coerthas when his jobs bring him there, and can be sometimes found in simple gatherer clothes when he is focused on botany.

As for colours, he appreciates colours which blend well with his surroundings at night. Mostly sandy browns and faded blues, both light and dark. Although those work well at night, they make him stick out like a sore thumb under the sunlight.

Personality and practices

Psychological profile

Tiskha'sae is a friendly, assured, and empathic young man. Often cheerful, he loves to meet new people and keep contact afterwards. In addition to making money, it's also why he loves taking on fetch or guiding jobs, and advertises his services as a Shroud guide.

He is most relaxed when out in the wild, where he feels in control of his life and free to act in ways that fit both his desires and what's expected of him by his family. When in city-states or back home with his family, he is however a lot quieter and gloomier. His upbringing having brewed a lot of frustration and bitterness in him.

His core motivators are helping people and learning. He has a scientist heart, and if he allowed himself to follow that fully, he would love to become a naturalist, travelling the world and compiling his observations in notebooks. He also is good with the numbers and letters, with a practical mind. He tends to be good with money. And while he rarely helps people for free, he strives to find fair arrangements, no matter the money -- or lack thereof -- of his interlocutors.

With his practical mind, he is usually well prepared, even as living in the wilderness has forced him to be flexible and adaptable at all times.


Tiskha'sae is as nocturnal as they come. His day-time sight is lacking and he honestly doesn't care for the sun. As such, he tends to sleep away most of the day, usually rising around dusk -- or sometimes late afternoon when a job demands it.

Sunset in the South Shroud

Being highly nomadic, he does his best to be self-sufficient: he hunts and gathers for his food, makes fires when needed and carefully cleans out his campsites. He bathes in running water or clear lakes, and knows the plants and the ways of the forest.

He is also a casual believer of the Twelve and the Elementals. He doesn't worship them as such, but he believes they exist. It shows in everything he does within the forest. From the way he hunts to the way he gathers plants or even bathes, he is always careful to show the utmost respect to the spirits of the forest and to keep a close eye and ear for any signs from them. Depending on what he senses, he'll for example avoid taking plants from a specific site or hunting a specific animal.

As he has always been in contact with the forest, growing in it and being taught its ways by his family, he holds nothing but contempt for the Trappers' League, who he believes to edict arbitrary rules without actually paying attention to the forest. His family and their hunting practices are viewed by Gridanians as poaching, as they do not respect what the Trappers' League decides. Worse than that, his family and himself categorically refuse dialogue with Gridania on this matter, especially after one of Tiskha'sae's sisters was killed without remorse by the League while she was out hunting.

Tiskha'sae also has the habit of sneaking to Limsa Lominsa and Ul'dah to spend time in their libraries. He feels a little guilty every time, but he simply can't help himself. The appeal of books is too strong and the scent of old books soothing.


Having grown up in the shadow of his brothers' legacy, Tiskha'sae tends to bury and hide a lot of his struggles and not dare speaking up to his family. Indeed, his three brothers left the tribe for the city life, some to marry other races, one of them getting into a same-sex relationship, all of them abandoning their tribal roots and turning their backs to tradition.

His family didn't understand those behaviours, they felt betrayed and lost in addition to it being seen as a disgrace for his mother, unable to bring into the world useful sons. And this was the sort of place Tisk grew up in: in a confused family, with everyone loudly hopping he wouldn't turn out like his brothers.

Because of this, he struggles with a lot of self-hate, guilt and denial. Because deep down, he is just as attracted to the city as his brothers. He loves book ever since he came across one in the Amdapor ruins. He's discovered an all consuming love for learning and seeing the world. He could spend days on end in a library if he was left to his own devices. He loves helping people and getting to know strangers. All things frowned upon by his family. So he hides what he can, and tries to seem disinterested about what he can't.

Part of him wants to leave, like his brothers did before him. It would be so much easier. But the biggest part of him cannot bear even entertaining that thought. He doesn't want to be like his brothers. Turning out like them is one of his biggest fear. So even if part of him wants to leave, he is also desperately afraid of being cast out by his family. He doesn't want to disappoint them nor to betray them.

All in all, deep down he really hopes that maybe one day he'll find the courage to tell them about his passions. And that maybe he'll be able to pursue those while still following his family's traditions and making them proud.

View of City-folks

Because of all this, despite his attraction to the city, he tends to be overly critical of city folks and to hold great contempt against them. He sees them as fragile weakling unable to withstand the real life. The one out there beyond the protective walls, the warmth, the artificial lights everywhere and the hot shower water.

Truth be told, all that contempt mainly comes from bitterness and frustration. Envy for something he'd like but can't let himself have.

View of same-sex and interracial relationships

In the same vein, he tends to look down on and silently judge gay Keeper males, as well as those who choose strict monogamy or hook up with members or other races. As a male Keeper from a very traditional family, he's been taught from very young that his duty is to travel between keeper families to offer his services to women who are looking for it. Seeing other males waste themselves in ways that keep them from fulfilling that tends to make him quietly angry.

