Benedict Walker

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Benedict Walker
"Or I could just kill you."
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Place of Birth Ala Mhigo
Age 28
Sexuality Heterosexual
Height 6 fulms 2 ilms
Guardian Thaliak, the Scholar
A soldier. Man with no home. Mercenary.

Benedict is a survivor of the Garlean invasion of Ala Mhigo, born and raised in the Highlander nation. His mother and father died during the invasion where he escaped with his brother and his own life. He fought as a soldier in Ala Mhigo until its eventual downfall where he ended up in Ul'dah and took up the trade of a Mercenary and Adventurer.

A man who is well versed in various types of combat and weaponry. He fights for coin and his own personal mission to destroy Garlean interests by any means necessary, focusing on maximum efficiency and impact.


Benedict is a fair-skinned Hyur male with dark brown hair and a trimmed beard. He's short for a Highlander but that still makes him tower over most of the other races. His body shows evidence of over a decade of combat experience. Muscular with various scars all over his body as well as a missing left eye that he covers with an old leather eyepatch. His frame is large but not large enough to hamper his reflexes. Among strangers he wears a blank expression and often seems to be staring at nothing at all as he gets lost in thought. Friends however make him lighten up and he is quick to crack a joke and flash a toothy grin.

Ben has a knack for reading other's body language and a tendency to be blunt and straight-forward. While he is capable of metaphor and prose, he doesn't like to beat around the bush or spare people's feelings when it comes to expressing what he thinks. Despite his otherwise intimidating frame, he gives off a warm vibe that makes people feel comfortable around him. However, around a Garlean or someone else he considers an enemy, Ben quickly gives off a dark and angry expression and focuses a heavy killing intent at the offending person.

Hair Skin Body Type Voice Clothing Notable Features
Hazel. Dark Brown. Fair. Muscular and scarred yet agile. Smooth and deep. His regular clothing is a large black coat with comfortable clothing beneath as well as a bandana wrapped around his head to keep his mane of hair in check. On the battlefield, he wears a dark suit of armor as well as the bandana. A missing left eye that he covers with an old leather eyepatch, minor to severe scars on his body.

Behavior and Personality

Ben is a well-spoken, straightforward type of man. He doesn't mince words, but will be quick to use a metaphor or analogy when the mood strikes him. His direct nature sometimes comes off as blunt and severe. He doesn't think about how other's feel in situations, thinking instead how he would feel in a situation and applying that template to everyone else. Only those who he considers enemies does he focus on thinking of traits outside of his own personality. This tends to push away people he considers friends but also makes him able to easily deceive or destroy his enemies. For those who aren't a threat but are simply annoying, he has no problem cutting them down with harsh language as he enjoys knocking people down a peg or two. He greatly dislikes people who think they're better than him or people he cares about and is quick to prove that those proud individuals are living a delusion.

He operates at one speed, his own. This tends to make others feel like he is distant or impatient when he is eager to get something done or lazy and slothful when all he wants to do is relax and take in the sights. He seldom pays strangers attention unless they catch his attention by talking or doing something that he likes or dislikes. Once he does speak with other people he is straightforward and to the point. He will crack a joke from time to time when the mood strikes him but for the most part he just wants to know what needs to be done and then go do it. He is a man of action and prefers to do things instead of talk about them.

When sober, Ben isn't very flirty, if at all. He will compliment someone if he feels strongly enough about it but he would rather get to the physical aspect than to recite prose. In some cases, he will be extremely pragmatic when flirted with even if he finds the other woman attractive. His years on various battlefields have made the ritual of courtship a foreign concept to him. If he does find someone attractive and has formed some kind of bond with them, he becomes very territorial and will be quick to drive away anyone who would threaten that bond. He has zero tolerance for betrayal and if the person he is involved with slights him, he will be quick to cut off that bond as if it were a festering limb. He is capable of this due to the severe losses he has suffered through his life and the various friendships and companions he has met over the years. He accepts that life is a series of beginnings and endings, and that as one door closes, another may open. To him, loss is a matter of fact, and not a matter of mourning. Everything ends, so that something new may begin.

A Highlander of Ala Mhigo, and years of constant training and tests on battlefields have left Ben with a very disciplined demeanor as well as made his body capable of reacting to something even if he hasn't consciously realized what has happened yet. Although learned in letters and numbers, he is more a warrior than a scholar. However, he is also a philosopher of sorts and this is one of the few topics he will speak of at length without feeling as if he is wasting his time through inaction. The why is just as fascinating to him as the how.


Benedict truly comes alive on the battlefield. Unlike his normal demeanor of being relaxed and aloof, he becomes extremely enthusiastic and sometimes borders on gleeful when fighting in a battle. If the circumstances of the battle are grim he manages to maintain some level of decorum, however, once the tide of battle turns in his favor, his gleeful mood springs back to the surface. His specialization is in hand to hand combat, although he uses an Axe in formal skirmishes. He is well-versed in all forms of martial combat, with only an understanding of magic, not any real affinity for its use. He is adept at sneaking around and eavesdropping on others, a skill he puts to use in developing an offensive against his enemies. He is an expert scout and tracker due to this, and uses daggers or his fists when he must dispatch foes without being noticed.

