Lizzo Trange

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Lizzo Trange
Lizzo - Power.png
"Gil, lies and deceit. These are the things that have brought me to where I am now."
The Frigid Lord
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Garlean Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 23
Name Day 20th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon, 1555
Beliefs Thaliak, the Scholar; pays homage to Shiva in secret
Occupation Expatriot Noble of Garlemald, former pirate captain, mercenary
Server Balmung

Lizzo Trange is of Garlean stock, who, however, has lived within Eorzea for more than half his life. The son of a Garlean minor noble, his family was forced to flee the empire when he was eight when it was discovered his mother was from Eorzea. Continuing the studies common of the upper class aboard his father's ship, the Dracon, Lizzo also learned the way of the sea and how to be a profitable pirate. Seen as cold and calculating with a penchant for distrust and violence following the betrayal that claimed his father's life, he spent most of the past four years safely hidden in the few shadows that exist in the sun-drenched streets of Limsa Lominsa tracking and eliminating the conspirators. Recently, his old self has begun to break through in glimpses of sarcastic wit and moments of relaxation. As his family has regained their place in the sun, he still finds it difficult to readily trust a new face and still prefers to have a wall to his back with an exit in sight.



Name: Lizzo Trange: His first name, having also belonged to an ancestor, comes from an ancient fable whose origins have been lost to time. Once the name was thought to have belonged of a daughter of the Primal Shiva, while in other interpretations of the fable, Lizzo was a male Elezen who was said to have been given immense power over cold and frost. The Trange family can trace its roots far back into Garlean history, having been a constant, if predominately over-looked clan. Never aspiring to the battlefield or politics, the Trange name can be found in minor notes of continental trade, exchange and diplomacy.

Birthplace: Villa Dracon: Home of the Trange family for over 400 years and located in Northwestern Garlemald, the Villa was always welcoming to guests. A rather small villa, it served the generations of the family well due to its modest construction and inviting atmosphere. After Lizzo and his family fled the empire almost nothing is known as to what has come of the villa, though it is little more than a memory to him and his sister who were raised for several years within its walls.

Age: 23: Born in 1555, Lizzo took no part in the Battle of Carteneau Flats and has lived the past five years either on the deck of a ship or within the shadows of Limsa Lominsa and the surrounding pirate grottoes.

Marital Status: In a relationship

Sexuality Heterosexual

Class: Disciple of Magic - Thaumaturge

Beliefs: Having learned of the Twelve from his mother, he readily asks for aid from Thaliak, the Scholar during the course of his studies, both lettered and magical. While pirating, and later seeking the whereabouts of the conspirators, he looked toward Llymmlaen, the Navigator and Oschon,the Wanderer. Due to his inherent skill and love of cold magic, he has also been known to give secret devotions to the Primal Shiva.


Height: 5 fulms 4 ilms - Short for a Midlander, he takes his height in stride as it makes him look much less imposing then he is, allowing him to catch his foes off-guard.

Weight: 140 ponz - An average weight for someone of his height and years, the few extra pounds that can be found on him are most likely honed muscle.

Complexion: Always having been fair-skinned, the several years serving aboard the Dracon had left his skin somewhat leathery due to the exposure to the sun and wind. Now, after a few years of intense magical study, keeping to the darker recesses of the city and taverns, as well as the concealing clothing he has chosen to shroud himself in, he has returned to his original pallor.

Physique: Thin and limber, Lizzo is fit, trimmed and toned thanks to years of fighting with swords, fists and gauntlets. His practice of the arcane arts would most likely have lessened his muscularity if not for the fact he now trains with his staff for close-quarters combat.

Hair: A shaggy mane of wind-swept jet black hair falls over his face most of the time, falling half way to his shoulders. Where there is fighting to be done his hair is most often tied back into a small tail. A well trimmed beard has crept onto his face as of late, a thing of pride as it deepens his likeness to his father. (He has jokingly stated that his facial hair makes him feel more sophisticated and distinguished).

Eye Color: Ice blue eyes have been the staple of males in the Trange family for several generations, a trait not lost when it comes to Lizzo. The warmth behind them was always evident until his father's death, when they became as cold as their colour. Emptiness and hatred lingered within his eyes for nearly four years until just a few months ago when their former warmth seemed to flare up and has continued to become stronger as time goes by.

Distinguishing Marks: During the coup that occurred four years ago, Lizzo took a sweeping strike from a lance to his back. The deep gash that was left has healed into a long, thin scar just below his right shoulder blade. Considered deserved by not seeing the betrayal coming, or being able to defend himself and his father in his darkest moments, he now muses that the mark is now a well-earned 'battle scar.'


