X'shuyet Etki

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X'shuyet Etki
She Who Belongs Between Two Worlds


ALIAS : Rh'uaza Etki || Rhuaza Kasa || X'shuyet Etki

SEX : Female.

CLAN & RACE : Keeper of the Moon, Miqo'te.

AGE : Twenty-three ~ Twenty-Four.

HEIGHT : 5 fulm, 0 ilm.

BUILD : Feminine, lean and muscular.

NAMEDAY : 19th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon.

PATRON DEITY : Azeyma, The Warden.



CITIZENSHIP : Thanalan raised; Ul'dahn.

TRIBES : Rhino Tribe (Rh') (destroyed)//Caracal; Lynx Tribe (Dune Specters) (Active).

MARITAL STATUS : Unattached, attracted.

ORIENTATION : Bisexual, male-leaning.

OCCUPATION : Huntress, Warrior, and part-time bar singer.

ALIGNMENT : Chaotic Neutral.


X'shuyet Etki ( Pronunciation: Shee-shuu-yet Et-key), formerly known as Rhuaza Kasa, is a conflicted young woman living between two worlds; a Keeper of the Moon navigating Seeker of the Sun culture. The Nunh and Chieftain of Rhino took her in when she was only a babe and raised her as his own for plenty summers.

Shuyet's childhood behavioral issues came after realizing her contrast with her adoptive family. With her broken, misunderstood heart, she has lead a very violent, independent life. It began with picking frequent fights in the tribe as a girl, then fleeing to the city at a young age, to finally turn to bounty hunting as a means for quick gil. Shuyet's first impression comes off bitter, stuck up, and stubborn. Because of her self-doubt, she struggles with confidence and trust. On almost every interaction, she'll quickly hide behind violence and her passionate temper.

A moon before the unfortunate event of The Rhino tribe being destroyed, X'shuyet had already departed prior. Once she discovered the news, she was thrown into an unhealthy stage of grief. Resent over her selfish ways festered in her heart during her mourning. Seeing the remains for herself left a lasting mental scar, while the emotional trauma stained her soul. With this burden, she went on living alone. Taking lives for scrap pay and feeling as though she, too, was dead. X'shuyet evolved into a clean cut dagger in her young adulthood. Her temper was harmful, and so too was the way she respected her life.

Her story shifted in her mid-twenties when she made the leap to readjust to her tribal lifestyle...with a new family, with new ways. Shuyet is treasuring her second chance to the best of her ability. As a lone member of Rhino, she made a vow to honor the dead for the rest of her suns through their language, dance, and markings. As a newly appointed Dune Warrior, she allowed her body and soul to be tethered to The Burning Lady, Azeyma. At present, she lives a devoted lifestyle as a Dune Specter Warrior and Huntress.



Shuyet switches between allowing her thick, frizzy hair to overgrow, or taming it short. There's no clear merit as to why she carelessly grooms her jet black locks the way she does. If it's not messy and over her shoulders, then her bed head is before the neck.

Without fail, if her gaze lands on you, you'll notice her odd eyes. A kind, warm pink claims the left eye. While a peaceful, brilliant green has the other. Her messy bangs lazily drape over her eyes---or typically her left, if she decides to brush it out the way.

The woman typically wears an annoyed, outwardly jaded expression. X'shuyet's soft, feminine face fool most into thinking her mannerism is graceful and polite. She counters this by adopting masculine fashion and carrying weapons openly at all times. This, in turn, gives her a specific charm; mysterious and dangerous.

Because Shu is 5 films and moderately built, she's not shy in flaunting her body. She supports light muscles from biceps, abs, all the way to her calves. The only time her strength is visible, however, is if she actively flexes. The huntress eats regularly, but just enough to become full and well-rested. Shuyet's form is one of a young, fit woman. No defining curves or bust

Without a doubt, after being initiated into the tribe, she altered her wardrobe to better look her part. Out went the casual city-going clothing, and in with hunting attire, ceremonial robes, and shrine wear. Her clothing is either tightly fit, with just enough freedom in the joints of the clothes to leave her agility unaffected; or she's in black robes, organized and sharp from the neck down.

FACE CLAIM : Undecided; Reference Place Holder.

VOICE : No voice Claim. Raspy, Boyish, Tough, Mature.

