Rei'li Niraj

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Ishgard.jpg Rei'li Niraj
"Fate may have a mind of its own, but so do we. And great minds enjoy a good challenge."
The "White Fox"
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ishgard
Guardian Nymeia, the Spinner
Occupation Knight Dragoon / House Bellefluer
Nameday / Age 15th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon / 30
Height / Weight 5 fulm 7 ilm / 137 ponz
Orientation Panromantic / Homosexual
Server Balmung

Basic Info

Ser Rei'li Niraj is a male Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te native to Black Shroud (Alder Springs), Gridania. He is a Knight Dragoon, Knighted under House Bellefleur, part of house Hallienarte, currently stationed in Ishgard. He is engaged to and living with Ser Ilja Radall, born of House Radall, serving under House Dzemael, currently Knighted by House Bellefleur, under House Hallienarte. They share custody of Rei'li's son, Eli'a Niraj (born Seefali).
Another name he goes by is WhiteFox, though he is actively working against that being public knowledge. He is one of the two funding members of the rock band Night's Howl along with AetherWolf (Nikolai Okami). He plays an aether-fueled keytar and supplies backup vocals.


having time to bathe, groom and rest
children; he's surprisingly good with them
spending time with family
music (can play the hapsicord, keytar)


his breeding obligations
his own clan's family reunions
people who endanger others, esp. children
bright light
feeling vulnerable


Alignment: True Neutral
Vice(s): he's indulgent, likes physical attention
Favorite Food: sweetwater fish
Favorite Drink: red wine
Favorite Color: spring green
Rei'li Niraj Art.jpg

Appearance & Personality

He's pretty tall for a Miqo'te and fit, due to some traces of hyur blood and constant physical activity. Keeps well groomed (because long white fur requires anything but), is choosy of what he wears and is debatably easy on the eyes (if that's what one's into).
He’s very social and accommodating, very easy to get along with - but pretty two-faced and reserved beneath the social exterior. He has an amusing sense of humor, can be pretty warm and affectionate with people he's close with. But on the downside, he seems to be allergic to doing things by the book, cleans up after his messes just enough to never quite shoulder blame, is lazy as hell and will sleep whenever he can. Can, has and would kill in cold blood, if forced to. He's very protective of those he considers close.

Talents / Powers:

  • First Aid: He has a natural affinity for conjury but has only some basic training in it done, enough to perhaps temporarily stabilize critical wounds until someone more capable can take over.
  • Dragoon Expetise: He's pretty good with the lance, though a bit of a wildcard. He doesn’t have the height or length of limbs that the elezen or hyur do, but he’s quite a ways lighter and can jump quite impressively. He's taken to wearing weights on his already rather prominent tail in order to more easily shift direction mid-air. He’s not as strong as his brother (Leon Greymoon), but he compensates by tactfull expolitation of weaknesses. His drawback is, he does not posess ranged abillities, but needs to compensate by jumping into melee. He is also at a disadvantage if facing more than one opponent in melee. He has been Knighted first under House Argent and later on under House Bellefleur.
  • Leadership: He's a very gentle, but methodical and persistent leader. He had a reputation of taking care of his own and often took time to speak with or help his recruits when he worked for the Adders. His much more personal approach caused him enough grief to quit the Adders when his assistant had been killed and he seems unwilling to take on the leadership role since.
  • Musician: Not as widely known under his own name, but rather something he's known for as WhiteFox, is his abillity to play the hapsicord and the keytar. His musical knowledge is still expanding, but it is his go-to hobby and passion.
  • "Reaving": It is a little unclear how, but he is technicaslly able to apply his rather decent aether supply into furthering his combat speed for a very limited amount of time. He had no name for this skill until his father called it "reaving". It came with dire consequences, leaving Rei'li unable to walk for a moon, with a webbing of burst blood vessels and damaged muscles along his legs so it is safe to say he cannot control this, and has not used the skill past the first time. He has been trying to convince his father to help him train it, but it is an ongoing negotiation as Sonu'a seems to think it better left unexplored.