A quick-witted, intelligent young man, Lizzo had always been rather reserved. In his mid teens he was allowed to accompany his father aboard the Dracon and was given a contingent of men to command. Those who served under him likened him to his father in many respects: determined, careful, foresighted and willing to lend aid where needed. In the midst of a fight he would become extremely focused, but not overly aggressively so. Those who surrendered or wished not to fight were never harmed and were given leave immediately and, in some cases, safe passage. In his downtime he was legitimately carefree and easy-going. Most often found with his men engaging in their discussions, songs, drinks and an occasional friendly brawl (in which he was the victor more than half the time).

After his father's death something in Lizzo changed. His usual demeanor soured and he became cold and calculating. Vengeance and his family's safety were constantly on his mind, causing him to be suspicious, critical and often-times, paranoid. He began to doubt those around him and caused many of the few survivors to leave his service. His constant cool head when it came to battle also changed to one of hate and vicious appreciation. The confidence in which he had always carried himself switched to hurried steps and incessant backward glances.

Now that it has been nearly four years, he has begun to come out of the hard shell he created to protect himself. Though he still is somewhat shifty in crowds and his preference for a wall to his back and his eye on the door remains, those closest to him have noticed an ever-increasing turn for the better about him. His smile and cold, empty eyes, which had become things to be feared previously, have started to become warmer. Recently, some of the old jokes he once told have resurfaced upon his lips, laughter, not heard of in years, has burst from him on occasion as well. The safety of his family and friends, and the new feminine presence in the evenings, have combined to slowly draw out his former persona, a thing welcomed by all who know him.


General Skills: As the son of a noble, he has gained the knowledge of reading, writing, martial skill, and an interest in the arts. His ability in the arcane arts is considerable for one his age, still, he insists on consistent practice. His mastery of the gift of cold magic is remarkable. He is also a skilled mariner and tactician.

Combat Skills: While serving on his father's ship, the Dracon, he was trained by the first mate in the way of the Pugilist. After learning to defend himself and fight at close quarters he chose to lay aside his gauntlets and focus his studies on the arcane arts of the Thaumaturge.

Weapons Skills: Can fight with one or two swords, clawed gauntlets or his bare hands, but now prefers to utilize his staff when in close quarters.

Social Skills: Does not trust easily after being betrayed several years earlier. Though usually cold and calculating, when he feels comfortable in his surroundings and with those around him, he lets his guard down revealing his charm and wit. His intellect and love of telling stories has endeared him to several people, especially a specific Miqo'te bookworm.

Athletic Skills: Extensive training with swords, hand to hand combat and staff fighting has given him high stamina and endurance.



Leaving Garlemald

Limsa Lominsa and the Dracon



Of the few men under his command who survived the coup, only Crowe, Sigmund and three others chose to remain. Those who did not splintered off, finding



Father (Deceased) - Lord Remus Trange: The descendant of a minor Garlean noble family, Remus was known for being a warm, jovial man who almost always had a smile on his face. A gallant individual who loved his wife and children above all, those in his employ greatly enjoyed working for the him as his nature gave them a considerable amount of freedom.

After his wife Meredith was discovered to have come from Eorzea by, Remus gathered his family and those most loyal to him and fled Garlemald, making sure nothing could befall them. Leaving his ancestral home of Villa Dracon, Remus had a large sailing vessel built and waiting for him when he reached the coast. Before departing for the pirate-infested waters around Limsa Lominsa, Remus hired an old friend, Crowe Bloebloud, to be first mate on his new ship, the Dracon and to help in relocating his family to safety.

Years later, Remus had established himself as a well-known pirate captain who captured many ships and spared any aboard who did not resist. This relative peaceful approach from a pirate brought him respect from other, more light-hearted pirates, who came in droves to join him, as well as the begrudging local authorities. When an enemy ship, be it rival pirate or hostile merchants and traders decided to fight against him Remus became a different man. His usual calm demeanor evaporated and the ice that came into his eyes brought fear to even the staunchest of opponents. A master swordsman, Remus could fight five men without breaking a sweat, and up to twelve men when pushed to his limits.

Unbeknownst to Remus a coup was being developed among several rival pirate groups. While the war between the Garlean Empire and the peoples of Eorzea was being fought, miles out to sea another climatic battle was being waged that saw the deaths of Remus and most of his men. Those who survived were later forced into servitude on enemy vessels or were brutally executed. In his last moments Remus fought side by side with his eldest son, swords clashing and ice bolts flying. It would not do for him to die with his son though, and, for the second time in his life, Remus sought to remove his family from danger.

Lizzo's final glimpse of his father was of a man protecting his family, by holding off a multitude of enemies and falling only after killing half a dozen of them and being run through by four blades.