SCARRING : The young woman has only a few scars painted onto her skin. Most importantly, she has sacred soulgem fragments burned into both wrists. Yet another to note is a thin scar running from her ankle to her kneecap. Then to her least noticeable being the faded bruises and cuts on her knuckles. Additional cuts pepper her fingers and palms.

MARKINGS : X'shuyet has three key markings on her person. Two on her face, while the other stays hidden on her ankle.

Warrior Stripe . . . After she was accepted into the Dune Specter tribe, she was branded as one of Azeyma's warriors and huntresses. To display her status, she smears a mixture of black ochres, lemon balm, and lavender beginning at either temple, to her eyes, then the bridge of her nose.
Mark of Rhino . . . To honor her previous tribe, Shuyet dips her pinky finger into dark smear, and dashes the painted pad of her digit above her warrior stripe. It appears as a small Rhino horn. As the last of her people, she wears this out of respect and mourning.
Sisters of Gold . . . On her ankle, this mark is hidden under thick gauze. It's a common symbol worn by a servant girl, (better known as courtesan) that were not of age. This typically meant they were not allowed to be touched, and could only be dancers. It was a time Shu would rather forget, and often doesn't speak about. She stayed in a harem home for a cycle after she ran away from her tribe, as she didn't have any other place to go.


Iron-willed. Hot-headed. Devoted. Shuyet is a woman of common sense and pride; most of her decisions are hardly ever made from whims. This applies to trusting when faced with new people as well. She experiences a moment of insecurity and reluctance until a bond is made overtime. As a friend, she's determined to bend over backwards to meet their needs, often forgetting her own.

X'shuyet is noticeably quiet and collected. Very rarely will the woman open her mouth unless it's something of importance or an insult. She prefers to observe and analyze people before engaging...when she's calm. Her anger makes her reckless, arrogant, and brutal. Without hesitation, her childishness will push her to use her strength irresponsibly, whether it be for saving a comrade or petty revenge. Her close combat expertise--though something she's not proud of, comes from having frequent fights in her adoptive tribe. Granted, she fought without form or purpose. Her behavior was nothing more than a child finding an outlet. Nevertheless, she took these basic skills and converted them into a channeled talent as a pugilist in her late teens.

The older she becomes, the less rampant her emotions are. She has better control over them with practice and patience, however, her temper is still something she continuously works on. She's a shy, unsure woman underneath the beaten and bruised surface. Time has taught her to thicken her skin and sharpen her tongue. Occasionally, her sweeter side will reveal itself to those she cares about.


  • PLUM WINE : Every. Damns. Time. Shu will always order this drink if it isn't water. Her deep, borderline obsessive fondness for this drink is hardwired, and she isn't open to share why.

  • BUTTERFLIES : Graceful, light-weighted, and colorful. X'shuyet collected as many as she could as a kit, but sadly had to part with them when she moved to Ul'dah. She has never truly grown out of her affection for these insects.

  • SINGING : A once scorned hobby that turned into a beloved skill of hers. She uses her voice during any mood, be it to uplift her sorrows or to match her bubbly mood.

  • HOT WEATHER : An unintentional reminder of her home tribe and her youth. She enjoys the sweat and unbearable humidity that comes with this climate.


  • STARES : No one's eyes should be lingering on her. She takes it as an aggressive, judging body language, and it temps her to show caution--or worse--aggression.

  • WEAKNESS : In both her tribes, weakness is looked down upon, and in some cases, punished. She grew up learning that endurance and fearlessness would keep you alive. Anyone who accepts their shortcomings are seen as a waste of time in Shuyet's eyes.

  • STRONG LIQOUR : In the words of Shuyet, herself: 'I'd rather drink for the taste, than the effects. Why in Gods' names would I drink piss?'

  • GOSSIP : She'll easily turn a deaf ear. Socializing is hard enough for Shu, but engaging in the 'who-did-what-to-who' conversations is utterly boring to her, and she'll likely admit it.

  • CRITICISM : Self-reflection is her worst enemy. As childish as it is, her pride is too high to want to sit through it.

Distinctive Features

  • MOTIVATED : When she has her mindset, she'll dive at any opportunity to make it come true. Even if that means paving an entirely different path. The woman has the will of an ox. It'll take a lot to make her give up on what she cares about.

