S'nix Mahji

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S'nix Mahji
Free Company: Redacted
Personal Data
Real Name: S'nix Mahji
Pronunciation: Soo-nix Maa-she
Nicknames: Nix
Race: Miqo'te- Seeker of the Sun
Clan: Former Zu Tribe
Nameday: Twenty-two (22), 20th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Guardian: Azeyma, the Warden
Elemental Affinity: Light
Gender: Female ♀
Eye Color: Right: White (Blind???), Left: Crystalline Blue
Hair Color: Ink Black with Brunette highlights
Height: 4 Fulms, 3 Ilms
Weight: 118 Ponz
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Biographical Data
Occupation: Sell-Sword
Citizenship: South Thanalan
Place of Birth: The Sagolii
Relationship Status: Single



Appearance : Nix weighs approximately 118 Ponz and stands at a height of 4 fulms, 3 ilms. She possesses vertically aligned pupils and faintly colored irises; the Left: Crystalline Blue, Right: ???? along with Short-to-Medium projecting ears and a feline tail- all characteristics of Seeker of the Sun- Miqo'te. Smooth dusky complexion, her frame is slender and lithe while retaining a athletic physical physique due to vigorous training regiments.
Distinguishing Features : Additionally, Nix bears a myriad of scars along her body, though the one that is most noticeable crosses over her right eye; a longitude Scar, slightly curved. Nix's Eye; the right- while void of pigmentation is Blind, unable to see. Although it's been rumored the Miqo'te can see through the means of Aether sensing within it.
Scent : Nix has a certain scent of Desert flowers and Rolanberries.
Voice / Accent / Speaking style :
Clothes :
Jewels : Her most prized Jewels are her Swords, weaponry of it's finest. Nix's quirk is to collect as many blades she can get her hands on.

Skills and Equipment


Monster Hunter, From tracking, to focusing on weaknesses; Nix has a knack for hunting down the smallest to the largest of creatures for not only sport; but gil.








Romantic Interest     Family member     Friend      Neutral     Enemy     Deceased     NPC


S'honji :
Slate :


Ryanti Veanysus :
Zelus Chthon :

Zu Tribe; Sagolii

OOC Note: All Family; Tribe members are Presumed Deceased; Excluding her parents. If anyone is interested in playing a family member or member of S'nix's former Tribe please /tell me in game or contact me here.


S'yandih Yamah : -Mother of S'nix Mahji, S'nin Tia, S'aenix Tia & S'uuji Mahji
S'xeala Yamah : -Mother of S'rinha Mahji, S'taigen & S'tigan Zaido
S'rinha Mahji : -Daughter of S'xeala Yamah & S'mahji Nunh
S'taigen Zaido : -Daughter of S'xeala Yamah & S'zaido Tia, Twin of S'tigan
S'tigan Zaido : -Daughter of S'xeala Yamah & S'zaido Tia, Twin of S'taigen
S'uuji Mahji : -Daughter of S'yandih Yamah & S'mahji Nunh

+Many More


S'mahji Nunh : -Nunh of the Zu Tribe; Sagolli- Father of S'nix Mahji, S'nin Tia, S'aenix Tia & S'uuji Mahji & S'rinha Mahji
S'nin Tia : -Son of S'mahji Nunh & S'yandih Yamah, Nix's Twin Brother
S'aenix Tia :-Son of S'mahji Nunh & S'yandih Yamah
S'valnyr Tia : -Tribal member; Hunter
S'zaido Tia : Father of S'tigan & S'taigen Zaido; Brother to S'mahji Nunh
S'rhaji Tia : -Tribal member; Hunter

+Many More


Nix's voice is influenced by:
Nix's original character was created in a SLFFVII RP community.
Nix's original character was a Feline Hybrid initially from start of her creation.
FFXIV's Nix is completely separate from her SLFFVII counterpart.
Theme Song:
Theme Song, with ???:
Theme Song, for The Calamity:

This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea with minor tweaks added by myself.