Sienelle Tondreau

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Sienelle Tondreau
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 27
Marital Status Single
Occupation Wanderer
Height/Weight 6'6 / ???
Orientation Asexual


Basic Info


Helping others
Working with friends
Learning new talents
Training, be it sparring or meditation


Failing others
Crass, lewd, unwanted advances and comments
Having her 'smooth legs' pointed out


Alignment: Neutral Good
Favorite Food: Any fish dish, particularly Grilled Carp
Favorite Drink: Rum
Favorite Color: Purple

Appearance & Personality



Basic History

From a young age, Sienelle has always had an affinity for magic and more specifically Conjury. She has always been fond of the idea of healing others and the world around her, thus having dedicated herself to Conjury at a young age. She wasn't without her faults, however, and became too big for her britches too fast as she aged. One day a bright-eyed lass, a Seeker by the name of A'caelenn Mhlar at the time, stumbled into her life. Sienelle, thinking herself as good enough to take someone under her wing, offered the miqo'te lass a mentorship in which she would help A'caelenn train in conjury. This decision would eventually lead Sienelle to abandon further pursuit of conjury, keeping her Conjurer abilities at a standstill.

Mentoring Disaster

All things considered, Sienelle was a fairly adept mentor to A'caelenn. Sienelle helped further the abilities of the young miqo'te lass, incredibly proud to see her flourish and maybe even perhaps seeing herself within her. The mentoring Sienelle had somewhat picked up on was that A'caelenn had a strong desire for more and more power, pushing herself to the limit for more power to help others. She didn't try to explain the issues of too much power, power being a corrupting force to even the most innocent of people. This was a lesson that Sienelle gravely regrets reinforcing unto A'caelenn. Time went on, and Sienelle had thought she taught A'caelenn all she could on conjury, and left the miqo'te to her own devices. As some time went by, she went to check up on her former student and friend, only to find that she had begun to act strangely. Sienelle had promised to a dear friend of A'caelenn's, saying that she would help her former student off the path of power. The former mentor did not help her old student, instead running away from the idea that she had failed to prevent her student's power corruption spiral, unable to face her own failures as a teacher. A'caelenn's pursuit of power warped her mind, nearly culminating in her death, and injury of others. She caught wind of what happened, and from that moment on, she put conjury behind her, feeling unworthy to progress in the art because of her own selfishness.

Post Mentor

Sienelle had picked up Arcanist teachings for a great while after her failures with conjury, and A'caelenn. Due to her innate magic proficiency, excelled in Arcanism as her primary magical art, in place of conjury for quite some time. Yet, A'caelenn's near-fatal power trip clung to her like a disease... "Will I become like that?" She would think to herself often. It bothered her so much so, she opted to put all magical training on hold. She would utilize her abilities as a conjurer, and an arcanist if the need arised, but she would never train with those professions further. Unable to trust herself, Afterall, she had seen herself in A'caelenn...
Pushing herself away from anything related to magic, she decided to take up pugilism, training herself in physical arts. This was much harder than her magical training, as she had no inherent physical talent. As such, her abilities in close quarters combat are lacking compared to her abilities as a spell caster, but one still shouldn't underestimate her drive to learn and grow. She finds herself far less tempted to give in to power in physical arts, and therefore does not restrict her growth like with magic. Her body and stamina is her only limitation.

The Present: Pirates and Sasafras

After an encounter with an Amnesiac Miqo'te commenting on her 'smooth legs', she found herself at odds with Captain Garrett Sancsaron for a short time, exhanging witty quips with the blue-eyed musketeer. Surprisingly, she became quick friends the the silly, big-hearted pirate despite how much she wanted to knock him in the head at times. They exchanged a bit of history, Sienelle briefly touching her failed mentoring, this piqued Garrett's interest. Through some conversation and a desire to help, Sienelle decided she would once again pick up the mantle of mentor, albeit in a lesser capacity, to a Lalafel by the name of Sasafras Lalafras at the behest of Garrett. She would lend guidance and her own learnings from her time as an arcanist, and help the Lalafel face a difficult problem. Keeping her self doubt as buried as possible, she promised herself she wouldn't let the Lalafel down like she did A'caelenn.
Between helping Sasafras, and following around Captain Sancsaron and friends, Sienelle's got some busy days ahead of her...



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
Garrett Sancsaron: "I 'eard she's go' t'smoothest legs ever."


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Garrett Sancsaron : WIP
Sasafras Lalafras : WIP
Aerius Destroven : WIP
Nylesa Tou : WIP
A'caelenn Mhlar : WIP


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