  • STREET SMART : X'shuyet has navigated the streets of Ul'dah for most her cycles. Running into criminals and scammers became a habitual occurrence, and even taught her a thing or two about interacting with city-folk.

  • KIND-HEARTED : More than she's willing to admit, Shuyet cares for the people she invests her faith into. She has only the purest intention when face to face with a loved one. The Huntress will wear her heart on her sleeve for them, and them alone.

  • LOYAL : If she owes someone, she pays it in full. If she gives her word, she'll remember it better than they did. If she does someone she respects wrong, she'll very well give them the option to hurt her in return, or worse, take her life. She is very funny when it comes to pride; nothing can ever be simple.

  • COMBAT : Fighting is a strength that is, oddly enough, something that she finds distasteful as a sport. She's not thrilled by her home-taught skills with her fists or daggers. Not even achery, which she's been picking up as of late. Sparring, though something she's very proficient at, is an activity favored as a means to flaunt her skill or honor an opponent.


  • AETHERIC MANIPULATION : She can't use magic or manipulate aether affectively compared to others. At the most, she can only mend wounds through song...and expect a bloody nose and nausea to quickly follow.

  • MORBID : She has a very offsetting quirk to her personality. This means she finds it difficult to socialize with people around her age-range. She's a woman thoroughly toughened by life, and therefor lacks the ability to offer a bright sense of humor.

  • TEMPERAMENTAL : Ever since she was a girl, her spirit has been uncontrollable. She picked frequent fights with her brothers and sisters almost daily. It only became worse as she grew older, as she now needs to completely focus on calming her passionate youth. Every now and then, her temper gets the best of her, resulting in an often cruel and relentless backlash.

  • HABITS : Smoking, drinking, and stubborn ways. Shuyet has an addictive personality on default. It'll take time and development to pull her away from harmful habits.


  • TRAUMA : The cause of her lack of sleep is because of her dreams. Night terrors will typically repeat the day she discovered her destroyed tribe and their corpses. This scar stuck with her since then, and affects how she views death.

  • BONDING : As cliche as it is, Shuyet accepts that a lifelong commitment is not, and perhaps never will be, for her. She fears expecting someone to accept her, rather than having her heart broken.


  • FAVORITE FOOD : Quick, easy, and dry. Glazed-nuts are right up her alley. Admittedly, this has been a favored treat since she was a kit.

  • FAVORITE DRINK  : Plum wine is such a temptation that X'shuyet's never been able to refuse.

  • FAVORITE COLOR  : Pink, even if she'll never wear it. The color reminds her of flowers.

  • FAVORITE ANIMAL : Rinoceroses; her old tribe's totem. She admires their loyality and endurance. She values the beast's horn and even wears a mark on her forehead that resembles it.

Combat Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Regardless if she acquired a fascination for bows, that is not the weapon Shuyet would place her life on. Her wepaon of choice are her fists. Bare, adorned with braces, or even bandages; hand to hand combat is what she is most comfortable with. Most of her training comes from her previous tribe, Rhino, where tradition denied the use of weapons, and welcomed natural strength to overcome opponents.

In her bounty hunting years, Shuyet immediately grew fond of how dazzling daggers & butterfly knives are. Sharp, quick, and silent. This method was loyal to her whenever she was faced with an enemy in close range. While moderately dangerous with a dagger in her hands--or even strapped to her hip, she prefers to carry lightweight daggers for show and warning. Shuyet's style leans towards slicing and stabbing, rather than chopping. In the past, the woman would hold a thigh dagger, a boot dagger, and twin hip daggers wherever she went. Nowadays she carries much fewer, which include her hunting knife that's used for skinning and carving hunted animals.

Naturally, she uses the bow and arrow for hunting as well. Not so much combat, it would seem. During her days as a manhunter, she used the help of her bow to assassinate targets from afar, if needed. At present, she has no need for it to be used as such---or rather, she refuses to. She's focused on practicing her archery with each passing day.

For reasons unknown, Shuyet's ability to manipulate aether is, in short, pathetic. She experiences severe headaches, nausea, dizziness, and nosebleeds if she were to even attempt casting elemental magic. In certain cases, she's able to get away with using aether and not suffer as much. That would be by singing. Her song, when focused, can feasibly heal a cut inflicted by a dagger, or a small cut. Anything more would, and has, cause the woman to faint. This ability, or what she likes to call "her tribe's gift" , was passed down to her by her adoptive father. Shuyet believes that she can't attune to aether because it rejects she is a Keeper of the Moon. Whether she is true or not remains unknown.

