Shofie Mahowyn

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 Shofie Mahowyn
"Come on, it'll be fun!"
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Mixed heritage
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 20
Height 4 Fulms 9 ilms
Weight 115 ponz
Occupation Fishercat
Alignment Chaotic Good


At first glance, she is simply a short, dark-skinned miqo'te woman, with red hair, and bright eyes.

Shofie has dark red hair, with touches of black. She tends to prefer keeping her hair on the shorter side, but she also has a penchant for growing the sides out a bit long and tying them into hanging ponytails, a habit leftover from her childhood, when her mother would put her hair up in this fashion. Lately, she has been keeping her hair down, however.

She has heterochromia, a testament to her father's Seeker heritage. Her left eye is blue, her right eye a bright green. From a distance, they look fairly similar; it's not until one gets closer this difference is usually discernible. She has seven stripes on her face, most of which are on her forehead. She has rather prominent eyebrows.

She has a small scar on the bridge of her nose.

Build: Short, with a good deal of muscle.
Height: 4'9" ulms
Weight: 120 ponz.
Hair Color: Dark red, with black at the ends.
Hair Style: Short
Eye Color: Heterochromatic: Left eye is blue, right is green
Skintone: Dark
Distinguishing Features: Has somewhat slightly larger fangs than most Seekers, though not to the degree a Keeper would

Behavior and Personality

Shofie is fun-loving and adventurous to the point of reckless. She will dive into something without thinking, frequently dragging her friends along in the process. She thinks and acts with her heart, and is exceptionally passionate in anything she decides to commit herself to. Shofie is frequently in trouble, and has gotten good at talking herself out of (or sometimes into even worse) situations as a result.

She loves eating, drinking, and flirting with pretty much anyone who catches her interest for any reason whatsoever. She's extremely friendly and outgoing.

She is pansexual, however, she typically prefers women. However, she tends to generally be uninterested in romantic love of any type. She loves broadly; but rarely acutely. That is, she enjoys many people's company, but rarely deigns to attach herself to an individual in a romantic sense. In Shofie's mind, love equates to hurt, so she avoids it, rather than hurt herself again, or anyone else's feelings.


Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing    ! Recent Standing Change

C'mahji Tia: She met this Seeker miqo'te when she was unceremoniously thrown into the pit fight he was participating in, and was subsequently forced to fight him. He offered to split the winnings with her if she threw the fight, so she did. They've been friends since. The scar she carries on her nose is from her first fight with him. He meant to punch her, but feels bad he left a permanent reminder on her face. She is starting to grow fond of it, however. Kiht'a Nbolo: A member of Shofie's tribe, and Rhesh's older brother. Shofie remembers him from her childhood, as a distant, but polite man whom all the girls fawned over. Shofie herself harbored a rather large crush on the man, however, he was a good seven years older than she was, and nothing ever came of it.
Rhesh Nbolo: A member of Shofie's tribe. Rhesh and Shofie used to be lovers when they were teenagers. However, Rhesh's mother and friends did not approve of the relationship because of Shofie's Seeker blood, and Rhesh started to push Shofie away, eventually turning outright hostile toward her. Shofie tried to stay friendly toward Rhesh in spite of it, hoping she would have a change of heart. (Note: Rhesh is an NPC.) !Xantcha Arrapago : To be added later.
Sudo Mahowyn: Shofie's mother, a Keeper of the Moon. She is on distant terms with her mother, who still lives within their tribe. She still somewhat blames her mother for a lot of her struggles in life, due to her choice in Shofie's father. (Note: Sudo is an NPC.)


Shofie's mother, a Keeper, fancied a wandering Tia from a Seeker tribe. Unable to procure any females of his own, he took to a life of adventure, and happened to meet a lovely Keeper. A brief affair ensued, the product of which is Shofie. Her mother gave her a Keeper name, hence the lack of a tribal prefix.

Of mixed heritage, but looking distinctly much more like a Seeker of the Sun, and being raised by a Keeper meant Shofie endured a lot of bullying.

Everyone in her mother's tribe knew the "secret" that her father was a Seeker, and shunned her, if they just weren't outright mean to her. Shofie grew up painfully lonely, and after she ran away, she always passed herself as a Seeker outright to avoid the hostility she received from others for being a "mixed breed". Her ruse usually falls flat though, as she understands very little about Seekers or their way of life.

Shofie has been trying to find her father, but to no avail. Her mother doesn't talk about him, and Shofie and her mother are not on the best of terms due to her leaving the tribe and being somewhat distant about her Keeper heritage.


  • Hailing from her mother's Keeper side, she has slightly more prominent fangs than a normal Sunseeker would have, but not as pronounced as a Keeper's. This is generally not too noticeable unless she is being very animated, but she will get defensive or outright hostile if someone points it out.
  • Like most Mahina tribe women, Shofie an accomplished Lancer, though she tends to rarely let people see this if she can avoid it, preferring to keep it to herself.
  • Shofie has some serious anger issues. She masks this with trying to stay as light-hearted as possible, burying her anger, and steering well clear of anything that might make her angry at all just to avoid it. Part of why she enjoys fistfighting is because it is a relatively healthy outlet for her to vent.

RP Hooks

  • She likes fishing and can often be found doing so. Her preferred fishing location is around Summerford.
  • She's been practicing fist fighting a lot lately, there's a possibility you might have seen her practicing with C'mahji outside of Limsa.
  • She tends to be more active at night, particularly when she's fishing.
  • Several guards in various city-states are familiar with her, she has a penchant for getting into barfights and landing herself in gaol from time to time. Some of them she's friendly with, in spite of them arresting her.


Art is by myself unless otherwise noted.