E'kain Tia

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 E'kain Tia
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship None
Age 25
Namesday 13th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Guardian Rhalgr, The Destroyer
Orientation ???
Occupation ???

E'kain Tia



A suspicious cat born of the Eft tribe, he endured unfortunate circumstances in the past and carries a sort of offness about him. It's up to anyone who encounters him to decide if his words and stories are genuine or if he's full of shit.

He will never mention.


(He bears a strong resemblance to a Siamese Cat)

Height 5 Fulm, 1 Ilm
Weight 115 ponze
Build Slender
Skin Tone Slightly tan
Tail Long, tipped with light brown.
Notable Features: Ears are light brown in coloration as opposed to his blonde hair.
Head / Facial Features
Hair Creamy blonde with light brown tips.
Eyes Icy blue.


He comes off as friendly, but some might say he seems a little creepy. His general vibe is somewhat chilling to those who are sensitive to it. He jokes around enough and can talk to most people without much issue. Though... He may also just be a good actor.

Abilities and Skills




He isn't a stranger to the art of the sword. He trained under an unorthodox master who preferred to be a cheat rather than a fair fighter. As long as it resulted in a win, he didn't care for fairness. E'kain wasn't against practicing things the same way.


He took up alchemy so he could learn to create and sell 'certain' types of potions. He greatly enjoys the biological aspect of it.



Wind chimes
Plays and shows
Card games


Seeker women


Alignment: Neutral Evil
Favorite Food: Scrambled Eggs
Favorite Drink: Heavenly Eggnog
Favorite Color: Ceruleum Blue



E'hnu Lhure (Mother, Status Unknown) (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
The mother who raised E'kain, but disappeared when he was taken. E'kain thinks she abandoned him and lives peacefully somewhere.


Example Name (Relationship, Deseaced) (Race, Clan)
Description of Kinship


Example Name (Relationship, Deseaced) (Race, Clan)
Description of Kinship


Common Rumors

Moderate Rumors

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors'


(These are more notes for me, the writer. Please refrain from viewing if you would not like to know spoilers.)


Raised as a part of the Eft tribe in La Noscea, E'kain was an oddball who couldn't seem to follow the ways of the tribe. Though rebellious and somewhat of a troublemaker, he and his mother were still quite loved within their tribe, perhaps because their coloration and genes were noted to be superior and seen as beautiful. They lived happily until a traveling soothsayer came through, speaking of terrifying visions of a disaster that would lead to the destruction of the tribe. The soothsayer blamed the future tragedy on the teenage E'kain, claiming that she saw in a dream that he would soon bring them to an end. She assured the tribe that she could prevent such a calamity for a small fee... And for the boy. Horrified, the tribe paid her as she wished and handed E'kain over to her, turning a blind eye as he would be carried off with the stranger to a fate they dared not imagine. His mother was nowhere to be seen on that day.

Spared from an apparent sacrifice, E'kain was instead brought to several different Seeker tribes, only hearing talk of his unique appearance. The fake 'soothsayer' intended to make coin off of him by using him as a breeding mule in high demand.


Enduring the abuse and being passed around between women, E'kain traveled with the scammer until they were intercepted by a band of Miqo'te women who stole E'kain away from her. The Keeper women, all tribeless, saw fit to take care of the young E'kain until he recovered. He went on his own again after a couple of years, but still sometimes visits the women to provide them with money.


E'kain now works for various people, all of which he would not reveal. It's obvious there's something shady about it. Perhaps he is a hitman of sorts. Nobody will ever truly know. He makes a good amount of money and lives somewhere nice, or so he says.

Annotations & Additonal Information

This Template was created and Edited by Zorai Naccal, Feel free to use it! :3 find the blank version at User:Zorai

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