The Desert Village By The Sea

The Rhino Tribe were a small few. They preferred a life of isolation, rather than communication when it came to outsiders. The Chieftain and Nunh, Rh'etki Nunh, believed this would decrease the risk of conflict inside and out tremendously. He would make one exception to this rule, and that would be after his daughter, Rh'uaza, died of illness.

While venturing years later, Rh'etki discovered a baby no more than 1 or 2 years old, abandoned in the desert to die. Her clothes were mere rags that struggled to keep her warm. She had strange eyes as well; one pink and one green. Not to mention, they were round...A keeper child, with tiny fangs within her mouth to prove it. On that day, the mourning father decided to rescue this kit. He gave her the name Rh'uaza, as an attempt to replace his deceased daughter.

Rh'uaza grew up spoiled rotten and catered to. Rh'etki taught her Rhino culture, which includes song and dance, their language, and how to hunt. Some days, her Father offered all his attention to her, rather than the tribe. This, in turn, made her a target for bullying, as very few huntresses accepted the fact she was an outsider---much less a Keeper. To make matters worse, young Shuyet was bedridden due to her inability to adjust to the desert heat and lasting sun exposure. She got sunburned easily, dehydrated, and suffered heat stroke on occasion. Needless to add, she was a very sheltered girl. Partially due to health issues, and another due to Rh'etki's desperation to keep her from harm.

Her troublesome years began when she was in her teens. After finding out the origins of her name and her father's love, she refused his affection from then on. She picked frequent fights in the tribe, sometimes not knowing the cause of them. Fed up with her self-hatred and anger she felt for her father, she ran away from her tent at night and never looked back.

Arriving in the City Lit by Fireflies

Now in her teens, Shuyet detested her family and father. For the first time in years, she felt free to explore and be her own person. The golden city, the dome of lights and gitter that she could only view from afar was now engulfing her. The only issue was...she did not understand them, as they could not understand her. Her knowledge of common was barely passing when it came to basic phrases, and even worse with liturature.

She couldn't find work, shelter, or even fresh water for the first few days she lived in the cities. It was clear that the streets lit by fire sprites and dazzling gold was not for her---not one bit. Coming to this revelation, Shuyet accepted that she was to die on the streets on Ul'dah alone. That is until a well-dressed man found her and offered her a place to stay.

It was like a palace. A sweet scent of perfume wafting through each hall, wine in the hands of every well-dressed man and woman, and the performers on stage dancing in such an exotic fashion. It was a harem house of pleasure. Shuyet served that house as a dancer for perhaps a year. There, she learned how to speak common, dance, write, and navigate the city. When she came of age, she refused to accept men in her chambers by breaking out the night before and escaping.

The Black Market Beneath The Streets

When Shuyet heard word of a tribe in Southern Sagolli being raided and burned to the ground, she gathered what gil she still had from the Lotus House and traveled out to her old home. What she found was devistating. The tents were burned, as were the crops. The docks that harbored boats was demolished and destroyed. The corpses is what forever left a mark in her mind. All of them, each and every, wore expressions of terror and pain. Shuyet had returned to the dead.

After that, something in her changed. She couldn't quite fit into society and function due to her irrational mental state. She turned to the second easiest job she could think of aside from rejoining a harem; bounty hunting. She went about her suns killing for pay after she was accepting into an organization. Children, women, elderly, if they had a mark, she completed the order with swiftness. Shuyet discovered she had a keen skill for hunting people, regardless if it brought her sorrow or not.

Drinking The Dark Waters

Shuyet is now in her early twenties. For years, she's been taking bounty job and assassinating targets. While doing this, she feels herself slipping further into depression. Her temper is worse than it's ever been, so too are her suicidal thoughts and attmepts. Her regret for disowning her family ate away at her every waking sun until set, only to repeat the next day.

The winds of fate gripped the woman before sinking its long talons into her skin the second she laid eyes on them...The Dune Specters. There, proudly, stood the High Priestess and Chieftain of the Sagolii Specters; X'shah. They were a sub-tribe and Caracal totem branch of Lynx, often found protecting ancient ruins.

