Sayo Koizumi

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Sayo Koizumi
Sayo Banner.png


BIRTH NAME : Sayo Koizumi

SEX : Female

RACE & CLAN : Raen Au Ra.

AGE : Twenty-three

HEIGHT : 4 fulm, 9 ilm

BUILD : Mostly average, slightly chubby.

NAMEDAY : Twenty first Sun of the sixth Umbral Moon.

PATRON DEITY : Nymeia, the Spinner.


BIRTHPLACE : Ryakgyr Peninsula in Othard




ORIENTATION : Heterosexual

OCCUPATION : Seamstress

ALIGNMENT : True Neutral


Working out of small home on the beachfront of Shirogane, Sayo Koizumi lives for fabric; silks, cottons, velvet.. if you can sew with it, chances are she has a hefty stockpile hidden somewhere within her house, waiting to come up with just the right design to use it. Giving it that signature sparkle of hers? Well, that's just a bonus for both her and whoever the outfit is designed for.

Starting at a young age, she picked up her trade from her father; a well-known tailor from the small village they lived in. However, she had a sort of gift that her father did not; Sayo could faintly materialize the aether around her and weave it into her work. She started small, making accessories like bows, handkerchiefs and obis, to "sell" along with her father's work - in reality, it was included as a thank-you gift when her father completed an order. But as she grew older and continued to learn, she began to create full articles of clothing with her aether weaving. Aprons or easy-to-move-in kimonos for the village women were a huge hit simply because of the way they seemed to shine in the sunlight. She also enjoyed making special clothes for her twin sister, Mika, making some of the other kids just a little jealous.

She and her sister were also special in another regard; in contrast to the off-white scales that Raen normally bear, Sayo and Mika were born with scales that almost appeared to be made of gemstones - opals, specifically. They were never able to figure out why they had these beautiful scales; their parents never had a real explanation, other than being "blessed by the Kami themselves." And while they were bullied here and there as children, as most children are when they're "different", Sayo has come to adore her scales, even if she feels she may not suit their delicate appearance.


While her face and scales may be nearly identical to her sister's, the rest of Sayo's features vastly contradict her twin. Her hair is a deep red, and her eyes a vibrant green; a stark difference to Mika's white hair and pale green eyes. She also stands at just a few inches taller, and quietly enjoys the fact, but is still considered short compared to most of Hydaelyn's other races.

VOICE CLAIM : Konomi Baba (sample)

CLOTHING : Nearly all of Sayo's clothes were made by herself. In most cases, she dresses in Far Eastern style clothing; casual kimono are a personal favorite simply because of the sleeves, and how easily they can be moved when working, and how well they can feel comfortable in different temperatures. As she was born and raised in a mountainous region, she doesn't adapt well to warmer days; winter is her favorite season for this reason.


Excitable. Determined. Optimist. When she isn't hyper-focused on her work at hand, Sayo is an easy-going girl. She dislikes serious conflict and will usually try to defuse an escalating situation before it has a chance to gain steam, for both her own comfort and those involved. She also gets easily excited over little things, especially when it's something new to her; until she'd left her village, Sayo had never known much about the world aside from stories she heard from passing adventurers.

When working, however, her general demeanor takes a complete 180. Wanting to deliver the best she can, Sayo stays focused on her work and often replies in short, curt answers when spoken to. She's also been known to occasionally snap if a person was particularly persistent in bothering her, even after being asked -- or told -- to stop. She often apologizes after she's finished working for the day, though.


  • COLD WEATHER : Because she grew up in the mountains, Sayo enjoys cold weather; especially at night. She recently had her house magicked to keep the temperatures brisk, so that it really feels like home.

  • MUSIC : Though she only mainly listens while working, Sayo enjoys having music play at a soft volume through her home. It beats working in total silence, and also helps her to keep track of time when particularly engrossed in sewing.

  • TRAVELING : Sayo would love to travel, but she fears that she'll get lost on her own. She also worries that her steamstressing skills would decline if she took an extended break, even though she's admitted several times that it (most likely) wouldn't. To make up for this, she adores listening to stories told by adventurers.

  • DRESSING UP : She would rather rip out her tongue than admit it, but Sayo enjoys dressing up - especially in formal clothes she's made herself.


  • DISRUPTIONS : Sayo tends to hyper-focus when working, and if she's bothered too much, she will snap at the source of her annoyance; much to her own dismay.

  • NEGATIVITY : To make up for her own short sewing-based temper, she will try and keep the mood of most situations positive, and will take upon herself the task of removing the source of a souring mood if needed.

  • BITTER FOODS : Sayo prefers savory and flavorful foods; bitterness can often ruin her appetite.

  • BEING ALONE IN THE DARK : With the exception of her room at night, Sayo despises being alone in the dark. It brings back memories she'd prefer to keep forgotten.

Distinctive Features

  • CREATIVE : Her most obvious strength, Sayo has the ability to come up with astounding designs for the clothes that she makes. While she tries to keep herself from making clothes outside of paid work, she occasionally slips up and makes an entire outfit for nobody in particular; in most cases, she uses it for herself or gives it away in Kugane.

