A'carisa Merahk
General Information A'carisa Merahk is a troublesome young member of the Antelopes of Merlthor. Blessed with great strength since her birth and skill in battle through training, her abilities turned her youth a bit too easy, allowing her to not grow up when she should have and others did. A thrillseeker at heart, she struggles to fulfill the expectations now placed upon her as a grown-up member of her tribe. Appearance
Combat, Abilities & Weaponry
Fighting Style
Weapon of Choice
OOC Note
History Born the daughter of A'merahk Nunh and one of his mates into the Antelope tribe of the Strait of Merlthor, from early age on it was apparent that A'carisa excelled in all sorts of physical work. Blessed with great strength, speed and stamina, the young Miqo'te never tired in the games she played with her sister and half-sisters. As she grew up and was taught the arts of survival and war by the women of the Antelope tribe, she soon began to excell in physical combat, growing into what would eventually be one of their most capable warriors.
However, her rise came too early and ended up spoiling her personality. Unable to deal with her excess energy in constructive ways she often ended up picking fights with other children and even won a good deal of them. To her, this soon became an accepted form of dealing with her problems and she began throwing herself into more and more dangerous adventures. As everyone else around her grew up and matured as a person, she remained somewhat childish in her outlook on the world, avoiding responsibility whereever she can in favour of the next big thrill, another battle to fight and another score to settle. This has put her increasingly at odds with the needs of her tribe, causing her more and more of a bad conscience despite being unwilling or unable to change her ways.
A lot of these are placeholders and will be filled out in more detail over time.
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OOC Notes
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