The Dune Tribe were hosts to a gathering of sorts. One that praises culture and embraces difference in tribes. It intrigued Shuyet into staying around and learning about tribes she had only heard whispers of. The longer she stayed, the clearer it became that her current life was not where she belonged.

Six months later, she finally took the first leap and offered her life and soul to the tribe. The initiation into the Dune Tribe took time, effort, and patience. Even now, she's still proving herself worthy to not only her High Priestess, but to her peers and friends.

💞 Romantic Relationship
🖤 Casual Involvement
🌹 Attraction
💚 Family
🔒 Trusted
🔗 Business
⚔️ Strained

Rhino & Lynx Tribe

Rh'etki Nunh ( 💚 ⚔️ ) - Adoptive Father (NPC)(Rhino)
"M'father was a crazy old man." Is what Shuyet would typically say when describing her father. Their relationship was certainly a peculiar one. Rh'etki rescued and adopted X'shuyet when she was only an infant. He taught her how to sing and speak, kept her well-groomed and fed, and raised her as though she shared his blood. The problem arrose when X'shuyet got older and figured out why he cared for her so deeply. It created a massive hole in their relationship since. Arguably the reason she ran away, as well. Now that her tribe is gone, X'shuyet looks back at this relationship with a bitter taste in her mouth. Unsaid words and apologies set to remain that way until she, too, reaches the grave.

Rh'tedda Tia ( 💚 🔒 ) - Foster Brother (NPC)(Rhino)
The fourth and youngest son of Rh'etki and technical sibling of Shuyet's. The young boy was born mute and could only use sign language to speak. Shuyet favored him because of his kind heart and gentle nature. She was able to speak her mind and dreams without worry of judgement or denial. Because of him, Shuyet has a respectable understanding for sign language and people with special needs.
X'shah Zinbhe ( 💚 🔒 ⚔️ ) - High Priestess & Mother Figure(PC)(Dune Specter)
Gods. What wouldn't she do for X'shah? Never has Shuyet feared, loved, hated, and respected one person as much as her. Shuyet immediately gravitated towards her strong personality and straightfoward way of thinking. Regardless if it's true or not, she views her High Priestess as an advisor and navigator for where her next step should be. Shuyet tirelessly works to gain every last drop of X'shah's approval in an obsessive, almost unhealthy way. Though the dynamic of their relationship is odd, she believes this is the way they're naturally meant to be. Careful and slow until they better bond.

J'tehn Nunh ( 💚 🔒 🔗 ) - Nunh & Good Friend (PC)(Dune Specter)
X'shuyet rolls her eyes. "Here we go..." Driven, dependable, and goofy. As much as they bicker back and forth, J'tehn is a good friend of Shuyet's since her bounty hunting days. Even before she became a Dune Specter, she considered him a brother. As such, more often than she's ever willing to admit, she seeks him out to vent, train, or ramble for bells about nothing at all.
X'nim Vizinh ( 💚 🔒 ) - Sister figure & Good friend (PC)(Dune Specter)
A ball of sunshine, all the time, every sun. When Shuyet first met this young woman, she was sure she would struggle fending for herself. Wrong she was. Nim is smart, bubbly, and charasmatic. Ironically, their solar opposite personalities is what seems to work, as she brings out the goofier side of Shuyet effortlessly. X'nim truly is like the sister she always wanted!

Especially Notable Relations

C'lai Nunh ( 🔒 ) - The Strange One (PC)(Couerl)
Such a strange start. One born out of misunderstandings and ignorance, only to form into mutual respect and peace. Shuyet has a lot to learn about C'lai still, and she wishes to built trust through combat, or even simple conversation.
C'yuina Marcy ( 🔒⚔️ 🔗 ) - Snowball (PC)(Dune Specter & Couerl)
Such a back and forth relationship between the two. First they're sour, then they're sweet.Yuina shares a burning fire with Shuyet. Their anger and passion clash and collid in the messiest ways possible. Though, catty as they may be, Shuyet has a soft spot for her. She looks up to her, trusts her skills and experiences, and wishes to know more about her.
... ( )

... ( )
Common rumours & quotes

  • ■ "Shee...Shuyet...? I never heard of the name, sorry. But. Hm...She does remind me of a woman I used to know.
  • ■ "Uh huh. She sings in my bar time to time for gil, what about her?...Her singing? I mean, it's fair enough to bring a few extra patrons in. She ain't the sweetest flower when she's off stage, I'll warn you."
  • ■ "PAH! Aye, if'n she's even willin t'talk t'me, we do trade. She's demandin' a'hells with that...weird face paint on. M'confused if the lass is from t'city or'n one o' those savages in t'desert."
  • ■ "X'shuyet and I are a bit of old friends, you've got the right of it...Tell you about her past? Listen, buddy. Even I don't know. She creates a wall around herself."