  • NIMBLE : Though not obvious, Sayo is quick on her feet, thanks in no small part to the games she would play with children back home. Because of this, she has no issue with doing menials errands for other people that require deliveries simply because she knows it would take her less time to do it than the person asking. It also helps in quickly traversing the markets when shopping for materials.

  • POSITIVE : While it occasionally doubles as a curse, Sayo's sunny demeanor helps in keeping situations from turning sour when things start to go bad. It also seems to help people who may be anxious around others to speak up when they feel like they can't speak up; she makes it a point to help integrate them into an ongoing conversation, something she often did for her sister when they were younger.


  • EXCITABLE : Sayo is easily excited by little things, even when it's something quite basic. Because of this, she occasionally ends up annoying or embarrassing whoever she may be around at the time. In particularly bad cases, she can cause enough annoyance to be yelled at, which causes her to spend the rest of the day forcing herself to be quiet.

  • NO BATTLE AFFINITY : Because her village was inhabited mainly by craftsmen, Sayo has never learned any form of combat - including self defense. Though she knows she should, she has no idea where to start. Because of this, she consistently worries that she'll be useless if a situation requiring it came up.


  • DEEP WATER : Linked to her fear of being alone in the dark, Sayo is very uncomfortable in deep water. Sayo doesn't know how to swim very well, so she tries to avoid leaving the sandbank when at the beach.

  • FAILING SOMEONE'S EXPECTATIONS : Sayo prides herself in her work, and puts everything she has into every piece of clothing she makes. However, she truly fears that something she makes -- whether a commission or a gift -- won't meet the person's standards, and often feels anxious during a delivery.


  • FAVORITE FOOD : Miso dengaku is Sayo's favorite snack, and when she has the chance to spoil herself, will buy it by the truckload. She also enjoys buttons in a blanket.

  • FAVORITE DRINK  : Doman tea; it reminds Sayo of home.

  • FAVORITE COLOR  : Sayo enjoys monochrome color schemes, but also tends to like deep reds and blues.

  • FAVORITE ANIMAL  : Small birds, like magpies and sparrows.

Combat Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Sayo has never fought a battle that wasn't verbal in her life, and due to this, has absolutely no combat prowess. If given the options, she would train under a red mage; if it were impossible, she would see about possibly training under one of the numerous samurai that frequent Kugane. However, because of her relatively carefree life past one event in her childhood, she has never take the first step to learning.

Vesper Bay

Born in the mountainous regions of the Ryakgyr Peninsula, Sayo lived in a small home consisting of herself, her parents and her twin sister, Mika. For as long as she can remember, she was enamored by her father's tailoring. She would often spend hours watching him work, and became giddy when offered the chance to learn how to make certain things. Because of her young age, she started small, making accessories and simple aprons for the women who lived in her village. She would also constantly make special gifts for her sister, and it was during the creation of a hair bow that she learned of a special talent only she had.

Sayo had an affinity to aether that was somewhat more advanced than most others, and could often "feel" the aether around her; however, she always thought that it was like for everyone, and never thought to say anything about it. It was discovered while making a silken bow - she managed to "grab" the aether, and slipped it through the shank of her sewing needle atop a different colored thread. She then weaved a basic design into the near-finished bow, and trailing along the thread was a sparkle of sorts that seemed to settle and sit within the silk. Her father, a man who was normally very quiet and communicated mainly in head movements, couldn't help but question how she did it, who she'd learned it from, and how she got the idea to do it. "It just seemed like it would make it extra special" was her reply to nearly everything. She wasn't sure how she could do it -- couldn't everyone touch the aether?

She began to learn more advanced sewing techniques from her father after this, and with it, she was able to better control what they had dubbed her "aetherweaving." Sayo began to weave intricate patterns and designs into her father's work as well as her own, and soon began to sell her own designs; they were still smaller than her father's full outfits, but they were enough that people would specifically request something from her. It filled her with unbridled joy to see people enjoying the things she made for them, furthering her love for sewing. It also allowed for her to make beautifully ornamented outfits for her sister, which would cause quite a good amount of jealousy from other girls around their age.

Eventually, Sayo's gift and unique scales landed her in a situation nobody would ask for. Sayo was only 13 when Garlemald took control of Yanxia - though they lived in a region that the Garleans felt was too remote to keep constant guard in, imperials would still visit her village each month for the "taxes they were owed." On one such occasion, Sayo was out delivering a custom order when she had bumped into an imperial returning to their airship. Though it had started out with just a simple scolding, the Garleans took note of her gemstone-esque scales, and the sparkle emitting from the cloth she had dropped. Fearing that lying would do more harm than good, she explained her talent to the guards. The two imperials looked at each other for just a moment before telling her that she had "committed a grave offense against Garlemald for "assaulting" an imperial guard, and was now required to go with them to receive her punishment."

