Endarius Chariton

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 Endarius Chariton
"Brighten the light, do not banish the darkness; is there not a shadow with every candle?"
"...that guy that puts people back together, you know, the quiet one with the hood."
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Debatable
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Discovering a talent with conjury has given Endarius a new lease on life, a happy anchor to his quiet yet warm personality. He's very quiet about the past, preferring to look forward instead of back.


Endarius is tall for a midlander, sporting jet black hair and the matching little bit of black facial hair he can grow. His skin is deeply sun-kissed, unusual for someone calling the arboreal Shroud home. Despite the cowls (of various colors) he's almost always wearing, Endarius' eyes are strikingly blue, noticeable even under the hood. Despite his best efforts and years of denial, Endarius needs glasses for reading. When at home and not in the hooded clothes he's normally out and about in, he can most often be seen in simple, comfortable robes. Inside? Whatever is most comfortable.


"Quiet" is often the first word people use to describe Endarius. Often "caring" comes a close second, especially for those whose lives he's touched in some way. His deep voice is gentle and soothing to listen to, no enchantments required. He doesn't try to be all-knowing or all-wise, even with his quiet demeanor. He makes no charade, instead honestly admitting when he doesn't know or has no experience. Despite (or perhaps because of) this humility, he's always eager to listen to those who do know, and just as eager to learn what others have to teach. Endarius is an absolutely terrible liar, for which he compensates by simply not lying. It goes without saying that not everything he has to say is comfortable to hear in that respect, but one can rest assured that whatever comes out of his mouth is, at least as far as he knows, the truth. That's not to say he would never lie, say to save someone's life or something of similar gravity, but it would have to be something that severe to pull a lie from his lips. People come in all shapes and sizes, and Endarius is a particularly accepting person of that fact. He has little in the way of prejudices, a bit of a contrast to most of everyone else around him. Some find this unsettling, his capacity to talk to and treat a Lalafell the same way he talks to a Roegayden, but it's a part of him that's unshakable. Endarius takes the time to know a person before judging them, which is more than most can say. Intuition and cognition, in equal parts, drive Endarius' actions. It's difficult, even for him sometimes, to tell which is a larger motivating factor, but they both come into play nearly every time he acts. That said, his reasoning isn't usually very elaborate, and he doubts even his own very strong intuitions sometimes. It's a strange balance, but it works.


Birth Name - Endarius, unsure of family, so he gave himself his own last name
Pronounced - en-DAR-ee-us che-RI-tawn
Common Name - Endarius Chariton
Nickname(s )- Most people only know Endarius' last name.
Age - 27
DOB - 17th Sun of the First Astral Moon
Focus of Studies - Healing
Other Talents - Botany and Conjury


Endarius sticks where he's most effective: somewhere in the middle. He balances the need for reaching everyone with his healing capabilities with his own contribution to an assault as best he can, flexing as tactics and situations change. He's not much of a physical fighter, but his prowess with the elements isn't something you just ignore.



  • Oranges and honey
  • Nature - Endarius has a particular fondness for the natural world and loves to spend time in it, be it sunning himself on a beach or enjoying the shade of The Shroud.
  • Botany - Coming hand-in-hand for his love of the outdoors, a certain enjoyment of all things flora lends itself to botany.
  • His pet chigoe, Zug.


  • Liars, especially those who won't stop when discovered.
  • Those who do harm to others, especially from avarice.
  • The prejudiced.


  • Conjury - Endarius has a personal connection with nature that has lent him prowess as a thaumaturge.
  • Counsel - It's no secret Endarius' demeanor and nature contribute to his ability to help others cope.
  • Reading - Despite his aptitude for being outside, Endarius loves him a good book.



Any memory Endarius had of his family is gone, completely wiped away. If asked, he'll simply say he has no idea what's become of them, which isn't exactly a lie.


People consider Endarius a friend before he considers others friends, mostly because his desire to help preempts his need for friendship. He is friendly towards all, but those he calls friends are very few. He uses the word "companion" to refer to those with whom he is friendly yet not very strongly attached.


It's hard to hate a guy that puts you back together after a fight and doesn't ask awkward questions. Not impossible though.


The past is very fuzzy for Endarius, most everything before the Calamity is a blur at the very best, completely gone for the most part. There are a few bits and pieces that stick out, however, and these tiny tokens of who he is he has written down in a book he shows very few people. His decisions on who to show are impossible to predict, but he will usually show someone he thinks might remember more if he trusts them.

Below are a few excerpts.

"I don't know why I remember this, but I remember my mother handing me a toy stuffed moogle as a birthday present and being fanatically happy about it. I must have been very young, as I can't remember any of her face. Just that moogle in perfect detail. I even remember how it smelled, but nothing else comes from that memory, just the stuffed toy. Come to think of it, I can't remember anything about my mother. Only that it was my mother that gave it to me. I suppose she must have loved me very much."

"There was this girl, I can't remember her name, but her face is one of the few that still stick in my mind; I'd remember her instantly if I saw her again. I remember kissing her, in some kind of courtyard or something, there was a building in the background. Maybe it was a park? I don't know for sure. Probably the happiest moment I remember. I wonder if we'll ever meet again."

"I remember leaning against a tree, overlooking the ocean. I don't know where it was, it must have been Limsa, but I can never really feel sure about it. I was sitting on the ground, reading a book. I don't remember anything else, not even how old I was, just that scene and being content."

"I'm not sure if this is a memory or a nightmare, but it feels like a memory, so I'll write it down. It always begins with my vision starting to go black as I'm holding my breath under water. My feet and hands are both bound, and there's a big rock tied to my ankles. Then a fishing net grabs me by the rope that's tying my hands together, and I'm lifted towards the surface. I never make it, but I always come around and there's this fisherman looking at me like I'm supposed to be a fish and he's confused about it. And then the memory-nightmare ends."

"This one always makes me laugh. I remember being up in a tree in a forest, sitting on a thick branch and reading, and then all of a sudden this horde of squirrels comes tearing out of the canopy and scrambles over me and I almost fall off! Of course I drop my book, but squirrels! Stampeding squirrels! I'm even laughing as I write about it!"

"The first memory I have that I'm certain came after the cataclysm is looking around and seeing everything on fire. It must have been right after it, because I only also remember an intense need to help people who were suffering from burns. Someone was shouting nonsense nearby, but the name Bahamut rings, so that had to be when that happened. And then the memory ends."


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea