Feather Benitoki

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Feather Benitoki

"Standing though adversity for a brighter tomorrow"
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

"Pain and fear pushed me from my home. The overwhelming desire to live, and see the sun rise on a day, where I would be master of my own life, pulled me from the depths of hell and into this world. Where upon I was met with a great many more hardships and trials, but they were a bitter sweet as I now shared them with people that I love." -An Excerpt from Feather's Journal

Tired Gaze.

General Information

  • Full name: Feather Benitoki
  • Birth name: Xiscya Jhun
  • Pronunciation: Fe-the-her Ben-y-toe-key
  • Age: 19
  • Namesday: 15th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
  • Height: 4,10"/ 5" with the ears


  • Maid to House de Bayle

Appearance & Personality

Glass-lips.png Appearance & Personality
A small Miqo'te with cocoa skin, and aquamarine hues, hidden behind long a cloak of Ivory locks. The creature is often found wearing Lilac clothing, and tends to prefer to dress modestly. Though in her recent inductiong to House de Bayle,has dyed her hair a dusty Lilac, and tends to well luxureious crimson uniforms, at her Baroness's request to up hold House status.

Nature & Demeanor

Nature & Demeanor
Menphina Icon.png

Nature: Feather often comes of as sweet, and caring toeards otheres. She firmily stnad behind the teachings of her Patron Saint, Menphina the Lover. Embracing all those around her with kindness and trying her best to alwasy be helpful and loving towards all people. She is also timid in the face confidant people, though tends to alwasy get back up if she fails a task, to try and try again. .

Habits: Feather has a few little quirks:

  • Becomes shy, if complemented too heavily, and will oftedn put her self down,if somoen gives her too much praise. She will give them praise to change the subject.
  • Spacing out: Feather has had a rather tedious past, and often finds her self dwelling on it, in fears it may return to claim her. She spends copious amounts of time trying to learn and better herself, from past mistakes. She often will loose herself in thought, or daydreams about how things could have been, and where she wishes her life to go.
  • Dancing and Singing: Feather loves self expression, mainly though her actions. Song and dance allows for both. While more often then not she is tired and sapped of energy, once she finds a passion she will sing and dance to it, more so when she thinks she is alone. Dusting a unused room, it will become her stage and her voice will ring though it.

Notable Features

Notable Features

Common Appearance: Feather is often seen wearing a collection of clothing provided to her by House de Bayle, though more often then not in a simple black maid's uniform, or her mage robes.

Scars & Markings: Feather has uncountable scars on her body, from her life. Some from battles, others abuse, most notably at the scars on her face Three, two on either cheek, and on just under her left eye. Her torso bares the worst of them, a cash from her collar to her navel, given to her by Siegfried, when she was told she needed to kill him, and a stab wound just above her heart, where a dear friend plunged his dagger, after having gone mad. Her back has weathered and recent whip lashes in it, and most notable of all his tail has been nearly cut off, saver for three inches that wiggles behind her.

Voice: Feather is soft spoken, normally a bit timid in conversation till she warms up to poeple. Though she can become passionate in some of her speaches about spreading the Love of Menphina.

Clothing: Feather, loves clothing, and dressing up in it. She never had the ability to do so growing up beyond her dancing silks, and even as a young adult was far to poor to afford nice things. This changed when she began serving in Ishgard. Dresses, silken robes, even armor was provided to her, and she loves wearing them. She is still humble and while she might wear something pretty for an evening or for fun, she does like to default to simple and standard clothing, if she can get away with it.




  • Helping Others
  • Exploring
  • History
  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Sparring with comrades


  • Hot Tempatures
  • Being Abaondoned
  • Betrayal
  • Akward Situatioins
  • Being Underestimated


  • Momo(Her pet Morpho)
  • Head pets and ear rubs
  • Curling up to take naps
  • Spending time with her friends


Feather is not overly fond of her Seeker and Keeper kin, as she has been abused by them in the past. She will openly avoid them and try to make excuses to not stay in the conversation.


Glass-sword.png Abilities


  1. Determination - Feather will almost never give up on something. If she wants to do it, or has made a promise she will see it though.
  2. Kindness - Feather will always offer to help those in need, even if she doesn't particularly like said party. It's in her nature to wish to see other's happy.


