Kevaraan Annorek

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Gridania-transparent.png Kevaraan Annorek
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Notes: Googling for my character's name will turn up some results for a forums-free board, where an interpretation of him appears in some prior forum roleplays I did. I admin and "own" the board, so this is not meant to be copyright-infringing.


Kevaraan is slightly tall, and lean, possessing a faint gauntness or haggardness. Most of his weight is muscle, although he's faster than he is strong--a Roegadyn or even a typical Hyur could best him in a contest of strength relatively easily. He is also quite pale, his skin having a slight yellow-gray tint.

His black hair is typically thick and unkempt, with a vaguely greasy texture. It sports red highlights or streaks on occasion, and falls to his shoulders at a minimum, but is commonly a fair bit longer. If formal dress is called for, he typically pulls his hair back in a manner reminiscent of the Elezen.

The aforementioned gauntness is most evident in his face: prominent cheekbones and a slightly thin jaw, with a vaguely triangular shape. His eyes are relatively large and slightly angular, a pale yellow-green in color, with the rounded pupils of the Keepers. His nose is long and thin; his mouth and lips are tapered.

Kevaraan's ears could easily be mistaken for part of his hair if not sticking straight up, as the hair is so thick. His tail is long and "fluffy," vaguely resembling that of a wolf's.

Kevaraan typically dresses in leathers, although he can be seen wearing the garb of whatever discipline he's honing at any specific time. He prefers shades of red, brown and gray, including black, an any other colors are likely to appear muted or desaturated. 

Kevaraan's "Mi'qote" or "tribe" markings, if visible, are red.



Other Notes