Rare rumours & quotes

  • ■ "Oho? So that's what Rhuaza's calling herself now? Doesn't matter to me. She'll eventually crawl back to us for work, just like she did in the past. What work? ...Being a hunting dog."
  • ■ "No! Absolutely not. Anyone associated with that thing can bugger off! Her and her group of...killers are bad news. Had the nerves to request to sing in my bar!"

Players rumours & quotes

Artwork & Edits


Personal RP Limits
Below you will find a general list of things that I will and won't do within the context of roleplay. I ask you to please respect my wishes and limits. If there's anything not on this list that you're unsure of, please don't hesitate to ask me.

I will play . . . Mature and/or dark content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use). Occasional erotic themes for the purpose of developing characters and interactions / relationships.** Coarse and explicit language. Injury and incapacitation.
Ask before . . . Long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Captivity or imprisonment, either long or short term.
I won't play . . . Permanent character death. Non-continuity / oneshot ERP with little to no merit for character development.

**If I don't know you for more than a week and you're already plotting an ERP scene, I will not feel comfortable with you. People live and learn, and as a result, I do not want to rush things between developing characters. Please respect that.

All of this said, your comfort and limits in RP are also very important to me. If an aspect of RP or certain themes makes you uncomfortable, please let me know so that I can avoid them. Likewise, if something that happens in the midst of a scene makes you uncomfortable, tell me.

On Walk-Up RP
I'mma keep it real with you, chief. When I'm out and about ooc, I probably don't want to be bothered with random WU's. I hang out with a wonderful core group that I roleplay and goof off with very often. That's not saying I never have a desire for random RP. Just send a tell first. Truth be told, setting up a date works best for me.

Important Notes for Prospective Long-term RP Partners
This game is really fun. The community is amazing and unpredictable, and I thoroughly enjoy my time with most people I RP with. That being said, let's not run into a situation where lack of communication causes issues. If you'd like to set up a more established, long-term RP partnership with me, I'm definitely willing to listen. However, PLEASE take note of the following things first to make sure this really is what you want to sign up for in an RP partner. Make sure you read and understand these points well if you're thinking about trying to set up something long term with me.

I'll try my very best to be as transparent about what you can expect from me as a long-term RP partner, and this will not change magically overnight. So if any of this doesn't sound acceptable to you, then we will likely not be compatible. Likewise, if anything covered here becomes an issue during our time RPing together anyway (i.e. if someone starts trying to pressure or guilt trip me into daily RP when I clearly state that I am unable to do this), then I very well might excuse myself immediately from the partnership.

I can't offer you daily or near-daily RP. I've my hands tied with weekly gatherings in two linkshells, in addition to my real life and work obligations. My schedule is very busy. Chances are very high that I won't be able to RP with you individually more than a 1-3 times a week.

My schedule also means that I generally can't offer you spontaneous RP at the drop of a hat. Sometimes it works out that I can, but it's generally an exception to the rule. I want to avoid constant RP for days straight for a few reasons. I prefer time to myself and breathing room, regardless if I enjoy your company or not. If this is something you can't accept, then I will not be interested in keeping in contact.

There are multiple people that I roleplay with. If you are easily made jealous OOCly by the prospect of me RPing with someone else or having to politely decline your offer for RP sometimes because I have promised someone else RP, then I am not the partner for you.

That said, I may be roleplaying with someone you personally dislike. Feel free to mention it to me so that I can avoid putting you two in a situation where you have to interact. But I don't want to know all your drama, dirty laundry, or sordid history with this person. And absolutely do not try to police who I choose to RP with, please.

Links Out
These links lead off of the wiki, but are still relevant to X'shuyet as a character. If a link is potentially NSFW, it will be denoted!
Character Development / Inspiration blog : Speak to Death

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Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template , Rixo and Nanagi's template , and the main skeleton from Jaliqai Qulaan