S'kaagyiyhe Denma

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 S'kaagyiyhe Denma
Kaagyiyhe smaller.png
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Lominsan
Server Mateus
Age Early twenties
Occupation Tribal
Height/Weight 5'1ft/104Ibs
Orientation Straight

A partially illiterate Vylbrandian spellslinger with a quick pair of fingers.

Basic Info


Collecting Valuable items, or liberating them from their owners.
Reading books, particularly ones of romantic themes
Afternoon naps


Hot weather


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Vice(s): Theft, Deceit
Favorite Food: Steamed Vongola Clams
Favorite Drink: O'Ghomorran Mead
Favorite Color: Ruby Red

Appearance & Personality

S'kaagyiyhe Denma is a short Miqo'te with soft curly blue hair, mixed color eyes, and a distinct red stripe under left eye. She's of fair skin and slim stature. She has a single tattoo on the bottom of her, normally covered, left foot. Marking her as a member, or a former member of her sect of the Zu tribe, showing such details as her role, status, and additional information to the knowing eye.
Her outward personality is friendly, joyful, and kind. Though she is prone to light social anxiety and shyness in less than usual circumstances. Even around people she's already acquainted herself with. She often lies, even going as far to continuing to insist upon a lie even well after she's been caught. Unfortunately she finds herself drawn to trouble and mischief, sometimes out of compulsion, sometimes just for mischief itself.



A tia's child in a Vylbrand based tribe of the Zu. She was disfavored among her tribe, viewed as the offspring of an act against tribal traditions, and was seen as an unwanted child that simply ate up resources. She never quite knew what exactly happened to her parents. Although she was told only that her father was cast out from the tribe. Struggling with her tribe for awhile, she eventually formed a bond with an old tia within her tribe. Who took her on as a protege of sorts, rearing her and teaching her the knowledge he gathered over the years and his red magic craft.
The tia often kept her close, taking her with him on trips outside the village frequently. Giving her a valuable understanding of the world outside her relatively isolationist tribe. Teaching her a bit of literacy and mathematical skills when they had the time, though it was often a rare occasion. Allowing difficulties to go unresolved, even today. However, despite the difficulties she eventually found a role assisting the tribe's healer, where she found how to apply her knowledge, and ended up learning a thing or two about medicine and wound treatment.
Her adoptive tia 'father' eventually started to weaken as the years passed, becoming prone to illness and injury more than he cared to admit. And she spent much of her time away from her duties tending to him by herself. Having a postponement of her coming of age ceremony, and several other events to tend to his degrading condition. Despite her best efforts, he eventually passed peacefully in his sleep. Leaving her completely devastated and partially broken for a lengthy period time. The lingering feeling of failure and guilt in her for years, even as she became a relatively industrious member of her tribe.


After the passing of her mentor she eventually took on a more independent role from her tribe, ultimately feeling somewhat distanced. She partnered up with one of her tribemates and became an adventurer. Despite the strength of the duo, they faced difficulty getting enough gil to put on the table. And with their limited equipment, more profitable jobs became less than an option. This eventually drove them into less than upstanding means of lining their pockets in between adventures. With Kaag herself finding a comforting appeal in the almost soothing glimmer of valuable things that belonged to others.
The two parted ways, with Kaagyiyhe herself ending up in Ul'dah posing as a traveling artist. Continuing to generously indulge in her newly discovered interests. Not to mention the services the city had to offer for someone with enough gil. But after a rather rough encounter with a rather brusque Xalea from the Far East. She found herself getting carted off back to Limsa for a spell. And eventually getting abruptly taken to the Far East, after accepting a rather questionable job offering from an equally questionable group out from the port of Kugane. She surprisingly found a teacher through the group, a Sharlayan, who could help further the red magic training her mentor wasn't able to complete. Eventually she parted ways and headed back west, having a fair amount of gil, and experience to benefit from.
After her return, she had a slow falling out with her original tribe, and found that her old partner had been imprisoned. She was politely encouraged to cut ties with the tribe, as her activities were more than known to her tribe. So she officially severed herself from them by her tribe's tradition. She then quite soon after joined up with the Antelope tribe treading about the waters of Vylbrand. Having grown quite acquainted to them before leaving her tribe. A process coaxed by the fear of her tribe potentially having ill will for her in her potentially vulnerable state after leaving. Though she has found those fears unwarranted, so far. Even being invited to visit on rare occasion. Although she frequently turns the offers down.
Kaagyiyhe still continues to indulge in her questionable hobbies when she needs the gil. Otherwise balancing herself between her tribe and occasional recreation, attempting to avoid suspicion. With her tendencies going mostly unknown, barring an incident made aware to her nunh. Whom has seemed more than intent on not letting the matter go so far. An annoyance that has her on her toes, attentive and careful.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"She has a very.. Pointed.. Interest in seafood." -Vylbrand Fisherman
"Her hairs red! I saw it with me own eyes!" -Limsan Citizen
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I heard she used to paint. I cant say why she stopped though." -Ul'dahn Citizen
"Rumor is she's looking for someone. Can't say who." -Aleport Dockhand
"Wonder where she gets all her gil? My guess is pirates." -Hawker's Alley Merchant
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Aye, stay clear of that one. Talks with some shifty looking folk every now and then. Can't be up to anything good."
"She took a ship to the far east awhile ago with some company. Never heard what exactly they were planning." -Sailor
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
A'andre Nunh : Current Nunh of the Antelope tribe in Vylbrand.
A'carisa Merahk : Antelope tribe member.
A'lana Zumyn : Fellow untrialed member of the Antelope tribe.
A'shino Tia : Former member of the Antelope tribe.
C'quue Nunh : Coeurl tribe nunh.
Hidei Daisho : Xalea mercenary.
R'nilya Fhey : Lominsan arcanist.
Trianna Ryu : Blind hyur bowwoman.


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