Z'zhumii umi

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Pronounced Z ' z-hoo-me oo-me

Ul'dah-transparent.png Z'zhumii Umi
Ffxiv 01022015 155951.png
Z'zhumii Umi
Courtesan of Thanalan
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Age 25
Height 5'1"
Nameday 20th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Orientation Asexual/Aromantic
Occupation Courtesan

Basic OOC Info

-Please feel free to message me here or in game for RP! I am usually too shy/busying myself with leveling classes.

I am very happy to field questions regarding my character concept, so if you have them- ask them! ^^

~While I'm flattered that many people have asked, Z'zhumii Umi neither needs nor wants a personal bodyguard at this time~


Average height for a Sunseeker Miqo'te, Z'zhumii Umi has left several of her racial traits behind with the life she has chosen to live. Instead of the hunt-driven life of her youth and the body that comes with it, Umi has grown slightly zaftig in shape; a large bosom and a pair of hips to match, they meet at a slightly pinched middle.

Her skin is a wonderfully rich bronze colour, tanned by both genetics and daily sunbathing. While not exactly scar free, it is generally smooth with light freckling around her shoulders, back, and chest areas.

Z'zhumii is not a natural blonde. Born with brown hair, she has since taken to bleaching both the hair on her head and tail with lemon juice and concoctions made by the alchemist's guild. To prevent an frizzing and breakage, Z'zhumii uses natural oils to condition her hair- the fragrance of olives and sweet smelling flowers coming from such treatments.

Her wide eyes, with the typical slit-pupil of her people, are corn-flower blue in colour and are almost always lined in kohl and brushed with coloured dust according to the season. Her lips, in turn, are almost always stained with a dark lip paint, as lighter colours clash with her dark skin.

Always up to date on fashion, Z'zhumii Umi can be seen wearing the latest and most expensive outfits fresh from the Weaver's guild- from flouncing gowns of silk and gauze, to tight suit-style jackets rimmed with lace.


While Z'zhumii Umi was raised in the tribal life-style, she has long since removed herself from the Nuhn/Tia/Huntress dynamic she was raised on. Far too independent and stubborn, Umi never liked the idea of having a leader to dictate action for her.

Umi, despite what people may think due to her profession, is both asexual and aromantic. While finding she has no sexual desire for anyone she meets, nor the desire for a romantic partner, Z'zhumii Umi found the life of a Courtesan lucrative and easy to get the hang of; when you don't face the risk of falling in love with a client, business comes a lot more naturally.

Pious in her worship of Azeyma, Z'zhumii both wears many bangles and jewels based around her patron Goddess (including a sun-styled bindi) and attends the Sanctum of the Twelve at least twice a year in pilgrimage.


(For information on Courtesans through history, and my personal headcanons on where they might show up in game, place go to Tinyurl.com/courtcomp )

Z'zhumii Umi is a courtesan. She is not ashamed to be a sexworker- on the contrary Z'zhumii works hard to both educate others on her profession, as well as help her fellow courtesan and lesser prostitutes keep safe.

While Z'zhumii Umi was born a tribal Sunseeker, she managed to crawl her way up the ranks of Ul'dahs social sphere with education and primal wit. Having studied dance, music, singing, politics, history, military fare, and courtly manners, Z'zhumii now sits comfortably as an Ul'dahn favorite with a few very rich patrons. She has a library full of books on various subjects which she loves to share, and is happy to bring some along for appointments who wish to learn something new.

While not a natural at the talents she now has, Z'zhumii Umi is a skilled artisan of various catagories. She can play the harpsichord, harp, and drums. Umi performs as well, noted for her sultry Sagoli-styled dances, but can also dance to more modern, courtly fashions. Her skills are not just for titillation, either; Umi is a learned woman who can talk politics and history with those interested, and is often hired not as a carnal companion, but as an adviser and confidant.

Since Umi is a business woman, she charges big gil for her company in various forms;

75k gil plus tips to appear and perform at a function.

100k gil for an appearance as a guest's date at parties.

150k gil for a night of talk, laughter, and intimate moments. Catering included.

200k gil flat rate plus an extra 50k gil per day to be whisked away for a vacation.

With an eye for business, Umi has intentions of opening up her own high-class bar. Investors and staff are already being sought out.


Zoomie5.png Zoomie2.png UmibathSAFE.png Umidance.png Umisketch1.png

Umidoll1.png Umidoll2.png Umidoll3.png Umidoll4.png Umidoll5.png

Roleplay Hooks

-If you are a noble or are affluent in Ul'dah, you may have either seen or hired Umi before.

-If you are a Ziz Sunseeker from the Sangoli desert, you may have known or be related to Umi.

-If you are a dancer of Ul'dah, you may have worked with Umi before she became a courtesan.

-If you are a devotee to Azeyma, or visit the Sanctum of the Twelve, you may have seen Umi before.

-If you are a courtesan, or are trying to get into the business, you may know Umi from the Courtesan Coalition linkpearl.

  Sunbathing in Thanalan
  Cactus Flowers after rain
  Sunflowers in full bloom
  Honey Sweets
  Spicy Food
  Lavish clothing and gifts

  Cold Temperatures
  Salty flavours
  Nunh/Tia dynamics
  Hard labor
  Cruel behaviors
  Dancing (Formal & Informal)
  Musical instruments (Harp, harpsichord, lute & flute)
  Well informed
Favorite Food: Miq'abobs with pepper sauce
Favorite Place: Thanalan
Favorite Weather: Clear skies with a warm sun
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Scents: Cactus flower perfume
Favorite Sound: Tinkling bells

Art by Me (PkThunda)