You are a part of the criminal underworld. It doesn't matter how closely, although being Ul'dah-centric is probably best.
You need a job done. He is many things, although an assassin is not one of them.
You think him an easy mark. He doesn't look armed, and he's carelessly tied a coin pouch onto his waistbelt...
You've worked together. Something to work out OOC.
You want to work together. Also something to work out OOC.
You have a sensitivity to aether and can see that he has no tangible connection to it.
You've noticed his peculiar cough. Is he sick?
You've heard about the Bafford job. You'll need a good reason for it, though!
You do not know his last name. He doesn't give it out to anybody.
You might know that he's a criminal. But if we haven't met, please clear that with me first.
You should know he can be kind of an asshole. But I try not to be!
I'm on the east coast. In other words, GMT -5. I tend to be on later in the night; from about 6 PM onward.
I like mature themes a lot, but I'm not into permanent death or hardcore mutilation. Especially not for the sake of it.
I'm always looking for Free Companies/Linkshells/people Aerius might fit in with. If you have any in mind, let me know!
If you need to get in touch with me, your best bet is to PM me on the forum, or track me down online sometime.
Layouts I've shamefully stolen from