Mother - Lady Meredith Trange: A merchant's daughter from Ul'dah, Meredith met Remus Trange during one of his youthful excursions through Eorzea. Two years later, the two vacationed together in Limsa Lominsa and several months after were married at his family home in Garlemald.

Becoming a noble, even a minor one, was a shock to Meredith, though she handled it extremely well. Her years assisting her father with his work gave her insight into the lives of the people who lived and served within Villa Dracon. Kind and caring, she was beloved by her husband's household, often finding small ways to better their livelihoods.

When it was discovered by one of Remus' rivals that she was not Garlean, her family was placed in danger of being routed by the empire. Escaping to the sea, and then to the warm waters around Limsa Lominsa, was as much fraught with fear as it was with happiness being back in her native land. Her nerves flared again when Remus began his new career in pirating but eased when it was clear that his skill and ambitions would keep him and her growing family safe.

The death of her beloved husband at the hands of betrayers left her to pick up the pieces of her family. Her daughter and son-in-law, who were soon joined by her youngest son, found a new goal in protecting the ports they had once aided their father in harassing. Lizzo, her middle child, took a turn for the worse, losing touch with her and his siblings while he spearheaded the search for Remus' killers.

With the birth of her grandchild, Romulus, coupled by the softening of Lizzo's frozen heart, joy has returned to Meredith's life. Now, in her mid-forties, Meredith watches the exploits of her children with awe and motherly pride. After years of being unable to contact her family, she has mourned the passing of her mother and has again begun to aid her father and half-brother in continuing their merchant business.

Sister - Danielle McGoirn: The oldest of the three Trange children, Danielle had always reveled in her position of being a noble, and then, the daughter of a respected pirate captain. Three years older than Lizzo, she had better understood the predicament that her family faced when her mother's ethnicity was revealed. Thin and demure, her beauty hides her high intelligence, political ruthlessness and ability to wield a lance to the same degree as a seasoned veteran.

Though she did not join her father, or brothers, on the deck of the Dracon, Danielle instead used her charms and finesse to root out information regarding incoming and outgoing cargo vessels, as well as the logistics of the navy of Limsa Lominsa.

At the age of 18 she married one of her father's closest ally's sons, Fredrick McGoirn. A capable young man who commanded the sailing force of his father's men, Fredrick was soon elevated above his father to assist his wife with her information retrieval and planning. With her sources from the port city, Danielle and Fredrick were able to plan and coordinate many of her father's raids and sea skirmishes.

After the death of Remus, due in part to her father-in-law, Danielle's husband became captain of his father's fleet after turning his treacherous parent over to Lizzo and his family. Renaming their flagship the Fair Ex-Trange, Danielle and Fredrick joined forces with her younger brother Natalan in joining the Privateers, working for The Maelstrom of Limsa Lominsa. In her new position, Danielle now manages more information than she ever had at hand before and relishes in her position of protecting the city from the ilk the like of which killed her father.

Nephew - Romulus McGoirn: Danielle's two year old son, 'Rom' is often seen seated in a high chair beside his mother as she pours over maps and logistical documents. A happy child, those who knew his grandfather swear there is a great resemblance between them, especially in the messy black hair, piercing blue eyes and ever-present smile.

Brother - Captain 'Dead-Eye' Natalan Trange: The youngest sibling, Natalan was four years old when his family reached Eorzea. Remembering almost nothing of his previous life, Natalan grew up to a life of piracy. Most often found in the crow's nest of the Dracon, Natalan loved looking out over the vast blue waters, pirate coves, lush islands and white walls of Limsa Lominsa.

While walking through the city streets with his sister one day, Natalan's penchant for observation and a careful eye were recognized when a pickpocket robbed the siblings. Before the Lalafell had gone more than twenty paces, Natalan had fired an arrow from his toy bow between the man's legs, tripping him. His aim improved past its already finite precision quickly, gaining him accolades from his father's men, especially the Miqo'te and Elezen who likened his Hyur eyesight to their own, and the nickname Dead-Eye. Once he was old enough to participate in the family business of pirating, it was Natalan who, from his obvious post in the crow's nest, spied the next ship or port before anyone else.

The death of his father hit Natalan the hardest, but unlike Lizzo, who vowed to find the men who had clamored for Remus' demise, he chose to join The Maelstrom with his sister and her husband. Recently, Lizzo, who had captained the Dracon for the past few years, gave up the helm to Natalan when he reached 18. Once in command of his father's ship, Natalan was asked to become one of the junior captains of the Black Sails, a placement he easily adjusted to. His fantastic eyesight, coupled with his expertise with a bow, even on rough waters, as well as his commanding presence in spite of his age, has made Natalan one of the first to be given scouting missions and put in charge of strike teams against pirates.