Rei'li was the third son born to a former marauder mother (Rei Niraj) as the 6th child out of eight. His father was long gone from his life since early childhood due to circumstances Rei'li was unclear on. The man was/is a Keeper of the Moon miqo'te called Sonu'a Viqqoh. Rei'li shares the father with twins Leon Greymoon and Ahjari Vhaaza (deceased), as well as older half-sister Chela Xelha.
His other siblings, linked to his mother, are (in age order): Raya Niraj, Rei'a Niraj, Rean Niraj (deceased), Rei'to Niraj, Ryen Niraj and Nemoh Niraj. He has/had a somewhat absent due to his leaving clan life, but still loving bond with all of them.
His only full-blood brother is Rei'sae Niraj, a relatively recent, very unexpected addition to the family. Due to both parents' age, this seems to be the only full-blood sibling he will ever have.


Growing up, Rei'li was not the most obedient child in the family, which would remain the case for years to come. He quickly learned though, that if he remained quiet about his mishaps, and was careful, his mother had no ground to scold him. She was a bit on the stern side, especially towards her three older sons, always emphasizing how critical it was for them to favor survival and be cautious and healthy, preparing them for their clan-to-clan breeding travels. She encouraged all three of them to pursue conjurer studies. Back then, Rei'li would think it unfair and boring, and would often envy his sisters who had more free time, and were trained combat arts instead. He wasn't the best conjurer in his settlement, but he never tried to be either, he preferred to do the bare minimum to advance just to not get into trouble.
Aged 12, at his oldest brother's (Rei'a Niraj) coming of age ceremony celebration, the clan was attacked by a competitive clan, which targeted all three of the male children, with intentions to limit the clan's growth within the Shroud. Their intent did not come to fruition, but it did result in Rean Niraj's death and Ryen Niraj's severe injuries with lasting consequences. The two sisters' sacrifices still weigh heavy on the family, Rei'li included.
Three turns later, Rei'li further strayed from his interest in conjurer studies towards a need to be more proactive in combat when his tribe reluctantly hosted a badly injured hyur lancer called Ilja Radall. Rei'li volunteered to help the man recover and was readily granted the duty. Both his teacher and mother were overjoyed at his initiative to do anything conjury-related and saw it as an excellent opportunity for the young Keeper to learn about the responsibility and role of his studies. Unfortunately, that was far from the case. While recovering, Ilja would tell Rei'li of his adventures, of the far North where lancers ascended to dance with fate and become Dragoons. Fascinated both with the adventurer and the stories, Rei'li decided to follow Ilja when the other was fully recovered. His attempt was cut short though; the lancer talked him out of it, making him promise to do as his family wished until he reached adulthood and telling him to look for him in Coerthas someday, giving him a locket to return to him then.
Bound by the promise, Rei'li stayed until his coming of age. Much to his mother's dismay though, he barely fulfilled a year and a half of his nomadic ventures before he promptly packed his things and left for Gridania, headed for the lancers' guild to follow in Ilja's footsteps.

Lancer to "Dragoon"

Arrived in Gridania and enlisted in the lancers' guild, he slowly learned to assimilate the difference of pace and blend in among the variety of races and cultures in the city. He had a good eye for keeping out of trouble and his outwardly social nature often allowed him to not stand out. He had always been told to be wary of other races, or even other male miqo'te - but in the city such encounters were next to impossible to avoid. Instead, he learned to charm his way out of them, mostly coming up on top.
His lancer training was a bit of a curve-ball. The first steps were a testing experience, especially considering he'd never really undertaken training that severe back home. It displeased him that the Lancers' guild master refused to speak to him about becoming a Dragoon right away, but even he had to admit he didn't think he was ready to take that route just yet. Sore and aching he dragged himself to training each day. His afternoons would entail working odd jobs at the market, while his evenings were spent in a quiet corner at the inn, or the benches outside if the weather permitted it. Sometimes in the company of a visiting adventurer. During his training he befriended an elezen called Madensa Virri'ai, often getting them both into trouble.
He would occasionally write home, but the responses would often hold an urge to leave his training and tend to his racial duties instead, which, again, mostly dissuaded him from abiding and instead train harder. He also remained friendly, but a bit more reserved in company of other miqo'te women, subconsciously.
After proving a quite reliable helping hand during the Calamity, he was given the approval to travel to Coerthas. The weather, however, proved as chill a greeting as the answers to his questions about Ilja; the lancer had indeed reached the Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena and Camp Dragonhead, but he hadn't been as ready as he thought - and suffered the repercussions, considered KIA. Lost and unsure for the first time in his life, Rei'li was presented with the choice to either go back to is family and live a secure and relatively peaceful life, or take on the mantle he was training so hard to earn, filling in Ilja's place in the thinned ranks of the training camp. He chose the latter.
Two years of training in Coerthas did sharpen his skills slowly but surely over time, though his title got pushed back a few times due to his race and the lack of an Ishgardian citizenship. Finally coming to terms with his situation, he resolved to return to Black Shroud and indulge himself a bit. He found himself quite at home in the Order of the Twin Adder ranks.

