Andrew Wyndrick

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An adventurer wannabe with a large ego and a shady past.

 Andrew Wyndrick (real name, unknown)
Placeholder person.gif
Image pending, hold on people...
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Ul'dah... sort of.
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Basic Info

Alias: Andrew Wyndrick

Age: 21

Relationship Status: Single

Scars and Identifying Features: His lower body is riddled with scars from all sorts of weapons. He tends to cover these wounds up by wearing long sleeves and pants. And, on occasion, a few people have been known to recognize him by his grin alone. His most memorable feature is a scar in the shape of a triangle, with a seven in the middle, sliced into his right hand.


  • Height: A slight bit taller than average, but nothing too recognizable.
  • Weight: 123 ponz, a good bit lighter than most.
  • Physique: Skinny, with a small bit of muscle on his arms, and a good bit on his legs.

Religion: Very non committal to any god, and on occasion, a few of his boasts have been known to go into blasphemy.


Humble Beginnings:

Andrew was a normal child growing up with few problems... until the age of 16. At 16, a group of adventurers came into town, bringing their swords, shields, and stories in tow. Along with them, came other children his age. Their apprentices. He met with the six his age, and learned they would be staying no longer than a month. He warmed up to them quickly, and spent many afternoons listening to their tales of adventure. He soon learned about what they had planned to do after they left the village. An exciting expedition was under way to find treasure. This quest was to be passed down from the masters to the apprentices, if they could pass a trial they had in stow. Time flew as Andrew and the group quickly became friends, and soon, the month had ended, and it was time for them to depart. So, after one last round of drinks at the bar, he said his goodbyes. To his family, of course. Adventure happens once in a lifetime, and he wouldn't miss this one. After a few weeks, the party had reached their destination and unveiled the letter given by the masters. The trial: to split up, and hone their skills. Once they became masters of their own crafts, they would all meet up back here to finish what they had started.

The Trials:

Of course, being young, eager adventurers, the group had their own addition to these rules. They set a few challenges along for each member of the party. The apprentice swordsman was not allowed to use healing items, only spells, thus forcing him to learn some white magic. The talented archer was forced to make her own arrows, and so on and so on. Andrew drew the short stick, being the newest, and was not allowed to use weapons, but these restrictions only applied while he was on land. After this, the group split sliced the figure of a triangle into the back of their right hands, as well as the number in which they had met (1 for the first apprentice, 2 for the one who met her, etc.), a symbol of their pacts, and split up, keeping in contact with letters and so on. After a suggestion from the others, he decided the best way for him to earn combat experience was to go out and fight something. So, he joined a crew of bounty hunters, who preyed on pirates on the seas. Five years later, Andrew was the notorious captain of the Galespeed, known for his skill with the blade, as well as his pragmatism. After docking back at land, and learning that his friends were worried about his sudden and long absence, he changed his name, left his ship to his first mate, and decided to focus on continuing his mission.


Andrew is cocky, overconfident, and has a supreme amount of arrogance left over from his days on the sea. He can also be kind, generous, and trustworthy, especially to those he considers his friends. He has a extremely strong moral code, and an iron will. He generally tries not to speak, as he would like his past on the seas to be forgotten and unknown to most. He is polite and calm when he does speak, and snide and sarcastic when he isn't happy.

At his best, he is intelligent, kind, brave, and trustworthy.

At his worst, he is arrogant, cruel, vindictive, and bloodthirsty.

Skills and Weaknesses

Skills: Adept with a blade, a talented captain and leader, and has earned the ability to keep his balance on a swaying ship.

Weaknesses: A lack of social skills leaves him with little ability to start a conversation, his poor and neglected training in martial arts makes him a somewhat easy opponent in a fight, and his determination to fulfill a promise often clouds his judgement, and makes him easily manipulated.

Combat Style

In combat, he tends to be rather brutal. In his mind, there are no such things as cheap shots, unfair attacks, or an ideal of mercy when someone has tried to kill you. However, he is pretty unskilled when it comes to martial arts, a fact that irritates him to no end. Give him a blade, especially a cutlass, and you'll find him happily slicing and slashing through foes. Leave him unarmed, and you'll get to watch him dodge and scramble until he exhausts himself to a sure defeat. Or does something cheap. Either one works.

Rumors, Whispers, and Assorted Gossip

(To Be Continued.)


(To Be Continued.)

Other Notes

(To Be Continued.)