Kirui Adunis

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Kirui Adunis
The Wayward Son


Vital Information

Name: Kirui de Adunis

Race: Elezen

Gender: Male

Age: Twenty nine

Other Information

Nationality: Ishgardian

Current Residence: Gridania - The Lavender Beds

Occupation: Adventurer, part of the Free Company "Linked Compass"

Patron Diety: Halone, the Fury

Height & Weight: 202 cm & 90 kg

Alignment: Between Lawful and Neutral Good

Many amongst Ishgard's people have known nothing but war in their lifetime, spending their every waking hour with or without the walls of the city proper, bound together in a defiant stand against dragonkind. Yet even amidst bloody war, there were those who looked past the bleak and icy walls with yearning for more:

Exploration and Adventure.

Kirui de Adunis was one such individual. Born as the eldest son of House Adunis, a minor noble house within the Holy See. Between his brother and sister, he has always been the odd one out. Instead of doing what most noble scions do, chasing women and posing as soldiers, he strived to join the ranks of the Temple Knights. Having shown his talent for leadership and warfare alike he served with distinction both within and without the city. Yet it could not sate his thirst for more. With each passing day in Coerthas, all he could think of was what lied beyond. How vast the world was. So it was that he decided:

He would leave hearth and home behind.

Having renounced everything but his name, he set forth past the icy wastes of Coerthas to fulfill his childhood dream of exploration and adventure. He traveled Eorzea far and wide, discovering her people and city-states alike. Even to this day he roams the land, always on the look out for his next great adventure.

Current Times
Much like many of his kindred spirits, Kirui spends almost every waking hour of his life on the move. Frequenting every city-states Adventurer's Guild he is almost never want of employment. Not to mention his particular skills as a free-paladin, beholden to none by oath or sworn service.

Living on the road, one must remain practical. Whilst he certainly has a fancy for theatrics, he wears the typical tried and true Ishgardian type of chainmail as his armor, carrying a longsword and a shield with himself at all times as armaments.

Recently amidst a rough patch however, without any lucrative contracts or proper employment, he has been seen working alongside the members of the 'Linked Compass' Free Company on the regular, frequenting Gridania and the Lavender Beds daily.

Yet despite everything, he always stands ready to aid those in a time of need.


Kirui leaving Ishgard was largely due to his curious nature and wanderlust, the perfect traits for an Adventurer. As a result every fibre of his being craves it, to explore that which remain hidden. To help those in need.
Many who know him, are acutely aware of his habits to disappear for vairous lengths of time with nothing but his tackle box and a fishing rod. Yet curiously, he never returns with any fish.
Whilst curious and always ready to indulge others with talking, sometimes blessed silence is what he craves the most, be it completely alone, or with kindred spirits.


In his mind, those who remain ignorant to the plight of others are selfish and cruel. It has ever been the duty of the strong to protect the weak.
Those who stand idly by and do nothing in grave matters or in times of crisis often if not always earn his disapproval.
Plain rudeness degrades most, if not all. Kirui strives to handle all matters politely, yet should someone prove rude he is likely to retort of simply leave the conversation.

Family and Friends

The Viscount de Adunis - Father ( NPC )
The old Viscount has always been the stern and stoic type, his love was seldom shown for his children. The Holy See took precedence in all matters, even when it came to family. Yet he was full of hope and aspirations for his children, particularly the eldest. It was due to this that once he has learnt of Kirui's departure from Ishgard, abandoning his vows and oaths, along with the family, the Viscount near disowned him. He will bear no shame because of a selfish and cowardly son.
The Viscountess de Adunis - Mother ( NPC )
The Viscountess has ever been the very image of loving compassion and altruism. The love she bears for the people is only trumped by her love for her children. She is hardly a powerless noblewoman, with vast connections throughout all of the houses minor, and not to mention her skill in the application of aether for powerful magicks. Whilst the relations between father and son may have soured, she keeps the peace and acts as the link that will forever bind Kirui to his family.
Nobunos de Adunis - Younger Brother
The middle child of the family, and thus, perhaps as an act of fate, the most rebellious out of the three siblings. He has never been known to affiliate himself with anyone but himself, and the people. Bearing no love for church or law, he left Ishgard alongside his brother. And yet whilst their paths have diverged, whenever they travel together they are a force to be reckoned with. Often are the two of them seen jesting with one another, yet the bond they share is clear to all.
Enri de Adunis - Younger Sister
The youngest child of the family, yet perhaps the most sensible one out of the three siblings. Enri took after her mother, rather than the old Viscount. She shares her mothers love, yet growing up with two brothers has left quite an impression of both of them in her attitude. She has Kirui's calculating mind, and the witty and sharp tongue of Nobunos. Such traits have resulted in many a noble scion looking to be in her good graces, much to their misfortune, as she relentlessly demolishes the hopes and dreams of such men.
B'raemha Rharhe - Partner
Kirui hasn't know B'raemha for that long, only half a year, yet in that short amount of time it became clear that they were kindred spirits. They share many a similar trait, yet in the departments they are lacking, they compliment one another almost perfectly. Only recently did their relationship blossom into something more and open, leading to its own fair share of troublesome and awkward moments. Yet despite the awkwardness, their affection only becomes clearer and clearer with each glance they make at one another.