  1. Determination - While this is also a strength Feather has been known to push her self to hard to fast, wanting to do well by her peers. This has lead to her being injured in the past.
  2. Fear of Failing: Feather has often been the meek and weak one in her life, her family wouldn't even give her tasks outside of the camp, calling her a cults, weak, and a disappointment. She tends to take even the most simple of screw ups rather hard, and will beat her self up over them.



  • Staff: Feather is a leaning Cleric, and while she does know the the basics of conjury, does not yet excell at them as of yet.
  • Swords: Feather is a compliant swordswomen, her training started with her adoptive Mother Sani and then continued with her former Lord, Ser Von Sayrillont, whom groomed her over several months, for only physical combat. Previously she had been a rogue, whom used daggers and a short sword, more to scar away attackers, then really fight them. She trained hard and long every day, till she was able to best her teacher, though continued to train, even seeking help of her friend Ser Vilette,of House de Bayle. It paid of winning her the Melee title of Grindstone Champion.

People & Places

Glass-people.png People & Places
Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
'Kugara Jhun ( ) Birth Mother '
Birth Mother: A strong matron whome saw her child, small and weak, and while she only wished to protect her daughter ended up being the reason she suffered. Kugara loved her child, whom she name Xiscya Jhun. She kept her from other tasks that her eldest daughter Eboda, had to do. When young Xiscya was nine cycle's old Kugara went to war with the Rest of Eorzia, and lost her life in the resulting war.
'Eboda Jhun ( ) Older Sister '
Older Sister One of the biggest antagonists in Feather's life was her older sister Eboda Jhun. This woman LOATHED her younger sister. While she herself was the next Matron after their mother's death. She had saw the protection Kugara had given Xiscya, as favoritism over her. She took it out on her sister, making her do hard tasks, beating her if she failed, and ultimately tried to take her sister's life. Feather eventually killed Eboda and lay her to rest under an Oaktree, in the Shroud.

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)
Sani Benitoki & Andre ( ) - Adoptive Parents
Adoptive Family : While they aren't Feather's real parents, they adopted and took care of her when Feather was alone, starving and just managing by in life. They helped give Feather a new name, honest work, and trained her to be a servant and barmaid, and how to defend herself. They changed Feather's life, teaching her she should think for herself and about her own happiness, every once and a while.
Hestia de Bayle ( ) - Baroness
Baroness & Friend :Hestia has been a recent and treasured person in feather's life. After things with her previous lord didn't work out, the young woman found her self lost with no direction to go in. Turning to the acquaintance whom she had started to study under for guidance, and a new future. Hestia answered that call, taking the young Feather under her wing, in order to refine her for Ishgardian life and give her a more proper education, that she might fine a better role ton serve herself and others in.



Common Rumors

  • "Sweet girl, but she looks like the world has killed her." - Pearl Lane Resident
  • " Feather? She's a hard worker, alwasy first to rais her hand to help someone in need." - Limsa bar owner.
  • "Only caught a glimps of her, but she wore a sad smile that, could break your heart. - Talendros Malqir

Rare Rumors

  • "You mean that Miqo'te wondering aruond Ishgard? I heard She serve some House or other, weird seeing Miqo'te around here." -Bartender at Forgotten Knight

PC Rumors

  • "From squiredom to knighthood in three moons. She obviously wasn't prepared for it- she's more a healer than a fighter. I can only wonder what happened in her past household.. She's a sweet girl and I'm glad to have her here, but I still have to wonder."" -Fiona Delaine
  • this twoo


Glass-hourglass.png History
INfo Here

Family History

Personal History (Pre-Calamity)

=== Post-Calamity ===


Glass-pictureframe.png Art

OOC Information

Glass-heartlock.png OOC Information

Hard Limits

Hard Limits
Information about limits

Hooks & RP Favorites

Hooks & RP Favorites
Information about limits

External Links

External Links
  • <a href="www.tumblr.com">Tumblr</a>
  • <a href="www.google.com>Another Page</a>
  • <a href="www.disney.com>Another Page</a>

This template was originally created by Evaleigh. Free free to use but please give credit!