Growing up he spent a large amount of time with the monks of Ala Mhigo. There he developed a strong sense of discipline and proved to be quite adept at hand to hand combat. As a youth he got into trouble sneaking around to surprise other kids his age, a fun game to him at the time that ended up serving as a strong foundation for his scouting abilities once he became a soldier.

His greatest strength on the battlefield however lies in Strategy. He knows when to strike and when not to strike, despite how tempting the former may be. As a sellsword, he knows the worth of his skills and only fights if he is hurting for gil or the job serves him in some way. He will do whatever it takes to win a skirmish, as he learned early on as a soldier that the main focus of combat is to kill the bastard trying to kill you first.

Occupation, Skills, and Pastimes

Ben's primary occupation is as a mercenary. He doesn't mix words about this and is very open about it, especially around a potential customer. However, he is versed in skills beyond killing people. He is adept at most craftsman trades, and he is a competent fisherman, often doing so to wind down when he doesn't have a job to do. He is fond of being dependent upon only himself, so whatever he can make for himself instead of relying on someone else to get it for him, he does.

  • Food and drink with strong flavors, such as spicy, sweet or savory.
  • Getting straight to the point.
  • Attractive women with strong personalities.
  • Discussing how the world works at great length.
  • Learning and executing activities as efficiently as possible.
  • Red meat.
  • Destroying things he hates.
  • Loyalty.
  • Dry Cider.
  • Doing something without getting caught.
  • Problems to solve.
  • Learning new practical skills and improving the ones he already has.
  • Garleans.
  • Women who play the victim.
  • Traitors.
  • People who waste time either through negligence or incompetence.
  • Having his actions misinterpreted.
  • Wasting his time in particular.
  • People making fun of his eye.
  • Weakness, either faked or authentic.
  • Adept with all martial weapons.
  • Stealth and Scouting.
  • Reading Body Language.
  • Diplomacy.
  • Problem Solving.
  • Strategy.
  • Hurting those he cares about through his own negligence.
  • Being betrayed.
  • Being powerless.
  • Not understanding how to kill something.



Benedict was born in Ala Mhigo, in his family home by the hands of a midwife. His mother died while trying to escape the Garlean Invasion and his father is presumed dead. His only known surviving relative is his brother, who left Eorzea some time after the Calamity.

Father: Grant Walker – A soldier of Ala Mhigo, supposedly died in the Garlean Invasion.

Brother: Dusseldorf Grimfang – Benedict's younger brother who changed his surname and left Eorzea sometime after the Calamity.

Player Character Relationships

Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing    ! Recent Standing Change
It's possible for someone to be on a positive side and be neutral and a negative side and be neutral. Think alignments. Also always capable of changing.

Positive Standing

Roswyn Valhuri: A mysterious woman he met at a random party he attended on a whim. At some point during the festivities they shared a drink and he took an immediate liking to her. What little he learned makes him hungry to learn more, and hopes to share future drinks with this pink-haired Miqo'te.
Negative Standing

N/A : Description.


Common Rumors

  • N/A

Moderate Rumors

  • N/A

Rare Rumors

  • N/A

Player Character Rumors

  • N/A



Ben's childhood was unremarkable. He grew up with his parents and his younger brother and learned his letters and his numbers. It wasn't until he reached the age of 16 that he began fighting as a soldier, as his father did before him. He spent time as a child around different types of soldiers and craftsmen, picking up details here and there.


At the age of 16, Benedict started fighting in battles in the nation of Ala Mhigo. Having killed his first man at such a young age he has quickly grown accustomed to the cycle of life and death. Able to read and count, as well as being a very perceptive individual with sharp instincts, he managed to survive into adulthood fighting for a living. On the battlefield he learned various trades such as cooking, leatherworking, etc. to help keep his side alive and functional as well as learn the various ways to kill someone before they could kill you. His quick acceptance of the horrors of combat made it so only the most severe of offences can phase him or anger him, and while it hindered his romantic endeavors he has remained alive and healthy after over a decade of battlefield experience.

It wasn't until the invasion of Ala Mhigo by the Garleans that his life changed forever. He fought as hard as he could, but due to his father's orders he attempted to smuggle his brother and mother out of the country before the Garlean's took it over completely. Unfortunately, during the trip his mother was killed by Garlean scouts as they were about to be discovered and his mother sacrificed herself so that her children may live. Over time, Ben arrived in Ul'dah with his brother where they swore to destroy the Garleans by any means necessary and avenge their parents as well as free their homeland.


Ben is a mercenary who came along with many Ala Mhigan refugees to Ul'dah. He has managed to earn enough coin from his exploits to live comfortably in a house instead of sleeping on the streets in Ul'dah. He isn't well known as of yet as he only puts forth enough effort to get paid as fame means little to him.

Character Soundtrack

Metal Gear Everything

Character Connections

The following characters may have the possibility of an RP link with Benedict:

  • Highlanders from Ala Mhigo may have known him before the Garlean invasion.
  • Mercenaries, sellswords and anyone who hires them.
  • Ben is easily approached but will quickly grow bored if the person doesn't progress beyond idle chitchat.