While Tiskha'sae sees himself as strictly devoted to that duty and refuses to look elsewhere or about what he might want, he is actually pansexual but in denial. And even when he realises that he might want other men, it'll be extremely hard for him to admit it openly to anyone who might have links to his family. Or to anyone at all.

Coming to terms with what he is and what he wants, and accepting that in him and others, is one of his big struggles.

Tribal practices

Tiskha'sae was raised in traditional tribal practices of his family group. In addition to being taught that males are to be highly nomadic, he was taught to live with the forest and to respect it. He was also taught the utmost respect for Keeper women. Respect for them as women, as providers of the tribe, as bearer of life, but also as fierce huntress with nothing to prove.


Current history

Abilities and skills

Combat training

Tiskha'sae's bow

Elemental affinities

Non-combat skills



Mother: Tiskha Solawne
Father: ???
Brothers: 3
- Tiskha'a
- Tiskha'to
- Tiskha'li
Mounts and companions
Tallula: His trusty chocobo. She's a watchful, sand-feathered sweetheart.
Aria: His faerie. Cheeky and curious, she often nearly gives him heart-attacks. But she cares for him a great lot.
 ???: A cursed book
 ???: A Griffin
Player characters
Riopheux Valtin

RP info

Common places

From most frequent IC appearance to least frequent:

South Shroud
Black Shroud in general
La Noscea
Limsa Lominsa
Mor Dhona
Most other areas

IC inventory

A couple of books
Ink and quill
Spare paper
A few blank copies of contracts
Hunting knife
Some rope
Bow and arrows
Bandages and some medicinal plants
Spare clothes and equipment
Gysahl greens
Scholar soulstone
War paint

RP limits and preferences

I am flexible and will RP virtually anything as long as it fits the character. I usually try to direct as little as possible and feel where he wants to go. As such, unexpected things may happen.

That being said, I will never force anyone into anything, so speak to me about your limits and triggers if you have any.

Plotting is love, so are random things. I don’t bite.

I will play

Pretty much anything. Dark themes, light themes, angst, hurt comfort, calm stuff or adventure. I might even dabble in mature content if it takes that direction, but fair warning, it would take some building.

Ask about

I’d rather be able to discuss it if our characters were to have a fight. I don’t mind him being injured, far from it, but it has to be fair. No godmodding.

I won't play

I’d rather avoid having him dying, or being permanently injured. Extreme kink are usually a no as well, but you’re free to ask. I won’t play pre-established relationships and cannot tell you yes if you ask for our characters to be romantic. That has to be built and will heavily depend on chemistry.

RP hooks

As I’m relatively new to MMO RP, I’d rather you send me a tell first, even if I have my RP tag on. I will however answer and play along without it if I’m in RP tag, but if you want more involvement on my part, OoC talking is the way to go.

When out in the field

It usually means I'm busy with quests or gathering, but unless I'm queued up for a duty or in the middle of a levequest, I'm always open for RP. All of Tiskha'sae's classes are IC except miner. He usually travels a lot and spends most of his time in the wilds. He's always ready to help someone in need or to offer his services if someone needs to be guided/escorted to a safe place.

When in town

I'm usually either updating my gear/glam or hanging around for RP if you see me in town. Tiskha'sae will likely be less relaxed if he is seen there IC, and less open and friendly than when out in the field, but as a player, this is some of the best moments to catch me in. He is most likely to be seen in town with books and maybe with his Faerie Aria if you're lucky.

Around the FC house

Also a good place OOCly, but not as good ICly, as Tisk isn't often around there.

In general

I'm always open for RP, just shoot me a /tell <3

OOC Notes


Cat Folk
Cat Boy
Cute Little Fangs
Working-Class Hero: the book-reading kind
Big Screwed Up Family
Black Sheep: Played straight for his three brothers, abverted/zig-zagged/mayby even backfired for Tisk:
a mash up of The Dutiful Son for his attitude towards his family, The Black Sheep for what he wants (but still wants to be the dutiful son), some Cultural Rebel and The Whitest Black Guy.
Category Traitor: played with, toeing the line, fear the character has and how he might be seen, rather than something that has happened
Armoured Closet Gay: despite being actually pansexual, this fits, as the attraction for the same sex is the issue here
The Twink(somewhat) to The Straight Gay
Coming to term with all that in I Am What I Am and Coming Out Story
Bi The Way: except he's pan but this fits perfectly

Specs Of Awesome
Badass Bookworm

Credits and Disclaimer

Side bar template adapted from: Infobox-roe by [MoenMoen]
"The TMI Character Template for the Hopelessly Detail Oriented" created by [MoenMoen]
I have only kept the sidebar and made minor modifications to fit my needs, but I do not claim any ownership, please use the original template linked above. Everything else is inspired by various character pages and my own needs.