T'rahz Vashka

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Revision as of 06:56, 13 November 2014 by Chika Ito (talk | contribs) (One word; sterile (age 16-17))
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Ul'dah-transparent.png T'rahz Vashka
Raz Vashka.png
"The past is like a sunset. Sometimes it is beautiful, sometimes it is stormy. Either way allow it to be just that. A sunset, and treat your future like a sun rise. For tomorrow is a new day that brings a bountiful amount of untold experiences, and stories."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age Twenty-six years of age
Marital Status Single
Occupation Therapist/sex therapist
Sexual Orientation T'rahz doesn't label herself in this aspect
  • (Father)
  • (Mother)


Basic Info

Coming soon


Sunny days
Deep sea diving


Pointless violence
Selfish people


Alignment: True Neutral
Vice(s): Alcohol (old vice)
Favorite Food: Beef stew, raw mussels
Favorite Drink: Rolanberry iced tea
Favorite Color: Green




Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
T'shina Vashka : Sister - Coming soon


Childhood - Teenage

coming soon

One word; sterile (age 16-17)

During her younger teenage years a nunh ventured into her life by the name of R'kil. He was a sweet man to her. Courting her both in the ways of a Miqo'te, and Hyur. Coming to the tribal grounds, and taking walks with her through the Shroud. They often hunted together, or fished. At first he had not intended for her to even become one of his wives. Their relationship was more platonic than actual romance, but as T'rahz began to mature in the physical and emotional sense, he felt himself being swayed into taking a more serious step with her. The relationship of being best friends blossomed into one of romance, and passion. R'kil already had three 'wives', so T'rahz would become a fourth. Rahz was not deterred by this in the least, and viewed it as an honor that a man with an established household of three mates, and seven children, desired her. Not just on a physical level, but in other aspects as well. So when she turned sixteen the two had a ritual that bond them, and she became his fourth. Nothing could make her happier. For many years they were always close. R'kil was always there when her life hit rough spots, and often offered wisdom or a shoulder to cry on. When she was furious at the world he was there to quell her aggression. He was more than just a best friend, and a man used for procreation purposes. He was her first love.

Sadly not all was well. T'rahz viewed her role as a mate, as a wife, very seriously. This didn't mean just hunting, tending to the home, or making sure that her husband was pleased. No, this also meant child bearing, something she has craved ever since she was a little girl. To have her own child would be something grand, and wonderful! Something that worked in her Nunh's favor is that he happened to be a strong breeder. Good looks, intelligent, bright personality, low history of hereditary diseases and illnesses in his family. Plus she helped raised his seven children. Just looking at them gave her hope! So R'kil, and T'rahz, were often intimate. Numerous times almost every day. Both for fun, and passion, as well as trying to procreate. After nearly a year since their mating ritual Rahz's womb was still vacant. Stricken with worry the two sought out a tribal healer. He preformed numerous tests with Aether upon the concerned Vashka woman, and much to everyone's dismay it was announced that T'rahz is sterile. Never will she be able to get pregnant. Never will she be able to have the child she has always dreamed of.

News like this was a major set back in T'rahz's life. Ever since she was little being a mother is something she always dreamed about. Top it all off she couldn't preform her full duties as a Nunh's mate either with this. In her mind the job of a mate is to give her lover strong, and healthy children. To expand his gene pool. Being sterile she cannot really do that. That night Rahz sat down with her mate, her best friend, and they talked for many hours. She confessed that with the inability to have a child she was no longer of any value to him. He reassured her that this isn't the case, that their love is good enough for him. Still T'rahz was not happy, and her heart was greatly troubled. So it was decided that they would no longer be mates, and that Rahz was free to leave. A piece of her died that night. Having to leave her best friend, the man she loved for so long, behind and start a new future for herself tore her apart. Since then she never was truly the same.

A long road of recovery (age 17-22)

coming soon

Vagabond (age 22-26)

coming soon

Present Day (age 26-now)

coming soon

Extra things

Coming soon


Template by Bancroft Gairn
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