Knowing better than to simply go with them, she began to flee, but her smaller stature did little to help her escape. Grabbing her by the arms, the two guards carried her back to their airship, ignoring her flailing and cries for help. She had only caught a glimpse of her parents running towards the airship when it took flight. She eventually fell asleep -- or perhaps blacked out from the shock --, and woke hours later when something caused the airship to violently rock, alarms blaring. She doesn't remember much of what happened - something about insurgents firing at them. What she does remember is loud explosions, followed by the airship crashing into the Ruby Sea. Sayo couldn't swim, and nearly drowned - until a Kojin brought her back to the surface. The rest of the ordeal went by like a fever dream; vague, blurry memories of the Kojin talking to a man in a blue jacket. The man asking where she was from, if she belonged to the Raen under the sea. She remembered showing them something -- specifically what, she can't recall --, and offering it to them if they would take her home. They seemed to agree, and within a week's time, she was returned to her family. After recovering, it was like nothing had ever happened; but Sayo would refuse to leave her home on days where the imperials would show up.

When she was 19, Sayo told her parents that she wanted to expand on her work, and sell to more than just the minuscule population of her village. Though they heavily argued against it, her parents eventually gave in, and she and her sister traveled from the Yanxia Bay to Kugane. During the day, Sayo would work at the Kugane Inn in exchange for a free room - at night, she would work on her sewing. On her rare days off, she would often hover around the Rakuza District to sell her wares. Eventually she began to take on commissions, and managed to save enough to purchase a small home for the two of them in Shirogane. Sayo now works out of her home, doubling as a workshop.

💗 Committed Relationship
Casual Involvement
Lost contact


Mika Koizumi ( ) - Twin sister
Sayo's sister, and her most trusted friend. She lives with Sayo in their small Shirogane home, and occasionally gives Sayo ideas for accessories or embroidery.

Especially Notable Relations

Common rumours & quotes

  • "Look at this beautiful haori I picked up from the Rakuza District! I was told it was weaved with aether - you don't think that's true, do you?"
  • "Have you seen that one Au Ra's scales? They look like they're made of opal... was she born like that?"

Rare rumours & quotes

Players rumours & quotes

Artwork & Edits


Personal RP Limits
Below is a general list of things that I will and won't do within the context of roleplay. Please don't attempt to push roleplay that falls under the "don't" category. If you're unsure, just ask!

Ask before . . . Violent / battle-oriented themes. Captivity or imprisonment, either long or short term.
I won't play . . . Permanent character death or permanent character injury. Instant or near-instant ERP. I am uncomfortable ERPing casually. I need to know and trust the person first. If you're looking for quick ERP, please don't look here!

All of this said, your comfort and limits in RP are also very important to me. If an aspect of RP or certain themes make you uncomfortable, please let me know so that I can avoid them. Likewise, if something that happens in the midst of a scene makes you uncomfortable, please tell me immediately. I won't be offended at all, I promise! I am absolutely, 100% concerned with your comfort and enjoyment in our RP and would never want to make someone upset with pretendy-times.

On Walk-Up RP
If I am using the RP tag in game, I am more than likely open for walkups - however, I ask that you send me a tell first as it's difficult to tell who is being referred to in crowded areas. In the off chance I am already RPing with someone, I will confer with them to see if it's alright for another character to join; please don't be offended if they say no. Some players may be uncomfortable with sudden, unknown engagement. If something should come up, I have no problems making plans for future RP!

Important Notes for Prospective Long-term RP Partners
I am more than willing to take on long-term RP partners as I currently have few, and I enjoy being able to develop Amira. However, PLEASE take note of the following things first to make sure this really is what you want to sign up for in an RP partner. Make sure you read and understand these points well if you're thinking about trying to set up something long term with me.

I'm being open and honest about what you can expect from me as a long-term RP partner, and this will not change magically overnight. So if any of this doesn't sound acceptable to you, then we will likely not be compatible. Likewise, if anything covered here becomes an issue during our time RPing together anyway (i.e. if someone starts trying to pressure or guilt trip me into daily RP when I clearly state that I am unable to do this), then I very well might excuse myself immediately from the partnership.

I can't offer you daily or near-daily RP in game. While I enjoy RP quite a bit, I also enjoy playing the game we're RPing in - because of this, I will have days where I simply don't feel the itch for in-game RP. However, I have no issues with daily/near-daily RP through other platforms (ie: Discord, Tumblr) as long as you understand that replies won't be instant. I enjoy long threads and often take my time planning out my responses.

I generally can't offer you spontaneous RP at the drop of a hat. I very much prefer to plan RP ahead to make sure that nothing will clash!

There will be multiple people that I roleplay with. If you are easily made jealous OOCly by the idea of me RPing with someone else or having to politely decline your offer for RP sometimes because I have promised someone else RP, then I am not the partner for you.

That said, I may be roleplaying with someone you personally dislike. Feel free to mention it to me so that I can avoid putting you two in a situation where you have to interact. But I don't want to know all your drama, dirty laundry, or sordid history with this person. And absolutely do not try to police who I choose to RP with, please.
Links Out
Character blog : Sleepy Stardust

Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template and my layout is inspired by Rixo and Nanagi's template for its simplicity and clarity. Thanks to the authors!

This template was borrowed from Jaliqai Qulaan! All credits go to her - I just edited the page to fit my character.