Nasri Betwanhe

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BIRTH NAME : Nasri Betwanhe.

SEX : Female.

RACE & CLAN : Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon.

AGE : Twenty-seven.

HEIGHT : 4 fulms, 9 ilms.

BUILD : Petite, small.

NAMEDAY : Twenty-third sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon.

PATRON DEITY : Menphina, the Lover.


BIRTHPLACE : The Black Shroud.

CITIZENSHIP : Gridanian.

COMPANY : Currently not part of a company.


ORIENTATION : Bisexual, male-leaning.

OCCUPATION : Healer, adventurer, clinic medic if required.

ALIGNMENT : Neutral Good (Internal Moral Compass).


Nasri Betwanhe ( Pronunciation: nahz-ree beh-twahn-hee ) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.


Nasri Betwanhe Headshot.png

She smol. She slender. She a cute little bean. Dare I say... beautiful?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

VOICE CLAIM : Rena Strober as Azura (Fire Emblem: Fates).

SCARRING : Given that she is far from a front line fighter, Nasri's collection of scars is minimal, but not nonexistent.

Forehead Scar . . . Above her left eyebrow sits a scar that cuts diagonally down her forehead. Surprisingly deep and well defined, Nasri obtained it after she purified a tainted sword in the field, causing the blade to shatter. She was, unfortunately, caught in the consequential shrapnel.

JEWELLERY : Nasri often wears jewellery, though there are pieces she treasures above any other.

Crowsplume Clasp . . . Ook.
Fang Necklace . . . Ook.
Moon Earring . . . Ook.

CLOTHING : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.


Gentle. Empathetic. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.


  • HEALING : "Gimme a cure!"
  • QUIET PLACES : When you shy, it good to hide.
  • FULL MOONS : Menphina!
  • WATER : Weird for a cat, but it ties to her traditional magicks.


  • GARLEANS : Rude folk. Mean folk. Forest damaging folk.
  • CONFLICT : Despite her stubbornness, she doesn't exactly enjoy arguments.
  • CAT JOKES : Shut up, pickle chin ah, you ain't funny.
  • DISREGARD FOR NATURE : Pick up your damn litter, jerkbags.

Distinctive Features

  • LOYAL : We ride together, we die together. Sorta.
  • PATIENT : Think before you act, or you're gonna wind up dead... right?
  • INTELLIGENT : Smort. Gotta study hard if you wanna be a good magic baby.
  • WILLFUL : Sometimes she brave. It shows.


  • WEAK : This girl wasn't born a brawler -- very little muscle, though it's something that can be worked on with enough effort.
  • EASILY STARTLED : Insert video of cat being spooked by cucumber.
  • NAIVE : She cry over stupid things some times.
  • SELF-DOUBTING : She doesn't think she's good at a lot of stuff.


  • LOUD NOISES : Sensitive ears due to bad eyesight makes sudden noises ten times scarier. Thunder and loud shouting are no-no sounds.
  • ABANDONMENT : She hasn't had many friends. She holds the ones she does have closely to her chest. Losing them would suck eggs.
  • FAILURE : When you magic stick don't work and someone die. This is so sad, can we get fifty headpats?


  • FAVORITE FOODS : Traditional keeper dishes, anything with honey in it, fire-roasted fish.
  • FAVORITE DRINKS  : Most types of juices, honey mead, .
  • FAVORITE COLORS  : Blue. Gold and silver are close seconds.
  • FAVORITE ANIMAL  : Crows. She's ever viewed them as creatures of the night, and admires their sleek, dark feathers. They remind her of home.

Combat Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

In A Relationship: Romantically involved with this character.
Attraction: Romantically interested in this character.
Lost Attraction: What was once affection has crumbled into nothing.
Trusted: Considers this character close to or as family.
Positive: Left a good impression.
Neutral: No specific feelings about this character.
Negative: Left a bad impression.
Family Member: This character is related by blood.
Business: This character is involved in business, mentoring, or adventuring.
Missing: This character's whereabouts are unknown.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Uncertain: Unsure of how to feel about the character.

  • Kira Moravvi
    Considering her something to aspire to, Nasri greatly respects Kira, both as a kin sister and as a capable arcanist. The woman has been a positive reassurance from day one, and the two were able to bond easily due to their scholarly pursuits in magic. If she finds herself in need of guidance, Nasri will, in most cases, seek out Kira for advice.
  • Kaseji Khitai
    Referred to only as Khitai, the xaela made a sudden, and unexpected, impression on Nasri in a show of kindness, by wavering the fees for a medicinal plant at his place of work as security. He and Nasri have a shared love of the moon, and the two of them have shared many talks beneath its cool light. Nasri's care blossomed into affection for the often stoic xaela quickly, catching her by surprise and leaving her panicked; the idea of a confession brings forward the risk of losing him as a friend, and so she struggles to decide whether or not she should, in fact, tell him.
  • Roric Steele
    Having worked with the highlander on two occasions a handful of occassions now, Nasri considers the man to be both a capable fighter, and a natural leader. Despite his often quick temper, she believes he genuinely wants the best for his companions, and so she will follow him should he ever call on her.
  • Y'rho Tia
    A rascal and rapscallion, this Limsan miqo'te's constant banter can leave the keeper woman uncertain of what is serious, and what is not. That being said, she believes him a capable healing, especially considering how he mended her after an incident where she found herself with a fragment of steel wedged into her forehead.
  • Culkin Boyle ?
    To say Nasri is confused about Culkin is an understatement. At one time, she put her heart and soul into him (and his family), desperate for both his affection and his safety but, over time, she has found herself jaded over his treatment of her, and no longer does she pine for his attention. Whilst she publicly speaks of his with bitterness in her voice, she cannot help but still worry about him, and hopes he is doing well, wherever he is.


