Adeya Evenar

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Revision as of 09:52, 12 November 2014 by Adeya (talk | contribs)
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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Adeya Evenar
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Mixed
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 21
Occupation Scholar
Nameday 7th Sun of the First Astral Moon
Guardian Thaliak, the Scholar
Server Balmung




Standing at about 5 fulms, Adeya is of average height for a miqo'te. While the more charitable might call her build lithe, scrawny is perhaps a more accurate description: despite eating better these days she still gives off the air that she could use a meal or three. This, combined with the fact that she usually keeps her dark denim hair short, has occasionally resulted in people mistaking her for a boy, even without her trying to appear as one. Despite living under the Vylbrand sun for most of her life she is still rather on the pale side, in contrast to her dark eyes which are the color of carmine. She possesses numerous small scars, the result of minor cuts and scraps left untended. Most of these are on her arms and legs and thus usually hidden by clothes; however, there is a somewhat obvious scar over her right eye.

As a general rule, she dresses in the styles typical Limsa Lominsa. Her clothing tends towards the practical, with a clear emphasis on function over fashion. It is a rare sight indeed to see her in a pair of heels, let alone bothering with makeup, and even then it's obvious to anyone looking that she's not comfortable in them. In spite of this, she does have a fondness for jewelry, and it isn't unusual to see her wearing a pair of small earrings.






  • Arcanima
  • Magitek
  • History
  • Archery
  • Cooking


  • New Spells
  • Books
  • The Sea
  • Rain
  • Sweets


  • Slavers
  • Flattery
  • Tribal Miqo'te
  • Deserts
  • Yarzon


  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Favorite Color: Blue
  • Favorite Food: Sachertorte
  • Favorite Drink: Vylbrand Cider
  • Vices: Gambling



  • Kiht Evenar
  • Z'rhiki Tia - Unknown

In truth, Adeya doesn't really know much about the man that fathered her, having never actually met him. This has resulted in her having rather mixed feelings about both him and her Seeker heritage in general, to the point where she usually doesn't acknowledge it unless pressed on the matter. Still, she has occasionally tried to track him dwon, though her attempts have all been unsuccessful so far. Which, to be fair, might be for the best: she isn't entirely sure what she would do if she ever did find him.


  • Idristan Marat


  • Nagllona Dyngaezwyn


  • Arys Mercer


Local Rumors

Common Rumors
  • "I've seen her around the Guild. Tends to keep to herself though. Always with her nose in a book."
  • "Adeya? Aye, she comes in here now and then. Often with a dice box in tow."
  • "Don't ever ask her about Nym or anything history-related if you don't have a few hours to kill. I did it once. Never again."
  • "The other day I heard her asking around, wanting to know if anyone had ever heard of a Seeker named Z'rhiki. I wonder what she wants with him?"
Uncommon Rumors
  • "She calls herself a Keeper, but when I asked her which clan she's related to she got really defensive. Never did get a straight answer, now that I think about it."
  • "She's quick, I'll give her that. Has a knack for taking spells apart."
  • "I don't know about her, but I met her mentor once. He was... odd, even by arcanist standards. To this day I'm not entirely sure what he was working on."
Rare Rumors
  • "Watch that one. I've heard that she has ties to gangs and smugglers. Honestly, I'm surprised the Guild hasn't thrown her out yet."
  • "I got a look at her notes once. Weird stuff. I didn't even recognize half the formulas. And if that's just her notes, what's in her grimoire?"

PC Rumors

Known Haunts

  • Various Lominsan taverns, especially those that cater to either gamblers, students, or academics.
  • The Arcanists' Guild
  • Investigating the ruins that can be found on Vylbrand.
  • The shores of La Noscea, where she has been known to either swim or practice archery.




Additional Info

OOC Notes

Music: Accretion Disk - Mercury

Jason Webley - Promise To The Moon

KMFDM - Hau Ruck

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