Katherine Vokare

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Katherine Vokare
Katherine Portrait2.png
"In Ul'dah, you can buy or sell anything. There is no limit."
Lady Katherine of House Vokare
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Ul'dahn
Age 23
Sexuality Bisexual
Occupation Noble
Guardian Nald'thal
Namesday 23rd Day of the Sixth Astral Moon

Out of Character Overview

I am new to the world of FF:XIV Rp but I did research for my character and hope everything is right and not afflicting with Lore or anything like that. If you notice any discrepancies please message me either in game (Katherine Vokare) or on the FF:XIV-Roleplayers website (Also Katherine Vokare). Thanks!



Katherine was three when Dalamud was unleashed and The Calamity reshaped the world. Katherine's family was nobility before the Battle of Carteneau and survived afterwards with little damage done to their house or family. Katherine doesn't really remember the Calamity and it didn't affect her life in any major way.


A Highlander, she is short (Five fulms, five ilms), young (Twenty-Three), and tan from the suns of Thanalan along with bright blue eyes and dark short hair. Katherine tends to wear light makeup and simple garments, not caring for the exorbitantly expensive clothes other nobles wear but she still indulges from time to time to buy jewelry.


Tending to be shy and nervous around others, Katherine doesn't often initiate conversation with anyone but once she is actually talking it may be hard to shut her up. She has few friends, but the ones she makes she chats their ears off. She can be flirtatious with people she is close to but usually only for fun and not in seriousness although the people she has a real interest in will know the difference when she is actually flirting. She can be considered straight-forward and ignorant to most situations due to her sheltered upbringing but she always enjoys listening to tales of adventure and war. When she is happy she'll usually avoid swearing and try to talk as eloquently as possible but when she is upset or angry she may abandon her noble upbringing and swear as well as use more slang words. She often shows more affection towards Miqo'te than any other race due to their similarities with her beloved coeurls and she'll often try and pet Miqo'te.



  • Coeurls, Mandragoras, and other animals
  • Walking around Ul'dah and Thanalan watching the soldiers and adventurers
  • Dressing in gold and silver clothes


  • Anything that looks like an insect
  • Sour foods
  • Criminals stealing from the poor or rich


  • Walking around Ul'dah
  • 'Breeding' coeurls
  • Watching soldiers train and adventurers spar


  • Although she has trained with a bow and katars, she isn't very good at using either.
  • She often watches adventurers and soldiers and dreams of joining them but is too afraid to leave her life.
  • Often, she'll be too afraid to approach other people and start a conversation.



Lord Tarion Vokare and Mistress Gharhi Vokare are Katherine's parents, and Alexandyr Vokare of the Brass Blades is her brother although she spent most of her time with servants growing up and now-a-days prefers to be alone as she walks around Ul'dah. Katherine does not hate or like her brother, but they don't often get to talk together. The Vokare family became nobility due to decades of Lord Tarion's parents both serving in the Sultansworn, him being a retired member of the Sultansworn as well as his mistresses both starting successful businesses. Mistress Amily is a semi-successful merchant operating out of Horizon where her son, Katherine's half-brother Alexandyr, is also stationed as a Brass Blade. Whereas Mistress Gharfi is a chef for several other noble families. Tarion himself is technically retired and no longer apart of the Sultansworn but he has several connections with nobles that contribute to the success of his mistresses and Alexandyr's acceptance to the Brass Blades. Katherine has always wanted to start a family of her own, with a partner and children, but is often too shy to talk to people let alone start a relationship or marriage. She also hates arranged marriages so her father's many attempts to pair her with other nobles always fails despite her wishes to have a family.


Katherine is not yet been social enough to have any friends.


Nor acquaintances


Nor lovers...


Nor enemies......


Ages 0-3

A newborn Katherine was extremely quiet for a baby but required constant attention as she became a toddler because she was prone to making a mess with anything she could get her hands on. At the age of three, the Calamity struck Ul'dah and the rest of Eorzea. It didn't affect her personality or home much, but it affected her directly because this is when her father started to grow distant from her. He focused more on his son and training him to become a valuable soldier.

Ages 4-9

Young and playful, Katherine liked to be alone and play with coeurls and read books about foreign lands at this age. She became infatuated with the idea of exotic animals and people from around the continent and the other City-States. She also enjoyed playing with other kids and being around her friends, but she clamored after her father's attention which she never got. It was during this time she looked to her mother for the majority of her upbringing.

Ages 10-15

At the age of ten, Katherine started being trained on becoming a proper noblewoman of Ul'dah. She would begin what would be ten years of upbringing into the nobility. In her free time she would walk around Ul'dah watching the merchants, travelers and soldiers or playing with the coeurls her family got for her. Although she didn't enjoy the classes with her mother or dinners with other noble families she liked the lifestyle and didn't know anything else. This is led to an ignorance about the dire needs of most of the Ul'dahn people. At age fifteen, her father started to try and hook her up with young men to marry her off. She also started to take up the bow at fifteen, learning to shoot from her brother.

Ages 16-20

At seventeen, Katherine experienced her first date with a young man arranged by her father. Although Katherine loathed her father and the guy she was with, she bared with it until she was nineteen. The noble she was with proposed and that goaded her into dumping him, taking the pair of earrings he proposed with, with her. This experience left her quiet and usually distant from the other nobles, leaving her in a purgatory-like state of existence where she didn't fit in with the nobility nor the commoners.

Ages 21-23 (Current)

Although she is distant, not only from strangers, but from her own family, she enjoys being around people. Usually she just sits or stands nearby and listens and doesn't participate in the actual conversation. She spends more time than ever training with a bow and katars now in her spare time and has many suitors she always turns down.


I stole this template from Berrod Armstrong, whom I saw on the FFXIV-Roleplayers website and I clicked his signature link to this website and now I made my page, who used the template made by Deirdre Ta'ea but I edited it around a bit to fit my needs. Credit still goes to the creator and the guy that led me to the creator! So thanks to those people.