Rorolumu Nonolumu

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Garlemald Flag.jpg Rorolumu Nonolumu
"Popo Whimsywood"
Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Garlemald
Age 108 [1st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon, 1469]
Biological Age 103 [Due to the Archon Louisoux's Aetheric Rift]
Martial Status Asexual
Guardian Thaliak, the Scholar


Height: 3'0

Hair: Dark grey and long. Often kept up in a ponytail to keep it out of his eyes.

Complexion: Smooth. No scars.

Build: Though not as pudgy as his fellow Lalafell due to a hatred of sweets and an active lifestyle, Rorolumu bears the build of an average Lalafellin male.

Clothing: Rorolumu most often is seen wearing the attire of a Black Mage, though he occasionally will wear a simple black cloak with black kecks.


Rorolumu is as cynical as they get. He is a cold, calculating man who has a tendency to approach everything with a harsh and extremely scrutinizing scientific view. He is an intellectual with near a century of study under his belt, and has a tendency to outright ignore those he believes to be "below" him. He does, however, bear a great deal of respect for those that are willing to learn and are open to change. It is those that refuse to learn or are just plain obnoxious that easily incur his disapproval. Overall, Rorolumu can come off as a very rude Dunesfolk. He has absolutely no quarrel with freely speaking his mind, and has no objection to bluntly insulting some one without hesitation if he feels it appropriate. He cuts straight to the chase, and cares little for hurting the feels of others in order to get his point across.


Rorolumu Nonolumu is a talented Black Mage, and a master of Imperial technology. Having recently turned 103, Rorolumu has had decade after decade to study and research both machine and magic. However, his magic is not as potent as it could be due to his constant study of all fields of science and history. Yet while his Forte is with Magitek, Rorolumu prefers to rely on his mastery of Black Magic in order to defend himself. With his years of experience, he has developed his own unique fighting style, and often dives right into the heat of battle to cast magic, as opposed to standing on the side lines. He also employs the use of Magitek technology in the heat of battle.

The Republic, and the Empire

Rorolumu Nonlumu was born in the year 1469 within the sultunate of Ul'dah. As a young child, Rorolumu showed great prowess with Thaumaturgy, earning himself a position with the Thaumaturge's guild at the ripe age of 14. From there on, his skill and practice with Thaumaturgy only grew at an exponential rate, until he saw himself into a comfortable position of leadership within the Arrzaneth Ossuary. His lust for knowledge, however, did not stop. Eleven years had passed since his induction into the order, and though there was still much to learn of Thaumaturgy, Rorolumu's attention was caught by something that had recently gained a great stigma within the order. Black Magic. With the scandal in 1472 that resulted in the imprisonment of the Black Mage Ququruka, practice of the art had been strictly forbidden and knowledge of it faded into obscurity. This did not stop Rorolumu from dredging it up, however, and he spent many moons vigorously studying the art of the Black Mages. Unfortunately, one careless mistake left him at the mercy of one of his former instructors, who had discovered his delving into the forbidden magic. Though because the two shared a great friendship over the years they had spent together in the guild, Rorolumu was given two choices. He could either stay and face imprisoment much like Ququruka, or to flee Ul'dah with the promise never to return.

And so Rorolumu fled. He traveled east, through the Black Shroud. He knew not to remain, however, as his studies into the shroud taught him enough to know practice of his art would be shunned. He kept his pace, continuing further east. The tension of the autumn war still seemed to hang in the air, and so the Dunesfolk chose to sneak through Gyr Abania in it's entirety. It was not long before he found himself on the edges of Eorzea's borders. He had already come this far, and there was no point in turning back. Leaving Eorzea was perhaps his only true option, less he live out his life in solitude. And so, without much hesitation, Rorolumu stepped out from Eorzea's borders and continued his journey into the northern countries. Yet as he continued to travel, none seemed to speak to him. It wasn't until he reached the northernmost reaches of this foreign continent that he found refuge in the small, impoverished Republic of Garlemald. There was something about it was that humbling. Perhaps it was the people's natural ineptitude for magic, or their very basic way of life. It was here that Rorolumu settled down, making a life for himself as a scholar. Now twenty-eight, Rorolumu spent the next twenty-four years living a simple life within Garlemald. However, that quickly came to an end in the year 1521. Garlemald, once a small and impoverished nation, was quickly ushered into a new era. A brilliant young Legatus by the name of Solus Galvus had revolutionized the military and the entire nation practically overnight with the introduction of a new technology, Magitek. Their strength grew exponentially with this powerful new technology, and with it so did the nation's borders. It was not long before he was named dictator due to what could only be considered unanimous support from the people of Garlemald.

Rorolumu naturally took a great interest in this technology, and immediately offered up his brain when the opportunity arose. Quickly, Rorolumu became a talented and well-established Magitek Engineer within the Garlean Republic. Though his studies into Black Magic did not stop, they were pushed to the back burner in favor of Magitek. Years went by, and as the republic grew, so too did Rorolumu's skill. It wasn't longer before Solus zos Galvus instituted an imperial regime to control the recent influx of territory, and named himself the first emperor of Garlemald. Through it all, Rorolumu's faith in Magitek did not falter.He strove to master the art, not for the gain of the empire, but for himself. While his colleagues worked tirelessly to find themselves into the good graces of their new emperor, Rorolumu studied simply for the sake of studying. He tinkered simply for the sake of tinkering. For thirty-four years Rorolumu studied and tinkered, essentially mastering his craft. Near the end of this thirty-four year stint he even began to delve into the idea of bio-magitek, the fusion of flesh and machine. Though he succeeded in creating a functioning prosthetic limb that could be attached to a living person, it was this act that prompted to Rorolumu finally see the empire for what it truly was. His research into bio-magitek had been fueled by the idea that it would be used to aid the injured, to save lives. Instead, the empire planned on using this new variation of the technology for war.

Rorolumu's world slowly began to unravel around him. He had fallen so far into his study of the technology that he failed to witness what was going on around him all these years. All the destruction and chaos that Magitek had wrought upon the surrounding countries. Overwhelmed with regret, Rorolumu gathered together his blueprints and fled the empire. It was at this time that he ran into a young Garlean by the name of Endemerrin Rosethorne. This chance meeting would forever change both of their lives.


The Blue Skies Adventuring Company

The Garlond Ironworks

The Garlean Empire (Formerly. Now a turncoat.)

Behind the Scenes (OOC Information)

  • Was formerly an engineer within the Garlean Empire. Rorolumu lives and breathes Magitek, and pioneered Endemerrin's unique prosthetic limb.
  • Was a combatant and survivor of the Battle of Carteneau, having been sent into the future by the Archon Louisoux alongside countless adventurers as Bahamut brought about the Seventh Umbral Era.