Sigmund Forrester: An orpan Midlander, he served as a deckhand on the Dracon and became Lizzo's first friend in Eorzea. A quick wit mixed with a surprising control of anger, he was always an 'ask questions while you swing your sword' kind of guy. A companion during peaceful evenings as well as in the heat of battle, Lizzo went no where without Sigmund, a fact that allowed his advancement to Lizzo's second.

During the coup Sigmund carried on with his allegiance to the Trange family and fought alongside Lizzo and his father. Knocked unconscious in the thick of the fight, Sigmund was rescued by Crowe Bloebloud when he was ordered to evacuate himself and Lizzo.

The years in which Lizzo hunted his father's killers created a rift between the two friends, caused by Lizzo's ever-increasing thirst for vengeance. After a falling out, Sigmund volunteered to aid Lizzo's sister and brother-in-law in their new careers within the Privateers.

Recently, the bond between the friends has recovered, though the two still don't see as much of each other as they once did. Now serving under the command of Lizzo's young brother Natalan, Sigmund acts as a link between the brothers. Highly dedicated to Natalan and his superiors in The Maelstrom, he often takes leave to fight on land to hone his mastery of the sword, and of course, share drinks with Lizzo and the many beautiful women of Limsa Lominsa.

Zali'ah Qin: A young Keeper of the Moon, she is one of several Miqo'te siblings who moved to the city three years ago. The youngest of her kin, 'Zall', as she is known by the few people she converses with, spends most of her time frequenting city benches and the corners of inns, her nose in a book. Her high intelligence is often not visible due to her clumsiness, a rarity for her race.

Her intense interest in her tomes has lessened of late, mainly due to a young mage who has been been taking up many of her evenings with talk and laughter.

Crowe Bloebloud: Born a Sea Wolf, Crowe has the sea in his veins. Crowe was an old friend of Lizzo's father and was one of several people who helped the Trange family to escape Garlemald. Hired as Remus' first mate aboard the Dracon, Crowe fought along side Remus after he was betrayed. Afterward he accompanied Lizzo in finding several of the conspirators. Now that the Dracon is in the hands of Lizzo's younger brother Natalan, Crowe assists Lizzo in his landlocked endeavors as a consultant and part time body guard.

Generally quiet and even-tempered, Crowe knew who to lean on and who to avoid among the other pirates roving the waters of Lima Lominsa. During his tenure on the Dracon, Crowe taught the young Lizzo how to read nautical maps and was the driving force behind the young noble learning how to fight with his fists and clawed gauntlets.

Sigyn Bloebloud: Crowe's teenage daughter, she too grew up on the deck of the Dracon along with Lizzo and Sigmund, being three years their junior. Spending so much time around the two boys, and eventually serving under her father, Sigyn learned how to fight, manipulating water, earth and wind to strike at her foes while at the same time aiding her comrades with her knowledge of healing magic.

Considered to be rather lazy for a Roegadyn, Sigyn was often found in her quarters, having fallen asleep during her meditations. Living around men all her life, especially being raised alongside her two best friends, it would be thought she would be very tom-boyish, however this can not be farther from the truth. While maintaining a generally relaxed demeanor most of the time, she is in actuality extremely demure and is easily embarrassed when talk turns to relationships and more scandalous discussions - unless she has a pint in her hand, in which case she has been known to become flirty and boisterous. Consistently self-conscious in regards to her figure, Sigyn prefers to wear clothing that conceals her feminine form.

The betrayal of Lizzo's father occurred during a time which saw Sigyn assisting Danielle and her husband with a negotiation between the Trange family and a wealthy merchant. When the merchant and his men drew blades the three friends fought their way to safety. After their escape, Sigyn used her skill at healing to mend the gash on Lizzo's back he had sustained in his own battle.

In the years that followed, the young woman settled herself as an official aid and guard to Lizzo's mother and siblings while he ventured in search of the conspirators, the double-crossing merchant among them. The last few months have allowed Sigyn to return to her meditations without fear of interruption. She now spends her days running errands and missives for Danielle, and her evenings enjoying the quiet comforts of a tavern, listening to Lizzo and Zali'ah converse and discreetly eyeing the barmaids.

Additional Information

Happiness: An evening in his favourite eatery, his back to a wall in a dimly-lit corner conversing with Zali'ah.

Fears: Being betrayed for a second time.

Strengths: Highly skilled at Cold Magic.

Weaknesses: Does not trust easily, even those working with him.

Lizzo's theme: - The Frigid Lord

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Zali'ah Qin

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