Aeiteil Strand

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Gridania-transparent.png Aehtel Strand
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridania
Occupation Musician
Orientation Homosexual
Guardian Byregot
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Basic Info

  • Age: 25
  • Height: 5.9
  • Skin color: Pale
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Short and Dark Brown
  • Expression: Kind
  • Body Type: Slim and non-muscular
  • Clothing: Typically in a robe of sorts, something to hide in.
  • Personality: Controlling but has a kind soul.
  • Job/Class: Bard~Scholar


Aehtel is a little quiet but usually can't help himself when it comes to controlling the situation. He doesn't consider himself a leader, but a lack of direction is something that just crawls under his skin. To him nothing is better than sitting by himself, away from all city life, and playing a nice melody on his harp while chatting with his fairy.


5 fulms, 11 ilms - Typical height for a Midlander


180 ponz – Aehtel is a bit on the lighter side due the fact that he eats very little. His portion size is probably a third of a Reogadyn!


Aehtel is mildly tall but with slim features and no muscles to see. He never works out and because he is a musician, there is no need to becoming fit in the ways of fighting.


Pale white. Despite him being in the sun often his complexion doesn't darken.. he just seems to burn.


His hair is short to mid-length and is an extremely dark brown, almost black. He usually has a teal streak running through it as a token of remembrance towards his past.


Usually dressed in a robe, you will see him with a harp on his back or in his hands. He usually doesn't wear head ware, but if trying to stay hidden in the crowd he would do it.

Even when alone, you will never catch him undressed.


Aehtel is a quiet lad, but as he warms up to the people around him (which takes a while for males) he starts to banter and chatter like a woman. He gets very close to females as they tend to get along better with him, or so he would like to think. When it comes to a quest or a mission involving other people, he has a hard time keeping his mouth shut because of his controlling nature. Being out of control usually means he will be uncomfortable and causes him to panic, so he can't have that. He doesn't blurt out orders, but he nudges everyone in the right direction. He has an uncanny ability to pick up on peoples attitudes. Gruesome sites cause him to feel queasy.
Even though he gets along with people enough, he never is friendly enough to form a long boded relationship with someone. Because of something that happened in the past, he will never romantically be interested in someone again. In his free time (which is something is cherishes) he writes music to play on his harp. Most of his music is slow, pretty but a little sad sounding.


Aehtels parents were normal of the standards of Midlanders. They married a bit young when they had Aehtel, around 17 or so, but that didn't stop the family from having a loving relationship. Everything was fine until Aehtel told them his preference sexually, in which they responded by banning him from seeing them again and kicking him out to be on his own. Aehtel expected this and so he doesn't consider himself having a family any longer.

Personality Traits:

  • Thoughtful
  • Sensitive
  • Acute
  • Gentle
  • Measured
  • Regulating
  • Scarred
  • Untrusting


  • Music
  • Gaining trust
  • Easing the mood


  • Peace and quiet
  • Order
  • Books

Favorite Food:

  • Anything as long as it is well prepared

Favorite Color:

  • Teal

Favorite Creature:

  • Fairy


  • People who pry into his past
  • Limsa Lominsa
  • Being used
  • Not having a grasp on the situation


  • Fears his past
  • Fears becoming close to people


  • Aehtel is sometimes known to drink a little too much despite not liking alcohol. He is easily peer pressured. Tends to be extremely sarcastic out of no where. I guess past people rubbed off on him...



Aehtel child-hood was happy-go-lucky with no serious things to worry about. His family was loving and he had a many friends. He lived in Limsa Lominsa and so it was a favorite past time to go fishing with his father at the pier. His mother was an amazing cook so he lived the good life!


Adolescence was a difficult time for Aehtel. His father seemed to grow distant with work while his mother would be gone for many hours a day whoring herself out for extra money. He never pinned her on it, but he knew what was going on unspoken. At this time he started to pick up the harp and become very masterful at it, playing it in all of his free time when his parents weren't around. He also began to hang around a new friend he made named Taren fairly frequently. At the age of 17 he realized he was falling for Taren and decided to confront him about it. Taren also had the same feelings and so they began a relationship. He also decided now was a good time to tell his parents so they could all be happy again. Things went unplanned though and he was kicked out of his home and then moved in with Taren and his family.


When Aehtel was 23 he began to be known a bit for his music and thus started making more money than he used to. He and Taren lived on their own at this point, and were happy, or so Aehtel thought. He awoke one morning to find his goods stolen and his heart broken. Taren had left a note stating thank you for the times, but I like the money more. Aehtel was heart broken and attempted suicide that night by hanging. Luckily one of his friends caught wind of Taren leaving and went to see Aehtel. She found him unconscious and took his to see a healer immediately. He had a full recovery, but something in him died with the hanging.. his soul. He was never willing to become close with anyone after this, so moved from Limsa Lominsa and moved into Gridania. There he has solace and lives a peaceful life.