Crow of Coerthas & Shadow

During his unsucessful trials to gain Ishardian citizenship and Knighthood, Rei'li was very low in spirits, deeming himself incapable to fulfill Ilja's dream. Chance would have him connect with Kalas Kazewoka, or more widely known as the Emerald Eorzean, who, at the time, went by the name of The Crow of Coerthas. The circumstances remain a bit unclear, but Rei'li cerdits his endurance during that time to the kinship shared with the man.

Twin Adders'

Operating as an Order of the Twin Adder operative proved to be an effective source of income. He climbed through ranks steadily all the way to First Serpent Lieutenant, and was in charge of 8 recruits, all of which he got along with wonderfully. He'd also been promoted to Assistant Warmaster within Free Company ranks. After the promotion, due to undisclosed circumstances, he left his former partner, a senior First Serpent Lieutenant, and home in Gridania to temporarily move in with the Free Company. While Rei'li remains unwilling to discuss the subject, the split doesn't appear to have been amicable from his end, especially if some of the hints he'd tossed into Night's Howl songs are anything to go by.
Two turns since his promotion, however, his first recruit and assistant, Rivenne Willowsong, was found dead in Central Shroud. Her death was disputedly linked to her protecting private information about him and his Free Company circumstances, which seemed to hit him very hard. Fearing his other recruits could potentially face a similar fate, he resigned from his position and seemed to fade into the background as far as Adders' records were concerned.

Free Company

After an unexpected assault in Thanalan, a then 23-year-old Rei'li was backed up by a woman called Sophia Grave. Having killed two out of the three assaulters, the two fled to safety where she explained the reason of their pursuit on the miqo'te and his possible connection to a Free Company called Aeon. After taking quite some time to rethink his position, Rei'li ultimately decided to approach the Free Company, officially enlisting in its ranks.
Among the operatives, Rei'li was reacquainted with his half-brother Leon Greymoon (Rewo'a Vhaaza). Though from different mothers, the two seem to have quite a variety of things in common, from physical features to their profession choice and, of course the circumstances regarding the Free Company. Which, in turn, revealed not to be a coincidence. After several months they were able to link all the accounted similarities to their father, Sonu'a Viqqoh. The circumstances of such a revelation left a lot to be desired, seen as the man worked against the Free Company by contract, but Sonu'a promptly decided to revoke his 'employers', in favor of learning both of his sons were alive and well.
Almost two turns since his enlistment, Rei'li has been promoted first to Assistant Warmaster, and later to main Warmaster within Company ranks. His role was to lead support squads on field, or the main forces. The unspoken, secondary role he had (that he actually enjoyed more), was to bring in firsthand information he managed to decipher about enemy ranks. His sources remained undisclosed, but the information he brought in was usually quite vital.
In time, these sources prooved to come from Ilja Radall, who had gotten mixed up with the same organization as Rei'li's father. It took a lot of effort on both ends to extract him from those ranks. The two started off as friends, though after Rei'li's split from his partner their friendship eventually progressed into a relationship.
After his departure from the Adders' ranks and his Assitant's death, Rei'li's confidence in leadership roles waned rapidly. And within the turn the Free Company headquarters got overturned and destroyed. It is unclear whether other survivors still view him as a leadership figure, but he himself does not view himself as such, even if he still keeps in touch and feeds information to the others.

Ishgard & Knighthood

Without a steady venue of income, Rei'li struggled to finance himself and his family until Ishgard joined the Eorzean Alliance and opened its gates. Persuaded by Ser Zander Zeataux, he travelled North along with Ilja Radall to once more try and gain Knightgood sponsorship, on basis of Rei'li's father's past link to House Hallienarte and having served Ishgard during the Dragonsong war. House Argent, in charge of the Silvergrace Accademy granted them Knighthood and, along with thier Lord Gemini Argent, they were sent to Dravania as Ishagrd's emissaries to help settle post-war situations, working together with dragons. The family of three, including Rei'li's son Eli'a Niraj, were granted Ishgardian citizenship and stayed with the House during their service.
As the need for emissary work died down, they decided to look for more active postings and are in talks with House Bellefleur, though they would not revoke their emissary responsibillities, should the need for them arise again.