Zaya de Deaujorard - Friend
The young Xaela greeted Kirui by threatening his life, a common thing in The Azim Steppe, apparently. The adopted daughter of a hero of Ishgard, Zaya has been wronged over and over again by the Holy See and its people. It is exactly the reason why he has been striving to make amends for the past, putting his own life at risk just to help her clear her name, and the name of her father. In this endeavour despite Zaya's apparent hatred for Ishgard, a sort of friendship has blossomed between the two.
Saikhan Gesi - Friend
Saikhan, an other Xaela that Kirui met through the 'Linked Compass'. At first the elezen made the mistake of comparing her to Zaya, yet he was pleasantly surprised to learn through their interactions and talks that Saikhan was a much more complex individual. A creature that was formed by the cruel customs of the Steppe, yet under all that she remains a good-hearted and compassionate person, though should anyone learn that she'd almost instantly challenge them to a fight. Her will to fight is only trumped by her curious nature, should something interest Saikhan she'll unashamedly ask and strive to learn more about it.
Dadaxi Daxi - Friend
Kirui and Dadaxi have been on good terms ever since they met. Her caring and affectionate attitude makes her a go to person whenever he can not resolve something by himself. She always does three peoples work in a single day, only stopping to rest in order to provide for the people she cares about. Yet should someone anger her, or get under her skin... Beware ye' of little faith, this Lalafell will demolish anyone and anything that earns her scorn and ire.
Kaoru Nakatomi - Friend / Employer
The ever composed and stoic Raen has been a cornerstone to Kirui. Though it took numerous attempts she eventually formally invited him into the ranks of her Free Company, and they have been working together ever since then to help and forward one another. Whilst most people are unreliable, Kaoru will always be a stalwart bastion in his mind. As such, whenever she is troubled or exhausted from her work he strives to ease her burden.
Marius Scipii - Friend / Employer
The Garlean often puzzles Kirui. The man is stoic, cold and calculating. And still he manages to be caring and compassionate. A rare trait in most, even rarer in an Imperial. Though they are definately not people who would casually spend time with one another, through the Free Company they learned to trust and depend on one another. Even now as Marius set out to help and save the people of Garlemald, Kirui strives to keep what he holds dear safe in Eorzea.
Rasheke Arkwright - Friend
The Limsan rogue turned Gunbreaker has ever been a friend to Kirui, though the elezen would loathe to admit it. Rasheke seems to have that effect on people, he is the likeable sort, yet through his antics and shenanigans often earns the ire of others, especially women. Nevertheless, Rasheke much like Kirui will go out of his way to help the people he deems worthy of such, although constantly maintaining his carefree attitude.
Astrent Deautaut - Friend
Kirui and Ser Astrent have had a bumpy history, they will both stand fast to their own views and opinions, which has caused friction between the two of them in the past. Yet in recent times through their newfound quest together they have reconciled, even going as far as to declare one anothe friends as they both strive to right the wrongs of the past and help those they care about in the process.


IC Information



"You'll be hard pressed to find a more loyal comrade and friend. There are few that I trust above him to have my back." - Kaoru Nakatomi

"A man with a good heart and many burdens. Worthy of trust, but needs more time in the arena." -Saikhan Gesi


OOC Information

Personal RP Limits
Walk ups and improvised RP are welcome, and actively encouraged! Feel free to /tell me about RP or just interact whenever!
I am all for darker themes, yet I will not take part in any torture, rape and death plots
Character injury and even death is accepted with prior discussion and proper reason.
Potential Plot Hooks
Ishgardian Adventurer
Free Paladin
Honorable Knight
Fledgeling Dark Knight

Other Information

Crystal Data Center - Mateus Server | European Roleplayer - on CET (Central European Time)

English isn't my first language, so typos and grammar mistakes are guaranteed, should we roleplay, please excuse such!


Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits and relationship color keys by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music and OOC note by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist by D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to credit everyone when using this wiki. Thank you.