Sirah Narani
Sirah was the last-born of her clan. Her unique freckle pattern and dark skin brought her Matron to believe she was blessed by Menphina Herself, an idea that was ingrained on the young keeper since she was born. Despite the path offered to her as Seer when she grew of age, Sirah struck out on her own to spread the love of Menphina in any way she could to as many people as she could. She developed a knack for cooking; this in itself earned her many curious compatriots, as well as her unusual freckle pattern. Unbeknownst to her, after she left her clan, it was eliminated by a band of Coeurlclaws; believing that the tribe's prophecies and Future-predicting would bring misfortune upon the entirety of the Keeper kinfolk. Sirah to this day does not know what has happened to them, nor does she know that she and her elder sister are one of very few survivors of their clan.
Personality-wise, Sirah is horrifically naive, but is still learning about the ways of the world. Her innocence about things has both worked in her favor and against. Still, she heard of her current place of employment through a pamphlet on a notary board, and now resides as Chef at The Moon's Rest. She cooks there a few days a week, and does some adventuring and learning of the world on her days off.
Notable Characteristics:
Sirah is the epitome of sweet and caring. She tries to befriend people and learn from them. This has gained her many attentions, and in some cases, a lover or two. She tries her best to cater to peoples wonts and needs as best she can, and if she cannot, she offers advice. ((More to come...))
On the matter of Sirah's freckles and their connection to Menphina, Sirah is blessed by the Goddess with a few small abilities. One of which is to have an uncanny knack to make friends; and it offers her some defensive abilities as well. When in danger, Sirah can give off a radial burst of ice-aspected aether to knock would-be aggresors away, but only if she fears for her life. Sirah's other abilities with this gift are unknown.
The Narani Clan [More information to follow]
The Matron believed that at one point, Seeker and Keeper were both united as one under the watchful gaze of the Sun and the Moon, but a rift formed to divide the two races. The Narani Clan were known for their eerily accurate predictions of both past and current events, and out of fear of angering Menphina because of their Seeing abilities and Clairvoyancy, the Coeurlclaws decimated the entire tribe. To date, Sirah and Cemi are the only known survivors, but it is possible more have also survived since the Coeurlclaws broke them up into groups to confuse them in the Culling. More information on traits, Mating / Bonding and Courtship, and Rites of Passage are upon request from the Player only. This information is found out through roleplay or by playing one of the few survivors.
♥ Romantic Relationship
♡ Romantic Interest
ღ Crush
♥ Attraction
♥ Family
♛ Best Friend
★ Trusted Friend
✔ Business
⚭ Married
● Positive
● Negative
● Neutral
≈ Unsure
⧖ Lost contact
☠ Deceased
[Z'raith Tia] ●♡ ღ
Martel Anjeaux ●♥♡ ღ
Moonlighters Martel has doted upon and lavished affection to Sirah, and has offered his talents and abilities in her life. Sirah has offered him the title of Mate, which he had readily accepted. A low-born noble of Ishgard, he desires nothing more than Sirah's happiness and safety.