Night's Howl & Musical Career

Night's Howl performing in Lavender Beds
After Rei'li's departing from the Adders, he found himself in a rough financial situation and struggled to find work. During this downtime he met Nikolai Okami who had just come from the far East and was struggling himself to establish a musical career. Though aware it would take work, Nikolai was willing to invest his time in furthering Rei'li's, then rather limited, musical knowledge in order to help provide backup and precussion with an aether-powered keytar. In turn, Rei'li would help Nikolai translate and settle in Eorzea. Over time they formed a rock band called Night's Howl and adopted the aliases of "Wolf" and "Fox". While the majority of the song and music writing is credited to Nikolai, Rei'li is very dedicated to the band and has, over time, been able to write riffs and make good use of the instrument in creative ways, as well as agreed to a few performances with other musicians, including Savo Kesslivang.
While the band is no longer his main source of income, it has become a passion, as well as a place to heal from past fears of losing those he gets close to. Losing his assistant and his Free Company protegees, as well as losing faith in his former family situation left him rather isolated and guarded, but over time, Nikolai helped him get out of his shell at his own pace, supporting him when Rei'li asked to keep his name out of the spotlight. While not romantic, their bond is one of deep kinship and support.


  • He wears a white gold locket engraved with Nymeia, the Spinner's symbol, that Ilja left in his care.
  • He has what appears to be a rune-like tattoo that has a faint, blue glow, at the back of his neck. It's often obstructed from view by the fall of his hair, jacket collar and strategically tied scarf.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
Gridania: "White hair? Blue eyes? He used to stay in the New part of the town. Try the Roost or the Twin Adders' in the evenings, though I've not seen him in turns now."
The Roost: "Oh yes, polite lad, always groomed. Used to like the benches just outside better than the inn chairs though. Would take a single glass of wine over several of ale. And company under the stars rather than behind inn doors."
Adders' Nest: "Lieutenant Niraj? He used to have some kind of allergy to rules but he got the job done. Not always in the most conventional way, mind you. *sigh* Not sure what he's doing these suns though."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
Ebony Stalls: "Hm, if you see him, can you tell him my wares arrived? I feel bad for asking but he's been a big help last time and my back is killing me."
Adder's Nest: "He'd strut down the hall and all you could see was that long lush tail of his. We used to kid he kept grooming supplies in his cabinets."
Adder's Nest: "He treated his recruits like they were his kids, or siblings, got many warnings about that. When he lost one it came to bite him in the ass though. He left shortly after, no one knows where to."
The Roost: "He used to be very fun a couple drinks in. He always had some kind of charming remark about anyone, thought it was hard to make him divulge things about himself."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
Lancers' Guild: "He trained here for three turns, up until the Calamity. He was quite determined to train, and that kind of determination is very welcome for a lancer. I hope he found what he's been looking for in Coerthas."
Alberic Bale: "He came looking for a late Dragoon years ago. I still remember the heartbreak on his face when I gave him the news. The death of a loved one is sadly a reality far too common this far North."
The Roost: "He came back from Coerthas... different. He smiled more, but it never touched his eyes. There was a different glint there. Never did the story out of him, but I hope he's found his peace, wherever he is these suns."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters' of other players)
"I'll admit I was caught off guard when I realized he was my brother, but to be honest, it is only natural, considering how much we look alike, and how well we fight. And I never did have a 'little' brother, don't tell him I said that though." -Leon Greymoon
"I never thought I'd see my sons again, let alone little Fox. I don't expect either of my sons to trust me after what I did, but Rei'li has made strides towards building a connection with me. Did you know I am a grandfather? Just don't tell his mom he told me first." -Sonu'a Viqqoh