  • Nahja Betwanhe
    Nasri's mother, and once matriarch of the now lost Crowsplume clan, Nahja was a stern but fair leader, who followed the traditions of those before her to the point where she was forced to exile her own daughter from returning to her birthplace. It was in a border skirmish over hunting grounds where Nahja would lose her life. Nasri believes her mother has joined Menphina in the heavens, as all great matriarchs do, and so she seeks to do all she can to give her mother a reason to smile down on her with pride.

  • Masha Betwanhe
    Having left Crowsplume alongside Nasri, Masha set out to become a Woodwailer after the two found their way into Gridania. As the older sister of the two, she would come to Nasri's aid swiftly and without hesitation, unafraid of exchanging blows if it became a physical confrontation. Remaining in the city, she stands at her post proudly, and dares any to call her or her sister 'savage'—she would be glad for the target practice.

  • Nozih Betwanhe
    Nasri's close childhood friend, Nozih was the bold, wide-eyed kitten who held Nasri's hand and dragged her into all manner of mischief making. Whether it was stealing eggs from the nests of birds or tormenting marmots with long sticks, Nozih was never still for a moment. She blames herself for Nasri's leaving, believing that if she had pushed her friend just a little more, the two would have been a perfect partnership in all ways. Nozih escaped the border skirmish just barely, leaving behind the defiled lands of Crowsplume for sanctuary in another clan, far away from the bitter and painful memories of her past.

  • E-Sumi-Yan
    It was E-Sumi-Yan who allowed Nasri into the Conjurer's guild, he who mentored her in her early days, and he who was a pillar of excellence and understanding to aspire to. Nasri greatly respects the Padjal, and looks back on her time with him fondly. Taking his teachings and weaving them into her more tribal knowledge, Nasri hopes to prove herself to E-Sumi-Yan as a perfect hybrid of keeper and Gridanian magic.

Common rumours & quotes

  • ■ "Eh? Nasri Betwanhe...? Oh! The keeper healer, aye, I know her. She came in and purchased some fair few ethers not long ago. Why? You lookin' for her?" — Gridanian Shopkeep
  • ■ "She's always milling around by streams or ponds, sticking her hands in 'em. I reckon she's looking for fish... what? What're you giving me that look for? No, it ain't offensive to say that!" — Moogle's Gift Stablehand
  • ■ "Oh, she's a lovely lass. I saw her picking herbs by Quarrymill the other day. She waved me over and told me all about how to make tea from gentian! Helps with my stomach ulcer." — Doddering Duskwight

Rare rumours & quotes

  • ■ "Y'didn't hear it from me, but I heard she helped bring down a bastard in our ranks who was parading forbidden artefacts around. Good on her; that's one less snake in the, uh... the Adders..." — Gossiping Serpent Private
  • ■ "Ah. Nasri Betwanhe... she was the daughter of my old clan's matriarch. A shy girl. Perhaps it was a good thing she left as young as she did; I doubt she'd have stomached the horrors at the border." — Masked Keeper

Players rumours & quotes

  • ■ "Nasri? Aye, she's a sweet little thing. Doesn't mean she don't know what she's doing though. Helped me out plenty of times where I'd have been shite out of luck on my own. Girl's got a good heart. Don't go upsetting her now, you hear?" — Roric Steele
  • ■ ...
  • ■ ...

Artwork & Edits


Personal RP Limits
Below you will find a general list of things that I will and won't do in roleplay. Please be respectful, and don't get pushy if I tell you no. If there's anything not on this list that you're unsure of, please don't hesitate to contact me!

I will play . . . Mature and/or dark content and themes (please contact me for specific examples). Injury.
Ask before . . . Long-term and/or permanent injury. Captivity or imprisonment, long or short term. Potential erotic themes (for the purpose of developing characters and interactions/relationships).
I won't play . . . Permanent character death. Non-continuity/one-shot ERP with little to no merit for character development. Sexual assault. Serious abuse, be it mental, emotional, or physical.

That being said, your comfort and limits in roleplay are also important. If you are interested in writing together, I encourage that you share what themes make you uncomfortable, and I will ensure I avoid them. Writing is for fun, and I'd prefer it remain that way for all involved!

On Walk-Up RP
If I am around, I'm certainly a fan of spontaneous roleplay! That being said, I enjoy PvE as well as roleplay in-game, so it's best to send me a tell before approaching (unless I am wearing the roleplay tag, in which case you're free to say howdy).

Important Notes
I'm always looking to broaden my horizons when it comes to writing and interacting with others! I'm always looking for new partners to build stories with. However, there are some things that I feel I should express in an effort to remain transparent with everyone my character(s) may encounter.

I may not be able to offer daily roleplay. Sometimes, I need to take a break from things and relax. I also intend on streaming other games and spending times with friends outside of FFXIV, so there will be days I am unavailable. Keep in mind though, this doesn't mean it is impossible for us to plan something!

If I turn down an offer to roleplay, please don't badger me. Don't be pushy with me, and definitely don't demand things from me (or my character). This isn't my job, I don't owe anyone my time, and I do have the right to say 'no'.

There are multiple people that I roleplay with. If you are easily made jealous OOCly by the prospect of me roleplaying with someone else, then I am not the partner for you. Besides, variety is the spice of life!

If I am roleplaying with someone you dislike, tell me. This certainly doesn't mean I will stop writing with said person, but it will help me to actively avoid putting you in a situation where you may have to interact. This, however, is not an invitation to air all your dirty laundry. If I want to gossip, you'll know!

Discord : buppers#8008
Character Development / Inspiration blog : N/A

Wiki Templates: Layout by Jaliqai Qulaan, attributes by Fancy Template, code adjustments by Nasri Betwanhe.