Romantic Sexual Platonic Good Standing Poor Standing
Rei Niraj : Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon, female, 61, former Marauder. His mother. They have a slightly strained relationship due to him actively avoiding his racial obligations.
Ilja Radall : Hyur, Midlander, male, 34, Knight Dragoon His fiance. An adventurer Rei'li volunteered to care for when his family clan found him injured in the woods. He was an inspiration for the young miqo'te to become a lancer, and later Dragoon. The Keeper grew to nourish deep feelings of affection for the other, ones that have persisted for over a decade since their first meeting. Despite the early news of the man's death, he's remained an unbendable inspiration and drive for the Miqo'te to press on through life. They've since been reunited and seem to have slowly, over time, come to continue where they'd left off 10 turns ago.
Nemoh Niraj : Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon, female, 25, Conjurer. His younger sister. She's very lively and quite loud, so he tends to slip into the older brother role when around her.
Madensa Virri'ai : Elezen, Wildwood, male, ?, Lancer. A good friend Rei'li met during their Lancer training. The Elezen's mellow nature complimented the miqo'te's more trouble-making tendencies quite well. The two lost contact after Rei'li's departure for Coerthas, though.
Sophia Grave : Hyur, Garlean, female, 37, ?. A swift fighter that came to his aid when he was cornered, and who helped him find a couple of answers on the matter. He believes himself in her debt.
Leon Greymoon : Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon, male, 30, Dragoon. Formerly known as Rewo'a Vhaaza. (Slightly) younger brother. They met through the Free Company. Their job choice and physical similarities make them get along swimmingly. Upon learning they're family, Rei'li was left feeling instinctively protective of Leon.
Eli'a Niraj : Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon, male, 13, ?. Formerly known as Eli'a Seefali. Rei'li's (only?) biological child, born through clan breeding. The Seefali family clan was caught in a conflict with the poachers shortly after the calamity. Eli Seefali managed to make it with the child to Buscarron's Druthers but she fell ill soon after, succumbing to her wounds. She left the child in the care of a hyur fisherslady using Rei'li's last name in hopes the clan would some day find him and take him in. After several years, the name did indeed reach the elusive clan. Upon recognizing the first name though, Rei'to, the clan notary and Rei'li's older brother, sent word to Rei'li first. Rei'li decided to take the child with him to Gridania instead of the family clan, not wanting him to be submitted to forced traditions. Eli'a is, in Rei'li's eyes, worryingly quiet, very reserved and observant for someone his age. Rei'li swore to himself to never let any of his work or free company circumstances affect Eli'a, which is why he's very selective of even mentioning him.
Sonu'a Viqqoh : Miqo'te/Hyur, Keeper of the Moon/Ishgardian, male, 54, ?. Rei'li's father, shared with Leon Greymoon and Rei'sae Niraj. Rei'li had always looked up to the idea of a father, so despite Sonu'a being all but the ideal one, he still finds himself drawn to spend time with him and was easier to warm up to the idea of giving him a second chance than Leon was.
Zander Zeataux : Elezen, Ishgardian, male, 34, Dragoon. A former Dragoon that joined Rei'li's free company. From the get go, Rei'li's taken a shine to the man, awed at the fact that he was the first Knight Dragoon he's truly spoken to in years. While he tries not to show it, Rei'li looks up to the man a lot and seems to always try to do his best on field when Zander is about, not wanting to disappoint him. More often than not, they're prone to share some lighthearted banter.
Kalas Kazewoka : Au Ra, Raen, male, ??, Hero?. Also known as Emerald Eorzean. An old friend. What is known about their connection can only be attributed to roumors and what they chose to display during Lucky Sparrow's perfomances together, where Rei'li took up the mantle of "Shadow", the Crow's follower. If asked, however, they remain a bit ambigous how much of that portrayal is embellished fiction. Rei'li did imply that, while fond, their bond had not been romantic, as he himself was still very heartbroken over the news of Ilja Radall's death. Even outside of performances, they can sometimes be found speaking quietly among themselves.
Nikolai Okami : Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun, male, ??, Musician. Also known as AetherWolf. His band co-founder and leader. The seem to adopt a playful, almost flirty dynamic at times, for show. Their actual relationship is closer to being one of siblings, rooted in mutual support and kinship. Nikolai taught Rei'li the majority of the ropes to becoming a musician.



Template by Bancroft Gairn
Theme Song: "OneRepublic - Counting Stars" "Fall Out Boy - Death Valley" "Måns Zelmerlöw - Fire In The Rain"
TV Tropes: Separated At Birth | The Mourning After | Light Is Not Good | The Unfettered | Challenge Seeker | Because I'm Good At It | Not A Morning Person | Deep Cover Agent | Flirting Under Fire | Second Love | Papa Wolf